The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened for the Public Forum at 6:00 p.m. in Room 160, Hall Center, 30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:
Chairman: Dr. Hal Mason Vice Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham
Members: Dr. John DeWitt
Mrs. Janice Gilley
Dr. Elmer Jenkins
School Board Attorney: Mrs. Maureen George
Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May
Dr. Mason called the Public Forum to order at 6:00 p.m. and announced that the Regular Board Meeting would immediately follow the Public Forum.
The Board recognized the following speaker:
1) Mr. Byron Parker, 115 East Maxwell Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, requested that
the Board consider naming the school being erected at 12th Avenue and Lee Street in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
There being no further speakers, Mr. May announced that Regular Board meetings will be televised (beginning in July), and he introduced Miss Jennifer Willey and Mr. Levi Daniel, students from the television production class at Tate High School. He noted that students will operate the television cameras at each Regular Board meeting.
Mr. May announced National History Day results noting that Brown Barge Middle School, PATS Center, and Old Hometown came in first in place in the junior group documentary and earned the best junior entry in the State of Florida, and the Pensacola High School senior group exhibit came in first place.
Mr. May reported that the Langford Conference was held recently and that participants had been given tools: 1) to help groups come to decisions on issues that might be hard to reach consensus; and 2) to maintain respect for each other and look at suggestions objectively in order to reach a fair group decision. Board Members discussed this concept relative to the Zero Tolerance Policy noting that fire arms had been considered as the one weapon which would automatically require students to be expelled, but a proposed change listed additional items including knives, chains, pipes, razor, and razor blades. Mr. May commented that the decision before the Board was whether to keep the language as is (wherein the high school principal has the prerogative of recommending or not recommending expulsion when it comes to items other than fire arms), or accept new language that says that any of these weapons will result in an automatic expulsion. (See subsequent Board action under III. PROPOSED ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO SCHOOL DISTRICT RULES, Item Number 2. School Board Rule 6Gx17-7.02 Code of Student Conduct: Secondary Rights and Responsibilities Handbook).
Dr. Mason called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. The invocation was given by Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Harry Evans.
Dr. Mason introduced Mrs. Janice Gilley, newly appointed School Board Member, District 5, for a term beginning June 7, 1999, to serve during the suspension of Mrs. Vanette Webb who was removed from the Office of School Board Member, District 5, by the Governor on May 21, 1999. Dr. Mason also introduced Mrs. Maureen George, new School Board Attorney.
Superintendent May listed additions and deletions to the agenda as follows:
ADD: 2) Presentation by Herff Jones of Academic Rings to District All-Star Academic Team Won Third Place in State Competition - Commissioner's Academic Challenge
ADD: 2) Woodham High Academic Team
ADD: 1) Recognize Mrs. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
A. Instructional
8. Special Requests - Item Numbers 21 and 27
B. Educational Support Personnel
2. Resignations
4. Statements for Legal Services:
a. Edward P. Fleming, P. A. $ 12,292.80
ADD: 7. Salary Schedule for student workers televising School Board meetings.
55. Annual Agreement Renewal: Technical Support for Novell Software (Technological Systems/MIS)
ADD: 62. Annual Agreement Renewal: Portable Classrooms & Administrative Buildings
ADD: 63. Award Amendment: Workers' Compensation Managed Care Arrangement RFP #11-
Request Board approval of City Agreement on
Intergovernmental Coordination and Citizen Participation with the
Escambia County School District.
5. Contract for Charter Agreement between Beulah Academy of Science, Inc., and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida.
NOTES: Item Numbers 16 and 33 (Request Formal Hearing)
2. Approval of administrative appointments.
ADD: 35. Recommendation that Employee Number 263-21-3433 be suspended without pay effective June 25, 1999, and continuing thereafter until such time as the pending criminal charges in Case Number 99-001891A-CF-B are resolved with further recommendation to be made by the Superintendent to the Board after the resolution of such charges.
ADD: 36. Report on Cabinet Presentations.
DELETE: 4. Item from the Board - Update on Declaratory
Judgment - Requested by
John DeWitt
DELETE: 1. Resolution of
Appreciation for Mr. Edward Fleming, Interim Board
ADD: 2. Voucher Program
ADD: 3. Risk Management Policy
ADD: 4. Contracts for Legal Services
Ms. Jenny Dyess reported on behalf of Ms. Kathy Roche, new PTA President, concerning goals for next year including an emphasis on parental and community involvement. She also noted that Florida PTA had not joined the lawsuit against vouchers.
Mr. Clay Wren appeared representing Herff Jones. Mr. Bill Willis, Academic Team Coach, presented academic rings to District All-Star Academic Team members Mr. Tyler Dorsett, Mr. John Hutchinson, Mr. Rhys Ziemba, Woodham High School; Mr. Eric Scott, and Mr. Jonathan Thompson, Washington High School; Mr. Gustay Tytke, Pensacola High School; Mr. Jason Varner, Tate High School; and Ms. Rachel Mohan, Escambia High School. Ms. Linda Thompson, Secondary Language Arts Specialist, noted that the team had won third place in the state competition.
1) Washington High School Griots Brain Bowl Team - Winners of State Black History Cultural Brain Bowl Championship/Contest held March 19-20, 1999, in Tampa, Florida
Mr. May asked Ms. Nettie Eaton, Principal; Mr. Walter Gulley, Jr., Coach; and team members Lakira Tompkins, Monica Woods, Paul Lovely, Tamika Turner, Gabrielle Finley, Katherine Wright, and Jessica Beasley to come forward as he read the resolution.
WHEREAS, Booker T. Washington High School's Black History Brain Bowl team, the "Griots", won the 14th Annual Statewide Black History and Culture Brain Bowl; and
WHEREAS, the seven team members spent five days a week and two and a half hours a day learning the 2,000 questions and eight books that had to be mastered to compete in county and regional competitions; and
WHEREAS, the team did not miss a single question in the county or regional competition and were crowned county and regional champions which allowed them to compete in the state competition; and
WHEREAS, the team won ten consecutive games in a row at the state competition to advance to the finals, where they defeated the same team twice to be named the 1999 History and Culture Brain Bowl State Champions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the School Board of Escambia County does hereby take this means to publicly recognize Mr. Walter Gulley, Jr., coach of the "Griots" team, and the seven members for their outstanding victory;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the regular meeting of said Board and a copy be tendered to Booker T. Washington High School to be displayed with honor. Adopted this 24th day of June, 1999.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the resolution, was unanimously approved.
2) Woodham High School Academic Team
Mr. May was joined by Board Members and Mr. Bill Slayton, Principal, and conducted a brief graduation ceremony for Mr. Rhys Ziemba and Mr. Tyler Dorsett, graduating seniors, who missed their graduation to attend the Academic Team competition. Mr. Slayton stated that Mr. Charles Allen was also a senior who had graduated and is now serving in the United States Marine Corps. Mr. May commended the team members and read the following resolution.
WHEREAS, the Woodham High School Academic Team posted a total record of 44-7 in all matches for the 1998-99 school year; and
WHEREAS, the team participated in six tournaments in five states, making the final round in all six tournaments and posting one second and three third place finishes; and
WHEREAS, the academic team placed second in the Ocean Science Bowl at the regional tournament in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, competing against over forty schools from five states; and
WHEREAS, under Ms. Cathy Boehme's leadership, the Woodham High School Academic Team was among the top sixty-four (64) teams in the nation to compete in the Quiz Bowl Tournament of Champions in Chicago; and
WHEREAS, at this tournament the Woodham team placed third in the nation and distinguished itself by gaining the respect of the coaches of the other teams with a superb display of sportsmanship, courtesy, and maturity;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the School Board of Escambia County does hereby take this means to publically recognize Cathy Boehme and the Woodham High School Academic Team.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the regular meeting of said Board and a copy be tendered to Woodham High School to be displayed with honor. Adopted this 24th day of June, 1999.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the resolution, was unanimously approved.
