The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:03 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt


Mr. Jim C. Bailey

Mrs. Barbara Morris

Mrs. Vanette Webb

School Board Attorney: Mr. Louis F. Ray, Jr.

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



The meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. by Chairman Jenkins.


Superintendent May listed the additions and deletions to the agenda.

Mr. Bailey indicated he would like to add an Item 4, comment only.


Superintendent May indicated the first presentation was from Title I, on the Pre-Kindergarten Program. Mr. Eugene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction and Transportation, addressed the Board, requesting that prior to the Title I presentation, he be allowed to provide an update on the Reading Support Substitutes. He stated that Annette McArthur, Director of Elementary Education, discovered some additional funds available in the original monies budgeted. In order to utilize these funds, within the restraints set, reading support substitutes were provided in classrooms.

Ms. McArthur stated these reading support substitutes were provided to the schools meeting certain criteria. She further stated that upon further research, it was determined the first and second grade classes would benefit most from these positions. All of the reading support substitutes are certified teachers, working with students. She further indicated she would bring updates to the Board periodically, and felt this program will offer a wonderful learning opportunity for our students.

Mr. Pettis indicated they would further expound upon the Title I programs at the next board meeting.

Superintendent May commended Mr. Pettis and his staff for this Enhanced Reading Skills program, which will be effective on a district wide basis. He further stated his support of the "Reading is Fundamental" week, and encouraged all Board members to choose a school to go read to during the "Drop Everything and Read" week. He also asked his employees and staff members to do the same.

Mrs. Morris questioned if these schools were randomly selected.

Ms. McArthur replied no, these schools were selected due to their reading scores, which was how they were chosen.

Dr. DeWitt confirmed the number of reading support substitutes being hired was in fact twenty-six, and asked how much they were being paid. Ms. McArthur stated these permanent substitutes received the substitute pay rate.

Mrs. Webb questioned exactly what was the funding source. Ms. McArthur explained this source represented funds remaining from the classroom reduction funding provided by the state legislature from the beginning of the year, coupled with the fact we were conservative when estimating costs for hiring additional teachers at the first of the year. This money could actually be used to create additional classes. However, instead of splitting up classes this far into the year, the funds were used to hire reading teachers to supplement the classroom teachers.

Mrs. Webb asked about the time frame for using these funds. Ms. McArthur indicated these monies can roll forward.

Mrs. Morris stated that we did receive money for classroom size reduction, but we did not receive money for building. She further stated we would have to pay extra money for portables if we actually created more classrooms.

Mr. Bailey asked whether these certified teachers being used as permanent substitutes for the reading support program were actually eligible to be hired for the following year. Ms. McArthur stated yes, they were.

Chairman Jenkins asked whether parents were involved in this process. Ms. McArthur stated yes.

Mrs. Webb asked what percentile that Bill 19.56 referred to? Ms. McArthur stated that, for our District, we have set 25%. We hope to remediate up to 40%, because we realize those children need assistance, too. Ms. McArthur further indicated that Mrs. Laura Colo was working with evaluating other programs, and tools to use in this process.

Mr. Pettis indicated this was being used at middle schools and high schools as well, not just at the elementary level.

Chairman Jenkins asked if teachers were familiar with the Sunshine State Standards, if they received information during the two-day training for them. Ms. McArthur said yes, they did receive this information.

Ms. McArthur then asked Mr. Wayne Odom to make a presentation to the Board with regard to possibly contracting a Pre-K program.

Mr. Wayne Odom, Director of Title I, addressed the Board regarding a pilot program for Pre-K through contracting with private entities. Escambia County's Pre-K programs are actually housed at our school sites. The state of Florida is researching the possibility of contracting this out. He distributed a copy of a proposal for the Board Members' review, with regard to a pilot program for contracting these services.

Mrs. Webb asked what cost advantage or fiscal savings was he (Mr. Odom) referring to. Mr. Odom indicated the district receives $17.17 per Pre-K student, which pertains to programs located at our school sites. This proposal is to set aside certain funds to operate small classes in private settings.

Superintendent May asked for clarification, in that he thought we were discussing only one group, not several.

Mr. Odom indicated yes, just one class, again this is only a proposal for a pilot program for contracting with a private service.

