The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 8:09 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Dr. Elmer Jenkins Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Mr. Jim C. Bailey

Mrs. Barbara Morris

Mrs. Vanette Webb

School Board Attorney: Mr. Louis F. Ray, Jr.

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jerome Watson, Deputy Superintendent

representing Superintendent Jim May



Chairman Jenkins called the workshop to order at 8:09 a.m. Chairman Jenkins stated that the Superintendent was absent due to a minor accident.


The Deputy Superintendent listed the additions and deletions to the agenda.



Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director, Exceptional Student Education, advised that the application for the Medicaid Certified School Match Program was on the agenda for consideration at the Board meeting tomorrow night, and if approved, would institute a pilot program at four schools (Escambia Westgate, Holm Elementary, Workman Middle School, and Washington High School), where staff is currently providing medical services that qualify under Medicaid.

Ms. Sandra Ward, Shared Services Network Coordinator, advised that this program would provide reimbursement for services which the district is already providing and currently paying for out of education funds, including occupational, physical and speech therapy, transportation, behavioral health (social work and psychological services), and nursing services. Medicaid reimbursement is limited to children with specified disabilities who are eligible for both Medicaid and the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program. School districts participating in Medicaid certify that they have used non-federal funds for health care services, and Medicaid reimburses the School District the federal share of the fee for health care services. The district would provide 45% and be reimbursed 55%; whereas, the district now provides 100%. It was noted that billing could be done in-house or a consulting firm could be hired for a 10-20% fee.

Mrs. Morris asked if the program would include Pre-K at Holm Elementary. Ms. Gray stated not at this time, but that could be considered at some point. Chairman Jenkins asked about the length of time required for reimbursement of monies. Mr. Marshall Wallace, Medicaid representative, advised that electronic processing can be done in three days, and paper claims take two to three weeks. It was noted that 58 out of 67 Florida counties are participating in this program, and training and technical assistance are provided with Medicaid school liaison staff, the Department of Education, and consultants. Mrs. Webb asked if there was any down side to the program. Ms. Gray stated that it would require more work by district employees and probably additional staff or additional staff time.

Dr. DeWitt discussed concerns regarding moving into a medical arena and the amount of paperwork and additional responsibility on staff, and he suggested considering the program only if 100% of the billing services are contracted with an outside provider. Ms. Gray stated that even with an outside consulting firm, staff would sign off on paperwork under their licensure, so there would still be additional work on staff. She noted that monies generated could go back to the schools participating in the program. Upon inquiry from Chairman Jenkins, Mr. Pettis stated that an evaluation of the pilot program could be presented to the Board at the end of the second semester. Chairman Jenkins requested that information be provided as to the costs to the district and number of students benefitting from the program.


Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, presented information to the Board on the longstanding practice of fund raisers and soliciting donations from the public as it relates to student fees. He stated that he had spoken to the principals over a year ago and suggested conducting a survey of all schools to provide a detailed analysis of everything paid for by students. The Auditor General also raised the issue of student fees later in the year, and in response, the survey of student charges was undertaken to determine fees that may be solicited in the form of a donation. At that time, fees were being charged to students in schools and the Superintendent issued a memorandum dated July 30, 1998, to principals, acknowledging that we were charging student fees in some programs and made a commitment with their help to cease that practice. In the survey, not everything fell within the guidelines of student fees; i.e., yearbooks, cap/gown rentals, P.E. uniforms, club dues, and athletic event entrance fees. It also found that there was a common practice of soliciting donations from the public to help defray certain costs, such as field trips. Mr. Scallan stated that he would welcome input from the Board as to continued support of that longstanding practice, with the caveat based on the 1971 opinion of the Office of General Council for the Department of Education, that when donations are solicited from parents and the public, there has to be a clear understanding that under no circumstances would a student be discriminated against if their parents were unwilling or unable to pay. Guidelines have been drafted for distribution to principals and the guidelines include language regarding solicitation that will go out by letter to parents. Copies of a memorandum dated August 25, 1998, to all principals regarding student fee guidelines were distributed to Board Members. It was noted that the administrative guideline by the Superintendent does not vary in any respect from the existing Board policy on fees.