Mr. May and Board members joined in recognizing Mrs. Patricia Wascom, former
Comptroller, in her new position as Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, and expressed best wishes to Mr. Wallace Odom, former Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, in his retirement.
The following item was moved forward:
2. Approval of administrative appointments.
Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the appointment of Mr. Quincy Clements to the position of Assistant Principal at Pine Forest High School, was unanimously approved.
Motion by Mrs. Gilley, second by Mrs. Stidham, to approve the appointment of Mrs. Connie Farish to the position of Principal at Century Elementary School, was unanimously approved.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Mrs. Stidham, to approve the appointment of Mr. Don Manderson to the position of Director of Instructional Technology, was unanimously approved.
Dr. Mason relinquished the gavel to Mrs. Stidham and made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Janet Ridddle to the position of Assistant Elementary Principal at Beulah Elementary School. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gilley. Mrs. Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the appointment of Ms. Patti Burt to the position of Principal at Pensacola Beach Elementary School, was unanimously approved.
Motion by Dr. Mason, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the appointment of Mr. Mauldin Carter to the position of Assistant Principal at Brentwood Middle School, was unanimously approved.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Mrs. Gilley, to approve the appointment of Ms.Wanda McNeil to the position of Assistant Elementary Principal at Ferry Pass Elementary School, was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Stidham returned the gavel to Dr. Mason.
The meeting returned to the regular agenda.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the agenda as amended, was unanimously approved.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the minutes for the 5/7/99
Special Board Meeting, 5/24/99 Regular Board Workshop, 5/25/99 Special Presentations Workshop, 5/25/99 Regular Board Meeting, and the 5/31/99 Special Board Meeting, was unanimously approved.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit A)
A. Permission to Advertise
Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Mrs. Stidham, to approve the rule for
advertising, was unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve
the rule for advertising. Mrs. Gilley offered an amendment to
allow principals to consider mitigating factors when implementing the
policy in terms of weapons violations other than fire arms. Dr. Mason
asked the Superintendent to request that Dr. Wes Davis, Director,
Evaluation Services, provide a correlation between students expelled
in the past year, an assessment of their educational disabilities,
how well they are doing in school, how many are on medication,
especially Ritalin, and prepare policy for Board consideration.
Mrs. Gilley restated the motion to approve the rule for
advertising with amended language to reflect "shall
may be expelled for weapons violations other than possession
of a fire arm and may result in criminal penalties being imposed."
Dr. DeWitt seconded the amendment. After discussion, Dr. Mason
called for the vote on the motion as amended and said motion was
unanimously approved.
B. Permission to Adopt
1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-1.11 LEGAL SERVICES
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the rule, was unanimously approved. Dr. Jenkins suggested looking at the economic impact of in-house attorney after one year. Dr. DeWitt noted that it would be addressed in the budget process.
After discussion, motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Mrs. Stidham, to adopt the rule, was unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, and seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the consent agenda. Dr. DeWitt pulled VII.47 for separate vote. Mrs. Gilley pulled VIII.A.2.c for separate vote. Dr. DeWitt pulled IX.5 for discussion; Mrs. George pulled IX.40 for discussion; and Dr. Jenkins pulled IX.46 for discussion. A speaker addressed V.A.8(10), which was subsequently pulled in order to seek unit clarification from the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC).
This item was approved as amended.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit B)
(Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit C)
A. Instructional
1. Appointments
Gleason, Jessica Dixon 7/19/99 Year Long Intern
Roberson, Felicia Dixon 7/19/99 Year Long Intern
Wilkins, Hollie Dixon 7/19/99 Year Long Intern
Williams, Gwenda Dixon 7/19/99 Year Long Intern
Wilson, Lucy Dixon 7/19/99 Year Long Intern
Wooten, Daniel Woodham 7/01/99 J McDonald, Non Renewal
2. Resignations
Adam, Sarah Tate 7/31/99
Allen, Angela Brownsville 7/31/99
Aumend, Catherine Warrington Mid 7/31/99
Bagley, Leigh Brownsville 7/31/99
Bates, Robin Tate 7/31/99
Bernal, Delma Woodham 7/31/99
Bertles, Russell Ransom 7/31/99
Bone, Renee Semmes 7/31/99
Borne, Elizabeth Tate 7/31/99
Boudreaux, Susan Warrington Elem 7/31/99
Brochu, Heather Navy Point 6/14/99
Brock, Gregory Northview 7/31/99
Burton, Kimberly Suter 6/01/99 (was on LOA)
Cluff, Warren Washington 7/31/99
Cook, Franklin Bellview Mid 7/31/99
Corner, Raymond Pensacola 7/31/99
Devine, Therese Pensacola 7/31/99
DeVuyst, Anita Jim Allen 7/31/99
Dietrich, Arthur Pensacola 7/31/99
Donnelly, John West Pensacola 7/31/99
Dubay, Robert Woodham 7/31/99
Duke, John Data Ctr 6/16/99
Elting, Stephen Escambia 7/31/99
Freeland, Rachel Northview 7/31/99
Fulford, Elizabeth West Pensacola 6/01/99 (was on LOA)
Hardy, Susan Warrington Mid 7/31/99
Hartzog, Cary Tate 7/31/99
Hyche, Christy Hellen Caro 6/01/99
Jones, Katrina Tate 7/31/99
Lee, Emily Century Elem 7/31/99
Light, Carla Warrington Elem 6/01/99
Mai, Amelia Woodham 7/31/99
Mann, Jennifer Woodham 6/01/99
Martin, Paulette Washington 7/31/99
May, Lorraine Brownsville 7/31/99
Norman, Maria Bailey 7/31/99
Ouelette, Angela Yniestra 6/30/99
Richardson, Loretta Cook 6/01/99
Riley, Jennifer Dixon 7/31/99
