The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 8:02 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:


Chairman: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Mr. Jim C. Bailey

Mrs. Barbara Morris

Mrs. Vanette Webb


School Board Attorney: Mr. Joe Hammons

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m. by Chairman Jenkins. Mr. Joe Hammons was sitting in for Mr. Lou Ray, School Board Attorney.



1. Superintendent May introduced Mrs. Dale Kunkle, Administrative Recording Secretary.

2. Superintendent May listed the additions and deletions to the agenda. Mrs. Morris added an item under XII. ITEMS FROM THE BOARD. Mrs. Webb advised that she may have an item to add later if time permitted.

3. Mr. May noted that Item Number 1 (presentation update on Bronson Field by Navy personnel) was deleted from the agenda. Upon inquiry from Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Clarence Ladner, Special Assistant for School/Community Services, advised that staff had met with Navy representatives regarding possible acquisition of Bronson Field property, and had discussed that the time line for starting construction would have to begin next April or May to complete the proposed school building and have it ready for opening term the following year. He said in order to do that, certain steps would have to be taken now to begin surveys, environmental impacts, and corrections, with a cost estimate of about $500,000. He said it was also determined that special legislation would be required to transfer the property, and at this point, staff's recommendation was that no monies be spent on the property until completion of the special legislation needed to effect the transfer of the property to the School District. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Webb concerning purchase orders related to Bronson Field, Mr. Barry Boyer, Purchasing Manager, advised that a purchase order in the amount of $15,818 was approved by the Board in September, 1996, to Mr. William F. Parks, Architect, for the master plan. An additional purchase order of $3,940 in December, 1997 (for schematic design of a temporary portable elementary school), was not approved by the Board, but was authorized by the Superintendent, noting any contract under $15,000 is within the authority of the Superintendent to authorize. Mr. Boyer advised that a third purchase order which Mrs. Webb had referenced ($14,900 in May, 1997, for architectural services to prepare bid specifications for portable classrooms/support structures and utilities), involved utility hookups and site preparation for portables and was not related to Bronson Field. Mrs. Webb inquired as to who was doing the site investigation and studies required to look at all possible lands for the proposed K-8 middle school on the west side, since the Educational Facilities Commission was not in operation. Mr. May stated that was Facilities Planning. Dr. Ladner added that the Board had appropriated $100,000 in the capital outlay budget for the last two years for land acquisition, and Facilities Planning was looking at properties and would come back to the Board with recommendations. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Maintenance Services, said he wanted to clarify that the Board had not entered into an official "partnership" with the Navy, but the acquisition could be a "win-win" situation for both the Navy and the School District in terms of providing school facilities close to Navy housing, and free land (other than transfer fees) to the School District. Discussion ensued as to when special legislation may be introduced, and Dr. Ladner said Navy representatives had indicated that legislation would likely be introduced at the end of October. Mrs. Webb said for the record she had never stated the Navy was the "bad guy," nor was she against the acquisition of any particular property, but wanted to make sure the School District was doing what its rules and Statutes mandated relative to educational facilities and requirements to investigate possible sites, and she said she had not seen data regarding other properties. Following further discussion, Dr. Jenkins called point of order, noting this item had been deleted from the agenda.



A. Permission to Advertise

No Items Submitted


B. Permission to Adopt

1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-1.09


Mrs. Webb questioned the Public Hearing time (advertised for 7:00 p.m. on 2/24/98), in that the Board meeting is also scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Jenkins clarified that the Public Hearing will commence as soon as can be heard after the Board meeting begins and after recognition of the Stellar Employee.

