The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Dr. Hal Mason Vice Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham

Members: Dr. John DeWitt

Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Mrs. Vanette Webb

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



Dr. Mason called the workshop to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Edward Fleming, interim

Board Attorney, joined the workshop in progress at 9:14 a.m.


The Superintendent listed additions and deletions to the agenda. Dr. Mason noted that an item would be added under XIII. Items from the Attorney. Dr. Jenkins added an item under XII.  Items from the Board - Incentive Package for Hiring Minorities and Male Teachers.

Dr. Mason recognized Ms. Phyllis Lubbers, President, American Association of University Women (AAUW), who informed the Board that in November, 1998, AAUW conducted a sister-to-sister summit in collaboration with Pensacola Junior College, Baptist Health Care, and Santa Rosa County schools. She stated that during the summit, middle school girls talked about problems facing them in school and disclosed to facilitators that sexual harassment by peers and teachers was a problem in local middle schools. Ms. Lubbers asked that the authorities look into this matter and consider forming a Citizens' Committee and allow students to serve on the committee. After discussion, Mr. Jerome Watson, Deputy Superintendent, stated that he would meet Ms. Lubbers to ensure that this matter is addressed.


Mr. May advised that Ms. Susan Berry, Principal, Escambia Westgate Center, was present to answer any questions. Dr. Mason indicated that no opposition had been expressed.


Mr. May advised that this Item -- IX.9 on the 3/25/99 Board meeting agenda -- was withdrawn.

PRESENTATION: CHARTER AGREEMENT (INTERVENTION GROUP, INC.) - (This corresponds to Item IX.10 on the 3/25/99 Board meeting agenda.)

Mr. Darnell Sims, Director, Intervention Group, Inc., stated that this request is for a charter school for at-risk students between the ages of 14 and 18. He stated that they propose to work with about 100 students to provide behavioral modification, education for job readiness, and a career exploration component. He noted their intent to provide apprenticeship using applied curricula and integrated curricula and that business community

members be involved as tutors and team leaders in certain projects. Mrs. Webb inquired as to the anticipated startup time. Mr. Sims replied that they would like to begin next school year, August, 1999. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Webb, Mr. Charles Thomas, Director of Alternative Education, verified that copies of the charter application were provided to Board Members in February. Dr. Mason inquired as to providing a counselor, and Mr. Sims advised that the proposed staffing structure calls for teachers, teacher aides, and at least one certified counselor. Dr. DeWitt commented that research indicates the need for early intervention strategies for children at ages 5-12 (K-6), and he asked that Mr. Sims comment on their original charter proposal for elementary/middle school. Mr. Sims replied that they originally started writing a proposal for elementary school/middle school, particularly with A. A. Dixon and Spencer Bibbs Elementary Schools in mind, to help students improve basic skills. For middle schools they had looked at providing emphasis on academic areas related to career exploration. He expressed their intent as an organization is to benefit the School District. Dr. Jenkins spoke in support of the proposed charter school which would benefit students between the ages of 14 and 18. Dr. Mason expressed that more information was needed, and he spoke concerning the necessity for the Board to ensure that existing programs are evaluated, with those that are not working to be considered for "sun setting," and those that are working to be considered for expansion.

Mr. Thomas stated that at the high school level the programs include Escambia Charter School which serves about 150 students; the Moving Forward Program serves about 50 students who are expelled or have a case for expulsion; Escambia Bay Marine Institute; P.A.C.E. Center for Girls; Outward Bound; Juvenile Detention; and the DAART Program, representing a need for at least 200 slots or more. He added that early intervention is an important factor and a plan is forthcoming for an in-house elementary program.

