The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Organizational Meeting at 6:09 p.m. in Room 160, Hall Center, 30 East Texar Drive, with the following present:

Members: Dr. John DeWitt

Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason

Mrs. Cary Stidham

Mrs. Vanette Webb


School Board Attorney: Mr. Louis F. Ray, Jr.

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May

Superintendent May called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. pursuant to Florida Statutes, Section 230.15, to organize the School Board for the coming year. The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were already given during the Installation Ceremony. The Superintendent made an official presentation of the Seal of the Board of Escambia County for display in front of the new Board dias in the Hall Center, Room 160. Mr. May and Board Members expressed appreciation to Mr. Mark Pursell, Director of Maintenance Services, and staff who constructed the seal in honor of the new School Board. The seal was designed by Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance.


Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the agenda, was unanimously approved.


A. Election of Chairman for 1998-99

Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins to nominate Dr. DeWitt as Chairman for 1998-99. Mrs. Stidham offered an amendment to nominate Dr. DeWitt to serve as Interim Board Chairman for three months beginning immediately, with the Board to elect a Board Chairman for the remainder of the term at the expiration of the 90-day period. Dr. Mason seconded the amendment. Dr. DeWitt commented that according to Board policy, this is a one-year appointment and he declined the nomination for an interim appointment. Mr. May called for the vote and the motion failed 3-2 with Dr. Jenkins, Dr. DeWitt, and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Mr. May asked if there were other nominations. Motion was made by Mrs. Webb to nominate Dr. Mason to serve as Board Chairman. Mrs. Stidham offered an amendment to nominate Dr. Mason to serve as Interim Board Chairman for three months beginning immediately, with the Board to elect a Board Chairman for the remainder of the term at the expiration of the 90-day period. Dr. Mason seconded the amendment. Mr. May called for the vote on the amendment and the motion

was approved 3-2 with Dr. DeWitt and Dr. Jenkins voting NO. After a call for further nominations, motion by Dr. DeWitt and second by Mrs. Webb, to close the nominations, was unanimously approved.

Mr. May called for the vote on the original motion that Dr. DeWitt serve as Board Chairman for one year, and the motion failed 3-2 with Dr. Mason, Mrs. Stidham, and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Mr. May called for the vote on the motion to elect Dr. Mason to serve as Interim Board Chairman for three months, with the Board to elect a Board Chairman for the remainder of the term at the expiration of the 90-day period. The motion was approved 3-2 with Dr. DeWitt and Dr. Jenkins voting NO.

B. Election of Vice Chairman for 1998-99

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb to nominate Mrs. Stidham as Vice Chairman for 1998-99. The motion was seconded by Dr. DeWitt. Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins to nominate Dr. DeWitt as Vice Chairman for 1998-99. Dr. DeWitt declined the nomination. After a call for further nominations, motion by Dr. Jenkins and second by Mrs. Webb to close the nominations, was unanimously approved. Mr. May called for the vote on the motion to elect Mrs. Stidham to serve as Vice Chairman for 1998-99, and the motion was approved 4-1 with Dr. Jenkins voting NO.

C. Designation of Date and Time of Regular Monthly Meeting

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to designate the fourth Tuesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. for the Regular Board Workshop, and the Regular Board meeting the following Thursday, with a 6:00 p.m. Public Forum followed by the full Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Public Forum would allow time for parents and people in the community to address the Board, and the Chairman would have the opportunity to extend the Public Forum if needed.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Jack Hood, 6546 Lake Charlene Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32506, spoke in favor of holding Board meetings in the evening for the benefit of those who work during the day.

2) Mr. Al Randerson, 6521 Antietam Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32505, asked that Board Meetings be held in the evening so that most parents can attend and not have to take time off from work.

3) Mr. Dale Perkins, Escambia County Utilities Authority (ECUA) Board Member, spoke in favor of allowing more time between the workshop and the Board Meeting to allow for administrative preparation.

4) Ms. Arlene Costello, EEA President, 3690 Wimbledon Drive, Pensacola, Florida, expressed support of continuing evening Board Meetings to allow for community involvement and participation of working citizens.

5) Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, 1055 Farmington Place, Pensacola, Florida, 32504, spoke in favor of conducting Board Meetings in the evenings such that students and teachers could attend outside of the school day.

Mr. May called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. May advised that, due to the holidays in December, it had been recommended that the workshop be held on Monday, December 14, at 9:00 a.m., and the Regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Mrs. Webb, to approve the December meetings as recommended, was unanimously approved.

D. Appointment of School Board Attorney

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, that Mr. Lou Ray be reappointed as School Board Attorney. The motion failed 3-2 with Dr. Mason, Mrs. Stidham, and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Mr. Ray withdrew his name from further consideration noting that his contract would expire at the end of the Organizational Meeting. He stated that he had enjoyed serving for 23 years and expressed appreciation to the Board Members, Superintendents, and employees with whom he worked over the years.

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to authorize the solicitation of proposals from attorneys, conduct interviews, and evaluate said proposals for the purpose of selection of a School Board Attorney for the coming year, and he further moved to establish an ad hoc committee of all five School Board Members to facilitate the solicitation, interview and evaluation process, with a recommendation to be brought to the School Board during a regular meeting. In the interim, he further moved that the School Board contract with Attorney Ed Fleming, at the hourly rate of $135, not to exceed a total of $5,000, to provide the necessary legal assistance this Board will need until a final decision can be made. Payment will be made to Mr. Fleming upon his submitting an itemized statement to the School Board for approval. Dr. DeWitt stated that if this motion is approved, he would request that the Purchasing Department provide the necessary assistance for the solicitation of proposals from attorneys. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Stidham.