Rupp, Chantell Myrtle Grove 7/31/99
Sanders, Kimberlynn Brownsville 6/01/99
Santa Cruz, Pamela Tate 7/31/99
Schoenholz, Marci Brentwood Elem 7/31/99
Sims, Anthony George Stone 7/31/99
Singleton, Jojeana Cook 7/31/99
Smith, Angela Brentwood Mid 7/31/99
Smith, Valerie Woodham 7/31/99
Walden, Rita Pine Forest 6/01/99
Watson, Andrea ESE/Speech 7/31/99
White, Liane Bellview Mid 6/01/99 (was on LOA)
Wilson, Olyneitha Brownsville 7/31/99
Wolf, Christopher Bellview Mid 7/31/99
Zeller, Christopher Pine Forest 7/31/99
Ziener, Heather Cook 7/31/99
3. Retirees
Angstadt, Suzanne Beulah 6/30/99
Colburn, Frank Pensacola 6/30/99
Culliver, Mattie Semmes 6/30/99
Goss, Gladys ESE/Hall Ctr 6/30/99
Green, Vida Bellview Mid 6/30/99
Grey, Mary Tate 6/01/99
Hawks, Greene ESEAL 6/01/99
Hewitt, W James Pensacola 6/30/99
Johnson, William Bellview Mid 6/01/99
Kellum, David Ins Tech 6/30/99
Leeds, Sharon Tate 6/30/99
Leverette, Otha Semmes 6/30/99
Lewis, Rose Mary Pensacola 6/30/99
Livingston, Charles VT 6/30/99
Lyle, Martha McArthur 6/30/99
McCulley, Nettie Bailey 6/30/99
Merkerson, Billie George Stone 6/30/99
Monks, Janice Yniestra 6/30/99
Mouton, Dorothy Beggs 6/30/99
Palmer, Patricia Dixon 6/30/99
Palmer, Samuel Tate 6/30/99
Patterson, Rose Marie Northview 6/30/99
Perkins, Wayne Washington 6/30/99
Pitcher, Marjorie Dixon 6/01/99
Roberts, Della Weis 6/14/99
Stover, Anne Warrington Mid 6/30/99
Welch, Mary Hallmark 6/30/99
4. Teachers Returning from Leave of Absence
Armbruster, Priscilla Brentwood Mid 8/09/99
Caraway, Joni Washington 8/09/99
Childs, Gail Myrtle Grove 8/09/99
Chivington, Florence Pensacola 8/09/99
Cowart, Maureen Jim Allen 8/09/99
Fellgren, Kathy Warrington Elem 8/09/99
Mattes, Kim Woodham 6/02/99
Peranich, Angel Lipscomb 8/09/99
Rose, William Pensacola 8/09/99
Sutton, William Pensacola 8/09/99
5. Transfers
From To Date
Brown, Linda Weis Dixon 7/12/99
6. Requests for Leave With Pay
Andrewin, Sherril Wedgewood 4/19 Jury duty
Arena, James Hallmark 4/20-22,27,28;5/13,14 Jury duty
Barnes, Katherine Bailey 4/30 Subpoena
Berg, Leanne Ensley 4/20-22 Professional/EEA
Bernal, Delma Woodham 4/19-22 Jury duty
Billy, Cynthia Washington 5/14 Professional/EEA
Bosso, Cynthia Woodham 5/13 Professional/EEA
Breakall, Kathy Bailey 5/14 Professional/EEA
Brown, Cynthia Semmes 5/17 Jury duty
Brown, Juliette Longleaf 4/26 Jury duty
Buck, John Brentwood Mid 5/17 Jury duty
Burrill, Terry Molino 5/14 Professional/EEA
Calhoun, Michelle Pensacola 5/14 Professional/EEA
Carney, William ESEAL 5/12 Jury duty
Chodkiewicz, Candace Washington 5/14 Professional/EEA
Davenport, Virginia Petree 5/13 Professional/EEA
Davis, Shelley Hellen Caro 6/9;8/9 Professional
Dean, Rosa Spencer Bibbs 5/3 Jury duty
Decosta, Mary Woodham 5/13 Professional/EEA
Demarest, Joyce Cordova Park 5/3 Jury duty
Exner, Bonnie Ransom 5/13 Professional/EEA
Exner, Craig Pensacola 5/13 Professional/EEA
Faulkner, Sarah Petree 5/13 Professional/EEA
Frankel, Allan Escambia 4/16 Military
Grove, Kendra Escambia 4/19 Jury duty
Haas, Sue Bellview Elem 4/26 Jury duty
Hackett, Brian Pensacola 5/13 Professional/EEA
Harris, Linda Even Start 5/13 Professional/EEA
Henderson, Zela Woodham 4/26 Jury duty
Humeniuk, Chantelle Hellen Caro 5/31;6/1 Professional
Husbands, Gail Ensley 5/13 Professional/EEA
Ives, Gary Tate 5/10 Jury duty
Jackson-Williams, Madonna Pine Forest 5/5,13 Professional/EEA
Kennedy, Elizabeth Semmes 5/13 Professional/EEA
King, Joe Wedgewood 5/11 Professional/EEA
Knowlton, Byron Westgate 5/14 Professional/EEA
Knowlton, Cynthia Escambia 5/14 Professional/EEA
Lee, Mary Woodham 5/14 Professional/EEA
May, Wilda Molino 5/14 Professional/EEA
McLaughlin, D S Boys Base 5/14 ` Professional/EEA
Meyer, Joanne Washington 5/14 Professional/EEA
Morrissette-Pyle, Annie Woodham 5/3 Jury duty
Nelson, Martha Bailey 5/13 Professional/EEA
Newcome, Jan Lincoln Park 5/3 Jury duty
Olliff, Julie Ensley 4/30 Jury duty
Phillips, Jane Pine Forest 5/3,6 Jury duty
Pittman, Preston Ferry Pass Elem 5/13 Professional/EEA
Porto, Kathryn Brentwood Elem 5/17 Jury duty
Rauls, Sherri Bailey 5/14 Professional/EEA
Rea, Michelle Montclair 4/20-22;5/14 Professional/EEA
Rickard, Phyllis Sherwood 4/26 Subpoena
Roby, Deborah Semmes 5/13 Professional/EEA
Ruiz, Heather Judy Andrews 5/31;6/1 Professional
Sanders, Elizabeth Hellen Caro 5/10,13 Jury duty
Savage, Marvin Pensacola 5/2,14 Military
Schwartz, Pamela ESE 5/14 Professional/EEA
Shields, Susan Westgate 4/30;5/13 Professional/EEA
Simms. Linda Bailey 5/3 Jury duty
Skipper, Patricia Hellen Caro 5/3 Jury duty
Stanfill, Karol Semmes 5/13 Professional/EEA
Tate, Marion Suter 4/30;5/14 Professional/EEA
Taylor, Alfreda Semmes 5/13 Professional/EEA
Thomas, Mary Northview 5/3 Jury duty
Vincent, William Woodham 5/14 Professional/EEA
Walcott, Mark Westgate Ctr 5/13 Professional/EEA
Wall, John George Stone 4/26 Jury duty
Watson, Johnnye Petree 4/19-22 Jury duty
White, Deborah Sherwood 4/26 Subpoena
Williams, Brenda Myrtle Grove 5/13 Professional/EEA
7. Requests for Leave Without Pay
Adams, Amy Pine Meadow 4/12.23 Illness
Alaback, Karin Hellen Caro 5/26,27 Maternity
Alexander, Caroline Oakcrest 4/15;5/11 Illness
Allen, Angela Brownsville 4/19-26 Illness
Ard, Bonnie Brownsville 4/16 Personal
Arnold, Rachael Lipscomb 5/6 Personal
Bagley, Leigh Brownsville 4/20;5/6 Illness
Barretto, Lisa Jim Allen 4/29;5/2,13 Illness
Barretto, Lisa Jim Allen 1999-2000 Sch Year Childrearing
Barto, Jamie Brentwood Mid 5/11 Illness
Beasley, Brenda Semmes 4/26;5/7 Illness
Bell, Beth Montclair 4/19,27 Illness
Bell, Beth Montclair 5/3 Personal
Blanchard, Mary Cordova Park 1999-2000 Sch Year Personal
Bland, Bonne Washington 5/3-7 Illness
Bodree, Celestia Pine Forest 4/19,20 Illness
Boudreaux, Susan Warrington Elem 4/29 Illness
Bouillion, Raynee Suter 4/21-23 Personal
Bradley, David Escambia 4/14,15 Illness
Braswell, Constance Oakcrest 5/5 Illness
Brinson, Sheldon Petree 4/22 Illness
Brochu, Heather Navy Point 5/12 Personal
Brock, Sarah Cordova Park 4/28-6/1 Illness
Bzdick, Terri West Pensacola 5/3,17 Illness
Calder, Janette Scenic Heights 5/25 Personal
Callier, Sarah Spencer Bibbs 5/31 Illness
Calloway, Tammy Bratt 5/12 Illness
Calogero, Kimberly Escambia 4/16-6/1 Maternity
Camp, Willie Woodham 4/20;5/6 Illness