Mrs. Webb commented that the location of the charter school on Sixth Avenue would provide a great opportunity in terms of serving students in that community. Mr. Thomas advised that the charter proposal would also provide a transitional opportunity for students who leave the Department of Juvenile Justice program. He noted that Escambia Charter School is located in the Gonzalez area, and the proposal for the facility downtown would provide a more central location for many students. Dr. DeWitt inquired as to whether the district would have buses available to provide transportation. Mr. Sims stated that he was advised to address the details with the Transportation Department after obtaining Board approval of the charter school. Mrs. Webb also suggested exploring use of the city transit system.

The following item was moved forward:


ADD: 29. Recommendations for awarding of a contract on Management/Organizational Study for Escambia County School District.

Dr. Clarence Ladner, Special Assistant for School/Community Services, advised that based on Board direction, a committee reviewed three proposals (which came in at $357,000, $125,000 and $79,500) and selected Valiente, Hernandez and Company, Tampa, Florida, as the firm to recommend to the Board for the management study to begin July 1, 1999, at an estimated cost of $79,500. Dr. DeWitt requested information concerning the scope of services. Dr. Ladner replied that the RFP specified a management study addressing factors such as job descriptions, salary comparisons at management levels, and recommendations for cuts or additional positions. Dr. Mason inquired concerning selection criteria and past School District-related experience of the firms. Dr. Ladner advised that references were provided from past employers, and all four committee members, including Dr. Mason's representative from the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) on Finance, voted in favor of Valiente, Hernandez, which met the RFP requirements and reflected a fifteen-year history with governmental agencies. MGT came in second. Dr. Mason noted that MGT was one of the firms contracted by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) on the pilot and startup of these studies throughout the state. Dr. Jenkins expressed concern that a representative from MGT had attended the Citizens Advisory Committee meeting and was privy to information not afforded other potential bidders on the management study.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Mr. Ken Norris, 4400 Bayou Boulevard, Pensacola, Florida, stated that he had invited the MGT representative to attend the Citizens' Advisory Committee meeting.

Dr. Jenkins expressed that when a Board-established screening committee comes back with a report, the Board should support that recommendation unless the Board can show just cause otherwise. Mrs. Webb expressed her concern that lack of experience on the part of a firm could constitute just cause.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.


There was no discussion on this item.


There was no discussion on this item.


There was no discussion on this item.


Mrs. Webb asked that the Chairman allow her to raise some questions at the Board

meeting concerning backup information that she had requested. Dr. Mason suggested trying to confer with staff prior to the Board meeting. Mrs. Webb stated that some of the questions may be answered when budgetary information is addressed at the Special Presentations Workshop tomorrow.

4. Statements for legal services:

f. Edward P. Fleming, P. A. $ 287.96

Dr. Mason inquired concerning a statement from Kievit, Kelly & Odom, specifically

a 2/11/99 conversation with Ms. Linda Gulley, Director of Grants Management, regarding

desegregation. Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, advised that the firm traditionally handles desegregation orders and related areas and in preparing the grant proposal for the Technical High School proposal, verification was obtained from the firm. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, advised that the firm had also been involved regarding purchase of property on Dog Track Road (for a west side school), relative to getting the acceptance of the plaintiffs in the Augustus court case.

5. Statement from Florida School Boards Association for 1999-2000 annual dues.

Based on increase in dues from approximately $12,500 last year to $18,500 this year, Dr. Mason suggested pulling this item for further consideration. Dr. Jenkins, who serves on the Board of Directors for the Florida School Board Association, advised that this was the first increase in several years and was needed due to additional services provided. Dr. DeWitt added that FSBA provides lobbying services. Mrs. Webb stated that the services may benefit the new Board Attorney, who may wish to contact FSBA and see if the increase is justified. 7. Budget Amendments.

Dr. Mason requested that staff provide written explanation in the backup for budget

amendments, and he suggested addressing it further in the Special Board Workshop. Ms. Barbara Linker, Director of Budgeting, advised that many of the budgets, such as school improvement, have the option to make a transfer where monies could be better utilized.