Dr. Mason offered an amendment that instead of the Board serving as an ad hoc selection committee, that each Board Member name one person to an ad hoc committee to advertise and screen the entire selection process. He offered the following as a friendly amendment:

1) Utilize the services of Dr. Joseph Beckham, who is a Florida Bar Member and a former School Board Attorney, who has offered to assist in this process on a pro bono basis; and

2) Have a Citizens' Advisory Committee assist in the selection process and have that committee submit the top three to five applicants to the School Board for final selection. Dr. Beckham would serve as a resource person to the Citizens' Advisory Committee.

Dr. DeWitt did not accept that as a friendly amendment. Mrs. Stidham seconded the motion on the amendment. The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Patrick Emmanuel, 2020 East Mallory Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, former President of the Florida Bar, spoke in support of appointing a committee to screen applications for School Board Attorney and make recommendations back to the Board.

2) Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, suggested considering a selection process whereby two lay people could be added to the Board committee. This would allow for input early in the process and further opportunity for public input would be provided when the matter comes back to the Board for final decision.

3) Mr. Harry Evans, 13711 Canal Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32507-8877, requested that the attorney selection process include Public Forum and indicated that he would not recommend an advisory committee because the citizens have elected officials to represent them.

4) Mr. Spiro Kypreos, attorney, 3 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32501, spoke concerning cost factors related to School Board Attorney and Superintendent's Attorney.

5) Mrs. May Davis, 13833 Canal Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32507, suggested that applications for Board Attorney be sought on a nationwide basis if need be, with opportunities for minorities and women to apply.

6) Mrs. Gail Husbands, 1055 Farmington Place, Pensacola, Florida, 32504, expressed appreciation to Mr. Ray for his outstanding service for this district.

7) Mr. Frank Wilson, 6846 Cedar Lake Drive, Pensacola, Florida, thanked Mr. Ray for his service as Board Attorney.

The Superintendent and Board Members joined in expressing appreciation to Mr. Ray for his service over the years.

Mr. May called for the vote on the amendment and the motion failed 3-2 with Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Jenkins, and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Mr. May called for any further discussion on the main motion. Dr. DeWitt clarified that the motion was for a separate Board Attorney and would not involve an addition to the personnel planning document. Mrs. Webb advised that Mr. Fleming had served as her attorney in a case with Mr. Ed Stanford on an elections matter in order to verify that there was not a conflict of interest. She stated concerning a proposal to consider Mr. Mike Burns as interim attorney, that Mr. Burns did not wish to be considered. Dr. Mason called for the question and said motion carried unanimously. Mr. May called for the vote on the main motion and the motion carried unanimously.

E. Appointment of Parliamentarian

Motion by Dr. Mason, second by Dr. DeWitt, that the Attorney in residence serve as Parliamentarian, was unanimously approved.

F. Designation of Parliamentary Procedure

Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. Mason, to designate Robert's Rules of Order (Ninth Edition), as the parliamentary procedure to be followed, was unanimously approved.


Mrs. Webb presented awards to Dr. Elmer Jenkins and Dr. John DeWitt in appreciation for their services in their respective roles as Board Chairman and Vice Chairman for 1997-98.



The Organizational Meeting ended at 7:25 p.m. Mr. May called for a fifteen-minute recess for a reception, with the Regular Board Meeting to follow.


The Board proceeded with the regular monthly Board meeting at 7:50 p.m. with Dr. Hal Mason serving as Interim Chairman and Mrs. Cary Stidham as Vice Chairman. It was noted that Mr. Ray's contract expired at the end of the Organizational Meeting, and Mr. May asked Mr. Joe Hammons, Attorney to the Superintendent, to fill in until the end of the Board Meeting.

Superintendent May listed the additions and deletions to the agenda as follows:





Request Board approval of the following rankings of Energy Service Companies to provide Guaranteed Investment Grade Audits for energy related projects. Also request permission to negotiate with highest ranked firm.

1. Bosek, Gibson & Associates

2. Southern/CES Way Company

3. Johnson Controls, Inc.


NOTES: Item #11 (Student Number 99-46-281), Request Formal Hearing

Item #13 (Student Number 99-48-951), Request Formal Hearing

Item #16 (Student Number 99-51-411), Request Formal Hearing


1. Item from the Board - Resolution for Mission Statement for the Escambia County School Board - Mrs. Webb

2. Item from the Board - Request for Temporary Help in the School Board Office - Mrs. Webb

3. Item from the Board - Request for Approval for Computer - Mrs. Webb

4. Item from the Board - Address Policies and Procedures - Mrs. Webb


5. Item from the Board - Legal Advertising - Dr. Mason

6. Item from the Board - Televise School Board Meetings (which will include a recommendation for modifying meeting times) - Dr. Mason

7. Item from the Board - Creation and staffing of Citizens' Advisory Committees - Dr. Mason

8. Item from the Board - Energy Management Contract - Dr. Mason

9. Item from the Board - Dr. Mason

10. Item from the Board - Dr. Mason

11. Item from the Board - Dr. Mason




Superintendent May asked Ms. Bonita Davey, System Support Technician, Data Center, to come forward to be recognized as the Stellar Employee for the month of November. Mr. May stated that Ms. Davey, a computer technician who has worked for the district for 17 years, demonstrates efficient work skills and a positive attitude to "go the extra mile" for the benefit of employees and children. Mr. May congratulated Ms. Davey for this honor and presented her with a plaque, a pin, and a check for $100 donated by Members First Credit Union.