Mrs. Morris agreed that the idea of having a "Fee Charge Guideline" is good, but did not think we needed to change our Board policy in any way; that the administrative guideline will be fine. It does not contradict what the Board policy says.

Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning the band music program and fee payment that is required for students to march in the band. Mr. Scallan cited Board policy that students may be charged a rental for a band uniform or instrument. He noted that in 1989, the School District was sued by parents of students in a high school band, and the Board (by resolution) charged the Board Attorney with the responsibility of doing a study of booster clubs in relation to schools, and the report came back with five recommendations under which the district has been operating ever since. Mr. Pettis also noted policy that a child would not be deprived of the right of taking the music class. Mrs. Webb spoke concerning the importance of differentiating between extracurricular and required classes, and she asked about using internal funds where required classes are concerned. Mr. Scallan stated that internal funds could only be considered for use on a temporary basis at best. It was noted that internal funds are allocated for very specific purposes.

The following items were moved forward:


2. Ratification of changes to the Master Contract between Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education Association as follows:

- Salary Schedule - Supplemental Salary Schedule

- Article VI.3 - Faculty Leaders - Article XIII.8 - Merit Pay

Dr. Douglas Garber, Director, Employee Services, advised that the new salary schedule reflects a 3.1% general improvement on each step, as well as a negotiated step increase.



1.4 Annual Agreement for Professional Consulting and Training Services at Navy Point Elementary School

Ms. Patsy Goolsby, Principal, Navy Point Elementary, stated that Mr. David Joiner, who is working toward a masters degree in psychology, has provided counseling services for parents on strategies with anger/violence prevention, and has worked with students on setting goals and improving behaviors. He has also done substitute teaching in the county. Mrs. Webb asked if he would be subcontracting with anyone. Ms. Goolsby stated that Mr. Joiner will not be contracting with anyone else to come into the school. Dr. DeWitt expressed concerns regarding hiring outside services instead of a full-time guidance counselor as a district employee.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda order.


A. Permission to Advertise


Mrs. Webb stated that she still had concerns regarding this.


Mrs. Morris noted that this rule refers to an increase in pay for substitute teaching "that exceeds twenty consecutive school days in the same assignment" and she asked for clarification relative to substitutes teaching at different sites. Dr. Garber advised that it would be difficult to determine different sites, and this rule addresses long-term substitutes who take over the role of classroom teacher for a longer period of time. Ms. Gloria Johnson, Director of Payroll, stated that it has been policy to only pay (the increased amount) to those who have worked in the same place over twenty days. Ms. Fryman stated that long-term substitutes have continued at the increased rate in some cases where there was no break in service; i.e., subbing for maternity leave the first semester, and at another school the second semester. Mrs. Morris requested that the language be rewritten for purposes of consistency. Dr. DeWitt suggested that the language reflect "in the district" rather than "in the same assignment."


Mrs. Morris commented that this rule gives authority to take a leave of

absence to work in a charter school, and she asked if the leave of absence could be added to the employee's seniority. Ms. Fryman stated that credit would not be given toward seniority for work away from the School District. Dr. DeWitt requested that the language be amended to reflect that the insurance would be at the employee's total cost. The Board Attorney recommended adding the language "at the sole cost and expense of the employee."

4. 6Gx17-2.17 SICK LEAVE

Mrs. Morris noted that the district provides an incentive for people who are eligible to retire; however, Board policy stipulates that employees entering the DROP program must forfeit the retirement incentive. Ms. Fryman stated that there are 82 people in the pre-retirement terminal pay program who had declared a retirement date after July 1, 1998, and a small group of those could be eligible for their incentive plus DROP.

Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA Uniserv, stated that the contract was negotiated such that an employee could not use DROP to move beyond thirty years of service with the district or age sixty-two, and would not extend the bonus beyond the boundaries agreed upon previously. Dr. Garber added that the intent of the incentive was to allow replacement of an employee (the year following retirement) with someone in a lower pay scale. Based on what was negotiated, if an employee went into DROP for the five-year period, the employee would not be eligible for the retirement incentive; however, some employees (who may enter the DROP program for 11 months or less) may still meet the requirements of the incentive program.

Ms. Fryman advised that an informational meeting was held, and staff is following up with the employees to determine whether or not they are going into the DROP program. Mrs. Webb requested that staff provide information to the Board regarding the fiscal impact.


Mrs. Morris stated that the Board did not get a copy of out-of-county transfers in the Board Office, and Mr. Ireland Brock, Director, Pupil Instructional Support Services, stated that he would provide that information.


A. Instructional

3. Retirees

Mrs. Morris questioned the addition of Lowell W. Bragg under retirees and

inquired concerning his number of years with the district and retirement benefits. Ms. Mary Helen Fryman, Director of Human Resources, stated that Mr. Bragg had 11 years with the district, and that he had requested reimbursement for sick leave, which would be 50% based on the master contract. Mrs. Morris spoke in support of the superintendent's recommendation that the Professional Service Contract of Employee Number 609670 be terminated for cause set forth in the Petition for Termination of Professional Service Contract subject to such review and/or hearing as authorized by law. Dr. DeWitt concurred that a clear message should be sent in terms of that employee not working in the district again.

Mr. Joe Hammons, Attorney to the Superintendent, stated that if the employee is fired, the record will show that there is a petition to terminate his Professional Service Contract. The employee is entitled to an administrative hearing, and the hearing officer would determine whether the cause outlined in the petition was proven. Ms. Fryman stated that the Division of Retirement had advised that anyone less than 42 years of age is not eligible to retire. If the employee resigned, the Professional Service Contract would be terminated and he would not be eligible for sick leave.

8. Special Requests

(5) Request approval for Debra Simpkins, Alternative Education teacher at the Hall Center to work 8/3-7, 1998, in the capacity of Director of Alternative Education to provide continuity for the Dropout Prevention Program due to the illness of Charles Thomas. Ms. Simpkins will be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.

Dr. DeWitt requested clarification concerning this recommendation. Ms. Fryman stated that Ms. Simpkins, a regular ten-month employee, was brought back for a period of time to ensure that the opening of school activities would be ready. Ms. Ella Sims, Director of Secondary Education, stated that there was not an increase in pay for the employee.


4. Statements from Attorney to Superintendent for legal services performed during the month of July, 1998.

Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning submittal of two bills. Mr. Hammons stated that

one bill was a general statement involving petitions and employment matters, and the separate bill was for Division of Administrative Hearings concerning an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) case.

5. Effort Index Grant Application.

Mrs. Morris asked how the projects on this application were identified and whether projects could be added. Mr. Wallace Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, advised that this is a request for state dollars related to the School Infrastructure Thrift (SIT) program, and the state will make the determination on qualifying projects submitted.

Mrs. Patricia Wascom, Comptroller, advised that the intent of the grant was to reward districts whose local efforts have been significant in achieving certain facilities needs and that very few projects meet the criteria for inclusion in the application. Mrs. Morris expressed concern that nothing was listed for Escambia High School, although the Board had approved that certain projects be done. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities Planning, stated that the criteria for the application was to address unsatisfactory "relocatable" facilities and replacement of student stations.

8. 1998-99 Administrative Salary Schedule and Classification Guide.

Dr. DeWitt discussed the possibility of increasing the pay grade (from 10 to 13) for assistant principals at high schools, noting there is currently about an $11,000 difference in pay between principals and assistant principals at high schools. Ms. Fryman stated that pay grade 13 would put them at the same classification as middle school principals. After discussion, Deputy Superintendent Watson requested that Mr. Odom provide information on what the financial impact would be of changing the classification for assistant principals at high schools to pay grade 11 as well as 12. Mr. Bailey also suggested considering an increase for assistant principals at middle schools.

FOR INFORMATION: The Deputy Superintendent distributed copies of a ten-year historical analysis of salary increases for School District employees.