Mrs. Webb noted under summary of the rule as stated in the legal notice, there was language that the rule established the Educational Facilities Advisory Commission, which had "completed its work," and she discussed concerns that the statement seemed inconsistent with the rule which says the Commission is to be in existence as long as there are facility needs. Mrs. Morris said she made the original motion to advertise to do away with this particular Commission, because their work had been completed, and if additional oversight was needed, a committee could be designated. Mrs. Webb said School Board Rule 1.07 addressed committees, and she wanted to remind the Board of Dr. Wayne Blanton's statement last month, that until such time as formal proceedings have taken place regarding abolition of established rules, it is the responsibility of the School Board to follow its rules, and it was the responsibility of the Commission to investigate, study, conduct hearings, assess and report on District needs for construction, renovation, remodeling and major repair of educational facilities, and to advise the Board on priorities and give reports assisting in site selection. Mrs. Morris said the Commission had presented a report to the Board, including an updated report (in 3/93), which indicated their job had been done. When the One-Half Cent Sales Tax was addressed, the Commission was not called back. The Facilities Needs Committee used the Commission's updated report when determining programs to be designated for the One-Half Cent Sales Tax and made recommendations to the Board. Mrs. Morris said she would like for the record to reflect this Board has been accused over and over again of not knowing their policy, not looking at their policy, and this comment has been made two or three times about what Dr. Blanton had said. She said she wanted the people in the audience, and those who read the minutes to know that three members of this Board have written over half of these rules, and they know what the rules are. She said those rules were written by this Board, and with the help of staff and the previous Superintendent, the rules were updated to eliminate some that were not needed and add some that were, in keeping with the Statutes. She said she knew of at least two others, and probably all five Board members, who understand the rules and know what they are. During further comments, Dr. Jenkins said the Board is familiar with the rules, and this discussion was relative to interpretation of the rules.



Mrs. Webb noted there was one out-of-state student approval this month, as well as three out-of-county students, and she requested information as to the current number of out-of-state students, as well as copies of any related agreements. Mr. May verified there are reciprocal (Inter-District/State) agreements with Escambia County, Alabama, and Baldwin County, Alabama, and Deputy Superintendent Jerome Watson will provide copies to the Board for filing purposes.


A. Instructional

8. Special Requests

(1) Request approval for the following part-time instructor to be employed under School Board Rule #6G17-2.02(7) at George Stone in the Law Enforcement Program:

Name Date

Webb, Darrell 02/08/98

Mrs. Morris said she was not questioning the appointment of this person, but she had received a letter regarding concerns of the Sheriff's Department on the law enforcement program at George Stone, in particular that some of the classes had been moved outside or to other areas that do not fit the needs for the program, and there is a need to look at the facilities to accommodate the program.

(3) Request approval to pay consulting fees for implementation of recommendations arising out of the Focus Group meetings from the Employee Benefit Trustees.

Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. May said the funding source was the Employee Benefit Trust Fund, and this continues the contract with Aon Consultants. Mrs. Webb commented that findings of the Focus Group had emphasized the greatest need was communication and options regarding prescriptions. Mr. Charles Griffin, Director of Risk Management, said the Insurance Committee and other employees will be involved in further implementing some of the recommendations from the Focus Group, and every recommendation will come back to the Board for approval. Mr. Griffin also said Board members will be provided notice of the meetings to attend in an ex-officio capacity.

(4) Request approval of the following appointment with assigned paygrade on the professional salary schedule:

Kunkle, Dale Administrative Recording Secretary 2/23/98-6/30/98 PG 10/1

Dr. DeWitt inquired as to the employment status of the person who previously held that position, and Mr. May said there was a temporary transfer to a vacant position in the Grants Department effective today (See Item #6).

(5) For Board information: Request approval for the following temporary promotions to be effective February 1, 1998 at the Data Center:

From To

Henderson, Ann Programmer II Programmer Analyst I PG 12/1

Piner, Christine Programmer I Programmer II PG 9/2

Dr. DeWitt questioned why Ms. Piner's temporary promotion was at Pay Level 2 instead of 1. Dr. Jo Alice Tarwater, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, advised that this was a transfer of a present employee. Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and Management Information, added that this was a budgeted position, and would not involve adding a new position.

ADD: (6) Request approval that Bonnie George be transferred to the offices of Grants Management and Comprehensive Planning effective February 23, 1998. She will remain at her current paygrade and step.

B. Non-Instructional

2. Resignations

Mrs. Morris inquired as to the status of the vacant positions (Paint Shop Supervisor and Engineering Technician III). Mr. Kirchharr said approval had been granted to extend temporary appointment until the hiring freeze is lifted. Both are Civil Service positions, and it was noted that the Paint Shop has a leader man position who can assume the supervisory duties over a length of time and be paid accordingly under Civil Service rules.