The following items were moved forward:


(Backup filed with XI. Items from the Superintendent).

2. Report - One-Half Cent Sales Tax Watchdog Committee.

Ms. Paula Ferarro, Committee Chairman, spoke concerning the responsibility of the committee to ensure that the money is being spent for the intended purpose; i.e., the voter-approved projects and that no funds are expended for inappropriate items. Any concerns discovered will be brought to the attention of the Chairman and Special Assistant, and the committee will report findings to the public. Each member is assigned to at least one project, and the Project and Finance Subcommittees are in the process of creating a reporting tool for each project. The committee meetings are open to the public, and minutes are posted on the School Board web site.


Ms. Jenny Dyess, President, Escambia County Council of PTAs, reported that ten

members recently attended the 75th Annual PTA Convention in Tampa, and Ms. Patty Hightower was chosen as the first President-Elect in the history of Florida PTA. She noted that conference participants also identified two issues to address with legislators including early childhood education/readiness to start school and opposing subdivision of School Districts. The recipients for the local unit achievement awards for Region I were Beulah, Scenic Heights, Cordova Park, Suter, and Pine Meadow Elementary Schools, and Suter Elementary also won the President's Membership Award.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda order.


Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins and seconded by Mrs. Webb, to adopt the agenda as amended. Dr. DeWitt pulled VII 2.10 from the agenda. The motion was unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded Dr. Jenkins, to approve the minutes for the 10/26/98 Regular Board Workshop and the 10/27/98 Regular Board Meeting.

Dr. DeWitt recommended the following amendment to the 10/27/98 minutes, page 12, for purposes of clarification:

"Place a period after the word area); strike the words leaving the $120,000 if

needed for mitigation as a separate issue; adding the words The total for purchase of additional land for mitigation purposes is not to exceed $120,000."

Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion to approve the minutes as amended was unanimously approved.


A. Permission to Advertise

"No Items Submitted."

B. Permission to Adopt


Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the rule. Mrs. Stidham suggested the possibility of leaving the rule "as is" due to School Board responsibilities over facilities and she expressed that she wanted to be involved in the process. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, stated that the proposed change was for cleanup purposes and references Florida Statute Chapter 287 for selection of professional services for architects and engineers. He noted that it was essentially the same as the existing rule and delegates authority to a committee for the selection of architects and engineers to be brought to the Board for final decision based on rankings of the top three firms in order of committee selection. Dr. Mason discussed factors that may warrant more time for consideration including how the rankings take place and possible erosion of the responsibility of the Board. Mr. Hammons advised that the rule had been advertised for hearing at this meeting and a motion to table to a subsequent meeting would require

readvertising the full text. Dr. DeWitt commented that the proposed change continues to give the Board full authority to select architects, and Board approval now would save additional advertising costs. Mrs. Webb called the question. No vote was taken on the question. Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion failed 3-2 with Dr. Mason, Mrs. Stidham, and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Dr. Mason asked if the Board wished to bring this back to the Board with further input. Mrs. Webb suggested committee review with further citizen input. Dr. DeWitt called point of order.


  1. Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Dr. Jenkins and seconded by Dr. DeWitt. Mrs. Webb registered NO votes on VI.4 and VI.5, and pulled V.8(3), VII.2.9, VII.3.3, VIII.A.2e, and IX.6 for discussion, and VIII.A.2c for discussion and separate vote. Dr. Mason pulled VI.6 for discussion and possible amendment.


This item was approved as submitted.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit A)


(Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit B)

A. Instructional


1. Appointments

Coyle, Mary Brownsville 10/16/98 S Bonner, Transf'd

Dean, Rosa Spencer Bibbs 10/21/98 Additional Position

Douglas, Tammy Petree Pre-K 12/07/98 Additional Position

Farmer, Curtis Spencer Bibbs 10/29/98 Additional Position

Parker, Doris Spencer Bibbs 11/09/98 A Sullivan, Resigned

Upshaw, Mark Big Bayou 10/20/98 T Brooks, Transf'd

2. Resignations

None at this time.

3. Retirees

None at this time.

4. Teachers Returning from Leave of Absence

None at this time.

