The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Regular Meeting at 7:02 p.m. in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Dr. Elmer Jenkins Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Mr. Jim C. Bailey

Mrs. Barbara Morris

Mrs. Vanette Webb


School Board Attorney: Mr. Louis F. Ray, Jr.

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May

The invocation was given by Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA Uniserv, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Barbara Morris, School Board Member.



Mr. May asked Mr. Steve Marcanio, principal, and Ms. Donna Long, fourth grade teacher at Allie Yniestra, to come forward. Mr. Wayne Odom, Director of Title I, was also present. Mr. May announced that Allie Yniestra was identified in the Spring of 1998 by the Florida Department of Education as a "Title I Successful School" in recognition of high student achievement for the previous school year, and received a plaque and a $500 award from the Department.

RESOLUTION - ESCAMBIA COUNTY COUNCIL OF PTAS - DESIGNATING SEPTEMBER 1998 AS PTA MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT MONTH Mr. May asked Ms. Jenny Dyess, President, Escambia County Council of PTAs, and Ms. Peggy Pilcher, Coordinator, Volunteer and Business Partnerships, to come forward as he read the resolution:

WHEREAS, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) was organized more than 100 years ago to promote the welfare of children and youth and to serve as an advocate for education, health, and safety in the school environment; and

WHEREAS, the PTA has utilized volunteer resources to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth and to bring about cooperation between parents and teachers to develop excellence in education; and

WHEREAS, in Escambia County PTA, volunteers have accomplished many tasks which have enhanced the school environment and helped facilitate achieving the highest goals possible for the educational system; and

WHEREAS, September has been designated as a time to speak out and enroll new members in local PTA units to support the PTA mission and objectives and to assist in many activities and programs of the PTA;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the School Board of Escambia County does hereby proclaim the month of September as PTA Membership Enrollment Month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the regular meeting of said Board and a copy be tendered to Jenny Dyess, President of Escambia County Council of PTAs, and to the PTA President of each Escambia County public school. Adopted this 25th day of August, 1998. Motion by Mrs. Morris, second by Mr. Bailey, to adopt the resolution as read by the Superintendent, was unanimously approved.



Mr. May recognized Mr. Herman Johnson, Trustee, and Ms. Sabrina Owens, Marketing and Communications Specialist, representing EREC. Mr. Johnson stated that EREC returns a certain amount of profit from operating capital back to the School Board each year for the four schools (Northview High School, Bratt Elementary, Byrneville Elementary, and Earnest Ward Middle School) served by EREC, and he presented a check in the amount of $3,939.96. He advised that $4,940.56 had already been returned for this year, for a total of $8,880.52. Mr. May and Board Members expressed appreciation to EREC for serving the schools and for their involvement as partners in education.


Mrs. Morris read the following resolution:

WHEREAS, plans to create taxpayer-funded vouchers for private and parochial school tuition and fees drain scarce resources from public school classrooms; and

WHEREAS, plans to allow tax breaks and dedicated IRA's for private and parochial school tuition or expenses, ultimately diminishes revenue available for public schools; and

WHEREAS, the public schools in Escambia County, Florida, educate over 46,000 students in this community; and

WHEREAS, the public schools educate every child, regardless of race, ability, religion, special needs and economic circumstance; and

WHEREAS, the public schools are directly accountable to the residents of this community; and

WHEREAS, research regarding the effects of voucher plans show insignificant gains in academic achievement for voucher students,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that tax revenues paid into the federal, state, or local treasuries by citizens of this community should be utilized to support public school children; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge policy makers to oppose any efforts to use public tax dollars to finance private and parochial school vouchers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge policy makers to oppose providing tax breaks for the tuition and fees of private and parochial schools; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge policy makers to work with our local community to ensure that our public schools provide excellent educational opportunities for all our children.

Motion by Mrs. Morris, second by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the resolution this 25th day of August, 1998, and that it be spread upon the minutes of the regular meeting of said Board, with a copy to be tendered to the Florida School Board Association and Florida Superintendents Association, was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.

Motion by Mr. Bailey, second by Mrs. Morris, to adopt the agenda, was unanimously approved. Superintendent May noted that the following additions and deletions to the agenda should be listed. (See revote on agenda under Item I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A. Permission to Advertise






A. Instructional

2. Resignations


3. Retirees


8. Special Requests




9. Budget Amendments.




ADD: 1.4 Annual Agreement for Professional Consulting and Training Services at Navy Point Elementary School





Request direction from Board on proposal from Mr. Bill Neron, Assistant County Administrator regarding needed roof repairs on the Property Appraiser's building.


2. Exam Exemption Policy.



ADD: 4. Recommend that the Professional Service Contract of Employee Number 609670 be terminated for cause set forth in the Petition for Termination of Professional Service Contract subject to such review and/or hearing as authorized by law.



Motion by Mr. Bailey, second by Mrs. Morris, to adopt the agenda as amended, was unanimously approved.

INFORMATION ITEM: Chairman Jenkins announced that the recent Grand Jury investigation had concluded and he read the report as follows:




We, the Grand Jurors of the State of Florida, lawfully selected, empaneled and sworn, inquiring in and for the body of Escambia County, Florida, Spring Term, 1998, do respectfully present this report.


Over the past several months, the Office of the State Attorney has received complaints from various citizens alleging violations of state law by the Escambia County School District. In particular, these complaints can be grouped into three areas: public records law violations; sunshine law violations; and, administrative and procedural complaints.

We reviewed the majority of the allegations and in so doing we had access to extensive documentation, sworn testimony and the applicable statutory and case law. For the reasons set forth below, we are of the opinion that no criminal violations of the law occurred.

Public Records Law Allegations

These allegations center around requests for public records from the School Board in electronic format and the costs associated with these requests. We find that the requester of these records fundamentally misunderstood the Florida Public Records Law (Chapter 199, F.S.) and its application. While Chapter 119, F.S., generally provides that all public records of an agency are open for public inspection and copying at reasonable times and places, the law does not require an agency to create records in a format other than that which already exists. Additionally, a cost may be assessed according to law. In the instances reviewed by us, we found that district practices were generally in accord with state law.

Sunshine Law Allegations

These allegations center around various meetings of the School Board and allege either that the Government in the Sunshine Law (Chapter 286, F.S.) was violated by the Superintendent discussing inappropriate matters in executive session or various members of the Board met with other governmental bodies or officials to discuss Board business. We find that, in the case of the Superintendent, what was said was merely a comment and no discussion took place. In the case of the other matters, it is not a violation of the Sunshine Law for a member of one elected body to meet with and discuss public business with a member of another public body as long as neither member was acting as a go-between for the members of their respective bodies. We find no evidence of that in these cases.

Non-Resident Students

In 1992, the Escambia County School Board entered into agreements with adjoining Alabama School Districts pursuant to Section 230.23, F.S., establishing conditions under which students may attend schools in adjoining districts. One complaint alleged that this was a violation of the law because Section 230.23(4)(d)(1), F.S., states that such an agreement "...shall be effected by annual resolutions spread upon the minutes of each School Board concerned..." These agreements were executed in 1992 and "spread upon" the 1992 minutes. As the agreements provide that they remain in effect until terminated or changed by either party, there appears to be no legal reason to annually republish these agreements until there is a change.

