The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Interim Chairman: Dr. Hal Mason Vice Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham

Members: Dr. John DeWitt

Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Mrs. Vanette Webb

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



Dr. Mason called the workshop to order at 9:00 a.m. It was noted that interim Board Attorney, Mr. Edward Fleming, could not be present due to his trial schedule.


The Superintendent listed additions and deletions to the agenda and added an item from Dr. DeWitt and an item from Dr. Jenkins to XII. Items from the Board. Dr. Mason stated that he would discuss administrative housekeeping items.

The following item was moved forward:




3.1 Unauthorized Purchase of Rental of Charter Buses by Pensacola High School

Mr. Larry Huntley, Principal, Pensacola High School, advised that a requisition and purchase order had previously been submitted for band transportation to a high school football game in Fort Walton on September 25, 1998; however, the game was rescheduled due to Hurricane Georges. Good Time Tours subsequently scheduled two buses without a P.O. based on their assumption that the booster organization was paying. Mr. Huntley stated that the obligation of services without a requisition was an oversight and the administration will regularly review purchasing procedures with faculty and staff.

The workshop returned to the regular agenda order.


Mr. Darriel White, Court Liaison, provided information packets to Board Members on due process procedures and advised that after receiving the principal's recommendation for expulsion, staff sets up a due process hearing at the school. A committee is selected to hear the testimony from witnesses for the school; in addition, the student can testify and have his own witnesses. The student has the right to an attorney. The committee votes on whether the student should be recommended for expulsion, length of time, and alternative placement. Dr. Mason requested an overview of alternative programs and was advised that alternative programs include: ReDirections I, II and III for middle school students; Moving Forward Program, P.A.C.E. Center for Girls, Boy's Base, and Escambia Bay Marine Institute at the high school level; and the STARS Program for elementary students. Ms. Ella Sims, Director of Secondary Education, provided a handout concerning Dropout Prevention (Alternative Programs). Mr. May noted that when severe problems are determined, recommendations can also be made for residential placement at Lakeview Center or Outward Bound.

Mrs. Webb asked if students were tested to determine if special education needs were involved. Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director, Exceptional Student Education, stated that referrals come from the school for testing, or parents can request that a child be tested. Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, noted that testing cannot be done without permission from the parents.

Mr. White advised concerning the recommendation on Student Number 99-51-411 (Item XI.8 on the agenda), that the Superintendent accepted the findings of fact, but differed from the hearing officer's recommended penalty and provided a recommendation via the Superintendent's attorney, that the Board expel Student Number 99-51-411 only for the first full semester of the 1998-99 school year. Mr. White conveyed that the interim attorney had suggested that the Board review the file on this case prior to the Board meeting. Discussion was held concerning the right of the parents to address the Board or request a formal hearing. Mrs. Webb suggested that an information sheet be provided to inform parents of the process and their rights.

Mr. White also addressed off-campus felonies as referenced in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and cases involving drugs and guns/weapons of violence. Dr. Mason inquired concerning the time line between removing a student from school and the time of his court hearing, and was advised that law provides that the student must be placed in a daytime alternative school during that time because he is innocent until proven guilty. Mr. May added that local law enforcement authorities notify the district immediately of any juvenile crimes, the principal is informed, and hearings are held as soon as possible. Mrs. Webb expressed concern regarding the liability factor in past instances where immediate notification was not given, and she requested that guidelines presented by the Superintendent be included in policy.


Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, gave a presentation and provided copies to Board Members entitled "Raising the Bar for Florida Public Schools - An Overview of the Proposed State Board of Education Rule for School Performance Levels - October, 1998." He addressed a new rule to define the administration and scoring procedures for the FCAT. School performance will be based on student performance, with five performance levels (five being the highest). There will be a two-phase implementation process with the first phase from January 1, 1999 - December 31, 2001, and the second phase will be January 1, 2002 and beyond. Disaggregated data will be utilized to provide information on race, ethnicity, and economic status, and demographics will address attendance and mobility factors.

Mrs. Webb stated that she serves as Vice Chairman on the Florida School Board Association Committee on FCAT testing and will place an information packet on file in the School Board office. She noted that emphasis has been placed on evaluation and how to provide disaggregated information. The new rule will also provide a tool to identify the progress of ethnic and minority groups.