Capehart, Yvonne Brownsville 4/16 Personal
Cardwell, Sharon Spencer Bibbs 5/13 Illness
Carlisle, Andriana ESE 4/28;5/5 Illness
Chason, Kristy Edgewater 5/3 Illness
Chivington, Sheri Tate 4/30;5/12,14 Illness
Coale, Amy Yniestra 5/4-7 Illness
Coleman, Christine Pensacola 5/12 Illness
Collinsworth, Harley ESEAL 4/16 Illness
Collinsworth, Harley ESEAL 5/13,14 Personal
Cook, Dorothy Warrington Mid 5/3 Personal
Cooper, Tammy Holm 5/21 Personal
Corrigan, Anne West Pensacola 4/28 Illness
Corrigan, Anne West Pensacola 1999-2000 Sch Year Childrearing
Creel, Donna Wedgewood 5/13 Personal
Cross, Kimberly Navy Point 4/15,16 Illness
Croucher, Sandra Holm 5/3-7 Personal
Crow, Ellen Tate 4/15;5/12 Illness
Crowson, Thomas Brentwood Mid 4/27 Illness
Culbertson, Esther Tate 4/15,16;5/14 Personal
Culbertson, Esther Tate 6/1 Illness
Cummings, Jerry Escambia 4/26,28 Illness
Daniels, Elizabeth Cordova Park 5/21 Personal
Daniels, Gena Navy Point 5/10 Illness
Davenport, Virginia Petree 5/14 Personal
Day, Carissa Lakeview 4/26 Illness
Dickey, Janna Ernest Ward 4./26 Illness
Doering, Elaine Brownsville 5/12 Illness
Duckett, Alice PATS 5/17 Personal
Dufurrena, Jamie Judy Andrews 4/27 Illness
Edwards, Anne Longleaf 4/27 Illness
Eskew, Lindie Myrtle Grove 4/22;5/7 Illness
Fetsko, Kathy Hellen Caro 5/14 Personal
Fewell, Jason Escambia 4/28 Illness
Fina, Terri Bailey 5/5-14,27 Personal
Fisher, Alita Ferry Pass Elem 4/14,15 Illness
Fisher, Carla Byrneville 5/7 Personal
Fletcher, Kathy Scenic Heights 4/20-22 Illness
Ford, Romona Myrtle Grove 4/27-30 Illness
Frierdich, Christina Bailey 4/20;5/3,5,13 Illness
Frierdich, Christina Bailey 5/10-12 Personal
Frierdich, Christina Bailey 1999-2000 Sch Yr Childrearing
Gaddy, Stefanie Judy Andrews 5/12 Personal
Garbark, Helen Escambia 5/3,6 Illness
George, Deborah Beggs 4/16 Illness
Gibson, Melissa Woodham 5/10-28 Maternity
Godwin, Sharon Westgate 4/29 Illness
Goodrick, Leah Yniestra 5/12-21 Personal
Hassebrock, Gay Bratt 4/26;5/4-14 Illness
Hedin, Blythe Yniestra 4/30 Illness
*Hilleke, Diane Weis 4/28;5/4;6/6-14 Illness
Jackson, Laurie Ransom 4/30 Illness
Johnson, Johnie Bratt 4/21 Illness
Jones, Faye Sherwood 5/6 Illness
Jones, Lisa Holm 5/7 Illness
Kennedy, Diane Scenic Heights 5/5 Personal
King, Jean Maintenance 4/27-30 Illness
King, Michael Edgewater 3/29;4/26 Illness
Krichi, Ahmed ESE 5/7,10-12 Illness
Lazauskos, Tina Montclair 4/13-15 Illness
Leggett, Linda Woodham 4/16 Illness
Leonard, Melinda Beulah 4/30 Personal
Lewis-McNeil, Lenora Edgewater 5/13,14 Illness
Lincoln, Gary Warrington Mid 5/4-6 Illness
Lipnick, Regina Brentwood Elem 4/26,27 Personal
Mangum, Anndreze Brentwood Elem 5/17,18 Illness
Maraman, Pamala Navy Point 5/7 Personal
Marsh, Carmela Ferry Pass Elem 4/19;5/10 Illness
Martin, Margie Woodham 5/5-7,13,14 Illness
Massey, Cynthia Oakcrest 4/16-30;5/25-27 Maternity
Marucci, Linda Scenic Heights 3/26;5/14 Personal
Maupin, Tela Cook 5/17 Personal
McDaniel, Elaine Pine Forest 5/10,14 Illness
McDonald, Sheila Escambia 5/4,10 Illness
McFarland, Angela Pine Forest 4/23 Illness
McNealy, Alicia Weis 5/13 Illness
McQueen, Patricia Pleasant Grove 4/16 Illness
Merkerson, Billie George Stone 4/27,28 Illness
Miller, Sonia Tate 1999-2000 Sch Year Childrearing
Mims, Sherri Jim Allen 5/31;6/1 Maternity
Mott, Angela Oakcrest 4/23;5/7 Illness
Nelson, Martha Bailey 5/4,7 Illness
Nevels, James George Stone 4/30 Personal
Newman, Brandy Warrington Elem 4/27-5/7 Maternity
Passmore, Virgil Scenic Heights 4/29,30 Illness
Patrick, Jamie Weis 5/12-14 Personal
Peazant, Rosemary Pine Meadow 4/26-28 Illness
Peek, Christina Judy Andrews 4/28;5/17 Illness
Peters, Cheryl Escambia 4/30 Personal
Pope, Larry Lakeview 5/1 Personal
Powers, Ladonna Longleaf 4/23 Personal
Powers, Pamela Pleasant Grove 5/12,13 Illness
Pretto, Tebra Tate 4/25;5/14 Illness
Pride, Edith Oakcrest 5/7 Illness
Pride, Edith Oakcrest 5/15 Personal
Pritchett, Vicki Ransom 4/23,26-30 Illness
Purify, Anner Bellview Mid 5/7 Illness
Rankin, Wanda Hospital/Homebound 4/29,30 Illness
Reese-Whiting, Julia Scenic Heights 4/23,30 Illness
Reese-Whiting, Julia Scenic Heights 5/6,7,10,11 Personal
Rials, Mary Longleaf 4/23 Personal
Richardson, Sondra Brownsville 4/30;5/10 Illness
Roby, Deborah Semmes 5/14 Personal
Roland, Raymond Beggs 5/10 Personal
Romine, Sheila Oakcrest 5/10 Illness
Roumbos, Diane Edgewater 4/14,29;5/7,10 Illness
Ryle, Charles Bellview Mid 4/15,23 Illness
Schwarz, Teresa Longleaf 4/30 Illness
Sharp, Lynn Ferry Pass Mid 4/15 Illness
Shires, Ramona McArthur 5/3,12 Personal
Sjolander, Elsa Cook 4/30 Personal
Smith, Karen Wedgewood 4/20 Illness
Spirakis, Sonja McMillan 4/19,23 Illness
Standard-Long, Nancy Hallmark 1999-2000 Sch Year Childrearing
Stichweh, Cynthia Washington 1999-2000 Sch Year Personal
Stillman, Linda Ferry Pass Mid 4/28 Illness
Super, Brenda Bellview Mid 5/7 Illness
Sykes, Chanda Tate 4/16;5/5,6 Illness
Tallman, Vivian McMillan 4/16-5/7 Illness
*Taylor, Angela Bellview Elem 8/23/99-5/30/2000 Maternity
Terrell, Valeria McMillan 4/28;5/10 Illness
Thomas, LaVonda Bailey 5/3-6/1 Maternity
Thompson, Linda Spencer Bibbs 4/14;5/31 Personal
VanDeusen, Colleen Edgewater 5/10 Illness
VanGilder, Richard McArthur 5/11 Illness
Vannerson, Judith McArthur 5/11 Personal
Vickory, Mary Tate 4/27 Illness
Waddell, Marianne Beggs 4/16,29 Illness
Waddell, Sandra Cook 4/25,26 Personal
Warwick, Kellie Navy Point 4/15,16;5/3,4 Illness
Washington, James Woodham 5/21 Personal
Watson, Johnnye Petree 4/26 Illness
Watts, Kim Oakcrest 5/14 Personal
Webb, Kim ESE 4/19;5/3 Illness
Westberry, Cynthia Holm 5/13,14 Personal
Whiting, Terri Pine Forest 5/17-6/1 Maternity
Wilde, Christina Bellview Elem 1999-2000 Sch Year Personal
Williams, Brenda Myrtle Grove 4/23 Illness
Wilson, David Weis 4/27;5/4,5 Illness
Wilson, Olyneitha Brownsville 4/20,26 Illness
Winborne, Glenda Oakcrest 4/30;5/3,12 Illness
Wonser-Betz, Walter Spencer Bibbs 5/3 Illness
Woodward, Paula Woodham 5/10,17 Illness
Worthington, Sybil McMillan 4/16 Illness
Wright, Ramona Math 4/26,27 Personal
Wyche, Alicia Tate 5/11 Illness
8. Special Requests
(1) Request approval for Arlene Costello to continue to serve a two-year term as EEA President effective July 1, 1999 consistent with the provisions of the Master Contract, Article IV.4(A).