We are concerned, as taxpayers, that our School District be treated equally vis a vis adjoining counties, both in Alabama and in Florida. We recommend that the School Board study this issue and determine whether all these agreements are in the fiscal interest of Escambia County.

Blount Middle School Property

In 1996, the School Board sold the old Blount Middle School for the sum of $5,000. Among the allegations were that this sale was not conducted "in the sunshine" and this was not a fair price since the property was carried on the property tax rolls for $62,000.

We find that the sale was conducted in accordance with applicable School Board policies. Bids were originally sought in 1981, but there was no response. The property remained on the market after that and, from time to time, inquiries were made. It was subsequently determined that the property contained asbestos that would have to be removed prior to demolition or sale at an approximate cost of $150,000. When the School Board accepted the $5,000 offer in 1996, the Board agreed to sell the property "as is" and the buyer assumed the liability and cost of disposing of the asbestos. It is our understanding that the property is now back on the tax rolls.

Auditor General Report - Liquidated Damages

In the audit of the Escambia County District School Board dated February 12, 1998, the state Auditor General raised questions concerning the assessment of liquidated damages on three construction projects. While this report appears to say

that the School Board failed to collect money owed it, we find that the Board collected any money due it.

The issue of liquidated damages is set out in the terms of each contract. The auditor was concerned that the Board did not have in place procedures as to whether or not to assess liquidated damages (which depends upon the project architect's determination). The Board is kept informed during progress briefings at Board meetings.

It should be pointed out that liquidated damages are not to be confused with the practice of withholding a portion of the final payment due the contractor. It is the practice of the School Board, after substantial completion of the project, to withhold two and one-half times the cost of the work still to be done until all matters are finally completed.

Other Matters

We also looked into the issues of spending money to investigate the acquisition of the Bronson Field site for a west side school and the Board's policy of purchasing computers and computer maintenance services.

In short, the Board appropriated approximately $100,000 to look into the adequacy of the Bronson Field site, but no decision was made to acquire the site. That was to come later after a formal proposal was made to the Board. It should be pointed out that, in the past, two other schools had been constructed after property was acquired from the federal government as was proposed in this manner.

The School Board has lengthy procedures to follow concerning the acquisition of commodities and must follow state law and these procedures. We saw no evidence that these laws or procedures were violated in the acquisition process; however, one bidder raised a valid challenge to the issuance of a three-year computer maintenance contract. No new contract was issued and the present contract was carried forward under its present terms and will be re-bid again.


Dated this 25th day of August, 1998, signed by Deborah Whitmore, Foreperson, and Frank Green, Clerk.

Chairman Jenkins stated that many untruths had been circulated throughout the District, but the School Board has been cleared of any wrongdoings.

Mrs. Webb stated for clarification that she did not take complaints to the Grand Jury, nor was she called by the Grand Jury. She stated that she had raised an issue regarding executive session. Mr. May noted that executive session involves privileged information that is not shared outside of executive session. Mr. May stated that inordinate amounts of time, money, and energy were spent in answering untrue claims, and he thanked the staff for their professionalism, as well as the Board, Board Attorney, and the Attorney to the Superintendent.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.


Motion was made by Mrs. Morris to approve the minutes for the 7/14/98 Budget Workshop, 7/14/98 Special Board Meeting, 7/23/98 Special Board Meeting, 7/27/98 Regular Board Workshop, 7/28/98 Special Board Meeting, and 7/28/98 Regular Board Meeting, with the following amendments (presented in writing by Mrs. Morris):

1) July 14, 1998, Budget Workshop

Page 1, Item II.B., last paragraph

Second line - insert after end of sentence - "The sitework was done around the property."

Third line - delete - (around the back portion of the school)

Third line - insert after "fence" - "and asked that the property line be corrected before the fence is installed."

2) July 27, 1998, Regular Board Workshop

Page 4, Item VII.A.5.2 - insert as a first sentence - "Mrs. Morris stated that she did not believe this included the vending machines in the athletic departments and was told she was correct, it did not."

Page 5, Item IX.3 - Please correct the name of the person who made the comment

from "Dr. DeWitt" to "Mrs. Morris."

3) July 28, 1998, Regular Board Meeting

Page 7, Item V.A.5, first paragraph

Tenth line - insert after "available information." - "Mrs. Morris stated that according to Roberts Rules of Order only someone voting on the winning side can bring an item back for reconsideration."

The motion was seconded by Dr. DeWitt. Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion to approve the minutes as amended, was unanimously approved.


A. Permission to Advertise

(Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit A)


Motion by Mrs. Morris, second by Mr. Bailey, to approve the rule for

advertising, was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.


Motion made by Mr. Bailey and seconded by Mrs. Morris, to approve the

rule for advertising. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. May stated that the

recommendation (for an increase in pay for substitute teaching that exceeds twenty consecutive school days in the same assignment) was intended for permanent substitutes who undertake additional tasks such as preparation of lesson plans. Dr. DeWitt made a motion to amend the language to reflect substitute teaching "that exceeds twenty consecutive school days in the District."

Mr. May spoke in favor of the recommendation for permanent substitutes only, who must assume the duties that a regular teacher would have. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt stated that he would accept the recommendation, and he withdrew the motion to amend, stating that he would like to see the matter addressed again next year. Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.


Motion made by Mr. Bailey and seconded by Mrs. Webb, to approve this

rule for advertising. The following revised language was noted relative to personnel

who may take a leave of absence without pay to accept employment in a Charter School: the employee may retain seniority accrued in the School District and may continue to be covered by the District Health, Life, and Dental Benefits Programs if the employee on leave of absence pays the full cost of these programs.

After discussion, Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

4. 6Gx17-2.17 SICK LEAVE

Motion was made by Mr. Bailey to approve the rule for advertising. Chairman Jenkins passed the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and seconded the motion. Mrs. Morris requested that information be provided as to the number of employees who may be able to participate in the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) and also draw a retirement incentive bonus, and the costs involved.

Ms. Mary Helen Fryman, Director of Human Resources, advised that 82

people who are currently in the pre-retirement terminal pay program have the option of deferring their retirement date so that they can participate in DROP when they are eligible. Staff is following up with the employees, who are to respond by mid-September as to whether or not they are going into the DROP program, and that information will be provided to the Board.

Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Chairman Jenkins and made a motion to table this item until the next Board meeting.

Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA Uniserv, commented concerning the contractual issue.

Mrs. Morris commented that employees under union status have a contract that would apply, but there are administrative and professional people who do not.

Mr. Wallace Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs,

stated concerning the fiscal impact for each person that goes into DROP, the School District will pay about 5% less in the retirement fund. If still employed, the proposal is that they get a 5.1% raise if adopted by the Board tonight.

Dr. DeWitt stated that he had made a motion to table. Said motion died for lack of second. After discussion, Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Dr. DeWitt voting NO.