Ms. Ella Sims, Director of Secondary Education, provided handouts to the Board giving an overview of curriculum, instruction and assessment alignment (1996-1999). She addressed transitional factors and the importance of implementation to align the curriculum to Sunshine State Standards, which is the driving force behind the FCAT. Mrs. Webb asked if the Navigator software had provided assistance and was advised that Navigator is one of the tools being utilized. Curriculum alignment tools, such as curriculum guides in language arts and mathematics, have been provided to teachers. A sample FCAT is online and informational brochures will be utilized. Students will be exposed to similar situations that occur on the test to help identify students who could be at risk of failing the test. Students' progress will be monitored and remediation provided before students take the test.

Mrs. Webb discussed the importance of increasing awareness and sharing information and noted that four districts (Okaloosa, Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Walton) have been meeting with the Educational Research and Development Center (ERDC), The University of West Florida, in a cooperative effort to share strategies.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Ms. Arlene Costello, Escambia Education Association President, stated that teachers

are aware and have been doing Sunshine State Standards and have asked that they be given the resources, time, and technical support needed for implementation.

Dr. Wes Davis, Director, Evaluation Services, provided handouts to the Board entitled "FCAT Cut-Score Report." He noted that the Department of Education can provide assistance regarding disaggregated data and strategies that will help minority populations. Mr. Pettis advised that students will be taking the FCAT on February 1, 2, 3, and 4, 1999. The goal is to raise all student performance, determine barriers and drivers toward success, and promote highest student achievement for all students.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Ms. Glenda Jones, 9011 Ashville Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32514, spoke representing home school students and advised that she had talked with Dr. Larry Reed, Music Supervisor, regarding the possibility of home school students participating in all-county band. She stated that Santa Rosa County allowed participation and that statute prohibits discrimination against home educated students' participation in activities. She requested that the Board allow special auditions of home school students for this year and ensuing years, and that a district policy be put in writing to comply with state law.

Dr. Larry Reed advised that he and Mr. Charles Thomas, Director of Alternative Education, had met with Ms. Jones as to how the ensembles are operated and there is no Board policy that relates to this specifically; however, an implementation plan has been developed. The program is curricular, not extracurricular, with participation only by those students enrolled in the choruses and bands under a state course number under the guidance of a teacher. The schedule for auditions and rehearsals are set by teachers, and the students earn grades as well as credits toward graduation.

Mrs. Webb expressed concern that she was told there was a policy or guideline and she had asked for that due to concerns that the guidelines were inconsistent with statute. After discussion, Mr. May stated that he had asked Dr. Reed to contact the Superintendent's attorney to research state law and policy, and time would be needed to follow up with the attorney. Dr. Mason concurred and requested that additional information be obtained as to how participation of home school students is done in other counties and look at their track record.


Ms. Barbara Frye, Director, Information Services, provided information packets to the Board and gave an overview as to the equipment and staff that would be needed to televise Board meetings and related costs. Ms. Melanie Gambell, Mr. John Baines, and Mr. Kenneth Lamb, contributed toward this research and the following recommendations were presented for Board consideration:

* Additional equipment may not be needed initially. The district currently owns three cameras, approximately ten years old and replacement costs will have to be budgeted. Staff recommends replacing the equipment with remote cameras mounted on the east and west walls and one on the ceiling (Room 160, Hall Center) with appropriate support equipment. This would allow the need for only one person to operate all of the cameras and would drastically reduce the setup and breakdown time. The cost for three remote cameras, support equipment, and installation is approximately $47,000. Personnel costs were estimated to be under $200 per meeting, and $30 an evening each for two students to work the cameras.

* The General Manager of Cox Communications had estimated costs for the fiberoptic cable link to be $500 for a one-time connection with Hall Center to Jordan Street, with cost to lease the cable of $500 per month. Transmitting the signal via microwave or satellite was researched by John Baines and Kenneth Lamb and these options were considered not feasible.

* There was no feasible method found to provide a live broadcast to the beach community and areas north of Cantonment. The best solution is a taped broadcast over the cable networks serving these communities. There will be no charge for airing any of the video tapes.

* Recommended utilizing UWF Channel 4 for free air time. If deemed feasible, citizens living in Pensacola who do not have cable (approximately 30%) could view the meetings live on WBQP Channel 12 at a cost of $250 an hour for air time. Advertising sales could offset those costs.

If the Board follows all recommendations, the meetings would air live on Channel 12 WBQP and Channel 4 and 57 for Cox Cable viewers. Minimum costs for the first year (without purchasing equipment) would be $9,454. Total annual expense with equipment ($47,000 amortized over five years), would be $18,464. Total annual expense if air time (WBQP) was added would be $27,464. These costs are based on one Regular Board meeting a month and any additional meetings; i.e., Public Forums, budget hearings, or workshops would be extra.