(2) Request approval for Edward Seitz to work during the months of June, July, and August to prepare for the summer Technology Camp and to provide technology training for students. He is to be paid at his regular hourly rate of pay funded from Title I Technology Camp.
(5) The following additional personnel will be teaching summer school:
*out of field
Adams, Amy Lipscomb
Adamson, Monica Pleasant Grove
Alaback, Brian Bailey
Anderson, Mary Florida First Start
Barnes, Joy Pleasant Grove
Barton, Elizabeth Edgewater
Barnum, Stephanie Pleasant Grove
Bell, Bobbi Northview
Bell, Brenda Lincoln Park
Bernhardt, Candace Ensley
Binion, Sheila Tate
Booker, Helen Ensley
Bouchard, John Special Education
Bradley, Sharon Ferry Pass Mid
Brady, Terry Jim Allen
Bright, Twana Ransom
Bryan, Paul West Pensacola
Buchanan, Bonnie ReDirections I
Calloway, Tami Hallmark
Chandler, Lynette Holm
Clarke, Carolyn Pleasant Grove
Collier, Kim Montclair
Dameworth, Mary Edgewater
Daniel, Sandra Special Education
Davis, Jane Special Education
Deshields, Heather Warrington Mid
DeStafney, Jan Special Education
Diaco, Gena Ensley
Doucette, Ruth Scenic Heights
Dove, Linda Workman
Dumond, Dwight Special Education
Dungan, Ann Bailey
Edgar, Autumn Pleasant Grove
Edwards, Mary Ensley
English, Ann Special Education
Ewing, Thomas Escambia High
Ezell, Pat Bailey
Findley, Frances Ernest Ward
Foster, Shannon Century Elem
Garth, Joan Special Education
Gillies, Cliff Northview
Gilmore, Dale Ransom
Godwin, Laurie Montclair
Hampton, Wanda Ransom
Hawkins, Kathryn Lipscomb
Holcombe, Karen Edgewater
Hooper, Anne Edgewater
Jarvis, Julie Spencer Bibbs
Jones, Carolyn Hospital/Homebound
Julian, John Escambia
Justice, Bonnie Dixon
Knapp, Jeffrey Ransom
Krichi, Ahmed Hosptial/Homebound
Krull, Marla Scenic Heights
Leary, Ferrell West Pensacola
Lundquist, Ingrid Edgewater
Mann, Betsy Workman
Mann, Kevin Wedgewood
Marshall, Richard Northview
Maupin, Tela Bailey
McCall, Kathy West Pensacola
*McCandless, Lisa Dixon
McNair, Donna Lincoln Park
Medlock, Terrell Ensley
Melville, Richell Lincoln Park
Mixon, Vanelda Warrington Mid
Moore, Sara Special Education
Morrison, Debbie Special Education
Murphy, Ann Scenic Heights
Nixon, Christine Spencer Bibbs
Norton, Amy Northview
Peacock, Kathryn Suter
Pearson, William Carver
Philley, Michael Washington
Phillips, Clydie Lincoln Park
Prevatte, Lynette Ransom
Rankin, Wanda Special Education
Robbins, Carolyn Ransom
Roby, Deborah Semmes
Rogers, Dan West Pensacola
Ruthledge, Mary Ann Ransom
Schwartz, Pamela Special Education
Scott, Judy Pleasant Grove
Shackle, Richard Ransom
Sites, Summer Edgewater
Slay, Suzanne Carver
Smith, Castella Ensley
Smith, President Pensacola High
Stacey, M David Special Education
Stanfill, Karol Semmes
*Stringfellow, Dodi Edgewater
Taghon, Janice Workman
Taylor, Angela Special Education
Trinque, Mary Warrington Mid
Vaillant, Patricia Edgewater
Vaks, Christine Montclair
Walker, Shawn Special Education
Webb, Kimberly Special Education
White, Herman Ransom
Wiggins, Peggy Ransom
Wilkerson, Dennis Ransom
Wilson, Gena Ensley
Wright, Lisa Special Education
Zeier, Dorice Holm
6) Request approval for the following teachers at Weis Elementary to work the Summer Camp from June 15 through June 25, 1999 and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay from the Parent Awareness Grant:
Coley, James Gahlenbeck, Rose
Johnson, Anita Wade, Gorden
Bauer, Edward
7) Request approval for the following teachers at Weis Elementary to work intersession (summer school) and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:
Anderson, Kathleen Brosnaham, Brenda
Craney, Sharon Dodge, Norma
Giles, Renee Hammock, Bertha
Hardee, Edith Harris, Roline
Headley, Bonita Hurt, Susan
Jackson, Lorene Jones, Stephen
Kerr, Judith Long, Jan
Martin, Jerry McCastler, Vernia
Padgett, Dynita Parker, Wyvette
Shine, Sandra Stanton, Carolyn
Stuart, Betty Theriot, David
Toole, Donna Wilkes, Brenda
8) Request approval for Mary Ziemba, Child Find Specialist at FDLRS to be changed from 11-month to 12-month effective July 1, 1999. She will be providing more equitable service across the FDLRS/Westgate network service area funded from the grant budget of FDLRS/Westgate.
9) Request approval to fill the position of ESE School Health Registered Nurse (RN) with current incumbents effective August 9, 1999. These positions were approved at the April 29, 1999 Board meeting in accordance with the Personnel Planning Document:
Pam Collins Holm Elementary
Valerie Hernandez Washington
Claudia Silverthorne Escambia Westgate Center
10) Request approval to establish the job description for Lead Driver - Transportation and place this position on the professional salary schedule.
The Board recognized the following speaker:
Ms. Ellen Lawrence, Escambia NEA UniServ, stated for the record their concern that the lead driver job description/position should be placed under the Escambia Association of Supervisory Employees (EASE) Bargaining Unit consistent with supervisory duties to evaluate personnel. She presented the recommendation that the positions should appropriately be in EASE and that they will make contact with the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) to do a unit clarification. Dr. Mason stated that the Board concurred with seeking the clarification with PERC. Dr. Jenkins stated that he had requested in workshop, in selecting the four lead driver positions, that consideration be given to the ethnic makeup up of the bus driving force.
This item was approved as part of the Consent Agenda.
11) Request approval to revise the job descriptions on the professional salary schedule:
(a) Graphic Artist
(b) Telecommunications Specialist to read Instructional Technology Communications Specialist
12) Request approval for Leslie Miller to work intersession at Hallmark as a media specialist, and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.
13) Request approval for Vernita Beasley to provide health services for Holm Elementary and Workman Middle for summer school and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.
14) Request approval for the following speech therapists to work summer school and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:
Akin, Pamela Bailey/Pleasant Grove/ESEAL
Blancheri, Sammi Jim Allen/Ernest Ward/Ransom/Century Elem
Brown, Cynthia Semmes/Spencer Bibbs/Petree/Dixon/Scenic Heights
Crowder, Jean Westgate Ctr
DeLisle, Shirley Montclair/Escambia/Pensacola
Foote, Jan Lipscomb/Bellview Mid/Wedgewood
Froitzheim, Maggie Edgewater/Warrington Mid/Brownsville
Gullett, Angela West Pensacola
Harris, Paula Sherwood/Longleaf/Pine Forest
Harvill, Susan West Pensacola
Hill, Sondra Brentwood Elem/Lincoln Park/Tate/Ensley
Hollingshead, Pamela Petree
Kennedy, Linda Workman/Ferry Pass Mid/Woodham/Washington/Brentwood Mid
Remington, Kathy Westgate Ctr
Simmons, Ricki Holm
White, Myrna Edgewater
15) Request approval for Stephanie Fairbanks to teach gifted for year round students on May 28 and 31, and June 2 and 7, 1999 and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.