Motion was made by Mrs. Morris and seconded by Mr. Bailey, to approve the rule for advertising. The Board Attorney stated that subsequent to further review by staff, minor changes in the wording may be needed. After discussion, Mrs. Morris restated the motion to approve the rule for advertising and to allow the minor changes to be done for advertising. Mrs. Webb asked if this was a rush item. After discussion, Dr. Epperson suggested pulling the item from the agenda in order to allow staff to make the necessary wording changes and bring it back to the Board next month. Mrs. Morris withdrew the motion and Mr. Bailey withdrew the second.

B. Permission to Adopt

"No items submitted."


Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Mr. Bailey and seconded by Mrs. Morris. Mrs. Webb pulled VIII.A.2(d and e) for clarification, and she registered NO votes on IX.1, IX.2 and IX.11. Dr. DeWitt pulled VI.8 for separate motion to add under approval of that item, and he expressed opposition to IX.2 (Exam Exemption Policy) and pulled that item for separate vote. Dr. DeWitt stated that he had additional information to provide under IX.10, and pulled that item for a separate motion. Dr. DeWitt requested clarification from the Superintendent on a bid item (See VII.A.2.1).


This item was approved as submitted.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit B)


Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit C.

A. Instructional


1. Appointments

Anderson, Angela Ransom 8/10/98 T Barton, Resigned

Archer, Kenneth Tate 8/10/98 Additional Position

*Auerbach, Alison Yniestra 8/13/98 E Dunson, Transf'd

Aulger, Larry Brentwood Mid 8/12/98 W Pearson, Transf'd

*Aulger, Todd Carver 8/10/98 L Peacock, Resigned

Aumend, Catherine Warrington Mid 8/10/98 J Medlin, Transf'd

Bates, Robin Tate 8/10/98 Additional Position

Beaulieu, Mary Woodham 8/10/98 R Roland, Transf'd

Beck, Joel Washington 8/10/98 E Kovacs, Resigned

Bennett, Melissa Beulah 7/23/98 M Roberts, Transf'd

Biltucci, Patricia West Pensacola 8/10/98 A Edgar, Transf'd

Blankenship-Mendoza, Y Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 K Keigley, Transf'd

Boles, Shannon Tate 8/10/98 L Richardson, Transf'd

Bolling, Donna Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 I Sansom, Transf'd

Boyette, Stacey Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 L Mitchell, In Sch Transfer

Brooks, Catherine Bellview Elem 8/10/98 D Tanner, Resigned

Broxton, Henry ReDirections 8/13/98 K Miller, Non Renewal

Burrill, Terry P'cola Bch/Molino 8/12/98 K Holland, Resigned

Carter, Sherri Century Elem 8/10/98 Additional Position

Clayton, Robert Pine Forest 8/10/98 R Watson, Non Renewal

Cravatt, Ann Pine Forest 8/10/98 S Bayer, Transf'd

Crisson, Mary Barrineau Park 8/10/98 K Adkins, Resigned

Cuebas, Susan Longleaf 8/10/98 A Welch, LOA

Damron, Cecilia Brentwood Elem 8/11/98 H Jones, Transf'd

Davis, Joann ReDirections 8/13/98 T Nelson, Non Renewal

Davis, Shelley ESE/Speech 8/10/98 S Hinman, Non Renewal

DeCosta, Thomas Washington 8/10/98 J Broughton, Transf'd

Delaney, Denise ESE/Speech 8/10/98 S Chamberlain, Resigned

Diamond, Margaret Century Elem 8/10/98 D Mims, Resigned

Doster, Cynthia Montclair 8/17/98 Year Long Intern

*Dumond, Dwight ESE 8/10/98 Additional Position

Dunwoody, Jody Tate 8/10/98 T Tanner, Resigned

Estes, Susanne Woodham 8/10/98 J White, Transf'd

Ewing, David Bellview Mid 8/10/98 C Boyce, Resigned

Fairbanks, Stephanie PATS 8/10/98 Additional Position

Findlay, Jennifer Century Elem 8/10/98 J Brooks, Resigned

Fisher, Alita ESE/Speech 8/10/98 I Liddell, Resigned

Fontaine, Sydnee Jim Allen 8/10/98 J Murphy, Resigned

*Fox, Beverly ESE 8/10/98 M Gough, Resigned

Gandy-Baggett, Victoria Northview 8/11/98 P Ingram, Resigned

Gibson, Katerl Holm 8/17/98 Year Long Intern

*Gillies, Cliff Carver 8/10/98 K Linam, Non Renewal

Green, Sheila Oakcrest 8/10/98 K Dudas, Resigned

Greene, Paula Brownsville 8/10/98 C Ryan, Resigned

Grepke, Tracy Oakcrest 8/10/98 J Landrum, Resigned

Hamilton, Laura Ensley 8/10/98 M Rea, Transf'd

Hansen, Kristen ESE/Speech 8/10/98 J Morris, Resigned

*Harageones, Linda Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 L Groton, Resigned

Hardin, Ryan Pine Forest 8/10/98 I Chahine, Non Renewal

Hardy, Susan Warrington Mid 8/10/98 M Murphy, Transf'd

Haytaian, Tina Brown Barge 8/10/98 D Todd, Resigned

Holk-Vaughnes, Laura Woodham 8/10/98 C Tweeddale, Non Renewal

Huggins, Lori Byrneville 8/10/98 S West, Resigned

Jernigan, Jeannie Tate/Woodham 8/10/98 K Holley, Part-time

Johnson, Laurel Pensacola 8/10/98 M Gaertner, In Sch Transfer

Jones, Katrina Tate 8/10/98 R Shackle, Transf'd

*Jordan, Julie Century Elem 8/10/98 Additional Position

Kelley, Sheila Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 P Turman, In Sch Transfer

King, Claudia Pensacola 8/12/98 N Sommer, Transf'd

Knight, Charlin George Stone 8/10/98 P Singletary, Retired

Kohr, John Pensacola 8/10/98 Additional Position

Lambert, Jill ESE/Speech 8/10/98 A McFarland, Resigned

Lehman, Stacy Brentwood Mid 8/12/98 A Frankel, Transf'd

Leonard, Thomas Pine Forest 8/10/98 J McKeon, Retired

Mabie, Margarete Warrington Mid 8/10/98 S Fretwell, In Sch Transfer

McCraw, Ann Warrington Mid 8/10/98 B Evans, LOA

McInroy, Zane Brentwood Elem 8/10/98 P Rickard, Transf'd

Mercado, Brenda ESE/Speech 8/10/98 P Harris, Transf'd

Milnes, Elizabeth Montclair 8/17/98 Year Long Intern

Morrow, Bob Ferry Pass Elem 8/10/98 H Pearson, Transf'd

*Najarian, Dorothy Warrington Mid 8/10/98 G Ferguson, Resigned

Nevin, Mary Montclair 8/10/98 R Livingston, LOA

Nutt, Tina Edgewater 8/11/98 M Riegle, Resigned

Padgett, Dynita Weis 8/03/98 M Smith, Transf'd

Paul, Denise Bailey 8/10/98 P Collier, Resigned

Perrin, Donna Montclair 8/17/98 Year Long Intern

Price, Amy Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 G Dumas, Transf'd