4. Statement from School Board attorney for legal services performed during the month of January 1998.

Mrs. Webb expressed that $8,542 charged for legal services was higher than usual, and she inquired as to the School Board Attorney's conferences with the Superintendent's staff. Dr. Tarwater advised that the conferences involved the proposed abolishment of the Escambia Educational Facilities Advisory Commission (School Board Rule 6Gx17.1.09), which had to be referred for set up of the legal notice for Public Hearing. Mrs. Webb questioned charges of 1/11/98 for School Board file reorganization (2.7 hours). Chairman Jenkins requested in Mr. Ray's absence, that Mrs. Webb contact Mr. Ray individually regarding that item.

Mrs. Morris questioned the status of the contract with the county relative to property on Spring Street, noting that the School Board owns the corner property (on Garden and Spring Street), including the Property Appraiser's office building and the old USO building, which houses part of the Clerk's Office. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent of Facilities Planning and Maintenance, said the county had been making payments, but we do not have an agreement executed by the county, because the county wanted to make changes that were not acceptable to the School Board Attorney. He advised that the county had been doing upkeep and maintenance of the property, and the county had to notify the School Board when any modifications or renovations were done. Mrs. Morris discussed concerns that this has been an on-going issue and she requested that the Board consider asking the county to return an executed contract. She said if they do not, the School District could make use of the property, especially the extra parking space. Mr. Bailey requested that the School Board Attorney follow up on the contract and get a response from the county by July 1, 1998, and if any monies were owed to the School District, the county should be billed. Following brief discussion, Dr. Epperson said he will report back at the March Board meeting on the status of the contract and how much the county has paid.


6. Statements from Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. for legal services performed during the months of November and December, 1997.

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Wallace Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, advised that the invoices from the law firm had been lost in the mail over the Christmas holidays, and these statements reflect two months because the previous balance was forwarded.

7. Miscellaneous Resolutions for 1998

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Webb, staff noted the Corporate Resolutions for use of facsimile signatures were the same as last year, except for changes in name to reflect the new Chairman.



4.0 Central Warehouse

4.1 Annual Purchasing Agreement for Data Supplies, Bid #18-98

Upon request from Mrs. Webb, Mr. Boyer said he would provide a copy of the bids listing the items to be purchased. He said all of the items were available through the warehouse, including printer cartridges, mouse pads, and diskettes, with the expenditures to come out of the General Fund,

4.2 Annual Agreement for Custodial Supplies, Bid #16-98

Mrs. Webb referenced Unisource as one of the vendors, with 12 items for $114,000, and she requested a list of items to be purchased. Mr. Boyer said he will provide a copy of the bids, noting these are custodial and volume items including floor wax , cleaners, and annual stocking items for the warehouse. He said as the schools requisition through the warehouse for these items, they are charged to a variety of accounts. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Boyer said an Evaluation Committee reviews all samples submitted and looks at quality issues.



1.0 Schools

1.1 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Spencer Bibbs Elementary School

Mrs. Webb questioned the purchase of twenty laptops, and Mr. Boyer said these were Magnet Grant dollars for acquisition of computer equipment, which will provide mobility for checkout purposes, as well as the ability to move computers from site to site within the school. Later in the meeting, Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, advised that Ms. Linda Scott, Principal, had provided a letter informing the Board that their request (for twenty PowerBooks) was included in budget line items for the third year of the Magnet Grant and would allow teachers to become more proficient in current technology. The laptops would enhance thematic curriculum development (including Internet access), parent communication and home conferencing, electronic grading, and assist teachers in the development of instructional lessons aligned to the Florida Sunshine State Standards. Future uses may include parent/student checkout. Currently, Alpha Smart keyboards are checked out to children to enhance student achievement.