5. Transfers

From To Date

Bish, Linda Weis Oakcrest 11/12/98

6. Requests for Leave With Pay

Arena, James Hallmark 8/3,4,10;9/15-17,22-24 Jury duty

Badessa, Marilyn Data Ctr 9/14,17 Jury duty

Berg, Leanne Ensley 9/15,21 Professional/EEA

Bolling, Donna Brentwood Mid 10/12 Jury duty

Bromert, Robert Bailey 10/12 Jury duty

Brown, Bob George Stone 10/12 Jury duty

Calhoun, Michelle Pensacola 9/22 Professional

Carroll, Wilhelmina Property Control 9/21,22 Jury duty

Day, Mary Oakcrest 9/21,22 Jury duty

Edwards, Lynnette Hallmark 8/10 Jury duty

Eubanks, Lilly Brown Barge 9/21-25 Jury duty

Exner, Bonnie Ransom 9/18 Professional

Exner, Craig Pensacola 9/23,24 Professional/EEA

Hammond, Audrey Century Elem 9/21,22 Jury duty

Hurley, Jackie McArthur 10/12 Jury duty

Joyce, Bonnie Weis 8/10,11 Jury duty

Julian, Judy Tate 9/21-23 Jury duty

LaBounty, Judy Oakcrest 9/24 Professional/EEA

Nobles, Sally Brentwood Mid 9/24,25 Professional/EEA

Sentz, Deborah Cook 10/5 Jury duty

Taylor, Cynthia Holm 9/24 Jury duty

Young, Lawrence Wedgewood 9/14,17 Jury duty

7. Requests for Leave Without Pay

Alexander, Caroline Oakcrest 10/5,6,9,14 Illness

Cornell, Patricia Ernest Ward 9/22;10/1,2 Illness

Cross, Kimberly Navy Point 8/3;9/22;10/9 Illness

*DeShields, Heather Pleasant Grove 11/25/98-1/29/99 Maternity

Doyle, Linda Pine Meadow 9/16-18 Illness

Fellgren, Kathy Warrington Elem 10/12-15 Illness

Grady, Tina Navy Point 9/21,22 Maternity

Newman, Brandy Warrington Elem 10/13 Personal

Stedman, Sarah Lipscomb 10/9,12-16 Personal

*Stillman, Linda Ferry Pass Mid 10/23-12/11 Maternity


8. Special Requests

(1) Change retirement date for Sarah Johnson, teacher at Oakcrest Elementary to read November 4, 1998.

(2) Request approval of the following appointment with assigned paygrade on the professional salary schedule:

Dove, Linda Certified Interpreter I/Brentwood Mid 10/28/98-6/1/99 PG 1/1

Stallworth-Allen, Elizabeth Programmer I 11/18/98-6/30/99 PG 6/1

(3) The following instructional personnel were terminated in accordance with Florida Statutes 231.36:

Certificate #800613 Pensacola High 10/02/98

Certificate #498500 Pine Forest High 10/29/98

Mrs. Webb noted that several employees were recommended for dismissal and discussed concerns as to how much due process they would get relative to their right to a Chapter 120 hearing. Mr. Hammons stated there is case law that unless the Chapter 120 hearing is waived in writing, the employee is entitled to the hearing; however, employees that are covered by collective bargaining agreements can use that vehicle and alternatively, civil service employees can use that complaint procedure for due process. Mr. Hammons stated that he had referred the issue (relative to eliminating duplication of hearings) by letter to Dr. Douglas Garber, Director, Employee Services, to address as a bargaining issue. Dr. Garber verified that the issue referred by letter from Mr. Hammons will be considered in the collective bargaining process.

(4) Request approval of subcontract agreement between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for the project entitled "Panhandle Area Center for Educational Enhancement."

(5) Request approval of subcontract agreement between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for the project entitled "Side-Steps Goals 2000 Professional Development Technology Continuation Project."

(6) Request approval of subcontract agreement between the College of Education at The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for the services of Jill White.