Renacker, Melissa Jim Allen 8/10/98 D Hitt, Retired

Renfroe, Margarline Bellview Mid 8/10/98 E Crow, Transf'd

*Respondek, Laurine Special Education 8/10/98 A Taylor, LOA

Richards, Elizabeth Warrington Elem 8/10/98 M Brye, Transf'd

Roumbos, Diane Spencer Bibbs 8/10/98 J Alkire, Non Renewal

Ruffin, LaShawnda Escambia 8/10/98 K Calogero, In Sch


*Sanders, Kimberlynn Brownsville 8/12/98 K Livingston, Transf'd

Santillo, Marianne Pine Forest 8/10/98 J Nicolet, Resigned

Schoenholz, Marci Brentwood Elem 8/10/98 J Johnson, Resigned

Segrest, Paula Oakcrest 8/10/98 B Hykes, LOA

Shelnut, Stacey McArthur 8/10/98 S Lukes, LOA

Smith, Barbara Hellen Caro 8/10/98 S Miller, Transf'd

Stoker, Terri Holm 8/10/98 A Swanson, Resigned

Sullivan, Mandy Bailey 8/10/98 D Jamison, LOA

Sullivan, Orania Spencer Bibbs 8/10/98 Additional Position

*Swartout, Craig Northview 8/10/98 J Creel, Transf'd

Taylor, Brenda Century Elem 8/10/98 C Killam, Transf'd

Thomas, LaVonda Bailey 8/10/98 K Haralson, Non


Thompson, Linda Spencer Bibbs 8/10/98 S Cole, Transf'd

Townsend, Pam Brown Barge 8/10/98 L Telatovich, Transf'd

Travis, Vera McMillan 8/12/98 Additional Position

Tringue, Mary Warrington Mid 8/10/98 M Blackmon, Transf'd

Vasser, Anne Brownsville 8/10/98 M Henderson, Transf'd

*Walker, Frank Pine Forest 8/10/98 Additional Position

Wallace, Sabrina Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 S Riggs, Retired

Williams, Bobby Escambia 8/10/98 R Lewis, Resigned

Williams, Gay Escambia 8/10/98 K McMichael, Transf'd

*Williams, John Brentwood Mid 8/10/98 J Jerralds, Non Renewal

Wismer, Lance Warrington Mid 8/10/98 W Moseley, Transf'd

*Wongittilin, Charro Yniestra/Lipscomb 7/16/98 Additional Position

Yates, Holly Molino 8/11/98 M Krull, Transf'd

*Out of field

2. Resignations

Allen, Eleanor Washington 6/02/98

Ashford, Laura Judy Andrews 6/02/98

Barton, Tammy Ransom 7/31/98

Beckham, Sally Hallmark 7/13/98 (was on LOA)

Blohme, Jodi West Pensacola 6/02/98

Boyce, Cheryl Bellview Mid 7/31/98

DELETE: Bragg, Lowell W Pine Forest 8/20/98 (was suspended without pay)

Chamberlain, Sarah ESE/Speech 7/31/98

Clark, Christine Westgate Ctr 7/31/98

Commander, Carol Woodham 7/31/98

Cutright, Dawn Holm 7/31/98

Dudas, Kelly Oakcrest 6/02/98

Ferguson, Garilyn Ferry Pass Mid 7/31/98

Gough, Mark ESE 6/30/98

Harrison, Elizabeth Hellen Caro 8/11/98

Holland, Karen P'cola Beach/Molino7/31/98

Howard, Kathy Hellen Caro 7/31/98

Ingram, Paula Northview 7/31/98

Kovacs, Eugene Washington 6/02/98

Landrum, Jacqueline Oakcrest 6/02/98

Lewis, Regina Escambia 6/02/98

Liddell, Ingrid Hallmark 8/07/98

Moffitt, Anjanette Special Education 6/29/98

Morris, Joan ESE/Speech 7/31/98

Murphy, Jamie Jim Allen 7/31/98

Posey, Terry Pine Forest 6/02/98

Richardson, Mary Pleasant Grove 7/31/98

Riegle, Marilyn Edgewater 7/31/98

Ryan, Cynthia Brownsville 6/02/98

Scherbarth, Earldean Holm 6/29/98

Scherbarth, Sharon West Pensacola 7/31/98

Smith, Arianna Workman 6/02/98

Smith, Ellis Brentwood Mid 6/02/98

Staples, Carole Pensacola 7/31/98

Swanson, Amy Holm 6/02/98

Tanner, Tyrone Tate 7/31/98

West, Sheryl Byrneville 7/31/98

3. Retirees

DELETE: Bragg, Lowell W. Pine Forest 8/20/98 (Was suspended without Pay)

Duggan, Harriet Pleasant Grove 6/02/98

Enzor, Barbara Special Education 6/02/98

Hitt, Diana Jim Allen 6/02/98

Presley, Joann Pine Meadow 4/22/98 (Disability)