1.4 Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Navy Point Elementary School

Mrs. Webb said the grant (referenced under Item 1.1) for $119,000 for Spencer Bibbs Elementary, seemed excessive in comparison to Navy Point Elementary, which had one laptop and five Emates. Mrs. Morris said Navy Point Elementary was under Title I, opposed to a magnet school designation, although she feels that year round schools are really magnet schools.

2.0 Administrative Departments

2.1 Annual Agreement for Administrative Services - Prescription Drug Plan (Risk Management)

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Webb, Mr. Griffin said these expenditures will come out of the Employee Benefit Trust Fund. He said this is a contract renewal with Pharmacy Plus to pay $0.50 per employee/per month to administer the contract, and $2.00 to the Pharmacy for each prescription filled, which is billed at the end of each month.

3.0 Maintenance and Transportation

3.1 Multi-Year Agreement for Lawn Mowing Services

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Boyer said this is the second year of a three-year contract. Mr. Bailey asked if the contract covered fence trimming and holding ponds. Mr. Boyer said that was included in the contract.

6.0 Facilities Planning

6.1 Carpet, Vinyl Tile, and Base for Tate High School, ROTC/ESE Building

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Boyer said there are multiple vendors under state contract for these projects. Dr. Epperson noted that March 22, 1998, would be the substantial completion date for the building. Mr. May advised that did not reflect the final completion date.

6.2 Annual Contract for Architectural Services

6.3 Annual Contract for Geotechnical and Subsurface Investigation Services

6.4 Annual Contract for Land Surveying Services

Concerning the above three items (6.2, 6.3, and 6.4), Mrs. Morris noted the rankings of these firms were approved last month. It was also noted that approval of the annual contract does not constitute a blanket approval, but will require an estimate of work and project costs from the firm contracted. Mr. Kirchharr stated there will be a system to show project costs and that information will be available in Facilities Planning.



1.0 Schools

1.1 Unauthorized Purchase of School Supplies by Pine Meadow Elementary School

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Mr. Robert Cary, Principal, said this expenditure was from school improvement funds, noting the Student Advisory Council had decided to give each classroom teacher about $130. He said the unauthorized amount was for the teachers who purchased supplies in the amount of $516 at Walmart, and they had felt that correct procedures were followed based on information received from the Purchasing Office.

2.0 Administrative Departments

2.1 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #154364 (Pharmacy Provider Serv. Corp.)

Mrs. Morris noted the current contract is with the same company.

6.0 Facilities Planning

6.1 Change Order #6 to Purchase Order #100998 (Gulf Coast Pav. & Grading)

Mrs. Morris stated this was relative to concerns at Judy Andrews Pre-Kindergarten Center, and would add an additional sixty days to extend the completion date due to rain delays, and there was no change in dollar amount on the project.


6.2 Change Order #3 to Purchase Order #152841 (Larry Hall Construction, Inc.)

Mrs. Morris stated this would add an additional sixty days for completion of the project. Upon inquiry from Mr. Bailey, Mr. Kirchharr said the proposal was to build a retaining wall (near the walkway) in order to address utility problems at Tate High School, and will also include a water drain because of flood problems.

6.3 Change Order #1 to Purchase Order #152788 (Law Engineering, Inc.)

Mrs. Morris noted that these services alluded to an unauthorized purchase; however, staff provided an amendment deleting that. Mr. Kirchharr advised that the contractor withdrew the unauthorized portion and the amendment was for Board approval for additional expenditures in the amount of $2,815 for contract administration and preparation of project closeout. Mr. Boyer explained that the original proposal (for removal of underground storage tanks at the Transportation Center), was quoted in two parts, and the Board approved the first part, but never went back and officially approved the second part involving expenditure for contract administration and project closeout. Mrs. Webb expressed concerns that this type of administrative oversight should be discouraged in the future.




1. Final Payments:


Request final payment in the amount of $1,587.50 to R. D. Ward Construction Company, contractor, on the above project.

P.O. #165961 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $15,875.00

Upon request from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson will provide information to the Board on the number of portables.


Request final payment in the amount of $5,380.00 to R. D. Ward Construction Company, contractor, on the above project.

P.O. #165962 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $43,800.00

Upon request from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson will provide information to the Board as to the number of portables.