10. Administrative Services - Prescription Drug Plan (Risk Management)

Dr. DeWitt discussed concerns regarding expenditures of over $5,000,000 on drug prescriptions. He spoke in favor of encouraging use of less costly generic medicines when possible or mail order for long-term prescriptions. Mr. Charles Griffin, Director of Risk Management, reported that as of February, prescriptions had increased 26-27%, and four particular types, which are single source drugs with no generic equivalent, accounted for $305,000 of that figure. He noted that staff is looking at strategies to develop a recommendation for the anniversary date which is October 1, 1999.

25. Commercial Vehicle, Bid #26-99 (George Stone Vocational Center)

Dr. Mason requested an explanation concerning this purchase. Mr. Tommy Taylor, Director of Applied Technology and Adult Education, advised that this was approved in the capitalization grant last fall where the state allocated dollars for workforce development to be used initially in the northern part of the county.

27. Dell Microcomputer Equipment for the Transportation and Pupil Instructional Support

Services Departments.

Dr. Mason inquired concerning the necessity for 19" computer monitors. Mr. May

stated that larger monitors are needed for use with the Transportation Department tracking system which delineates streets and geographical areas. Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and MIS, added that larger monitors are also needed in Student Transfers for redistricting purposes.





The Board approved Change Order #3 in the amount of $127,431 to

Whitesell-Green at the November 17, 1998, Board meeting. A sixty (60) day time extension included in the actual Change Order was inadvertently left off the agenda at that time. Request the action of the Board be corrected to include the fifteen day time extension. Recommend approval.

Mrs. Webb requested clarification on this item. Dr. Epperson explained that the Board had previously approved the change order, and this item clarifies that a time extension was included.


This item was brought before the Board at the February meeting. The Board

requested this item be presented to the Facilities Committee for discussion. At the

March 16th meeting, the committee endorsed this concept; therefore, request Board direction.

Mrs. Stidham reported that a subcommittee of the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) on Facilities recommended construction management for renovation of George Stone for the Technical High School work. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, noted that the subcommittee endorsed employing the services of a construction manager and development of a design build package for a series of elementary school additions.


5. Contract with The University of West Florida for a Study Relating to A. A. Dixon Elementary School.

Dr. DeWitt stated that research had already been done in this regard and he indicated that he would rather see the $17,000 go toward more SRA programs there. Mr. Pettis commented that this study would look at students who fit the stereotype of students less likely to be successful academically, but who are performing at or above expectations, and look at what is happening at the school site, home, and community, for comparison with those students who fit the same profile but are not having that kind of success. This would also provide documentation for comparison with national and state research. Dr. Mason commented that the proposal was well organized and shows propensity for success.

6. Raising the Flag - Foreign Languages Are Great!

Mrs. Stidham asked if program costs would be funded by the grant. Ms. Linda

Thompson, Language Arts Specialist, advised that the cost involves $87,000 in-kind. It was noted that the district paid $3,700 over the past year for the three pilot school programs. Mrs. Stidham stated that a principal involved in the pilot program had indicated that the program has had good response from students and parents, but had created additional stress on teachers. Ms. Thompson stated that the grant will allow for itinerant teachers to be scheduled at the schools on certain days throughout the week. Dr. Mason inquired concerning an evaluation plan. Mr. May noted that the Board had previously voted to implement a foreign language program and directed administration to develop the plan, which will utilize Title VII federal dollars. Mr. Pettis commented that in coordinating a new foreign language program, the evaluation component will be modified as the program develops. He also stated that there is research on the educational impact of foreign language at elementary schools, and there will be modifications and updates if the grant is obtained. Mrs. Webb noted the participating schools and agencies and suggested that perhaps The University of West Florida could help with the evaluation component and sharing of data with other districts.

7. Technology Innovation Challenge Grants.

Mrs. Webb expressed concerns regarding technology needs in high schools. She

noted that the Technical High School will be in place, but every high school needs to have technology tools whether students are college or workforce bound. Mr. Pettis commented that at the elementary level, Title I schools which receive federal money have been able to extend in some of those areas; however, more networking will be sought at all levels as technology dollars become available. Mrs. Webb recommended going to the private sector to get a grant writer who is skilled at writing grants and pay them on a percentage only if we get the grant.