Warner, Mattie Semmes 6/02/98


4. Teachers Returning from Leave of Absence

Kennedy, Diane Scenic Heights 8/10/98


5. Transfers

From To Date

Adams, Amy Navy Point Cordova Park 8/10/98

Aydelott, Randy Semmes Pine Forest 8/10/98

Blackmon, Melissa Warrington Mid Ferry Pass Mid 8/10/98

Brooks, Tammy Northview Special Education 8/10/98

Brye, Mary Warrington Elem ReDirections 8/10/98

DeStafney, Jan Brentwood Mid Hall Ctr 8/10/98

Dorsett, Sarah Pleasant Grove Lipscomb 8/20/98

Dumas, Glenn Brentwood Mid Ernest Ward 8/10/98

Dunson, Ellen Yniestra Suter/P'cola Beach 8/10/98

Erwin, Laurel Redirections Juvenile Justice 8/10/98

Gaddy, Stefanie Petree Pre-K Judy Andrews 8/10/98

Henderson, Marie Brownsville Woodham 8/10/98

Jones, Holly Brentwood Elem Lipscomb 8/10/98

Killam, Carol Century Elem Bratt 8/10/98

King, Alfred Env Studies Ctr ReDirections 8/10/98

Krull, Marla Molino Ferry Pass Elem 8/10/98

Lawson-Sellers, Jobenna Wedgewood Bellview Mid 8/12/98

Lewis, Celestine Hall Ctr Semmes 8/10/98

*Livingston, Kimberly Brownsville Byrneville 8/10/98

Loggins, Gary Ernest Ward Warrington Mid 8/10/98

Monish, Karen Longleaf Hellen Caro 8/10/98

Norton, Amy Ferry Pass Mid Northview 8/10/98

O'Rear, Pamela Judy Andrews Ensley 8/10/98

Orgusaar, Anna Bellview Mid Pine Forest 8/10/98

Pearson, William Brentwood Mid Carver 8/10/98

Roberts, Mary Beulah Spencer Bibbs 8/10/98

Russ, Victoria Navy Point West Pensacola 8/10/98

Schwarz, Teresa Spencer Bibbs Longleaf 8/10/98

Selbo, Edwina Pine Forest Special Education 8/03/98

Shackle, Richard Tate Ransom 8/10/98

Silivios, Paula Lincoln Park Judy Andrews 8/10/98

Singleton, Isabelle ReDirections Lipscomb 8/10/98

*Smith, Erin Escambia Pine Forest 8/10/98

Smith, Martha Weis Judy Andrews 8/10/98

Smith, Peggy Hall Ctr Sherwood 8/10/98

Snead, Leigh Ernest Ward Ensley 8/10/98

Sommer, Natalie Pensacola Bellview Mid 8/10/98

Telatovich, Linda Brown Barge Tate 8/10/98

Valliere, Sonja Lakeview Pensacola 8/10/98

6. Requests for Leave With Pay

Cooey, Dale Molino 7/20 Jury duty

Frazier, Thomas Bailey 7/7 Jury duty

Jones, Evaline Data Ctr 7/6-8 Jury duty

Linton, Nettie Escambia 7/6,7 Jury duty

McDonald, John Woodham 6/29,30;7/1-10 Military

Reed, Larry Fine Arts 7/6 Jury duty


7. Requests for Leave Without Pay

*Ard, Bonnie Ensley 8/27/98-6/1/99 Illness

*Brooks, Rachel Ensley 8/27-12/18/98 Maternity

*Coots, Kerri Ransom 8/10/98-12/18/98 Maternity

Everett, Jenny Bellview Mid 8/10/98-6/1/99 Childrearing

*Fulford, Elizabeth West Pensacola 8/10/98-6/1/99 Maternity

*Grady, Tina Navy Point 8/31-9/18/98 Maternity

*Hykes, Beverly Oakcrest 8/10/98-6/1/99 Illness

Johnson, Susan Molino 8/10/98-6/1/99 Childrearing

Jolly, Natalie Pensacola 8/10/98-6/1/99 Professional

*Lukes, Sophia McArthur 9/3/98-6/1/99 Illness

*Sturdivant, Huey Woodham 8/25-11/19/98 Personal

Young, Tanya Hellen Caro 8/10/98-6/1/99 Childrearing


8. Special Requests

(1) Rescind appointment and accept resignation of James Vinson, teacher at Tate High.

(2) Request approval of the following appointments with assigned paygrade on the professional salary schedule:

Bell, Raymond Educational Data Specialist PG 17/1 8/11/98-6/30/99

Rhodes, John Ins Tech Support Tech PG 7/1 9/01/98-6/30/99

  • Request approval for Diane Swanson, vision teacher to provide vision services to students at Yniestra from July 15 through August 7, 1998 and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.

(4) Request approval for the following part-time instructor to be employed under

School Board Rule #6G17-2.03 at George Stone in the Law Enforcement Program:

Name Date

Burke, Mark 7/28/98

Smith, Charles 7/01/98

(5) Request approval for Debra Simpkins, Alternative Education teacher at the Hall Center to work 8/3-7, 1998 in the capacity of Director of Alternative Education to provide continuity for the Dropout Prevention Program due to the illness of Charles Thomas. Ms. Simpkins will be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.

(6) Request approval of subcontract agreement amendment between The University of West Florida and Escambia County Schools, entitled "Panhandle Area Center for Education Enhancement."

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit D)

(7) Request approval of settlement agreement between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for cost and services performed by Kim Daughdrill between August and November, 1997 for $9,828.89.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit E)

(8) Request approval of settlement agreement between The University of West Florida and the Escambia County School District for cost and services performed by Robin Brandenburg between August and November, 1997 for $7,742.88.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit F)

(9) Request approval to subcontract between The University of West Florida and Jill White, teacher at Woodham, to improve student performance through Contextual Learning from August 10, 1998 through June 1, 1999.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit G)

(10) Reappointment of instructional personnel for the 1998-99 school year:

*Eligible & Recommended for Professional Service Contract

#4th Year Annual Contract

@Out of field

@Archer, Kathryn Pensacola 8/10/98

Ayers, Ronald Pine Forest 8/10/98

Bayer, Sharon Holm 8/11/98

Bennett, Timothy George Stone 8/10/98

*Boyd, Todd Special Education 8/10/98

Brady, Adrienne Warrington Elem 8/10/98

Bridwell, Alayna Ensley 8/10/98

@Campbell, Coy Northview 8/10/98

Carter, Michele Century Elem 8/10/98

Cisar, Andrew George Stone 8/10/98

@Coleman, Christine Pensacola 8/10/98

Collins, Pamela Holm 8/10/98

Connell, Jennifer Workman 8/10/98

Currie, Merrilee Westgate Ctr 8/10/98

Davis, Mary Brentwood Mid 8/10/98

Eddins, Daisy Escambia 8/10/98

Elting, Stephen Escambia 8/10/98

#Gainey, Pamela Holm 8/10/98

#Hammer, Daniel Ernest Ward 8/10/98

Hinton, David Pensacola 8/13/98

Jacobi, Anne Semmes 8/13/98

Jarvis, Julie Workman 8/10/98

Johnson, Myrna Brownsville 8/10/98

@Lewis, Larry Tate 8/10/98 (full-time)

Mathes, Roberta George Stone 8/10/98

Morrison, Catheryn Workman 8/10/98

Nixon, Christine Holm 8/10/98

Penton, Randi Pensacola 8/10/98

@Pierce, Rhonda Pleasant Grove 8/10/98

Savage, Marvin Pensacola 8/10/98

Schlenker, Stephany Washington 8/10/98

Sims, Anthony George Stone 8/10/98

*Smith, Robert West Pensacola 8/10/98

Smith, Samuel Pensacola 8/10/98

Stimpson, Cathy George Stone 8/10/98

Sykes, Chanda Tate 8/10/98

Thomas, Dianne Lakeview 8/10/98

Thompson, Peggy Pensacola 8/10/98

#Ussery, Sarah Woodham 8/10/98

Wamsley, Jamie Warrington Elem 8/10/98

Ward, Vickie Lipscomb 8/10/98

#Wilson, C W Bailey 8/10/98

Woods, Betty Brownsville 8/10/98

Wright, Etter Holm 8/10/98

(11) Request approval for Jim Taylor, Visiting Teacher to work for four days in July, 1998 due to the resignation of Claudia Brown and to be paid at his regular hourly rate of pay.

(12) Request approval for the following teachers to teach out-of-field for the 1998-99 school year:

Crenshaw, Gloria Visiting Teacher

Kramerich, Maurine PATS

Gindl, Nancy Northview

(13) Request approval for David Bond, teacher at Pine Forest to work the month of July to install the new file server and network cards in all the machines for the Business Department and to be paid at his regular hourly rate of pay.

(14) Request approval for Linda Harris, Teacher in Charge at Even Start Program, to work as an Intern Principal under Title I for the 1998-99 school year with her present twelve-month salary.

(15) Request approval for Patsy Mayo, Head Teacher at Hospital/Homebound to work as an Intern Principal at Hellen Caro Elementary for the 1998-99 school with her present twelve-month salary effective August 26, 1998.