16) Request approval for Charla Calder to provide speech language therapy to a student at the Pensacola Cluster (ESE) from June 5 through June 30, 1999 and to a student in the home July 6 through July 31, 1999 and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.
17) Request approval for Jamie Barto, speech therapist, to serve Yniestra, Hallmark, Weis and Navy Point during intersession (summer school) and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.
18) Request approval for the following part-time instructor to be employed under School Board Rule #6G17-2.02 at George Stone in the Law Enforcement Program:
Name Date
Danielson, Melissa 3/11/99
19) Request approval for appointment on the professional salary schedule of the following person:
Wilcox, Jeanette Route Manager 5/31/99-6/30/2000 PG 15/1
Position vacated through a retirement.
20) Request approval of Subcontract between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for projects entitled Panhandle Area Center for Educational Enhancement and Side-Steps Goals 2000 Professional Development Technology Continuation Project for the 1999-2000 school year. (Kim Daughdrill and Kathy Lee)
21) Request approval of Subcontract between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for Jill White, a teacher in the Escambia County Schools continue to serve as a visiting professor in vocational education for the 1999-2000 school year.
22) Request approval of contract between the Panhandle Management Development Network and Florida Association of District School Superintendents.
23) Request approval of resolution for District Participation in the Panhandle Management Development Network for the 1999-2000 school year.
24) Request approval of Comprehensive Safety Inspections Summary for the 1998-99 school year.
25) Request approval of the Settlement Agreement between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for a project with The University of West Florida Division of Teacher Education, College of Education - for the services of Dr Jill White.
26) Request to establish the job description on the instructional salary schedule for Teacher on Special Assignment in Staff Development in accordance with the Personnel Planning Document.
27) Request approval of the 1998-99 Annual Update to the Educational Equity Plan as required by the Florida Educational Equity Act.
28) Request approval for the following teachers at Yniestra Elementary to work intersession (summer school) and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:
Coale, Catherine Long, Donna
Dunson, Christine Mashon, Linda
Fulford, Jane Nunmaker, Shirley
Jones, Sallie Ouellette, Angela
Roberts, Michael Turman, Paula
Walker, Gloria
29) Request approval for the following persons to work the Title I Technology Camp at Yniestra and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:
Auberach, Alison Herron, Holli
Choat, Anne Paro, Gayle
Cox, David Wongittilin, Charro
Francis, Edna
30) Request approval for the following persons to teach out-of-field for summer school at Pensacola High:
Cowart, Gary Hewitt, Jim
Moberly, Jack Williams, David
31) For Board Information: Report the death of Sarah Hall, teacher at Ransom Middle on June 7, 1999.
V. Human Resources/Educational Support
B. Educational Support Personnel
1. Appointments
Bailey, Laverne (Prom) R Admin School Sec III 6/2/99 Holm
Hamrac, John (Prom) R Custodial Worker II 5/17/99 Pine Meadow
Inge, Don (Prom) R Plumbing Shop Supv 5/24/99 Maintenance
Smith, Chancy (Prom) R School Data Spec II 5/31/99 Pine Forest
2. Resignations
Atwood, Julia (Ret) Food Ser Asst I 5/28/99 Sherwood
Brazier, Evelyn (Ret) Food Service Asst I 5/28/99 Washington
Bryant, Imo Jean (Ret) Teacher Assistant 6/9/99 Navy Point
Clark, Rosemary Food Service Asst I 5/28/99 McArthur
Cottrell, Martha (Ret) Custodial Worker II 5/31/99 Century Elem
Covan, Bobbye (Ret) Tea Asst (Computer Lab) 5/27/99 Brownsville
Creel, Beulah (Ret) Teacher Asst Special 5/31/99 Warrington Middle
Henderson, Kathleen (Ret) Admin School Sec III 5/31/99 Holm
Jones, Carrie (Ret) Custodial Worker I 5/31/99 Washington High
Lowery, Reita (Ret) Admin Clerk II 5/27/99 Carver
Messick, Paul (Ret) Storekeeper W'house Supv 5/28/99 Central Warehouse
Moran, Janice Teacher Asst Special 5/27/99 West Pensacola
Musgrove, Roberta Admin Clerk II 6/4/99 Title I
Napoli, Rosalia (Ret) Teacher Assistant 5/31/99 Teacher Assistant
Opiela, Nancy Jo (Ret) School Data Spec II 5/28/99 Pine Forest
Peterson, Helen Teacher Asst Special 5/27/99 West Pensacola
Powell, Essie (Ret) Teacher Asst Special 5/27/99 Escambia Westgate
Powell, Mark (Ret) Maintenance Worker I 4/30/99 Central Warehouse
Price, Glendel Teacher Assistant 5/27/99 Hellen Caro
Rodich, Vera (Ret) Admin Clerk II 5/31/99 Bellview Elem
Smith, Betty Custodial Worker I 5/17/99 Suter
Smith, Minnie (Ret) Food Ser Asst I 5/27/99 Brentwood Middle
Wartenbe, Manuella (Ret) Teacher Asst Special 5/27/99 Pensacola High
Whitehead, Addie (Ret) Food Ser Asst I 5/28/99 Scenic Heights
Williams, Yvonne (Ret) Food Ser Asst II 5/28/99 Montclair
3. Terminations
Rivers, Dayna Food Service Asst I 5/18/99 Weis
Rutherford, Mamie L. School Bus Operator 6/7/99 Transportation
4. Suspensions
Willie Swails, Carpenter I in Maintenance Department, suspended without pay effective June 25, 1999, and continuing pending resolution of court hearing regarding criminal charges.
5. Dismissals
6. Leaves of Absence
Crary, Willo Dean School Data Spec II/Northview 5/27/99-8/16/99 Medical
Kyles, Alonna Custodial Wkr I/Warrington M 6/7/99-6/30/99 Medical*
Ladd, Barbara Teacher Asst/Hallmark 4/26/99-6/13/99 Medical
Smeltzer, Melissa (Ext) Tea Asst Spec/Hellen Caro 5/28/99-8/31/2000 Personal
Withers, Brenda Acct Spec I/George Stone 5/26/99-6/25/99 Medical*
*Request leave as allowed under FMLA
(Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit D)
Mrs. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, provided additional information regarding Board action last month wherein the Board had approved a resolution to authorize the financing of the purchase and installation of certain energy conservation measures. She advised that the proposal approved as part of the resolution addressed pricing and basic terms under which the formal agreement would be prepared. It also represented that the bank's proposal would require formal credit approval. In light of the closing date of June 29, 1999, Mrs. Wascom updated the Board on two items related to the financing arrangement. It is an agreement with Sun Trust for the lease purchase: 1) it was included in the bank's proposal letter that there were no prepayment penalties; however, the bank's credit approval does include a make hold provision because it was not stated in the response to the Request for Proposal. The make hold provision is designed to protect the bank from a financial loss that may arise from prepayment of the lease in an unfavorable interest rate environment. There could be a fee assessed if that is the case. It was also noted that the proposal included an adjustment to interest rate clause. The interest rate will be indexed to the U.S. treasury rate. As of yesterday the index rate had risen from 5.68%, which was on the date of the proposal, to 6.16%. If the lease had closed yesterday the new rate on the lease would be 5.22% instead of 4.9% because of the time period that has occurred since the date of the proposal. Mrs. Wascom conveyed that the master lease agreement had to be negotiated before the financing could be resolved.
1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of July, 1999.