Mr. Bailey asked if this service would be similar to the Charter School. He asked if these teachers would be certified in order to receive FTE monies. Mr. Odom stated that the while the district uses certified teachers in their Pre-K program, the state does not require them. He further stated the contract requires instructors who hold a valid Child Development Associate degree, which is not the equivalent of a college degree.

Dr. DeWitt commented that this program sounded like the beginning of vouchers, which he totally opposes. He further stated that within the proposal distributed, number 11, was a statement not to refuse services to children with special needs. He stated these child care centers could not service the special education children we have. Dr. DeWitt indicated at this point and time he certainly could not support the proposal.

Mrs. Webb asked when the Board took a position on vouchers. She stated she, individually, did not know how she felt about vouchers. She stated if they were a totally unencumbered tuition tax credit, she would favor it. She asked to go on record indicating this.

Dr. DeWitt stated his position on vouchers was a part of our legislative platform.

Mr. Pettis reiterated this proposal is for discussion only. The District's Pre-K program is very successful.

Superintendent May requested the Board's direction on this proposal. After further discussion, the consensus of the Board was to continue to study this proposal.


Mr. Pettis informed the Board that of 129,000 applicants for the Coca-Cola sponsored nationwide scholarships, two semifinalists were from Escambia High School, the district Mrs. Morris represents.


Superintendent May indicated the next presentation was on Purchasing, and asked Mr. Barry Boyer, Manager of Purchasing, to proceed with his presentation.

Mr. Boyer's presentation gave an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Purchasing Department, and its employees. He introduced Allison Watson, John Debrosky and Martha Carpenter, the Buyers for the District.

Chairman Jenkins asked for any questions on Mr. Boyer's presentation.

Mrs. Webb thanked Mr. Boyer for his presentation. She referenced some items in the Auditor General's report with regard to problems with on-line purchasing, specifically security. Mr. Boyer stated that, technically, is part of internal control, and deferred to Mr. Bush.

Mr. William Bush, Director of Technological Systems and Management Systems, indicated those security controls are set through his department.

Mrs. Patricia Wascom, Comptroller, indicated the comments Mrs. Webb was referring to in the Auditor General's report was in relationship to the requisitioning and receiving reports. She stated our procedures are that when a school or department issues a requisition, that requisition report is sent on a weekly basis to that department for signature of the approving authority there, to indicate their review. This is also done for the receiving report. The audit findings indicated that the reports they reviewed were not being signed or simply not filed. Mrs. Wascom further indicated the finding Mrs. Webb was referring to was one of failing to follow established procedures, and was not referring to the Purchasing Department. Mrs. Wascom further stated that the Internal Auditing Department would be reviewing these reports for compliance as a part of their regular audit functions.

Chairman Jenkins asked Mr. Boyer what was being done with the Minority/Small Business Enterprises. Mr. Boyer indicated, to his knowledge, we were complying with this issue.

Mrs. Webb stated that School Board rules indicate a quarterly report with regard to this issue should be provided to the Board. She could not remember receiving this report.

Mrs. Morris stated this was a rule activated by a former superintendent.

Chairman Jenkins indicated he met with Mr. Boyer and Mr. Kirchharr and received information this way.

Superintendent May stated that if the Board was interested in receiving these reports once again, that he would certainly direct his staff to do this.

Chairman Jenkins thanked Mr. Boyer for his very informative presentation. Superintendent May further indicated his appreciation of Mr. Boyer and his department and the hard work and excellent job they do for the District.

Superintendent May stated that Mr. Ted Kirchharr would be making a presentation to the Board with regard to the acquisition of the Bronson Field property for use in building additional westside schools. Mr.Kirchharr distributed copies of his presentation to the Board Members.

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Maintenance, gave a power point presentation on the status of the Bronson Field acquisition, and stated this really represented a partnership between the District and the United States Government. His presentation included the possibility of purchasing other property, in the event this acquisition did not come about.

Superintendent May stated other parcels of land had been looked at, since the question was not if we are going to build another school, it was where and when. After further discussion, Superintendent May asked Chairman Jenkins to poll the Board to see if the direction taken was acceptable to them.

Chairman Jenkins stated he thought each Board Member should analyze this information and talk with Superintendent May one on one.