B. Educational Support Personnel


1. Appointments

R-Replacement N-New Position A-Additional Position V-Vacant Position


Box, Karen R Admin Clerk II 11/2/98 Ferry Pass Elem

Boykin, Jennifer V School Bus Operator 10/2/98 Transportation

Busbee, Shelly V School Bus Operator 10/30/98 Transportation

Carnley, Elisa V School Bus Operator 10/27/98 Transportation

Colston, Alvon (Prom) A Teacher Asst Special 10/26/98 Semmes

Cunningham, Tereatha V School Bus Operator 10/23/98 Transportation

Davis, Kathy (Prom) R Asst Food Ser Manager 10/12/98 Semmes

Dohl, Edna V School Bus Operator 10/26/98 Transportation

Drexler, Therese V School Bus Operator 9/30/98 Transportation

Dubose, Anthony R Custodial Worker I 10/21/98 ReDirections

Ellis, Faye V School Bus Operator 10/16/98 Transportation

Foster, Tammy R Teacher Asst Special 10/19/98 Woodham

Frank, Decca V School Bus Operator 10/28/98 Transportation

Grace, Carol V School Bus Operator 10/14/98 Transportation

Goldsmith, Terrance R Custodial Worker I 10/20/98 Brownsville

Harrison, George V School Bus Operator 10/20/98 Transportation

Holland, Sheila (Prom) A Teacher Asst Special 10/16/98 Northview

Johnson, Deborah V School Bus Operator 10/19/98 Transportation

Joseph, Scott (Prom) R HV Mechanic II 10/22/98 Maintenance

Junior, Tremetrice R Early Childhood Asst 10/26/98 McMillan/FRAME

Meadows, Kathleen V School Bus Operator 9/29/98 Transportation

Neilsen, Alix V School Bus Operator 10/22/98 Transportation

Paige-Gray, Mary V School Bus Operator 10/12/98 Transportation

Robinson, Terry V School Bus Operator 10/8/98 Transportation

Robinson, Sharon R Early Childhood Asst 10/22/98 Title I/FRAME

Rogers, Barbara V School Bus Operator 10/21/98 Transportation

Rogers, Candace V School Bus Operator 10/1/98 Transportation

Sandy, Kirk V School Bus Operator 10/9/98 Transportation

Stallworth, Ernestine R Teacher Asst Special 10/29/98 Warrington Elem

Steen, Katie (Prom) R Admin Clerk II 10/27/98 Scenic Heights

Stewart, Sandra V School Bus Operator 10/13/98 Transportation

Stokes, Clara R Teacher Asst Special 10/26/98 West Pensacola

Taylor, Margrette V School Bus Operator 10/29/98 Transportation

Thomas, Sheryl R Teacher Assistant 10/19/98 Myrtle Grove

Thompson, Neil R Equipment Oper III 11/2/98 Central Warehouse

Walker, Lorraine R Custodial Worker I 10/29/98 Lincoln Park

Waters, Kirk (Prom) R Construction Mech I 11/9/98 Facilities

Weaver, John V School Bus Operator 10/7/98 Transportation

Wiggins, Mary (Prom) R Admin School Sec III 11/2/98 Warrington Middle

Williams, Shirley V School Bus Operator 10/6/98 Transportation

Wilson, Deborah V School Bus Operator 10/15/98 Transportation

Wilson, Mary R Early Childhood Asst 10/29/98 Even Start

Wright, David R Electronics Technician 10/22/98 Maintenance

2. Resignations

Dean, Rosa Teacher Assistant 10/21/98 Spencer Bibbs

Fillingim, Jeanne Teacher Assistant 11/2/98 Myrtle Grove

Laird, Wanda Teacher Assistant 11/13/98 Woodham

Lesure, Marcus Custodial Worker I 10/23/98 Pensacola High

Reaux, Louis School Bus Operator 10/26/98 Transportation

Thomley, Mary (Ret) Teacher Asst Special 10/31/98 Jim Allen

3. Terminations

Green, Jacqueline Early Childhood Asst 11/2/98 Longleaf

Johnson, Josephine Food Ser Asst I 10/12/98 Pensacola High

4. Suspensions

John Walker, School Bus Operator in Transportation, suspended for three (3) working days effective 11/6/98 - 11/10/98.

5. Dismissals

Ceola McCullough, School Bus Operator in Transportation, dismissed in bad standing effective 10/23/98.

6. Leaves of Absence

Forge, Linda Food Ser Asst I 10/27/98-11/30/98 Medical

Gibson, Terryle School Bus Operator 9/16/98-11/30/98 Medical*

Hudson, Lorelei Teacher Assistant 10/29/98-12/4/98 Medical*

Lyons, Sheila School Bus Operator 11/1/98-10/30/99 Personal

Outing, Essie Early Childhood Asst 11/16/98-1/6/99 Personal

Wiggins, Patrick Custodial Worker I 10/15/98-11/1/98 Medical

Wiggins, Patrick (Ext) Custodial Worker I 11/2/98-11/8/98 Medical

*Request leave as allowed under FMLA.



1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of December, 1998.

(Housed in Finance Department)

2. Authorized payment of $5,662.43 to the legal firm of Hammons & Whittaker, P.A., for legal services performed during the month of October, 1998.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit C)

3. Authorized payment of $7,367.11 to Mr. Louis F. Ray, Jr., School Board Attorney, for legal services performed during the month of October, 1998.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit D)

4. Authorized payment of $352.00 to Mr. George Loomis for legal services performed as Hearing Officer in the expulsion of Student No. 98-300-411.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit E)

Mrs. Webb expressed concern relative to possible conflict of interest on the part of Mr. Loomis involving a public records matter. Mr. Hammons expressed that he did not view Mr. Loomis' representation in a mediation matter as a conflict of interest with the Board. After discussion, Mrs. Webb registered a NO vote.

5. Authorized payment of $650.10 to Mr. Albert E. Phillips for services rendered as Construction Claims Consultant.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit F)

Mrs. Webb registered a NO vote, stating that she had not received copies of invoices on travel expenses as requested last month.

6. Budget Amendments: BA #2, PART IV-Special Revenues, BA #2, PART I-General Operating Fund, and BA#3, PART III-Capital Outlay.

Dr. Mason referred to the modification in the General Fund ($160,015.10 - staff training services) and asked if the budget increase resulted from increased interest. Mr. Wallace Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, advised that the General Fund revenue increased by $65,000 as a result of interest earnings, and another $3,800 for gifts and grants, as well as miscellaneous additions. Dr. Mason stated that arrangements had been made to have the Board Room dias wired with ports, and Board Members had expressed interest in obtaining laptop computers. He requested input from the Board as to the possibility of using $7,500 of the $65,000 to provide laptops. Mrs. Stidham stated that she would be interested in acquiring laptops, but could not justify the expense when there were still schools that were somewhat lacking in technology. Mr. Odom noted that $34,000 (out of the $65,000 discussed) had already been designated to cover the high school band/string program allocations previously approved by the Board.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit G)


Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit H.



Administrative Departments

1.1 Data Processing Computer Paper, Bid #10-99 (Technological Systems/MIS)

1.2 Vehicles, Bid #7-99 (Various Departments)

Central Warehouse

1.3 Copier Parts, Bid #12-99

1.4 Freezer Truck Body, Bid #15-99

School Food Services

1.5 General Food Products for School Cafeterias, Bid #5-99



2.1 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for McArthur Elementary School

2.2 Computer Network Cabling at Washington High School

2.3 Gateway Microcomputer Equipment at Tate High School

2.4 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Helen Caro Elementary School

2.5 Computer Network Cabling at Ransom Middle School

2.6 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Bailey Middle School

Administrative Departments

2.7 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Brown Barge and Wedgewood Middle Schools (Instructional Technology Department)

2.8 Tractor Equipment with Trade-ins for Tate High School, George Stone Vocational Center, Ransom Middle School, Northview High School, and Woodham High School (Applied Technology & Adult Education)

2.9 Annual Agreement for Legal Services for the Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Webb noted that Board action had been taken for an interim contract with

Attorney Ed Fleming to provide legal assistance to the Board pending final selection of a Board Attorney. She requested clarification in contractual language to prevent duplication of services between the Board Attorney and Superintendent's Attorney. Dr. Mason asked if Mr. Hammons had a contract with Risk Management. Mr. Hammons advised that his contract with the Superintendent addresses personnel, employment, special education, student expulsions, and also references workers compensation.