(Housed in Finance Department)
2. Check Register for the month of May, 1999.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit E)
3. Financial Statement for the month of May, 1999.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit F)
4. Statements for Legal Services:
a) Edward P. Fleming, P. A. $ 12,292.80
b) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 2,051.00
c) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 290.25
d) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 276.76
e) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 135.00
f) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 30.00
g) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ .58
h) Edward P. Fleming, P.A. $ 141.55
i) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 2,436.08
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit G)
5. Budget Amendments
a. Resolution No. 9 - General Fund
Resolution No. 9 - Special Revenue Fund
Resolution No. 1 - Financial Aid Trust Fund
b. Resolution No. 10 - Capital Outlay Fund
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit H)
6. School Food Services Meal Prices for 1998-99.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit I)
7. Salary Schedule for student workers televising School Board meetings.
(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit J)
Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit K
1. Annual Agreement Renewal: Fresh Baked Pizza & Bread Sticks (School Food Services)
2. Annual Agreement Renewal: Slush-Type Beverages (School Food Services)
3. Annual Agreement Renewal: Vending Services (School Food Services)
4. Student Computer Workstations (Desks) (N. B. Cook Elementary School)
5. Annual Agreement Renewal: HVAC Maintenance (Maintenance)
6. Annual Agreement Renewal: HVAC Maintenance (Maintenance)
7. Annual Agreement Renewal: Cleaning & Degreasing Kitchen Exhaust Systems
8. Change Order #4 to Purchase Order #164227 (Risk Management)
9. Floor Covering for Pine Meadow Elementary School (Maintenance)
10. Gateway Microcomputers for Ransom Middle School
11. Floor Covering for Holm Elementary School (Facilities Planning)
12. Floor Covering for Pleasant Grove Elementary School (Facilities Planning)
13. Floor Covering for E-Seal Center (Facilities Planning)
14. Asbestos Abatement at Bratt, Molino, and Ensley Elementary and Brownsville Middle Schools
(Facilities Planning)
15. Floor Covering for Brownsville Middle School (Maintenance)
16. Annual Contract Renewal: Legal Services - School Board Labor Counsel (Employee Services)
17. Annual Agreement Renewal: Internet Filtering Service (Instructional Technology)
18. Annual Agreement Renewal: CAFS Point of Service Software Support (School Food Services)
19. Final Payment of Navigator Software License Fee (Instructional Technology)
20. Lease Purchase Renewal: Xerox 5892 Copier (FDLRS)
21. Floor Covering for Edgewater Elementary School (Maintenance)
22. Annual Agreement Renewal: Recapping Tires (Transportation Stores)
23. Annual Agreement Renewal: Fresh Shell & Liquid Whole Eggs (School Food Services)
24. Bid Award: Casework for Ferry Pass Middle School, Bid #47-99
25. Annual Agreement Renewal: Drug Testing (Risk Management)
26. Floor Covering for New K-5 Westside Elementary School (Elementary School "L") (Facilities
27. Annual Agreement Renewal: Optical Mark Readers (Evaluation Services)
28. Annual Agreement Renewal: Maintenance of Fiber Optic Communications (Technological
29. Annual Agreement Renewal: Consulting Services for the Employee Benefit Program (Risk
30. Annual Agreement Renewal: Auditing Services for District Employee Benefit Trust (Risk
31. Bid Award: Science Supplies, Bid #46-99 (N. B. Cook Elementary School)
32. Bid Award: Annual Purchasing Agreement for Anti Freeze and Motor Oil, Bid #49-99 (Transportation Stores)
33. Bid Award: Annual Purchasing Agreement for Storage Batteries, Bid #59-99 (Transportation Stores)
34. Bid Award: Frozen Pizza, Bid #61-99 (School Food Services)
35. Bid Award: Property, Automotive/General Liability & Workers' Compensation Insurance, RFP #44-99 (Risk Management)
36. Annual Agreement Renewal: Maintenance and Support for IBM Mainframe Hardware and Software (Technological Systems/MIS)
37. Annual Agreement Renewal: Software Maintenance and Support for "TERMS" (Technological Systems/MIS)
38. Bid Award: Electrical Distribution Improvements at the District Administration Building (Facilities Planning)
39. Change Order #26 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
40. Change Order #27 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
41. Change Order #28 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
42. Change Order #29 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
43. Change Order #30 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
44. Change Order #31 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
45. Change Order #32 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
46. Change Order #33 to Purchase Order #162826 (Whitesell-Green Inc.) (Facilities Planning)
47. Microcomputers and Peripherals for N. B. Cook Elementary School
Concerning purchase of computers, Dr. DeWitt reported that the Citizens Advisory
Committee (CAC) on Technology had recommended 128 MB ram rather than 32 MB ram. Mr. Don Manderson, Director of Instructional Technology, suggested 64 MB ram would be a good compromise. Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve this purchase (as amended to reflect 64 MB ram), was unanimously approved.
48. Annual Agreement Renewal: Student Identification Cards (School Food Service)
49. Bid Award: Crossing Guards Services (Risk Management)
50. Change Order #2 to Purchase Order #170231 (Richard G. Lee) (Facilities Planning)
51. Bid Award: Security Services, Bid #53-99 (Risk Management)
52. Bid Award: Custodial Floor Machines, Bid #51-99 (Maintenance)
53. Bid Award: Annual Purchasing Agreement for Crackers and Chips, Bid #57-99 (School Food Service)
54. Bid Award: Maintenance Agreement for Refrigeration Equipment, Bid #59-99 (Central Warehouse)
55. Annual Agreement Renewal: Technical Support for Novell Software (Technological Systems/MIS)
56. Annual Agreement Renewal: Maintenance of North End Frame Relay (Technological Systems/MIS)
57. Bid Award: Cleaning Agents for School Food Service, Bid #48-99 (School Food Service)
58. Annual Agreement Renewal: Physical Examinations for School Bus Drivers (Transportation Department)
59. Annual Agreement Renewal: Provide Data Circuits (Technological Systems/MIS)
60. Bid Award: Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Agreement, Bid #58-99 (Maintenance)
61. Annual Agreement Renewal: Garbage Disposal Agreement (Maintenance)
62. Annual Agreement Renewal: Portable Classrooms & Administrative Buildings
63. Award Amendment: Workers' Compensation Managed Care Arrangement RFP #11-99.
Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit L
Approved final payment in the amount of $16,632.00 to Systems Specialist, Inc., contractor, on the above referenced project.
P. O. #184078 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $166,319.00
Approved final payment in the amount of $50,318.00 to R. D. Ward Construction Company, contractor, on the above referenced project.
P. O. #177827 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $503,180.00
Approved the following ranking of firms for construction management services for the above referenced project. Granted Board permission to negotiate with the highest ranked firm.
1. Larry Hall Construction Company
2. W. G. Yates & Sons Construction
3. Jack Moore & Company, Inc.
Approved the following ranking of firms for architectural services for the above referenced project. Granted Board permission to negotiate with the highest ranked firm.
1. DAG/Sam Marshall Architects
2. David Volkert & Associates
3. Bullock-Tice Associates
4. Heffernan, Holland, Morgan Architecture
Gave approval to proceed with the repair work on the Tate High School stadium bleachers on an emergency basis.
Motion by Mrs. Stidham, second by Dr. Jenkins, to proceed with repair work on
the Tate High School bleachers. Dr. DeWitt expressed that he could not support the motion as discussed in workshop noting that the Woodham High School bleachers were condemned last year and the district had provided monies in the form of a loan (to be repaid in one year) for bleacher replacement. He commented concerning track and tennis court facilities that could be condemned this year if work is not done, and he suggested that the Board get a list of priorities for projects and follow that list for sports programs.
The Board recognized the following speaker:
1) Mrs. Sylvia Dyke, Tate High School Band Booster President, spoke concerning the proposed project.
2) Mr. Harry Evans, Pensacola, Florida, addressed the Board concerning project funding.
Dr. Mason asked that the Board request an on-going yearly report showing those facilities
that are close to being declared nonuseable and that staff keep the Board advised of the implications. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, stated that at the direction of the Board in workshop, Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, set up a process to address physical education facilities.
After discussion, Dr. Jenkins called the question; no vote was taken on the question. Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.
Request Board approval of City Agreement on
Intergovernmental Coordination and Citizen Participation with the
Escambia County School District.