8. Exceptional Student Education Discretionary Projects Challenge Grant.

Dr. Mason referred to the north county project and inquired concerning the criteria

that the director must be a Web master. Mr. Bush advised that the Web master is the point person who creates the Web presence for the district and assists all areas of the district in updating and maintaining the Web presence.

11. Gifted Mini-Centers Proposal.

Dr. DeWitt commented that this proposal follows the philosophy which the Board approved last month relative to the report and recommendations of the Gifted Education Task Force, and the Board had asked that staff come back with an implementation plan which has been provided identifying the pilot schools as Brownsville Arts & Sciences Academy, Warrington, Wedgewood, and Workman Middle Schools, as well as Lipscomb and Navy Point Elementary Schools. Dr.  DeWitt stated that the funding would be generated from FTE for the students enrolled, and that $30,500 would be needed for inservice training to plan curriculum and program coordination over the summer. Dr. Mason asked if additional staffing was anticipated and was advised that as more students opt to participate, the staffing pattern will be addressed accordingly. Mr. Pettis stated that Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director, Exceptional Student Education, had advised that the inservice training dollars would have to be found in the budget for next fiscal year. Mrs. Stidham inquired concerning coordination of transportation between sites. Mr. Pettis stated that there would be flexibility as to appropriate placements, taking transportation routes into consideration. Dr. Mason requested clarification as to continuing the PATS Center. Mr. Pettis clarified that this was not an attempt to

discontinue gifted services at the PATS Center. This proposal actually adds another grade as an option (not only for grades 4-8, but adds grade 3); in addition, those students and parents who opt to have gifted services provided in the home school on a more regular basis (rather than the one day pull-out program) will also have the opportunity. Dr. DeWitt commented that the purpose of the Gifted Education Task Force was to expand the options for gifted children and if in three years, a parent decides they are pleased with the gifted program at their local school, then the PATS Center would close, but by the end of the third year, the Board will have good information as to the success of these programs and can make a determination at that point with regard to the PATS Center. He commented that the Task Force also recommended that the committee continue and be transferred over as an advisory committee of gifted under Curriculum and Instruction to provide input and support. Dr. DeWitt stated that he will present a motion at the Board meeting in that regard.

The following item was moved forward:


ADD: 1. Proposed Contract/Board Attorney - Dr. Mason

Mr. Edward Fleming, interim Board Attorney, advised that a Special Board meeting was held on March 15, 1999, to interview applicants for School Board Attorney, and the Board had voted to extend an offer to Ms. Maureen George. Mr. Fleming stated that Ms. George had proposed a couple of changes from the initial offer (as reflected in the draft contract) subject to Board approval:

1) She requested change in base salary from $74,068 to $85,640 (Pay Grade 26 Step 10) with reciprocal benefit package including retirement benefits, medical insurance, leave time, etc.; and

2) She requested a three-year contract but agreed to a two-year, five-month term (to begin June 15, 1999), to be renewed or not renewed at the discretion of the Board.

Mr. Fleming stated that this was not part of the offer, but Ms. George had also asked that the Board pay her Florida Bar dues estimated at $300 to $500 per year and asked for the ability to participate in two organizations including the Florida School Board Attorneys Association and the National Council of School Board Attorneys. Upon inquiry from Dr. Jenkins, Mr. Fleming stated that the Board Attorney would report directly to the School Board and the Board would be her employer and her evaluator. Dr. DeWitt discussed concerns regarding the contract term. Mrs. Webb commented concerning the need for a School District Rule change related to the annual contract for legal services. Mr. Fleming stated that the Board had previously voted to establish in-house legal counsel, opposed to retaining "outside" legal services, and the policy would need to be revised accordingly. With a beginning employment date of June 15, 1999, there would be time for the Board to address the rule change at a subsequent Board meeting.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.