Mrs. Webb stated she felt to do so would be inappropriate. She asked the Board attorney for his opinion.

Mr. Ray stated this would be no violation of the law in talking with the Superintendent in regard to this, one on one. He further commented that Board Members, just like members of the public, can speak to the Superintendent, or members of his staff, without violation of the law.

Mrs. Webb indicated that during her review of the Bronson Field File housed in Facilities, there was a letter dated November, 1996, that all the Board Members were copied, however, she did not receive a copy of it. She also noted there were several copies in the file that "blind copied" Mr. Bailey only.

Mr. Bailey indicated that was his District. He also indicated that if he needed to contact any members of congress or even Mr. Ray, he need not ask Mrs. Webb's permission to do so.

Mrs. Webb asked the Board attorney for legal advice with regard to the issue of one Board Member being copied.

Mr. Ray stated that, as a matter of practice, it is probably better that all Board Members know what is going on, however, legally, many times the Board Member involved is the only one who receives it.

Chairman Jenkins polled Board Members as to whether they wanted to meet with Superintendent May individually.

Mrs. Webb again stated her concerns, in fact stating that she felt the Board had operated out from under the Sunshine. In addition, she indicated she frequently did not receive correspondence related to important issues, and felt it was more than just coincidental. She further indicated she did not feel it was appropriate to poll the Board at this time.

Chairman Jenkins stated that when accusations of this type are made, you need to have documentation. He further stated he had never operated out of the Sunshine. He asked everyone to please get back to the fact that we have not even started on the agenda for the workshop meeting.



A. Permission to Advertise

1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-4.02



Mrs. Webb asked Mrs. Gray if there were any significant changes that we need to be aware of.

Mrs. Yvonne Gray, Director, Exceptional Student Education, stated yes, regarding the eligibility of students, however, the District is already in compliance in this area. There are also major changes in parental consent requirements, mediation, and reevaluation. She further stated that the state of Florida has stringent eligibility criteria.

Dr. DeWitt asked if renovations were being made, so that special education classes were not isolated to a specific area of the school (i.e., portables, by themselves).

Mrs. Gray indicated that, as school campuses receive much needed renovations as the result of the One-Half Cent Sales tax, the situations Dr. DeWitt is referring to will be resolved.

Mrs. Patty Houghland, 7070 North Blue Angel Parkway, Pensacola, Florida 32506, addressed the Board with regard to this issue. She states she has a special needs child. She further stated that a lot of questions would be coming because of these changes in Exceptional Education programs and procedures. She asked who would be the person or persons to interpret these changes.

Chairman Jenkins suggested that Mrs. Houghland hold a conference with Mrs. Gray to discuss these concerns.



No discussion on this item.



Dr. DeWitt reiterated his concern previously discussed in the January 1996 Board meeting regarding hiring full-time substitute teachers during the hiring freeze. He stated the District currently has forty full-time substitute teachers filling these positions. He voiced his concern that these teachers are being taken advantage of (receiving substitute pay), especially since they receive no benefits.

Chairman Jenkins asked the Superintendent if this is a negotiable item.

Superintendent May stated this is not currently an item we can negotiate. He further stated that while he agreed with Dr. DeWitt philosophically, the reality was our budget would not allow them to lift the freeze. He stated we truly have no choice.



8. Resolution requesting the issuance of $5,400,000 $9,000,000 State Board of Education Lottery Revenue Bonds.

Mrs. Morris indicated the amount of item #8 was increased. She stated that initially Escambia High School was to receive ten classrooms, and now she noticed three skills development laboratories. She asked why this changed.

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Maintenance, stated that to his understanding that in order to use Classroom First monies, it has to be survey recommended. The state survey did not recommend ten classrooms at Escambia High School.

Superintendent May further stated there were some extenuating circumstances surrounding the bond resolution in question. He stated we were up against a deadline set by the state that the district did not have control over.

Mrs. Wascom addressed the Board with regard to questions posed on use of the Classrooms First monies. She stated that these funds could not be used for site acquisitions. She indicated she will be attending a presentation by the Department of Education regarding House Bill 17 and the requirements thereof.

Dr. DeWitt questioned Superintendent May with regard to Pleasant Grove Elementary and moving children to the proposed new elementary complex. He asked if we really needed to do this.