Approved proposed Exchange Agreement between the Escambia County School Board and Community Equity Investments, Inc., pending receipt of legal description.
Approved Conservation Easement to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation as part of the requirements of the Corps of Engineers for construction of new K-5 Elementary School on Dog Track Road.
"No items submitted."
Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit M
1. Cooperative agreement between the School District of Escambia County Florida and Escambia County Public Health Unit. (Dental Hygienist for all Pre-K)
2. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Department of Juvenile Justice.
3. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Gulf Wind Council of Camp Fire, Inc.
4. Contract between the District School Board of Escambia County and Linda Harris, Consultant dba LCH Consultants.
5. Contract for Charter Agreement between Beulah Academy of Science, Inc., and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida.
Dr. DeWitt noted that an amendment had been provided concerning this agreement.
Dr. Jenkins voiced concerns that the Beulah Charter School should have no additional adverse impact on Wedgewood Middle School.
This item was approved as part of the consent agenda.
6. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County and P.A.C.E. Center for Girls/Pensacola (Practical and Cultural Education).
7. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County and 100 Black Men of Pensacola, Inc.
8. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council. (One Middle School)
9. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council. (Two Elementary Schools)
10. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council. (After-school Alternative to Suspension Program)
11. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council. (Life Skills Program for adjudicated students)
12. Charter Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Intervention Group, Inc., dba Pensacola Academy of Success.
13. Cooperative Agreement between the School District of Escambia County Florida and Escambia County Public Health Unit. (Pre-K Early Intervention, Title I Pre-K, FRAME, Migrant Pre-K, ESE Pre-K, Florida First Start, Even Start Family Literacy and Neighborhood Network Adult Literacy/Child Care in Pensacola Village and Escambia Arms)
14. Contract between The Escambia County School Board, Florida and West Florida Child Care & Education Services, Inc., dba Children's Services Center.
15. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Commission. (Substance abuse and violence prevention program)
16. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the Lakeview Center (The Center for Personal and Family Development).
17. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and Pensacola Junior College (College Night).
18. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and Winter Grace Guidance Center.
19. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County Florida & Chris A. Bailey, LMHC.
20. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County Florida & Judith Kolinsky, LMHC.
21. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County Florida and Youth Assistance Program of Northwest Florida, Inc. (Fran and Newman Gersin)
22. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County Florida and the Bay Centre for Counseling and Educational Services.
23. Charter Agreement between Escambia Charter School, Inc., and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida.
24. Contract between the District School Board of Escambia County and Altacare of Pensacola.
25. Improved Student Achievement.
26. Louis T. Camp Creative Teaching Grant Application.
27. Tobacco Prevention/Intervention Teacher Training Project.
28. Title II Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Application.
29. Project-based Learning in High School Science and Mathematics: Building Teacher Skills and Providing Student Opportunities in Data Collection, Analysis, and Presentation.
30. School Advisory Council Guidelines Revised Edition June, 1999.
31. Educational Innovation Grant.
32. Parents to Kids.
33. Coordinated School Health Program Pilot Schools Project.
34. Florida Prekindergarten Early Intervention Program.
35. Florida First Start.
36. Title I Targeted Assistance & Schoolwide Project Grant and Title I Project Grant for Delinquent or At-Risk Students.
37. Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Grant Application.
38. Jobs and Education Partnership Region #1 ESCAROSA Career Center Memorandum of Understanding between the ESCAROSA Regional Workforce Development Board,
39. School District of Escambia County 1999-2000 Vocational Certificate, Continuing Workforce Education and Adult General Education Fees.
40. Contract Between ESCAROSA RWDB and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida Career Management Services JTPA/WIA 00-02.
Mrs. George advised that language was added to the contract to provide further protection relative to the indemnification clause "that the Board would indemnify Escarosa from any claim resulting from the Board's act or omission" and she inserted the words "negligent act" and also added a sentence that this clause shall not be construed to waive sovereign immunity.
This item was approved as part of the consent agenda.
41. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County and Childhood Dreams Learning Center, Inc.
42. Escambia County School District Construction Trades Youth Apprenticeship Sponsor Agreement renewal contract for Baroco Electric.
43. Supplementary Adult Education 231 Allocations-Geographical Basis.
44. Florida Department of Education, Division of Applied Technology and Adult Education Project Application Summary Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied Technology Education Funds.
45. 1999-2000 School Advisory Council Update.
46. School Advisory Council Nominations.
Dr. Jenkins expressed concerns that the Student Advisory Councils need to ensure that the economic and ethnic makeup of the communities which they serve are represented.
This item was approved as part of the consent agenda.
47. Escambia County (Limited English Proficient) LEP Plan.
48. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County and Hurricane Island Outward Bound School.
49. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Escambia Bay Marine Institute.
50. Start up Grant for Intervention Group, Inc., dba Pensacola Academy of Success.
51. Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board of Escambia County and CAP Head Start Program 1999-2000.
52. Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board of Escambia County and Silent Success/A Program of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Northwest Florida, Inc.
53. Amendment to Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Association for Retarded Citizens/Escambia 1998-99.
54. Cooperative Agreement between Escambia County School Board Exceptional Student Education and the Department of Labor and Employment Security Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 1999-2000.
55. Cooperative Agreement between Escambia Westgate/Escambia County School Board and Special Populations/Lakeview Center, Inc. 1999-2000.
56. Parental Awareness/Knowledge of Sunshine State Standards, Local Education Reform Goals 2000 Continuation Grant Application.
57. Innovative Education Program Strategies and the New Federal Class Size Reduction of the Improving America's Schools Act, 1995 (Title VI).
58. Exceptional Student Education Federal Entitlement Grants Application: IDEA, Part B; IDEA, Part B Preschool; IDEA, Part B Discretionary.
Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit N
1. Pensacola High School for fiscal year 1997-98
1. Inventory Adjustment Reports
2. Maintenance items for cannibalization and scrap
3. Surplus property items for cannibalization and scrap
4. Request permission to sell to the highest bidder and/or scrap
5. Request permission to remove stock items from record
The consent agenda was unanimously approved, with the exception of VII.47 and VIII.A.2.c, which were addressed by separate votes. A speaker addressed V.A.8(10), which was subsequently pulled in order to seek unit clarification from the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC).
(Supplementary Backup filed as Exhibit O)
NOTES: Item Number 16 (Student Number 99-230-281), Request Formal Hearing
Item Number 33 (Student Number 99-255-411), Request Formal Hearing
1. Discussion concerning scheduling Special Presentations Workshop for July.
It was noted that the special presentations workshops would resume after July due to
budget workshops.
2. Approval of administrative appointments.
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the Superintendent's recommendations for Item Numbers 3-15 (for expulsions), 16 and 33 (granted requests for formal hearing), and 17-32 (for expulsions), was unanimously approved.
3. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 99-118-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
4. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-213-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
5. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-215-951 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
6. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-216-2033 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
7. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-217-2033 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
8. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-221-1221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
9. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-222-2032 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
10. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 23-866 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
11. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 24-866 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
12. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 26-221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational
program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
13. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 27-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
14. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 28-1221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
15. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 29-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
16. This item was addressed earlier in the meeting and the Board granted the request for formal hearing relative to the following recommendation (that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 30-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame).
17. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 31-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
18. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 33-121 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
19. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 34-151 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
20. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 36-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school years. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
21. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 37-866 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
22. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 38-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year.
23. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, pursuant to the authority of Section 232.26(2), Florida Statutes, student number 99-239-281 be suspended from all classes of instruction on public school grounds during regular classroom hours until such time as the pending criminal charges are concluded, at which time the Superintendent will make further recommendation regarding suspension, expulsion, or re-enrollment of this student. The indefinite suspension provided herein shall not affect the delivery of educational services to the pupil, and the pupil should be immediately enrolled in a day-time alternative educational program.
24. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 40-323 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
25. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 41-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
26. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99- 43-411 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent a