The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason

Mrs. Vanette Webb

School Board Attorney: Mrs. Maureen George

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May


Chairman Stidham called the workshop to order at 9:00 a.m.


The Superintendent listed additions and deletions to the agenda. Mrs. George deleted Item XIII.2. Dr. Mason added two items under XII. ITEMS FROM THE BOARD - Policy on Exemptions/Mandatory Retention and In-service Training.


Mrs. Stidham reviewed the proposed timed agenda format. After discussion, there was general consensus that the Board Attorney review the proposed format to ensure consistency with Robert's Rules of Order.


Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, stated that the Internal Auditing function had transferred under the School Board based on adoption of Board policy on April 29, 1999. Included in that policy was establishment of a charter creating the Audit Committee as a standing committee of the Board. Mr. Scallan introduced committee members Karen Pope, PTA appointee; Angie Sheffield, Superintendent's appointee; and Kelly Bowen, Northwest Florida Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors' appointee. Ms. Kelly Blake, School Board appointee, was not present. Dr. Richard Calvasina, Committee Chairman, gave a brief report on committee activities.

The following item was brought forward:


2. Items from the Board - Inspection and Audit Clause - Dr. Mason

Mr. Scallan presented the recommendation to add an audit and inspection clause to all School District contracts for accountability purposes. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, expressed concerns that adding the clause could increase contractual costs. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, noted that the competitive bid process has been utilized to provide for the best construction prices. After discussion, Dr. Mason stated that he would present a motion for consideration at the Board meeting.


A. Permission to Advertise


Dr. Mason proposed adding revised language (regarding approval by the Board). Mrs. Webb expressed that procedures should be included as part of the rule. The Board Attorney stated that recommended language was consistent with Florida Statute 120. Dr. DeWitt commented concerning responsibility for his records and expressed that he would not give that responsibility over to the Superintendent. Dr. Jenkins stated that each Board Member is an elected official and is responsible for his or her own records. He stated that he would keep his records, as a Board Member, under his jurisdiction. Mrs. Webb commented concerning the need for procedures for student records. Mrs. George stated that the educational record has to be put in a student's cumulative file, and that normally would not include a letter to a School Board Member. Mrs. Webb stated that the State Department had differed on that. Dr. DeWitt requested that further research be done. After discussion, Chairman Stidham stated that the Board still had questions which would need to be answered concerning these issues, and she tabled this item based on consensus of the Board.


There was no discussion on this item.


Chairman Stidham advised that Mrs. Maureen George, Board Attorney, had submitted a letter of resignation and it would be necessary to advertise to fill that position. Dr. Jenkins discussed the possibility of looking at expenses to consider whether or not to continue with an in-house attorney or go back to contracted attorney services. Chairman Stidham noted that the advertisement would be for in-house attorney as stipulated in the Personnel Planning Document.

A. Instructional/Professional

4. Out-of-Field

a. Appointments

Mrs. Webb requested input from staff concerning teacher certification efforts. Ms. Ella Sims, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, discussed the critical shortage of teachers in the Special Education area, and she advised concerning recruitment and retention efforts. Ms. Teenie Wehmeier, Certification Officer, informed the Board that a total of 82 teachers are currently teaching out-of-field, which is less in comparison with other counties throughout the state. Mrs. Webb suggested pursuing additional funding for recruitment of ESE teachers. Dr. DeWitt asked that efforts be made to provide incentives for regular education teachers to go back into Special Education. Dr. Jenkins suggested providing incentives in order to hire more minority teachers. Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director, Exceptional Student Education, spoke concerning on-going training and efforts to retain ESE teachers. Ms. Sarah Armstrong, Coordinator, Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource Services (FDLRS), advised that ESE teachers have been invited to participate in the ESE Task Force to look at how to resolve problems involving reduction of paperwork and class size.

B. Educational Support Personnel


Mrs. Webb noted that a dismissal had already taken place, and she asked the Board Attorney to research whether that procedure was consistent with Board policy. Mr. May advised that a dismissal is not final until the School Board votes on the matter.

F. Affirmative Action

Mrs. Webb requested justification concerning costs to provide consulting services.

Ms. Sims advised that the consultant provides state-mandated training and works with principals as part of the administrative training program for HRMD certification. Mr. Elvin McCorvey, Director of Affirmative Action, commented that the consultant is evaluated relative to training and workshop activities.