Superintendent May stated yes, that is where the growth is going to occur. He stated Hellen Caro Elementary is 400+ students over their limit. He further indicated there were ten portables on the Pleasant Grove Elementary site currently.

Chairman Jenkins stated the parents of Brentwood Elementary are concerned about changes coming to their school, with the closing of Escambia Arms. Mrs. McArthur stated they are looking into this concern.




4.0 Central Warehouse

4.1 Freezer Truck Body, Bid #14-98

Mrs. Morris questioned Item 4.1 of this section, asking whether this was low bid. Mr. Boyer stated that the low bid did not conform to bid specifications.

Dr. DeWitt asked to comment on architectural design of elementaries, like Holm Elementary, in order to enclose all hallways. He stated that covered walkways do not work. He asked the other Board Members to support him in pursuing that all plans coming in the future include enclosed walkways.

Superintendent May stated this has already been done.

Mrs. Morris requested that Dr. Epperson bring a copy of the actual plan to be approved to the meeting during which it will be approved, so that it can be reviewed, not just at the workshop.

Mrs. Webb stated Dr. DeWitt's remarks presented the perfect argument for keeping the Educational Facilities commission, in order to have meaningful input in these plans.

Dr. DeWitt asked that the record reflect that is not an argument for the reactivation of

this commission.



1.0 Schools

1.1 Pentium 200 Microcomputers for Tate High School

Mrs. Webb stated that Dr. DeWitt pulled item 1.1 at the previous Board meeting. It is back on the agenda, and she requested a report on this item.

Superintendent May stated there were no changes on this item, and asked Mr. Boyer to address this.

Mr. Boyer stated this was pulled due to whether the vendor and/or purchase were satisfactory. He further stated the price of this item has actually dropped, due to automatic pricing, in effect we did save some money. However, Mr. Boyer stated, we have always been satisfied with Innovative Tech, Inc. and their services.

Dr. DeWitt confirmed that he did table this item last month. He further stated that Mr. Boyer did provide him with all the documentation he requested, and he in turn provided these copies to all the Board members. He stated he was certainly satisfied with the outcome.



2.0 Administrative Departments

2.3 Contract Amendment with IBM (Technological Systems/MIS)

6.0 Facilities Planning

6.1 Change Order #5 to Purchase Order #100998 (Gulf Coast Paving & Grading)

Mrs. Webb referenced Item 2.3, and the $32,000 reduction in this contract. She stated she would recommend at the meeting that we use this money to make terminals available to the public, in read only mode, for fiscal information only, so that the public would see we are willing to be open. She further asked if this money is to be added to the General Fund.

Mr. Boyer stated yes, in fact this money is to be added to the General Fund. He further stated that several departments within the district were currently working on a home page for the Internet, so this information can be available.

Superintendent May stated that with only $650,000 to $800,000 in unrestricted fund balances, he would really prefer leaving this money in the General Fund.

Mrs. Webb referenced Item 6.1. She asked the nature of the site work at Barrineau Park Elementary.

Mr. Kirchharr stated this Barrineau Park work was completed some time ago, this project incorporated work at both Barrineau Park and Judy Andrews Pre-K. He stated this one project involved two schools.



Request Approval of:




Request final payment in the amount of $32,683.00 to Larry Hall Construction Company, contractor, on the above project.

P. O. #156939 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $326,831.00


Request final payment in the amount of $1,143.02 to Bullock-Tice Associates, architect, on the above project.

P. O. #152786 FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $35,170.00

Mrs. Morris referenced Item A.(b), the work completed at Tate High School, then Item (c), indicating the fee is usually about 10% for the architect on the total project, and this is more than 10%. She asked if there is a reason for this.

Superintendent May indicated there was some damage in the building, but he preferred to defer this to Dr. Epperson.

Mrs. Webb stated that prior to the meeting tomorrow night, that the appropriate person in charge of the area, see that the punch list items are complete prior to the approval of the final payment on these items. She indicated she wanted a copy of them, in fact.

Chairman Jenkins asked Mr. Kirchharr if he had enough time to complete this. Mr. Kirchharr indicated he thought this time frame would be sufficient.




Request Board approval of the ranking of firms for providing architectural services under a yearly contract with option of two (2) twelve month extensions. Also, request Board permission to negotiate with highest ranking firm.