2.1 2.1 Three (3) Year Microcomputer Maintenance Agreement, Bid #54-98 (Technological Systems/MIS)

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Mr. Patrick Corkill, 1850 Interstate Circle, Pensacola, Florida, representing A To

Z Computers, spoke concerning a bid protest on this item with reference to factory authorized certification, and he requested the opportunity to rebid in 2-3 months. Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Barry Boyer, Purchasing Manager, clarified that factory authorized certification was not a written requirement, but was one of several items looked at. The apparent low bidder did not have the certification, but would honor the warranty and specified that in writing. Other vendors acknowledged factory certification, but did not have it. Mr. Boyer stated that the decision was then made to rebid the project. The Deputy Superintendent also noted that to facilitate opening of school, the current vendor was extended for another year.

2.2 ½ Ton Pick-up Truck Bid #4-99 (Maintenance Department)

Mrs. Webb asked why we did not go with low bid. Mr. Boyer stated that Hill-Kelly Dodge had the truck in stock and since this replacement was necessary as a result of an unexpected accident, we opted to take the shortest lead time.


1.1 Gateway Microcomputer Equipment for Pine Forest High School

Mr. Corkill requested that local vendors be allowed to bid when computers

are bid again. Chairman Jenkins stated that would be taken into consideration.


2.1 Annual Contract Renewal to Provide Legal Services as Labor Counsel (Employee Service)

Mrs. Morris requested a copy of the contract. Deputy Superintendent

Watson stated that copies would be provided to Board Members.

2.2 Contribution to "Healthy Kids Fund."

Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Ms. Karen Thoennes, Health Coordinator,

advised that there are 1,800 children involved in the program, with 300 on the waiting list. The program currently has a deficit of $8,000 and the request to the School Board for $25,000 would be the School District's match for the fiscal year. The Healthy Kids Board also plans to develop a program to solicit community contributions for local matching funds. Dr. DeWitt asked if the Healthy Kids Board allowed parent contributions to be considered as part of the local match, and Ms. Thoennes responded no. After discussion, Ms. Thoennes stated that the $25,000 is needed to keep the program going, and staff would get more definition from the state on how to proceed.

After commenting on Agenda Item XII.4 (See: XII. ITEMS FROM THE BOARD, Number 4), Mrs. Webb left the workshop at 11:35 a.m. due to a prior commitment.




Request Board approval of purchase of property on North B Street (Lot # 18-2S-30-3006-000-002) between the Escambia County School District and Mrs. Betty L. White for Pensacola High School in accord with the half-cent sales tax expenditures.

Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Maintenance, advised that the purchase is part of the sales tax package.


Request direction from Board on proposal from Mr. Bill Neron, Assistant County Administrator regarding roof repairs needed on the Property Appraiser's building.

Mrs. Morris inquired as to what the county had done about trading the property for Edgewater. Dr. Epperson stated that we are waiting for the county

to act on that. Mrs. Morris requested that the Board pull this item and notify the county that this will be delayed until the county takes action to do a trade with an individual so that the district can negotiate for the property. Mr. Ray stated that the district is obligated under the new lease with the county to do that kind of repair. Mrs. Morris asked if the district had received any payments from the county, noting the contract had specified that a certain amount was due each year. Mrs. Wascom advised that the School District received $81,616 from the county for the 1997-98 fiscal year, and $10,000 was paid prior to that. They have not paid anything to date for the 1998-99 fiscal year.


Request Board approval to terminate lease agreement with Mr. Freddy Powell,

up for renewal at the end of the current one year lease (August 31, 1998), for the

Myrtle Grove Center.

Mr. Bailey asked if there were plans to sell the center. Dr. Epperson stated that would be his recommendation, after updating the appraisals, advertising, and notifying interested parties. Mrs. Morris suggested staying with $100,000 as a minimum bid.


Dr. Epperson stated that staff is in the process of getting information requested by the Board for the Dog Track Road purchase, including the appraisals and negotiated cost figure, and hopes to bring that back to the Board in September.


Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Kirchharr noted this was an information item, and the Public Hearing for adoption will be on September 8, 1998, at 5:30 p.m.


2. Exam Exemption Policy.

Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Pettis noted that the state had given an interpretation of the law that the exam exemption (for semester exams, grades nine through twelve) would not be based on attendance alone, so that grades, conduct, and other areas could be considered. Without parental consent, a student cannot be exempt from taking the exams. Ms. Sims stated that a technical assistance paper has been provided by the state as well, and that is the reason for the proposal, which is a revision of the previous policy that was in existence prior to the 1997-98 school year. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt stated that he will vote against this tomorrow night, the reason being that taking exams is part of the educational process. Mrs. Morris stated that she would support the exam exemption policy, because she has worked in the system and it is a false statement that students never take exams under this policy; in addition, she noted that the six week exams are very extensive.


See Item II. COMMENTS FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT -- Presentation on Student

Fees in Escambia County.


2. This item was addressed earlier in the meeting (Ratification of changes to the Master

Contract between Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education



1. Item from the Board - Proposals Regarding Administrative Procedure Act -

Dr. Jenkins

Mr. Ray asked that the Board decide tomorrow on any legislative changes, due to the deadline for getting those suggestions to the FSBA office. He stated that

he had suggested three changes related to the Administrative Procedure Act. Dr. DeWitt suggested including the resolution regarding vouchers and stated that he would add something regarding preschool and Pre-K issues.

2. Item from the Board - Mrs. Webb

3. Item from the Board - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Morris requested that backup be provided on Item Numbers 2 and 3.

4. Item from the Board - Re: Request for Rescission of Action on Appointment - Mrs. Webb

Mrs. Webb noted that she had not recommended an appointment. The Board Attorney clarified that at the last meeting, Mrs. Webb had announced that at this meeting she wished to rescind previous action on an appointment. Mrs. Morris stated that she had commented at that meeting against a rescission being brought back up by someone not on the prevailing side, even though the Board Attorney ruled otherwise. Mrs. Webb stated that she had voted against the appointment based on rules and statutes cited at the time, as well as concerns that due process was not carried out. She gave handouts to Board Members concerning due process procedures, and she requested that Board Members be provided a copy of the employee's two-year contract effective July 1, 1998. She stated that the Board may wish to consider the issue again based on certification information that has since been provided, if that information would change their votes. After discussion, Deputy Superintendent Watson stated that the Superintendent has the authority to place employees, and the employee (who was transferred to a visiting teacher position with no decrease in pay), has agreed to become certified.


There was no discussion concerning this item.


There was no discussion concerning this item.


A motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to adjourn the workshop. Deputy Superintendent

Watson recognized Ms. Sherry Bailey, Coordinator, Beulah Charter School. Chairman Jenkins asked how many students were drawn from Wedgewood, noting that the Board had recommended taking no more than ten students from each middle school. Ms. Bailey stated that their total count was different than that of the district, because some of the parents did not put the proper information on the application. Chairman Jenkins expressed concern that some of the students had already applied for Wedgewood and should not have been redirected to the charter school. Mrs. Morris stated that school had been in session for a week and she asked Ms. Sims to provide an enrollment update with an accurate count, comparing middle school enrollment last year, as well as staffing. Ms. Bailey stated that she had called the State Department and was advised against

rejecting students. Mrs. Morris noted that DOE was not aware of the specific terms outlined in the charter agreement. Ms. Bailey stated that she will follow up with staff.

Prior to adjournment, the following meeting dates were scheduled: September 8, 1998, 5:30 p.m. Special Meeting and Public Hearing/final adoption of the 1998-99 Budget; September 21, 1998, 1:30 p.m. Regular Board Workshop; and September 22, 1998, 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting. Chairman Jenkins advised that the Board will decide tomorrow night whether or not to schedule any of the September meetings at the Hall Center.

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, to adjourn the workshop. There being no objection, the workshop adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

Attest: Approved:

_____________________ ______________________________

Superintendent Chairman