2. Check Register for the month of October, 1999.

Mrs. Webb stated that she would register a NO vote on the Risk Management portion, consistent with her NO vote last month due to concerns related to compliance with the Sunshine Law. Dr. Mason stated that he would also register a NO vote on the Risk Management portion.

4. Statements for Legal Services:

a) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $2,033.75

b) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $4,599.00

c) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 670.29

d) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 656.79

e) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 121.50

f) Kievitt, Kelly, & Odom $1,767.95

Mrs. Webb expressed concerns that funds were being approved for activities that were not conducted in compliance with the Sunshine Law, and she stated that she would not be voting to approve those items. She noted that late backup was submitted under XIII. Items from the Attorney (#3 - Risk Management legal bills) for Mr. Hammons involving workers compensation. Under Item 4.f, Mrs. Webb discussed concerns regarding expenditures related to research of a property matter that the Board had voted not to approve.

Mrs. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, informed the Board of a change in Florida Statute requiring the Board to have an audit selection committee for selection of an independent certified public accountant for audit of fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. She provided a draft time schedule for the School Board to award an RFP (Request for Proposals) in April. Dr. Mason requested that staff provide a sample RFP for Board review.

Mrs. Wascom reported that notification received in November from the Florida Legislature indicated that Escambia County would be entitled to $1,700,000 in classroom construction dollars for purposes of reducing class size. She noted that January is the deadline for decision by the Board, and the School Board must agree to maintain a twenty-to-one student teacher ratio for those classrooms. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, stated that a spot survey may be needed. Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, added that a commitment would be required on the part of the Board for K-3 in 2000-2001, with the twenty-to-one student teacher ratio to be maintained in perpetuity. After discussion, Chairman Stidham asked that staff provide additional financial information and recommendations at the January Board meeting. Mrs. Webb asked that the recommendations also be presented to the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) on Finance.


Dr. DeWitt commented concerning items tabled last month on the software purchase, that staff had met with the Technology Committee and there was consensus that the software would provide a timesaving tool. He noted concerning other technology issues, staff has taken the message seriously and they are developing a plan and policy to be submitted during the budget process on staffing of technology, hiring additional people, and having persons designated at the schools to provide support. The District Technology Committee and Board Technology Committee will continue to monitor progress.

1. School Bus Purchases

Dr. Mason asked if these were replacement buses and was advised that the two additional buses would provide transportation for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students with special needs.

9. Software Purchase: Decision Analyzer Interface for Windows

Dr. Mason asked if this software would provide for retrieval of data from the main frame. He noted the emphasis on student activities, and he requested that an implementation schedule be provided to the Board. Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and MIS, advised that the focus had been on student and school-based aspects for purposes of testing the software. He added that training would also be provided for software purchases. Mr. Pettis advised that this is the first stage of implementation. It was noted that student record files would be brought on line to allow for schedule work and reports by the end of the first semester, and all student record files would be available to the schools and staff by January, 2000.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, reported that the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) on Finance had recommended approval of Item VII.9.

20. Underground Electrical Distribution System at Woodham High School

Dr. DeWitt requested further input from staff. Mr. Kirchharr advised that prior discussions had taken place between the engineer and Woodham Booster Club in order to get power to the baseball fields.

23. Unauthorized Purchase of work performed at Workman Middle School by Ventilated Awnings Ramps at Pine Meadow Elementary School

Mr. Kirchharr advised that this project was bid a couple of years ago and this is the annual contract vendor. He explained that due to a processing error, this item was not forwarded for purchase order number, and staff has reviewed appropriate procedures. Chairman Stidham noted that the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Facilities and Maintenance had reviewed this item and supported payment.




c. Quit Claim Deed Judy Andrews PreKindergarten Center

Dr. Mason requested explanation from staff. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, reported that this involves an even swap of property, and the county has done everything needed to proceed with the transaction.


Project Innovation of Mobile, Inc.

Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning the status of funds received and was advised by Mr. Don Manderson, Director of Instructional Technology, that over the last three years the district has gotten just under $1,000,000 from grants to provide technical assistance and get technology into the classrooms.

Controlled Choice/Oral Monthly Progress Report.

Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, reported concerning the Student Attendance Zone Advisory Committee (SAZAC) organizational meeting and the School Choice Committee meeting. He noted that a hearing was held at Jim Bailey Middle School regarding the proposed zone for the new school on the west side. Committee recommendations will be presented to the Board in January. Mr. Ireland Brock, Director, Pupil Instructional Support Services, reported that recommendations concerning boundary descriptions will be presented for Board approval after review by the Board Attorney.


There was no discussion on this item.


1. Approval of 1999/2000 School Bus Routes

Mrs. Webb requested that consideration be given to changing one bus stop where an accident had occurred. Dr. Clarence Ladner, Special Assistant for School/Community Services, stated that follow up will be done to address safety concerns.

2. Administrative Appointment - Director of Risk Management

Mr. May advised that Mr. Joseph Bernard, Safety Supervisor/Adjuster, was recommended for the position of Director of Risk Management to replace Mr. Charles Griffin. Dr. Mason stated that he would make a motion to accompany this appointment to request that an RFP (Request for Proposals) and audit be done.

4. Response to Correspondence, E-Mail, etc.

Mr. May discussed concerns that E-Mail continues to come (from one Board Member) which has yet to make positive comments about employees, people in the School District, and the jobs they are doing. Mr. May stated that it is important to thank employees for the jobs they are doing and take the time to say something nice to employees. Dr. Mason stated that the column references schools such as Hellen Caro Elementary and the wonderful job they are doing.


1. Items from the Board - "Name The School" Contest offer by Big Lagoon Kiwanis Club (Walt Viglienzone) - Dr. Mason

Dr. Mason expressed support for the concept of the "Name The School" contest for the new school on the west side. Mr. May noted that a principal would be appointed in January and input could be obtained from students and parents of that community as well.

2. Items from the Board - Inspection and Audit Clause - Dr. Mason

This item was addressed earlier in the workshop.

DELETE: 3. Items from the Board - Discussion on Additional Part-Time Help to Assist Mrs. Webb with Her Secretarial Duties

Mrs. Webb deleted this item.

4. Items from the Board - Communications Strategy Plan - Dr. DeWitt

Dr. DeWitt reported that a plan is being developed to address communication issues and will look at use of E-Mail and technology such as laptop computers for access of Board records. Ms. Barbara Frye, Coordinator, Information Services, spoke concerning the School District communication plan. Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and MIS, reported that the E-Mail system was recently upgraded and appropriate training will be provided.

5. Items from the Board - Proper Handling of Agenda Items under Robert's Rules and other appropriate governances - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb spoke concerning the importance of following Robert's Rules of Order to keep meetings focused and on track. She noted that the Florida School Board Association will come in and conduct a workshop on parliamentary procedures and will also provide help regarding updating the policy manual. Chairman Stidham indicated that she would follow up on scheduling a workshop in that regard.

6. Items from the Board - Policy on Exemptions/Mandatory Retention - Dr. Mason

Dr. Mason discussed a new law concerning mandatory retention as addressed in the Governor's A+ educational plan.

7. Items from the Board - In-service Training - Dr. Mason

Dr. Mason asked that the Board consider not allocating resources for in-service training, and he spoke in favor of providing more in-house training. Ms. Sarah Armstrong, Coordinator, Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource Services (FDLRS), stated that Board Members would be provided with copies of the Master In-Service Plan for the School District.


1. Handling of Webb Attorney fee lawsuit.

Mrs. George advised the Board (concerning the lawsuit against the School Board for payment of Mrs. Webb's legal fees), that she had declared a conflict of interest in terms of handling the lawsuit. She stated that as School Board Attorney, her client is the School Board (and Mrs. Webb as part of the Board), and she expressed that handling the lawsuit could adversely affect the relationship. Mrs. George presented for Board consideration a contract with Leo Thomas and Clay Mitchell, Attorneys with the Law Firm of Levin, Middlebrooks, who offered to accept the case pro bono and waive conflict of interest.

3. Risk Management legal bills.

Mrs. George noted that amended backup was provided from Mr. Joseph Hammons, Attorney to the Superintendent, related to workers compensation cases.

There were no speakers.


Prior to adjournment, Dr. Jenkins announced that Ensley Elementary School had organized a Dad's Club, and club members plan to address the Board during Public Forum concerning their activities. There being no further business, the workshop adjourned at 1:16 p.m. (Official recordings of this meeting are filed in the Information Services Department.)