1. Caldwell Associates

2. Quina/Grundhoefer/Royal

3. Bullock-Tice Associates

4. Heffernan Holland Architecture

5. Baskerville-Donovan, Inc.


Request Board approval of the ranking of firms for providing land surveying services under a yearly contract with option of two (2) twelve month extensions. Also, request Board permission to negotiate with highest ranking firm.

1. Southern Surveying, Inc.

2. Fabre Engineering

3. Baskerville-Donovan, Inc.


Request Board approval of the ranking of firms for providing geotechnical and subsurface investigation services under a yearly contract with option of two (2) twelve

month extensions. Also, request Board permission to negotiate with highest ranking firm.

1. Larry M. Jacobs & Associates

2. Professional Service, Inc.

3. ASC Geosciences, Inc.



Request board approval of PROPOSAL 1 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS for One-half Cent Sales Tax Referendum Revenue.

SEE: Amended Backup


Request board approval of the 1998 Educational Facilities Project Priority List and the following three (3) spot surveys as required by the DOE.

1. Escambia High School

2. Pensacola High School

3. Pleasant Grove Elementary School


Mrs. Morris referenced Item 2 under Miscellaneous, and asked if we did go out for a bid on these items, rather than just renewing their contract. Mr. Boyer indicated this item was bid.

Mrs. Webb stated she had the same concern with this item, since the statutes indicate it is the Board's responsibility to evaluate these three architectural services. She stated she was uncomfortable with the fact there was no data available to back up these rankings.

Mrs. Morris questioned Superintendent May regarding these three architectural firms, and the ranking of them. She stated she knew there was a committee conducting the rankings, and asked if the evaluations were available in the file for their review.

Mr. Kirchharr stated yes, a committee ranked the firms, with a copy in the file.

Superintendent May stated this information is readily available for review by every Board member, and we will provide this information to them if requested.

Mrs. Webb stated she wanted the data regarding these rankings provided to the Board members.

Mr. Kirchharr stated the scoring sheets would probably be what she was referring to, and those are readily available in the file.

Mrs. Morris referenced Item D, under Facilities and Maintenance, the Capital Improvement Project, she stated she was pleased to see the amendment to the proposal.



1. Title VI, Innovative Education Program Strategies Application.

Dr. DeWitt referenced Item 1, regarding Title VI, stating that he wanted the item clarified. He asked if it was a legitimate grant.

Mr. Eugene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, stated yes, the dollars are sent to the district for allocation to both public and private schools.

Mrs. Morris asked the total amount or portion of the grant to be given to the seven non-public schools.

Mrs. Linda Gulley, Director of Grants Management, stated the amount is approximately $26,000, or one-tenth of the total amount, for the non-public schools.


2. Exceptional Student Education Discretionary Projects Grant (Shared Services Network)

Dr. DeWitt referenced Item 2, regarding Shared Services (Exceptional Students), and asked if we already had this grant, and he was uncertain the recipients were even aware of it.

Mrs. Sandra Ward stated yes, this was a the third year of this grant, the third year of the district being the facilitator for these grant funds. She stated the Chief Judge's Council was the head for this "umbrella" of services for the county for children services.

Mrs. Yvonne Gray, Director of Exceptional Education, stated that she receives the monthly minutes from that council, and that Mrs. Ward is certainly involved with this grant and its recipients.

Mrs. Webb stated she would like to request copies of those minutes. She further questioned the possible tax that was mentioned in this information.

Mrs. Ward stated that it was a possibility that somewhere in the future, that there be a council for children services, which a lot of counties in Florida have, and there would be a need for something to sustain this council, and that is why they are looking at this "tax" avenue.



Mr. Samuel Scallan, Director, Internal Auditing, addressed the Board to offer an update on the audit of the Charter School. He stated this audit is not complete, but upon completion it will be presented to the Board. He also stated the Auditor General's office was conducting an audit of the Charter School, and purportedly issued their preliminary and tentative finds during the middle of January.

Mr. Bailey questioned who would answer to the Auditor General's office with regard to the audit findings on the Charter School. Mr. Scallan stated that he believed the Charter School would respond.

Mr. Scallan stated he also wanted to give an update on the FTE audit, which is actually just beginning, and will continue for three to four months. He stated he would do his best to keep the Board informed.