Request final payment in the amount of $872.50 to Peterson Engineering on the above project.

P.O. #162505 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $17,450.00

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson noted that engineering services were necessary to address electrical, mechanical, and structural work needed to place the coolers.


2. Miscellaneous


Request Board approval of the Phase III Documents on the above project for submittal to the Department of Education in Tallahassee.

Upon request from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson said he would bring the plans for the Phase III documents for Pensacola High School Building #2 to the Board meeting tomorrow night.


Request Board approval of the Phase III Documents on the above project for submittal to the Department of Education in Tallahassee.

Upon request from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson said he would bring the plans for the Phase III documents for Escambia High School locker room renovations to the Board meeting tomorrow night.


Request direction from the Board on final offer received from Charles M. and Marie Ingham for the purchase of properties located at 2507 North B and 2509 North B Street.

Chairman Jenkins discussed the need to acquire additional property for Pensacola High School for expansion purposes, noting Phase III could not be completed without additional property, and he inquired of staff concerning the appraisals. Dr. Epperson said the appraisals of $50,000 and $55,000 were reasonable appraisals, and the owner was offered $55,000 and turned it down. He requested Board direction as to whether to pursue the owner's asking price of $75,000 or pursue the route of eminent domain. Chairman Jenkins suggested starting negotiations at the appraisal figures, rather than pursuing eminent domain, but not up to $75,000 figure. Mr. Bailey discussed concerns that when the Board previously considered acquisition of property for Bellview Elementary School, the proposal was not brought to the Board to go above the appraisal price. Upon request from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson said he would bring the overall map and master plan for the Pensacola High School property to the Board meeting tomorrow night. Mrs. Morris said the Board should be apprised each time something comes up relative to obtaining property next to schools. Dr. Epperson said he could contact the owner of the property again for negotiation purposes, and come back at the March Board meeting with cost estimates for legal fees if the Board wished to pursue eminent domain. Following brief discussion. Dr. Jenkins said he would confer with Dr. Epperson before the meeting tomorrow night.


For Informational Purposes Only: The completed Holm Elementary School master plan will be available for review by Board Members in the Board Office. An additional copy will be housed in Facilities Planning at the Hall Center.

Upon inquiry from Mrs. Morris, Dr. Epperson advised concerning bus traffic, that a revision was being done that will provide two parallel roads (one serving Workman Middle School, and the other serving Holm Elementary School), in order to provide a total separation of bus traffic.

Regarding the Holm Elementary School master plan, Dr. DeWitt said he would not approve the plans because they still had covered walkways, and the children would get drenched on rainy days when going between classrooms, the cafeteria, and media center. In new construction, all of the plans should have all of the buildings connected with hallways. Dr. Epperson said it would be the Board's discretion as to whether to spend additional money to enclose all of the walkways. Mrs. Morris inquired as to the possibility of having new buildings designed for placement closer together to prohibit having long walkways. Mr. William Parks, Architect, said many of the existing facilities were constructed between 1940 and 1960, with covered walkways. The state requires that all classrooms have natural ventilation and fire codes, and all new buildings (windows and doors) must be located over thirty feet away from the adjacent opening of another structure. Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Parks suggested he could alter the design to include an enclosed area from one building to the cafeteria, but enclosing existing corridors was not funded in these dollars and would require additional expense. He said new construction could be designed to accommodate these concerns. Dr. DeWitt asked that consideration be given to adding an enclosed hallway from at least one building to the cafeteria for the children to be able to get to the cafeteria in inclement weather. Upon inquiry from Chairman Jenkins, Dr. Epperson said he would come back to the Board by tomorrow night with cost estimates on adding an enclosed hallway, based on a fast track time line to be completed by September. Chairman Jenkins also requested that Dr. DeWitt confer with the Architect to pinpoint specific needs.