Mr. Charles Griffin, Director of Risk Management, advised that Risk Management does not have a separate contract for workers compensation because it is included in Mr. Hammons' contract with the Superintendent. Dr. Mason asked if there were areas of duplication between the Board Attorney and Superintendent's Attorney. Mr. Hammons stated that he was not aware of duplication and would be willing to help draft a contract for Board Attorney services to ensure that there are no conflicts. Mr. May stated that there is clear statutory authority in Chapter 232 concerning duties and responsibilities and there is case law that the Superintendent can hire an attorney. Mr. May requested that Mr. Hammons' contract be approved as submitted. Dr. Mason requested a copy of the case law and stated that he would like to see clarification to delineate duties and responsibilities between the Board Attorney and Superintendent's

Attorney. Mr. Hammons stated that if his contract was approved to serve as the Superintendent's Attorney, he would not be willing to serve as the Board Attorney. He stated that he was sitting in as an accommodation to the Superintendent and the Board as a courtesy, but there would be an inherent conflict of interest to have two contracts, one as Board Attorney and one as Superintendent's Attorney. After discussion, Dr. Mason suggested proceeding with the contract for legal services for Superintendent of Schools as presented, with Mr. Hammons to confer with Mrs. Webb to clarify these issues to come back to the Board. Mr. Hammons suggested that the subject be discussed at a Board workshop. Mrs. Webb requested that the new Board get a briefing (through executive session or at the next Board workshop) on issues already in litigation and provide more understanding concerning delineation of duties. Mrs. Webb stated that she would approve this item subject to that.

PULLED: 2.10 Annual Agreement for Legal Services for Escambia County School Board


2.11 Gateway Microcomputer Equipment for Exceptional Student Education

Maintenance and Transportation

2.12 Carpet and Base at Warrington Elementary School (Maintenance)

2.13 Buses (Transportation)

2.14 VCT Floor Tile at Workman Middle School (Maintenance)

Facilities Planning

2.15 Energy Management Retrofit to Direct Digital Controls for HVAC System at Ransom Middle School



Administrative Departments

3.1 Unauthorized Purchase of Professional Services made by Environmental Studies (Elementary Education)

3.2 Hurricane Georges Update

Facilities Planning

3.3 Change Order #4 to Purchase Order #164229 (Parks, Palag & Noblin, Architect)

Mrs. Webb stated that she had met with Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, concerning additional change orders that were not covered in the architect's contract. Mr. Kirchharr stated that these items are typically covered in fee negotiations with the architect. Mrs. Webb requested for future reference that if the architect cannot perform these services, that it be written for out sourcing at the time of the architectural contract in order to avoid change orders. Dr. Mason noted that labor intensive items drive up costs, and he requested that Facilities continue to address design factors in order to reduce costs. Mr. Kirchharr stated that is being done and they are utilizing project detail sheets, price per square foot on projects, and more extensive review periods.

3.4 Change Order #2 to Purchase Order #176664 (Jack Moore & Co., Inc.)

3.5 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #177827 (R. D. Ward Construction, Inc.)

3.6 Change Order #2 to Purchase Order #167186 (R. D. Ward Construction, Inc.)

3.7 Change Order #2 to Purchase Order #175367 (A. E. New, Jr., Inc.)



Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit I.




Approved final payment in the amount of $795.00 to Graves & Carlos, Architects, Engineers, on the above referenced project.

P. O. #167160 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $18,585.00


Approved final payment in the amount of $6,865.80 to Overstreet Electric, contractor, on the above referenced project.

P. O. #177662 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $57,588.00



Approved the Phase III Construction Documents, on the above referenced project, for submittal to the Department of Education in Tallahassee.


Approved the Phase III Construction Documents, on the above referenced project, for submittal to the Department of Education in Tallahassee.



Request Board permission to issue a unilateral Change Order Number 3 in the amount of $127,431 to Whitesell-Green, Inc., general contractor, for unsuitable material excavation and replacement work performed. This amount is calculated at the contracted unit price of $9.00 per cubic yard times the volumes calculated (see attachment to change order) by Baskerville-Donovan, Inc., project architects and engineers, (the volume having already been agreed to by the general contractor). This change order is issued without prejudice to the general contractor to later prosecute a claim for additional compensation for this work. (Normally the general contractor signs change orders, but has refused to do so in this case claiming they encountered different conditions on the site than they anticipated resulting in substantial additional work being required of them. The issuance of a change order in this manner is provided for in the contract and is recommended by all parties concerned, including the School District's construction claims consultant and, presumably, will allow the general contractor to make payment to its subcontractor.)

P.O. #: 162826

Mrs. Webb discussed concerns relative to the long-time outstanding bill. Mr. May stated that the work was completed in December and the bill was not paid sooner due to negotiations with the contractor who had requested nearly three times the original amount. He noted the recommendation was to pay the amount stipulated in the original contract approved by the Board. Dr. Mason commented that the State Auditor General had made recommendations last year and staff was trying to provide more timely reports to the Board to keep them informed on construction projects and activities. In the event of litigation, he asked if there were trip records of the debris that was hauled away. Dr. Epperson advised that the architects have all of the information on excavation and removal of the material and replacement. He noted the only matter in contention involved the unit cost and that is the reason for issuing a unilateral change order. Dr. Mason asked if arbitration had been considered. Dr. Epperson stated that mediation was recommended as a first step to resolve the issue. He noted this has not gone to litigation and the consultant had recommended paying the amount due to the contractor based on the contractual arrangement.