Mrs. Webb stated she was surprised that she had not received a copy of the preliminary and tentative audit report with regard to the Charter School, since they report to the Board.

Superintendent May stated that no, she and the other Board Members did not receive this information, as that does not become a public record until the audit findings have been responded to.



3. Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and Escambia County regarding Bob Sikes Bridge tolls and passes for school buses.

Superintendent May requested that listed under expulsions, item number 13, that student has requested a formal hearing.

Chairman Jenkins voiced his concern with the number of expulsions, whether we are giving enough emphasis to our core values.

Superintendent May stated that Ms. Shelden is conducting the core value program for this district, and he stated she was doing an excellent job. He further stated that, with more than 46,000 students, there will be a certain percentage of the population with which we will experience problems.

Mrs. Morris stated that, because of the core values, you will see more instances reported than before, and therefore more expulsions.

Mrs. Morris referenced Item 3, stating she had some concerns regarding these bridge passes. She stated she talked with an officer of the Santa Rosa Island Authority, and asked what the county commission does regarding their vehicles which use that bridge. She further stated the county commission uses a procedure similar to ours. Mrs. Morris stated she had a problem with the costs involved in this, especially in light of the portables we donated to the county.

Mr. Ray stated that while he totally agreed with this, however, he and Mr. Jerry Caine had researched the bond issue that the county quoted, which is secured by the revenues from the tolls, and one of the covenants in that bond issue is a provision that the county agreed not to allow any free tolls, except itself. He further stated it would be extremely difficult to change this covenant.

Superintendent May stated he agreed as well with Mrs. Morris, and that while this covenant did prohibit free tolls, our original proposal offered $1.00 for each vehicle - just the maintenance fleet and our bus fleet. He further stated this proposal was turned down.

Mr. Bailey stated he also agreed with Mrs. Morris, that he felt the county, with all of their assessments, could manage to "give back" to the district.

Mrs. Morris stated that a few months back that she had made the statement regarding the people on the beach not paying their share, however, the residents on the beach pay a lease fee, plus an MSBU tax, plus purchasing a toll pass. She stated the Santa Rosa Island Authority assesses an additional $.05 on them - so they are paying a $.0125 sales tax where we pay $.075. She informed the Board this MSBU tax is strictly for police protection and mosquito control. She stated that we should request some of that MSBU tax for the school.

Chairman Jenkins requested Superintendent May to research this matter further. Superintendent May agreed to do what the Board, as a body, recommends that he do.



Mrs. Webb stated she had three items, and for the sake of brevity, she stated that the first item concerned the workshop of January 8, 1998. She stated that when Dr. Blanton discussed the budget and budgeting process, he stated the Board could accept, reject or amend. She suggested the Board consider a new budget adoption procedure, with perhaps a more open and in depth procedure. Mrs. Webb stated she would be interested in hearing from the departments individually.

Superintendent May stated this would be up to the Board, as to how they would like to proceed.

Chairman Jenkins stated he would need time to consider this suggestion, before making a commitment to what he wanted to be done.

Mrs. Webb stated she would like to address some of the Auditor General's audit findings. She stated that for the sake of brevity, she would hold this for another time. The last item she wished to address was the draft proposal of disposal of real property. She asked for the status of this proposal.

Mr. Ray stated that Dr. Epperson had, in fact, asked him for his input only, so he really was not in a position to discuss this further.

Mr. Bailey stated that two or so months ago, there were a number of questions he asked regarding the Charter School. He further stated it would be probably another couple of months before he could receive answers to these questions.

Mr. Scallan stated that hopefully, it would not take quite that long for the audit to be complete.

Mr. Bailey stated that his questions surrounded the transportation (school busses) provided for these students, the location and/or property and the certification of the teachers employed there. He also stated he wished to ask Superintendent May if he had been approached with regard to another charter school possibly opening.

Superintendent May stated he did not recall anyone approaching him regarding this subject. He assured Mr. Bailey if this happened, he would bring it to the Board's attention.



Mr. Ray stated he had no items, except to remind the Board that Mr. Joseph Hammons would be sitting in for him for next month's meetings.



No one wished to address the Board at this time.



There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.


Attest: Approved:



Superintendent Chairman