3. Apple Education Grant.

Mrs. Webb said she had a question concerning the agreement with The University of West Florida and Carver Middle School, regarding the STEPS Program, noting when that grant came before the Board, she requested that an evaluation tool be provided and when that was not included, she voted against it in principle and not in concept. She noted Sunshine State Standards were mentioned and integration into the curriculum, and she wanted to make sure the services of the STEPS Program were being promoted. Mr. Pettis said the subject area specialists have been informed about the STEPS Program, and the District has had teachers attend workshops at The University of West Florida. Mrs. Webb said the grant was for computers, but part of the wording "to get the children away from the clumsy pencil..." seemed to denote that the children would be doing less writing. Mr. Pettis said the intent was not to inhibit writing, but to use the technology to encourage more writing; however, that observation would be noted. Mr. Pettis said there was good progress with the curriculum alignment and a series of training sessions took place with District Directors and Assistant Principals for curriculum; in addition, 15 schools are coming on line and training is starting with that.

8. User Agreement/Contract Summary/Special Stipulation, Pensacola Civic Center and School District of Escambia County.

Dr. DeWitt discussed concerns that there have been problems hearing the speakers at graduation ceremonies. Mr. Pettis said staff will convey that to the appropriate parties at the Civic Center. Mrs. Morris commented that additional insurance was required this year, and she requested input by tomorrow night as to staff's recommendation. Mr. Pettis noted it was Mr. Griffin's recommendation. Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Pettis said retirement ceremonies were covered under a separate contract. Mr. May announced that the retirement ceremony will be held on Monday, June 1, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. Ms. Ella Sims, Director of Secondary Education, gave each Board Member a copy of the graduation schedule.



Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, reported concerning Lincoln Park Elementary School, that his department had been working to determine whether there had been any improvement in terms of handling internal funds. He said the report went to the Board in November, and an interim audit was done through December 31, 1997, which reflected a modest improvement, but more time was needed to make a determination. Following brief discussion, Dr. Jenkins said the Board concurred that Mr. Scallan should give a full report at the end of the school year in July or August.



Mr. May said the Board had voted to approve a loan to Woodham High School, and there appeared to be some question as to whether state auditors feel that we can do this, and he requested input from Mr. Scallan and Mr. Odom concerning the following item:

ADD: 35. Replacement of Woodham High School baseball bleachers and action taken by the Board at the January 27, 1998, Board meeting (Item VI. 7.).


Mr. Scallan said the Florida Constitution, Article 7, Section 10, addressed pledging of credit, and in the audit report just released, the auditor had cited after school child care fees (allowing parents in the after school care program to pay fees one week in arrears), as an extension of credit for the parents or guardian, and appeared to be contrary to Article 7, Section 10 of the Florida Constitution.

Mrs. Morris said the Board had voted to share the cost of band uniforms with Woodham High School and to loan money. She expressed that if the Board loaned money to a school with a designated avenue of repayment, that was legal and had been done before.

Mr. Odom said the Board loaned money to Woodham High School with a three-year payback. There was contention by the auditors that was too long a period and a revenue source should be pledged to pay back the loan within twelve months. He referenced Florida Rules 6814.001, Internal Funds #1142, that amounts advanced to internal accounts are to be repaid by the internal account; in addition, the school should request the money, noting what it will be used for, and the revenue source for repayment within one year.

Mr. Hammons stated if money was going to Woodham High School to allocate money for purposes of the District, that probably did not meet the real definition of a loan, and he said he could research the issue.


Mr. Bailey requested that he provide the research before the Board meeting tomorrow night.

There was brief discussion that the Board consider rescinding its previous action relative to loaning money for replacement of Woodham High School bleachers, and Dr. DeWitt said he would suggest making a motion at the Board meeting tomorrow night to ask the Superintendent to pay out of capital outlay versus the loan. Mrs. Morris asked that the Superintendent contact the Principal of Woodham High School to see if he would be willing to submit a letter to the Board requesting the loan, outlining the purpose of the loan, and specifying the revenue source for repayment within a one-year time period.

2. Recommend approval of the following administrative transfer effective February 25, 1998: Ted Kirchharr, from Director of Maintenance, to Director of Facilities Planning.