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb that the Board approve payment to the contractor for unilateral Change Order Number 3. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Stidham.

Mrs. Webb requested that the Superintendent schedule an executive session to cover this issue so that the Board can be fully informed with the consultant's recommendations and any written correspondence so that the Board can weigh all of the options and cost factors and make a decision. Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.


Granted permission to issue a Purchase Order to Joe A. Edmisten & Associates, Inc., for work required by Army Corps of Engineers and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitting of wetlands for the purchase of Dog Track Road property for K-8 facility.


Request permission from the Board to advertise for the sale of the Myrtle Grove property.

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb to table this item pending receipt of further update

on all surplus properties and full report of the status on the appraisals. Dr. Mason requested staff input, and Dr. Epperson stated that if approved by the Board, the appraisal would be updated and if necessary, an additional appraisal obtained. Advertising would then be done for sale of the property. Dr. Epperson stated that the inventory of surplus properties will be provided to the Board. Dr. DeWitt called point of order in that there was no second to the motion. Dr. Mason called for a second and the motion died for a lack of second.

This item was subsequently approved as part of the consent agenda.


Approved the following rankings of Energy Service Companies to provide Guaranteed Investment Grade Audits for energy related projects. Also granted permission to negotiate with highest ranked firm.

1. Bosek, Gibson & Associates

2. Southern/CES Way Company

3. Johnson Controls, Inc.


"No items submitted."



Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit J.

1. State General Revenue Reading Proficiencies Grant.

2. Transportation Reimbursement Request.

3. Memorandum of Understanding between Southeastern Vocational Services and Escambia County School District for "Option 2 Program."

4. Escambia County School District Construction Trades Youth Apprenticeship Sponsor Agreement renewal contract for Greenhut Construction Company and Coastal Construction of Pensacola.

5. Postsecondary Educational Planning Commission Workforce Development Capitalization Incentive Grants.

6. Approval of School Bus Routes.

Mrs. Webb stated that she would vote to approve this, but asked that staff look

into concerns that have been expressed by parents that the stated times were not the actual times that the buses were at the schools, especially N. B. Cook Elementary and the PATS Center. She stated that this issue was addressed at a previous meeting and the Board was advised that advertising was in place for additional school bus drivers, but there are still problems.

Mr. Jerry Caine, Director, Warehouse Operations, reported that bus routes on

Thursdays have been a problem relative to an N. B. Cook connection that goes by the PATS Center, and those problems are being addressed.

7. Parental Awareness/Knowledge of Sunshine State Standards, Local Education Reform Goals 2000 Continuation Grant Application.


Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit K.



1. Ensley Elementary for fiscal year 1997-98

2. Escambia High for fiscal year 1997-98

3. Oakcrest Elementary for fiscal year 1997-98

4. Pleasant Grove Elementary for fiscal year 1997-98

5. George Stone Center for fiscal year 1997-98

6. Warrington Middle for fiscal year 1997-98



1. Inventory Adjustment Reports

2. Surplus property items for cannibalization and scrap

3. Maintenance items for cannibalization and scrap

4. Permission to sell to the highest bidder and/or scrap items

5. Permission to donate obsolete equipment


  1. The consent agenda was unanimously approved, with the exception of NO votes
  2. registered by Mrs. Webb on VI.4 and VI.5, and separate vote on VIII.A.2c.


Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit L.

NOTES: Item #11 (Student Number 99-46-281), Request Formal Hearing

item #13 (Student Number 99-48-951), Request Formal Hearing

Item #16 (Student Number 99-51-411), Request Formal Hearing

1. For Information: PTA Presentation

This presentation was given earlier in the meeting.

2. Report - One-Half Cent Sales Tax Watchdog Committee.

This report was given earlier in the meeting.


Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve formal hearings for Item Numbers 11, 13, and 16, was unanimously approved.

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the balance of the student recommendations, was unanimously approved.

3. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 98-300-411 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

4. Recommend that the indefinite suspension of student number 99-12-561 be terminated in consideration of the Court having adjudicated the student delinquent of a felony offense. I further recommend that student number 99-12-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year and that the student be

placed in an alternative education program with special attention for Exceptional Student Education placement.

5. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-40-601 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

6. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-41-151 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

7. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-42-601 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

8. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-43-601 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

9. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-44-851 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

10. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-45-2032 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

11. Action taken earlier to approve formal hearing for this student relative to the following recommendation (Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-46-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame).

12. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-47-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

13. Action taken earlier to approve formal hearing for this student relative to the following recommendation (Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-48-951 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame).

14. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-49-411 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

15. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-50-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year and all of the 1999-2000 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

16. Action taken earlier to approve formal hearing for this student relative to the following recommendation (Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-51-411 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the

discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame).

17. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-52-411 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

18. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-54-851 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

19. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 99-55-851 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1998-99 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.