B. Educational Support Personnel


1. Appointments R - Replacement


Brantley, Brenda (Prom) R Admin Clerk II 8/17/98 Washington

Culliver, Valinda R Custodial Worker I 7/20/98 Escambia Westgate

Daniel, Shirley R Teacher Asst Special 8/17/98 Woodham

Davies, Sarah (Prom) R Teacher Asst Special 8/17/98 Brentwood Middle

Deboe, Johnnie Jr. R Auto Equip Mech 7/1/98 Transp Garage

English, Lucy R Teacher Asst Special 8/17/98 Workman

Fillingim, Gail R Custodial Worker I 7/1/98 Ernest Ward

Fountain, Nathaniel R Custodial Worker I 7/23/98 Washington

Guy, Paul R Storekeeper Tech II 7/6/98 Central Warehouse

Hamrac, John R Custodial Worker I 7/20/98 Myrtle Grove

Heyse, Sherry R Teacher Asst Special 7/20/98 Navy Point

Ireland, Janetta (Prom) R Admin Clerk II 8/3/98 Beulah

Jones, Roderick R Custodial Worker I 7/7/98 Escambia

Kelly, Michael R Custodial Worker I 7/21/98 Bellview Elem

Kyles, Dewayne R Custodial Worker I 7/13/98 Washington

Lesure, Marcus R Custodial Worker I 7/6/98 Pensacola High

McCord, Gordon (Prom) R Custodial Worker II 7/6/98 Warrington Middle

Mullins, Tamika R Custodial Worker I 7/22/98 Pensacola High

Odom, James R Custodial Worker I 7/10/98 Escambia

Orso, Terry (Prom) R Asst Garage Supv 7/8/98 Transportation

Peasant, Dyron R Custodial Worker I 7/9/98 Pensacola High

Redmond, Syble (Prom) R Admin School Sec III 7/20/98 Montclair

Rease, James R Custodial Worker I 7/6/98 Tate

Robinson, Elizabeth (Prom)R Admin School Sec III 7/23/98 Oakcrest

Smith, Albert R Custodial Worker I 7/1/98 Pensacola High

Smith, Lisa (Prom) R Teacher Asst Special 8/17/98 W Pensacola

Smith, Pamela (Prom) R Food Ser Mgr III 7/16/98 W Pensacola

Smith, Tammie R Teacher Asst Special 7/20/98 Navy Point

Standifer, Elain (Prom) R Admin School Sec I 8/3/98 Tate

Travis, Wayne R Storekeeper Tech II 7/14/98 Central Warehouse

Turner, Jimmie Jr.(Prom) R Maintenance Worker II 7/7/98 Maintenance

Welch, Gary R Carpenter I 7/10/98 Maintenance

Williams, Johnnie R Custodial Worker I 7/6/98 Tate

Yates, Terrell R Heavy Equip Mech 7/6/98 Transportation

Zaben, Viola (Prom) R Benefits Specialist 7/27/98 Risk Management

2. Resignations


Anderson, Cheryl Teacher Asst Special 7/17/98 Escambia Westgate

Bray, Peggy (Ret) Food Ser Manager I 6/30/98 Brentwood Elem

Bryan, Margaret (Ret) Food Ser Manager II 6/29/98 Bratt

Carroll, Barbara Food Ser Asst I 8/3/98 Brentwood Middle

Dawson, Mary Early Childhood Asst 8/12/98 McMillan

Hamilton, Catherine Teacher Asst Special 7/29/98 Special Ed

Kalmanek, Michelle Food Ser Asst I 7/15/98 Ransom

Kent, Gaye (Ret) Admin School Sec I 7/31/98 Tate

Mayne, Mary Ann (Ret) Admin Clerk II 7/31/98 Washington

Ray, Elizabeth Food Ser Asst I 8/1/98 Ferry Pass Elem

Richardson, Cathy Teacher Assistant 6/29/98 Escambia Westgate

Rogers, Ada Food Ser Asst I 8/7/98 Brentwood Middle

Smith, Carol Early Childhood Asst 8/12/98 Ensley

Stacey, Augusta (Ret) Admin Clerk II 8/28/98 Hallmark

Thames, Hercules Custodial Supervisor 7/8/98 Northview

Thompson, Sandra Admin Clerk II 7/24/98 Dixon

Tipsword, Dollie Food Ser Asst I 8/12/98 W Pensacola

Travis, Vera Early Childhood Asst 8/11/98 Beggs

Ward, Betty Food Ser Asst I 8/3/98 Brentwood Middle

3. Terminations

None at this time.


4. Suspensions

None at this time.

5. Dismissals

Employee #263-21-4581, Maintenance Department, dismissed in bad standing effective August 11, 1998.

6. Leave of Absence

Baker, Barbara (Ext) Food Ser Asst I 5/30/98-11/30/98 Medical

Fillingim, Jean (Ext) Teacher Assistant 5/29/98-10/30/98 Personal

Higginbothem, Stacey Teacher Asst Special 8/17/98-8/17/99 Professional

Jackson, Riley Custodial Worker I 7/23/98 - 8/31/98 Medical

Smith, Charlotte School Data Spec I 8/5/98-8/31/98 *Medical

Weaden, Glenda (Ext) School Bus Oper 5/29/98-1/5/98 Medical

Warren, Theresa (Ext) Food Service Asst I 5/30/98-8/28/98 Medical

7. Special Requests

(1) Request approval for Leave of Absence without pay for Sheree Kirksey, School Bus Operator in Transportation, for the purpose of working in Charter School.

(2) Request approval to establish an Equipment Operator III position, pay grade 13, in the Central Warehouse. Permanent employee has been placed on permanent light duty under Workman's Compensation and assigned to another work location.



1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of September, 1998.

(Housed in Finance Department)

2. Check Register for the month of July, 1998.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit H)

3. Authorized payment of $4,996.00 to Louis F. Ray, Jr.,School Board Attorney, for legal services performed during the month of July, 1998.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit I)

4. Authorized payment of $3,429.00 (general) and $9,334.20 (DOAH) to the legal firm of Hammons & Whittaker, P.A., for legal services for the month of July, 1998.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit J)

5. Effort Index Grant Application.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit K)

6. Annual Contract Renewal for Head Start.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit L)

7. 1998-99 Professional Salary Schedule and Classification Guide.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit M)

8. 1998-99 Administrative Salary Schedule and Classification Guide.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit N)

Dr. DeWitt expressed support for the salary increases. He stated that he

had presented in workshop the idea of reclassifying assistant principals for high schools, and that the Budget Department had provided a cost analysis. He made a motion that the Superintendent appoint a committee or contract with a private firm to review the classification system for all administrative personnel, and based upon either additional or fewer job responsibilities, submit to this Board his recommendations for any changes to this schedule for implementation in July 1, 1999. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Webb.

Dr. DeWitt noted the difference of $11,000 between principals and

assistant principals at high schools, and that after receiving the cost analysis, he had become more aware of the budgetary impact of changing one position. He asked that the whole administrative schedule be reviewed so that a new salary schedule can be addressed in the budget process next year, with recommendations and the financial implications it would have. After discussion, Mr. May stated that money had not been budgeted for a consulting firm to do a district-wide study this year and it may have to wait until next year's budget.

Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

9. Budget Amendments: BA #1, PART IV - Special Revenue - Food Service, BA #3, PART II - Debt Service fund, BA #10, PART IV - Special Revenues, BA #10, PART I - General Operating Fund.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit O)


Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit P.



1.0 Schools

"No items submitted."

2.0 Administrative Departments

2.1 Three (3) Year Microcomputer Maintenance Agreement, Bid #54-98 (Technological Systems/MIS)

Dr. DeWitt stated that he had supported pulling the bid last month and he asked for confirmation that a 90-day bid could not be done, in that it would jeopardize the schools. Mr. May stated that the intent was that the schools would not be adversely affected, and he verified that the Grand Jury report had cited that no laws or procedures were violated in the acquisition process, that no new contract was issued and the present contract was carried forward under its present terms and will be re-bid again.

2.2 ½ Ton Pick-up Truck Bid #4-99 (Maintenance Department)

3.0 Maintenance and Transportation

"No items submitted."

4.0 Central Warehouse

4.1 Annual Agreement for Office and Print Shop Paper, Bid #1-99.

5.0 School Food Services

"No items submitted."

6.0 Facilities Planning

"No items submitted."


1.0 Schools

1.1 Gateway Microcomputer Equipment for Pine Forest High School

1.2 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Bellview Middle School

1.3 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for McArthur Elementary School

1.4 Annual Agreement for Professional Consulting and Training Services at Navy Point Elementary School

2.0 Administrative Departments

2.1 Computer Network Cabling at Brown Barge Middle School (Instructional Technology)

3.0 Maintenance and Transportation

"No items submitted."

4.0 Central Warehouse

"No items submitted."

5.0 School Food Services

"No items submitted."

6.0 Facilities Planning

"No items submitted."



1.0 Schools

"No items submitted."

2.0 Administrative Departments

2.1 Annual Contract Renewal to Provide Legal Services as Labor Counsel (Employee Service)

2.2 Contribution to "Healthy Kids Fund."

3.0 Maintenance and Transportation

"No items submitted."

4.0 Central Warehouse

"No items submitted."

5.0 School Food Services

"No items submitted."

6.0 Facilities Planning

6.1 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #175367 (A. E. New, Jr., Inc.)

6.2 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #178979 (Ventilated Awnings, Inc.)


Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit Q.





Request final payment in the amount of $2,379.10 to Systems Specialist, Inc., contractor, on the above referenced project.

P.O. #167159 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $23,791.00



Request Board approval of purchase of property on North B Street (Lot # 18-2S-30-3006-000-002) between the Escambia

County School District and Mrs. Betty L. White for Pensacola High School in accord with the half-cent sales tax expenditures.


Request direction from Board on proposal from Mr. Bill Neron, Assistant County Administrator regarding needed roof repairs on the Property Appraiser's building.


Request Board approval to terminate lease agreement with Mr. Freddy Powell, up for renewal at the end of the current one year lease (August 31, 1998), for the Myrtle Grove Center.


Upon request from Mrs. Webb, staff noted this was presented as an information item.

e. FYI - TENTATIVE DISTRICT FACILITIES WORK PROGRAM - Backup to be provided under separate memorandum. The Public Hearing for adoption is scheduled for September 8, 1998, 5:30 p.m.

Upon request from Mrs. Webb, staff advised that this was presented for purposes of review prior to Board action on September 8, 1998.


"No items submitted."


Backup material filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit R.


1. Shared Services Network.

Mrs. Webb registered a NO vote on this item, stating that when this first came before the Board, she had voted no on the $40,000 grant because the goal was to establish an additional taxing authority.

2. Exam Exemption Policy.

Dr. DeWitt pulled this item for separate vote. He emphasized the importance of exam taking as part of the educational process, and he moved to continue the existing Exam Exemption Policy, which means that students would not be exempt. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Webb.

Mrs. Morris spoke in favor of the Superintendent's recommendation (exam exemption for semester exams, grades nine through twelve), noting that the exemption requires the parents' permission.

Ms. Ella Sims, Director of Secondary Education, stated that last year, all

School Districts had discontinued the practice of exempting from semester exams based on interpretation of the law; however, many districts had petitioned the Department of Education and a technical assistance paper was provided. The policy proposed is a revision of the previous policy that was in existence prior to the 1997-98 school year, and many groups were involved in the decision-making process throughout last school year including administrators, principals, assistant principals, students, advisory councils, and parents. Mr. May noted that exemption would not be based solely on attendance, but would also be based on good grades and conduct of G or above.

Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion failed 3-2 with Mrs. Morris, Dr. Jenkins, and Mr. Bailey voting NO.

It was noted that this item (as originally recommended by the Superintendent to support the Exam Exemption Policy) was approved as part of the consent agenda with Dr. DeWitt and Mrs. Webb voting NO.

3. Revised Report Cards for Kindergarten Cordova Park Elementary School.

4. Modification to Even Start Family Literacy Program Application as approved on May 26, 1998.

5. Guidelines for Managing Asthma in the School Setting.

6. Rescission of Non Financial Agreement Between the ESCAROSA Regional Workforce Development Board, Inc., and The School Board of Escambia County and The Waterfront Rescue Mission, Inc. (Originally submitted February 24, 1998)

7. Agreement Between the School Boards of Santa Rosa County and Escambia County for Services for Handicapped Students.

8. Memorandum of Understanding Between the School Board of Escambia County and CAP Head Start Program 1998-99.

9. Cooperative Agreement Between Escambia Westgate/Escambia County School Board and Special Populations/Lakeview Center, Inc.

10. Medicaid Certified School Match Agreement.

Dr. DeWitt stated that he had the opportunity to call four or five School Districts throughout the State of Florida and talked to the Special Education

Directors who were responsible for administering the program and based on information provided, he wished to make a motion to approve filing the application to participate in the Medicaid program at four pilot schools with the following points:

A. Approval to submit the application;

B. All paperwork and administration of the program to be coordinated by the private provider;

C. If additional services are required, they will be provided by additional personnel, either as new employees or through contracted services. Our existing staff will not take on additional services to existing IEP's that are educationally related. If, for example, more students are identified as in need of therapy services, whether OT, PT, speech, nursing, etc., we will use Medicaid dollars to contract for those additional services. Staff will be required to complete only minimal monthly recording information as requested by Medicaid;

D. Additional dollars generated by the existing staff will be returned to the program that generated the dollars; and

E. Services as written on IEP will be the Medicaid plan for each eligible child. The District will be reimbursed only for those eligible services that are presently being provided.

Dr. DeWitt concluded by saying the program is a good idea, it is a win-win

situation for the children and for the District, but we have to put on the requirement that it has to be contracted and that no additional therapy services be required if Medicaid is done. Motion seconded by Mrs. Morris. Dr. DeWitt noted that the motion includes approval of the pilot program for a year. Upon inquiry from Chairman Jenkins, Mr. Pettis advised that there is not a local vendor, but there are vendors providing services across the state, and he noted that any contract would come back to the Board for review.

After discussion, Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was

unanimously approved.