Mr. May advised that this was a lateral transfer. Mrs. Webb said she had concerns as to District procedures on this matter, and would prefer to see the School District readvertise the position and allow Mr. Kirchharr to submit his application and come under consideration of the committee. Mrs. Morris noted it is within the purview of the Superintendent to make lateral transfers. Dr. Ladner advised that the position was advertised twice. After going through the entire procedure without finding an acceptable candidate for recommendation to the Board, the position was readvertised throughout the southeast. Attempts were made to negotiate with one candidate; however, an agreement could not be reached, and the committee completed its work. Mr. May stated that Mr. Kirchharr meets the qualifications and will do a great job for the District, as he has in the past.



Mr. May said there were 33 recommendations for expulsion (16 high school and 16 middle school), and no requests for formal hearing. He said the new educational planning guides for all of the high school students were out, which he presented to each Board Member. Ms. Ella Sims reported that the guides were completed in time for registration, and the addendum included recent changes from the State Department, which revised the course description booklet. She said the number of courses decreased, eliminating many that did not have good enrollment, and some were consolidated into one course.




Mrs. Morris stated she had asked that the Calendar Committee pursue the possibility of having a half-day release day during the Fair (October 22 through November 1, 1998); however, it was not addressed when the committee met. She noted that the Pensacola Interstate Fair does many things for the educational system, including scholarships every year, judging for art, recognition of home economics projects, vocational exhibits, and auctions. Mr. May said he disagreed with this issue, in that the Fair is a private enterprise. He said the Governor set aside a number of days during the school year to be used for school improvement, and the overall issue was that kids would not be inhibited from participating in the Fair. Dr. Tarwater said the Calendar Committee had met twice and results of the surveys were not all in. Following brief discussion, Dr. Jenkins said the Board would prefer waiting, with the issue to be addressed when the Calendar Committee meets again.


Upon inquiry from Mrs. Webb, Mr. May advised that a request for a Charter School had been submitted from the Beulah community for a year-round middle school, preferably an agricultural school. Mr. Pettis said staff was collecting data and copies will be presented to the Board with any recommendations the staff might have. Mrs. Morris requested that each Board Member be provided a copy of the updated guidelines for a Charter School prior to receipt of the proposal. Mr. May said he would also provide copies to the Board of the original request from the group itself.



There was no discussion on this item.



The following speakers were recognized:

(1) Mr. Frank McCarthy, 2371 Berrydale Road, Pensacola, Florida, 32534, said that in a November Workshop, a request was made for information as to the amount owed to the District by an Assistant Superintendent, and he asked if there were others who owed money through salary overpayments. The speaker was informed that this was an Assistant Principal, not an Assistant Superintendent. Dr. Jenkins stated that no monies have been lost to overpayment of salaries, and anything owed has either been repaid or was in the process of being paid. Mr. May advised that Mr. McCarthy could present a request for information to Ms. Barbara Frye, Director of Information Services, for referral and follow up by Ms. Gloria Johnson, Director of Payroll.

(2) Mr. John Wyche, 861 Neighborhood Circle, Pensacola, Florida, invited the Board, Superintendent May, and Deputy Superintendent Watson to a celebration at Gulf Power on Saturday, March 7, 1998, in recognition of Beulah Pre-Kindergarten Learning Center having received the accreditation of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, an honor received by only five percent of all child care centers in the nation.



Prior to adjournment, the following two issues were addressed:

(1) Mr. Bailey discussed concerns that a memorandum (from a political candidate regarding the Director of Facilities Planning position) had been copied and provided to the Board without a political disclaimer. He stated political material related to furthering a person's candidacy should be registered with the Supervisor of Elections. Mr. May concurred and said the material was copied with the understanding that a presentation would be made to the Board by this individual.


(2) The following meetings were scheduled: March 23, 1998, 9 a.m., Regular Board Workshop; March 24, 1998, 7 p.m., Regular Board Meeting; March 26, 1998, 9 a.m., Special Board Workshop for presentation on Performance Contracts and Title I; April 27, 1998, 9 a.m., Regular Board Workshop; and April 28, 1998, 7 p.m., Regular Board Meeting. A Special Workshop on Strategic Planning will also be scheduled. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.


Attest: Approved:


___________________________ ______________________________

Superintendent Chairman