1. Item from the Board - Resolution for Mission Statement for the Escambia County School Board - Mrs. Webb

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb and seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the

following resolution:

WHEREAS, educating students is the primary responsibility of the Escambia County School District and to that end highest student achievement and success is our goal; and

WHEREAS, there are many factors that contribute to highest student achievement and

student success; and

WHEREAS, strong curricula, programs and resources that promote academic and

vocational preparedness contribute to highest student achievement and student success;


WHEREAS, students are best served when an accurate and clear account of district

and school funds is required and kept and best financial practices are established; and

WHEREAS, students are best served when all district employees clearly understand

their job functions and carry them out in an efficient and customer friendly manner; and

WHEREAS, students are best served when they, their parents, and the general public

are adequately informed of the educational programs, needs, objectives and results of

public education within the district. Such open communication fosters trust, more parental

and community involvement, and school improvement; and

WHEREAS, students deserve responsible leadership, the Superintendent shall

cooperate, advise, and counsel with the School Board in every manner practicable. The

School Board shall likewise agree to follow all rules of law to the end that the district school

system may be continuously improved.

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Escambia County School Board

agrees that all efforts put forth in the execution of our elected duties should reflect that students are the primary consideration in all that we do. Adopted this 17th day of November, 1998.

Dr. Jenkins noted that the resolution is in support and not to replace the district's original mission statement. Dr. DeWitt called for the question. Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

2. Item from the Board - Request for Temporary Help in the School Board Office - Mrs. Webb

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb to approve temporary help for the School Board office. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Stidham. Mrs. Webb stated the purpose of the request was to provide temporary help during the transition with two new Board Members and in establishing the office. She suggested that the Board could review the matter in a couple of months to determine whether to continue or request help on an as-needed basis. Mrs. Stidham discussed the possibility of tabling this item until next month to confer with the Board Secretary and allow time to determine if additional help would be needed. Dr. DeWitt expressed that he could not support hiring clerical help when the teachers are overworked with paperwork. After discussion, Dr. Mason called for the vote and the motion failed 4-1 with Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Mason, and Mrs. Stidham voting NO. Dr. Mason asked that the Superintendent provide a high school or college student to provide assistance in the Board office.

3. Item from the Board - Request for Approval for Computer - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb stated that until we can look at the budget, she would move that she be allowed to get emulation software/network card to be able to access the data base and do work from home. She commented that this would allow her to better serve students, particulary for schools in the northern part of the county due to the distance involved, which is 120 miles round trip when going to all of the schools. Motion made by Mrs. Webb that the district acquire the emulation software/network card also to enable accessing E-Mail from home. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Stidham. Dr. Mason stated that more information was needed with regard to security to ensure the integrity of the data base.

Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and MIS, stated that staff would need to know what the Board wanted to do, in that emulation may not be the answer. Mr. Pettis concurred that there were issues that staff would want to know more on. Mrs. Webb withdrew the motion to allow follow-up with staff in order to address cost and security measures.

4. Item from the Board - Address Policies and Procedures - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb asked that the December 8 presentation by Dr. Wayne Blanton, Executive

Director, Florida School Boards Association, include an update concerning policies and procedures as reviewed by the committee designated by the legislature. After discussion, Mr. May requested that Mrs. Webb provide the question in writing and that will be submitted to Dr. Blanton.

Mrs. Webb referred to a newspaper article regarding the possibility that construction wastes (from Pennsylvania) may be dumped next to some of the school sites, including Pine Meadow Elementary. She noted that policies and procedures require providing a safe environment for children.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Wilson Robertson, Escambia County Commissioner, District 5, stated that the County

Commission has nothing to do with the proposal from Pennsylvania relative to dumping construction wastes. He noted that the City of Pensacola is proposing that contract to bring revenue into the Port. Mr. Robertson stated that he plans to oppose this venture and that efforts should be made to lobby the City Council, Mayor, City Manager, and

Boards to adopt resolutions expressing opposition to unmonitored industrial hazardous wastes coming into this county. Dr. Mason noted Item XII.9 (proposed planning session with ECUA and County Commission) and suggested that perhaps the City of Pensacola could be included.

Dr. Clarence Ladner, Special Assistant for School/Community Services, advised that a position statement is being developed and will be brought to the Board for approval to express opposition to dumping of construction wastes next to schools.

5. Item from the Board - Legal Advertising - Dr. Mason

Dr. Mason pulled this item due to time constraints.

6. Item from the Board - Televise School Board Meetings - Dr. Mason

Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham to look into televising School Board meetings. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Webb. Dr. Mason noted the request was outlined by memorandum that the Superintendent take the material contained therein and bring back a recommendation to the Board. Mrs. Webb also suggested contacting Channel 52 as well as Cox Cable and WSRE. Dr. Jenkins stated that funding would need to be determined. Dr. Mason stated that live television via fiberoptic cables/Cox Cable would initially cost under $30,000, and another option would be a satellite dish at about the same cost, with no on-going lease cost every month for the television cable, and only occasional maintenance costs for the dish. Mrs. Stidham suggested that the costs be determined and then see if the funding is available. Mr. May stated that he will look into this but noted that the budget was already approved and he cautioned against putting additional costs on the budget. He suggested waiting until this cost can be included in next year's budget request. Dr. Mason stated that he would not suggest delaying the investigation another year, but proceed to determine the feasibility and attempt to locate the funds.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Sharon Davis, 9941 Highway 97, Century, Florida, stated that Cox Cable and

Channel 23 are not available in the northern part of the county.

2) Mr. Kenneth Lamb, 3798 Summer Drive, Pensacola, Florida, requested that Channel

13 be considered as well in that they have live video streaming on the Internet a