There was no discussion on this item.


1. Information: Scheduling Special Board (Presentations) Workshop for April.

After discussion, there was general consensus to hold the Special Board (Presentations) Workshop on Wednesday, April 28, 1999, at 9:00 a.m. with presentations regarding Peer Counseling, Televising Board Meetings, and Y2K Update.


Mr. May advised that 26 students were recommended for expulsion.

ADD: 29. Recommendation that employee, Certificate Number 743727 be suspended without pay, effective March 25, 1999, and that suspension without pay continue until

employee's employment is terminated thirty (30) days thereafter based on misconduct more specifically set forth in notice letter to employee of March 19, 1999.

Dr. Mason inquired concerning a recent drug offense case which was thrown out because of faulty testing procedures. Mr. May noted that about four months ago there was a case where the quality of the procedure resulted in loss of a hearing, and that procedure has since been addressed and redone. Dr. Mason asked if Board Members wished to request that the drug lab be notified of that error and possibly recover some of the attorney costs. After discussion, Mrs. Webb suggested that Board Members be allowed to discuss that individually with the Superintendent relative to an employee matter.


4. Item from the Board - Update on CPR Certified Training for Coaches - Mrs. Stidham

Mrs. Stidham commented that area hospitals are not large enough to accommodate the number of staff members (about 300) who need certification; however, it may be possible to split them up into groups. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Stidham, the Superintendent stated that he would direct the coaches to obtain CPR certification, with the schedules to be determined. Mr. Charles Griffin, Director of Risk Management, stated that he would confer with Mr. Manny Harageones, Specialist, Health and Wellness, and follow up on possible sites.

5. Item from the Board - Discussion on Legislative Program (Information Only) - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb asked if there were plans for a School Board Legislative Program. Mr. May stated that there is a Florida School Board Association Legislative Program. He advised that the administrative program was submitted to the Board in January and Board Members had indicated that they did not want their names included. Mrs. Webb inquired concerning the cost and fund appropriation. Ms. Barbara Frye, Coordinator, Information Services, advised that the appropriation was the supply budget and budget for brochures within the district. After discussion, Mr. May clarified that there is a minimum amount expenditure level which the Board does not have to approve, and the cost was estimated at under $100.

6. Item from the Board - Discussion on Student Expulsions (Information Only) - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb expressed that there seemed to be a great number of expulsions recently, and she suggested that the Board perhaps look into modeling after Santa Rosa County. She noted that the Board is the court of last appeal on these situations and circumstances vary. She commented on a particular situation where parents had addressed the Board and the student's teachers at the alternative program had addressed the possibility of reinstatement. She requested that the Board reconsider that case with the understanding that the parents can appear before the Board again at a later time and the Board would not have to read the entire account of the record. She stated that she would like to see some mechansim on the part of the Board to address such cases. Dr. Mason asked Mr. Darriel White, Court Liaison, to talk with his counterpart in Santa Rosa County for purposes of comparing procedures and report back to the Board.


ADD: 1. Proposed Contract for School Board Attorney

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.


There were no speakers.


Prior to adjournment, Mr. May clarified procedures concerning submission of agenda items and requested that Board Members try to meet the same time line as staff. Mr. May requested that on issues involving direction to staff or items that need to be investigated, that Board Members channel their requests through the Superintendent and allow him to direct staff, which is under the purview of the Superintendent. Dr. Mason asked if that would include any kind of Board-initiated proposal, and Mr. May indicated he felt that it would. Mrs. Webb commented on difficulties in preparing agenda items and backup relative to direction on the part of the Superintendent's attorney that the Board Secretary not to assist her in any way. Mr. May requested that information in writing.

There being no further business, the workshop adjourned at 12:03 p.m. (Official

recordings of this meeting are filed in the Information Services Department.)

Attest: Approved:

________________________ __________________________

Superintendent Chairman