Mrs. Webb referred to the grant for a multi-media academy at Tate High School and suggested involving those students in the process. Ms. Gamble noted that the director had indicated support for student involvement when televising begins.

Mr. Baines advised that transmission via microwave signal was not feasible because there are no FTC licenses available. Dr. Mason suggested that he confer with the General Manager of Cox Communications and also inquire with Okaloosa County about the possibility of sharing their signal. Mr. May suggested budgeting the expenses in the new fiscal year so as not to impact other areas that are budgeted. After discussion, there was consensus to add this item to the agenda for discussion at the Board meeting.

Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, advised that Mr. Mark Pursell, Director of Maintenance Services, had provided budgetary information regarding additional costs (which would be at the discretion of the Board) in connection with the new Board Meeting Room at the Hall Center: 1) approximately $15,000 for electronic work to provide computer ports; and 2) costs to provide chairs for the Board dias.


There was no discussion on this item.


Dr. DeWitt discussed concerns (regarding transfers from out-of-district or out-of- state where children had been expelled or had a severe handicapping condition), that when placed in a regular classroom, the school later determined that the child had academic problems or was in special education. He referenced a situation where a couple of children had been sent (for group home residential placement) from Orlando because of severe abuse and neglect. A great deal of staff time was required in testing and evaluation, after which the group home could not accommodate the children. He expressed support for the transfer committee enforcing a stronger insistence on getting student records (including E-mail or fax) as soon as possible when a child is accepted into the district. He stated that the Superintendent had made some recommendations to staff about looking at transfers to provide that the children are sent to schools where there are appropriate services for their needs and ensure the right placement.

Dr. Jenkins stated that there were on-going concerns related to transferring students from schools that are underpopulated to schools that are overpopulated, particularly Wedgewood, which has the smallest middle school population in the district.

Mrs. Webb asked if the district is required by law to accept a student when the district has not received the records. Mr. Ireland Brock, Director, Pupil Instructional Support Services, advised that when a child under the age 16 comes into this district, the child must be placed in school. He noted that the initial application calls for information on prior history including expulsion or arrest. Mrs. Webb asked for a copy of transfer committee policy and any related School Board Rules so that the Board can review and allow the committee to bring recommendations to the Board on areas that may need to be amended. Mr. Brock requested that staff be allowed to report back at the next Board meeting in order to allow time to prepare any changes that may be needed with appropriate review by the Board Attorney. Dr. Mason suggested that staff bring their recommendations back at the next Board meeting.

Mrs. Webb referred to transfers from Semmes Montessori Academy and asked staff to provide a thumbnail sketch as to their reasons for wanting the transfers. After discussion, Mr. Brock stated that he would provide further explanation to the Board.


There was no discussion on this item.


Dr. Mason asked for input from the Board in terms of trying to reduce the amount of paperwork in agenda backup materials. After discussion with Mr. Wallace Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, Dr. Mason asked that staff provide one Master Check Register and one Financial Statement to the School Board office each month rather than to individual Board Members. Mr. May concurred and stated that the letter accompanying the Check Register will still need to be provided to Board Members individually. Dr. Mason stated that he would also confer with staff to address simplifying the budget amendments somewhat.


Dr. DeWitt noted that purchases of computers and training needs will be addressed by the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Technology at their meeting today. Mrs. Webb referred to numerous computer purchases under state contract and asked that the committee look at pursuing the bid process as a cost saving measure. After discussion, Mr. Barry Boyer, Purchasing Manager, advised that the district is a large account and some of the smaller companies may not be able to provide the services. He reported that a pre-bid conference was held last week on a PC bid and staff incorporated some of the suggestions made by vendors. That bid should come back to the Board for award in February.

Dr. Mason stated that he had requested that staff provide a justification page for purchases, and Mr. Boyer replied that he was looking at restructuring the purchasing portion of the agenda which he hopes to present next month with the Superintendent's approval.

Mrs. Webb stated that staff had previously been looking into lease agreements and asked if additional information would be brought back to the Board. Mr. Boyer stated that there were logistical and financial concerns. He noted that Pensacola Junior College and junior colleges throughout the state have pursued various leasing options, and he suggested waiting a year or so before going any further to see what experience they gain in implementing that.


Maintenance and Transportation

1.3 Fire Alarm Inspection & Maintenance, Bid #16-99 (Maintenance)

Dr. Mason asked for further explanation on this project. Mr. Mark Pursell, Director

of Maintenance Services, advised that in the past the district had taken care of fire alarm maintenance, but a year ago the Board approved a contract due to increased requirements for testing, inspections, and liability concerns that the quality of maintenance the district was doing at the time was not where it needed to be. He noted that the bid price increased from $284,000 to $292,000, but five facilities were added and the actual price per school decreased. Discussion was also held concerning use of proprietary software, and Mr. Purcell stated that he would be willing to provide any further clarification needed concerning the scope of work.

Dr. Mason questioned the reference to Osceola County in the Simplex contract and requested in the future that staff formulate a separate document. Mr. Boyer advised that basically the contract is the bid document and that is not usually retyped but that can be accomplished if the Board wishes. Mrs. Webb requested that the Board be provided a copy of the bid package and a list of who received the bid packages. She noted that interest was expressed last year by other businesses and people in the community who could possibly do this for much less cost, and she stated that she would like to see that possibility explored. Mr. Boyer stated that the bid information would be provided to the Board and advised that the bid was advertised; bid specifications were mailed to seven vendors, and one response (from Simplex) was received.


Facilities Planning

2.12 Mechanical Engineering Services for George Stone Chiller/Boiler Plant Upgrade

2.13 Engineering Services for Upgrade of Petroleum Handling Facilities and Equipment at the Transportation Center, Tate High School, Carver Middle School, and Ernest Ward Middle School

Mrs. Webb inquired concerning the contracts for Items 2.12 and 2.13. Mr. Boyer noted this is an on-going agreement and referenced the original contract approval and date approved. Mrs. Webb requested that one copy be provided to the School Board office when these types of agreements are presented.


Administrative Departments

3.2 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #184375 (School District of Okaloosa Co.)

Mrs. Webb requested explanation concerning increase in contract for employee salaries. Mr. Pettis advised that this involved Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Escambia Counties and the contract had gone to Okaloosa and Santa Rosa for approval first, with Escambia being the "holding agency." When the contract was returned to the district, the Board had approved the new salaries and the purpose of the amendment was to reflect the new salary increase.

Administrative Departments

3.5 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #178039 (Hurricane Island O B School)

Mrs. Webb noted an increase in expenditure to reflect increase in FTE earnings and asked if enrollment increased. Mr. Pettis replied that there were more students and the contractual requirements were based upon FTE. He noted this program has a small number of students.

Maintenance and Transportation

3.7 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #178341 (B F I Waste System) (Maintenance)

Mrs. Webb questioned the increase in the County Franchise Fee (from $.25/$.50 to $1.50 per cubic yard of waste) which would result in an additional expenditure for the district of $150,000. Mr. Boyer advised that the county took this action last July, and the district was notified by BFI. Mr. May stated that he had asked Mr. Fleming to look into the legalities. After discussion, Dr. Mason suggested asking if the county could delay the fee increase at least until the end of this fiscal year.






Request Board approval of purchase of property located at the North Half of Lot 2 in Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 31 West, in Escambia County between the Escambia County School Board and Mr. W. Jack Butler for mitigation purposes.

Dr. DeWitt requested an update from staff. Dr. Epperson replied that Dr. Joe Edmisten, Ecological Consultant, has made application for permitting for the Dog Track Road property. The forty acres is located in the Jones Creek area (about one mile northeast of the Dog Track Road property) and would be part of the property to be used for mitigation. The district is not obligated to purchase this property if permitting is denied.


1. School Advisory Council (SAC) Nominations.

Dr. Jenkins noted the new ruling on SAC nominations calls for peer elections and that will help ensure that advisory councils represent the ethnic makeup of the communities which populate those schools. Dr. Jenkins stated that as Chairman of the State Multi-Cultural and Diversity Committee, he will emphasize the importance of providing textbooks, literature, and materials in the Media Centers that represent African-American contributors. Mr. Pettis stated that he will confer with Dr. Paula Gleason, Director of Media Services, noting there has been a very concentrated effort in that regard in order to improve some past discrepancies.

Mrs. Pam Shelden, Director of Comprehensive Educational Planning, advised concerning SAC nominees for the Pre-Kindergarten Centers (Sid Nelson, Judy Andrews, Petree, and McMillan) that there was a clerical error in the backup referring to appointment rather that elected membership for two of the centers. She verified that all of the nominees were elected by peer groups according to proper procedures. Mrs. Webb requested that the forms provided in the agenda backup be corrected and provided to the Board.