11. Escambia County School District Strategic Aims and Integrated Management System.

Mrs. Webb registered a NO vote on this item, stating that she agreed with the four Strategic Aims, but would disagree with how we are going to get there.


Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit S.


1. Beggs Educational Center for fiscal year 1996-97

2. Ferry Pass Elementary for fiscal year 1996-97

3. Northview High for fiscal year 1996-97

4. Ransom Middle for fiscal year 1996-97

5. George Stone Center for fiscal year 1996-97

6. Tate High for fiscal year 1996-97

7. Washington High for fiscal year 1996-97

8. Workman Middle for fiscal year 1996-97


1. Inventory Adjustment Reports

2. Surplus property items for cannibalization and scrap

3. Permission to sell to the highest bidder and/or scrap items


The consent agenda was unanimously approved, with a separate motion added on approval of VI.8, and with IX.10 approved by separate motion; in addition, NO votes were registered by Mrs. Webb on IX.1, IX.2, and IX.11, and a NO vote was registered by Dr. DeWitt on IX.2.


Backup filed in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit T.


Ms. Jenny Dyess, President, Escambia County Council of PTAs, reported that

Escambia County PTAs are being organized and training classes have been held for PTA presidents. Leadership training will be held on September 3, 1998, and planning is underway for a parent education handbook to assist schools in facilitating parental involvement workshops. This is a cooperative effort by PTA, the District, local hospitals, and other community resources, and the goal is to have at least one parenting class in every school this year.

2. Ratification of changes to the Master Contract between Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education Association.

Mr. May stated that this is a tremendous accomplishment, noting that this is the only School District in the state that has an official agreement for collaborative bargaining, and he thanked the Board for supporting this process. Dr. Douglas Garber, Director, Employee Services, advised that a step increase was also presented for Board consideration. Motion by Mr. Bailey, second by Mrs. Morris, to ratify changes to the Master Contract between the Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education Association as follows:

A. Salary Schedule

B. Supplemental Salary Schedule

C. Article VI.3 - Faculty Leaders

D. Article XIII.8 - Merit Pay

E. Step Increase

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA Uniserv, reported the results of the ratification election held during the week of August 10-14, 1998, that 2,077 voted yes (representing 97% of those who voted) and 67 voted no (representing 3% of those who voted). There were 2,144 ballots cast, and there were no invalid ballots in this election. There were ballots (with 90 yes votes and 1 no vote) for one school that did not arrive in time for the count.

2) Ms. Arlene Costello, EEA President, expressed appreciation to the Board for supporting this effort, and she recognized members of the Collaborative Bargaining Team and Council including Kathy Terrell, Madonna Jackson-Williams, Robert Shepler, Gail Husbands, Preston Pittman, and others who could not be present tonight.

After discussion, Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was

unanimously approved.

3. Approval of Assistant Elementary Principal appointments.

Motion by Mrs. Morris, second by Mr. Bailey, to accept the Superintendent's recommendation to approve Assistant Elementary Principal appointments as follows:

From To PG DOE

Aggie Bauer Curr Coord/Weis Asst Elem Prin/Weis PG 6/1 8/3/98

Patrice Moody Grade 4/Bibbs Asst Elem Prin/Scenic Hghts PG 6/1 8/3/98

Patricia Reynolds Grade 1/Beulah Asst Elem Prin/Semmes PG 6/1 8/4/98

Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was unanimously


4. Recommend that the Professional Service Contract of Employee Number 609670 be terminated for cause set forth in the Petition for Termination of Professional Service Contract subject to such review and/or hearing as authorized by law.

Motion by Mr. Bailey, second by Mrs. Morris, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent, was unanimously approved.

Concerning student recommendations, Mr. May announced that there were no student expulsions to address this month.


1. Item from the Board - Proposals Regarding the Administrative Procedure Act - Dr. Jenkins

The Board Attorney recommended that the Board vote to approve the changes submitted. Motion by Mr. Bailey, second by Mrs. Morris, to accept the changes recommended on the APA as follows:

1) Most importantly, the following language should be added to the end of Florida Statutes, Section 120.81(1)(c): "notice shall be made not less than 14 days prior to the intended action: 1. By publication in a newspaper...."

2) Next in importance, the following language should be added at the end of section 120.81(1)(d): "and, notwithstanding s.120.54(2), shall not be required to engage in rule development or negotiated rulemaking."

3) The following language should be added to the end of Section 120.81(1)(e): "and, in the case of such a hearing by a District School Board, it may be conducted by one or more Board members or local hearing officers employed or retained by the Board."

After discussion, Chairman Jenkins called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

2. Item from the Board - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb stated that at last month's Board meeting, she had stated that a vote in the February Board minutes had been recorded incorrectly (regarding whether the Board wanted to move toward pursuing acquisition of the Bronson Field property, a study), and she clarified for the record that said minutes did reflect a unanimous vote and the minutes were correct.

Mrs. Webb stated that at the February hearing on the Educational Facilities Advisory Commission, she had requested that a position paper be filed as part of the supplemental minutes. Since the February minutes were already approved, she made a motion to allow the position paper to be added as supplemental backup to the February minutes. Chairman Jenkins passed the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and seconded the motion. Mrs. Morris stated that this was the first time that she had seen the position paper because the document was not presented to Board Members at the February meeting. She expressed concern that the paper cited open accusations against Board Members and did not contain factual information. She stated with regard to amending minutes, the Board had agreed that amendments would be submitted in written form for Board Members to review at the Board meeting. Mrs. Webb stated that the position paper was to be added to the supplementary minute book.

Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the motion failed 4-1 with Mrs. Morris, Mr. Bailey, Dr. Jenkins, and Dr. DeWitt voting NO. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Chairman Jenkins.

Mrs. Webb stated that she would add the position paper as part of the supplementary minute book for the meeting tonight.

(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit U)

3. Item from the Board - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb pulled this item, stating that she did not get backup for it.

4. Item from the Board - Re: Request for Rescission of Action on Appointment - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb pulled this item, stating that she had commented at the Board workshop that it would be more appropriate if there was an issue that it be addressed by a Board Member whose vote might be changed on this matter with reference to prior Board action to transfer an employee to a visiting teacher position.


There was no discussion on this item.


There were no requests to appear.


The following speakers were recognized:

1) Ms. Mona Lisa Beberstein, 6822 Lake Charlene Drive, Pensacola, Florida, inquired as to when renovations would be made at Escambia High School. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, advised that there is $2,300,000 in the budget this year for EHS, including the new classroom addition and minor renovation work, as well as $300,000 for flooring district-wide. He noted that there is a six or seven year painting cycle for the entire district and he will provide information as to where EHS stands on that cycle.

2) Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA Uniserv, spoke concerning the Grand Jury report addressed earlier in the meeting.

. 3) Michael and Denise Lampkin, 727 Alphonso Street, Pensacola, Florida, stated that they had addressed the Board in public forum last month and wished to follow up as to their request that their son be transferred from Wedgewood to Ferry Pass Middle School. Mr. Brock noted that the request had previously been denied by the Transfer Committee. Chairman Jenkins advised that there woul