Mrs. Shelden also advised that trainers will hold workshops for SAC members and principals dealing with recruitment and following procedures and policy for election of the membership. Mrs. Webb commented that the Auditor General's report had cited certain findings, and she asked if the Superintendent's guidelines would be changed accordingly. Mr. Pettis stated that a response to the initial finding of the Auditor General will be prepared with emphasis on items that have already been addressed by the Board; however, if there are valid findings, those will be addressed in appropriate training. Dr. Mason noted that the preliminary report contained fewer exceptions than in the past and he commended staff and Board members. He suggested that a presentation or workshop on the Auditor General's report may be helpful at some point.

3. Coca-Cola Connection.

Dr. Mason stated that he would like to see an evaluation component included to determine how well this is performing. Mr. Pettis replied that the principal and teacher would follow up with Dr. Mason on this item.


There was no discussion concerning this item.


2. Discussion concerning scheduling an additional Board Workshop each month for specific items as deemed necessary by the Board to enhance the district Strategic Aims.

Mr. May requested direction from the Board as to setting up an additional workshop with presentations for information purposes. This would be separate from the Regular Board workshop each month. After obtaining consensus of the Board, Dr. Mason concurred and asked that the Superintendent set up an informational workshop each month.


Mr. May advised that the student recommendations involved 29 students (23 high school and 6 middle school students). He noted that requests to address the Board had been received regarding Student Number 99-37-061 (Item #6), Student Number 99-38-061 (Item #7), Student Number 99-51-411 (Item #8), and Student Number 99-61-281(Item #13), requested formal hearing. He referenced the Superintendent's recommendation on Item #8 (recommending adoption of the formal hearing officer's recommended order with the exception of the recommended penalty; and recommending, in lieu of the hearing officer's recommendation penalty, that the Board expel Student Number 99-51-411 only for the first full semester of the 1998-99 school year). He noted that Mr. Darriel White, Court Liaison, had recommended Item #8 for Board review.


Dr. Mason advised that the Chairman's signature was required on leases concerning trailers (to be placed on property for security purposes), and he requested that the leases be added to the agenda for approval.

1. Item from the Board - Update on Gifted Task Force - Dr. John DeWitt

Dr. DeWitt advised that Ms. Kathy Roche, Committee Chairman, will present a

report during the Public Forum prior to the Board meeting. A committee recommendation will also be presented to add three additional committee members.

2. Item from the Board - Dr. John DeWitt

Dr. DeWitt provided copies of a handout addressing concerns regarding

present issues related to grand jury indictment and proposed the following motions to be considered for action at the Board meeting:

A. That the Board reaffirms that no Board Member or any staff will authorize access to public records, which are not specifically his or her records;

B. That the Board reaffirms the Board's policy regarding the use of attorneys, only as related to items which relate to the operation of the School District and not for personal use or work such as reviewing files, representing an individual in personal litigation. Any unauthorized legal expenses incurred by actions of an individual Board Member will be that Board Member's responsibility;

C. That the Board will not pay for any legal expenses related to the individual actions of a Board Member; and

D. Staff will not be required to do any work related to any legal actions against a Board Member; Board Members will not be allowed to use district resources at taxpayers expense to defend any litigation against them personally.

Dr. DeWitt stated that these concerns were presented for discussion in terms of

responding to issues and questions that had been raised in the last week about legal expenses. After discussion, Mrs. Stidham expressed that input would be needed from the interim attorney as to the legalities involved. Dr. DeWitt added that he had requested a copy of the Attorney General's opinion that the Board cannot incur any expenses related to personal litigation, and can only incur an expense if the person is adjudicated innocent in which case the Board may, by majority vote, reimburse those expenses. Mrs. Webb stated that she had done research and obtained information on issues relating to the Board as a corporate body. She suggested that it would be prudent for the Board to hear additional legal advice concerning public records issues, especially implications related to the Family Educational Privacy Rights Act (FERPA). After discussion, Dr. Mason deferred this matter until the Board meeting to obtain advice from the interim attorney.

4. Item from the Board - Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Jenkins asked that the Board consider designating 15 minutes during Public Forum before each Board meeting for the Superintendent to highlight some positive aspect of the school system and spotlight programs at various schools or functions of different departments.


There was no discussion concerning this item.


A speaker, Ms. Glenda Jones, was allowed to address the Board earlier in the workshop.


There being no further business, the workshop adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Attest: Approved:

_________________________ ___________________________

Superintendent Interim Chairman