The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel (Administration) Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Mrs. Vanette Webb

School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco Negron

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May


Also present: Mr. Gary L. Bergosh, School Board Member-Elect, District 1

Mrs. Linda Finkelstein, School Board Member-Elect, District 5

Mr. Jim Paul, Superintendent-Elect



Chairman Stidham called the workshop to order at 9:00 a.m.



Mr. May listed the additions and deletions to the agenda.

The following item was brought forward:


8. Approval of the Charter School Application by the Pensacola Family Care for Youth and Family Services, Inc., D/B/A Jacqueline Harris Pyramid School of Learning.

Mr. Charles Thomas, Director of Alternative Education, advised that staff had reviewed the application for the charter school which would serve at-risk students (grades 1 through 5) beginning with the 2001/2002 academic year. Mr. Thomas stated that Ms. Celestine Lewis, Director of Pensacola Family Care for Youth and Family Services, Inc., filed a statement today to address staff concerns regarding the application related to curriculum, Direct Teaching Instruction, use of SRA reading and math materials, and the question of adequate space at the proposed site (building located at 1508 West LaRua Street) as to whether or not it would accommodate 100 students. Mr. Thomas stated that Ms. Lewis had indicated that additional space was available at the building facility; however, extensive renovations would be needed to meet fire code standards. Dr. Jenkins expressed that the school is located in an area that is heavily populated by minorities, and Mr. Thomas stated that a plan would be needed to attract a diverse student population. Mr. Thomas added that the two sites (a building at 1508 West LaRua Street and the house at 514 North Baylen Street) are separated by eight to ten blocks, and one site would be desirable.

Dr. Jenkins questioned the economic feasibility of opening the school if there were less than 100 students enrolled. It was noted that the budget proposal for the charter school was based on the enrollment projection of 100 students. Ms. Lewis indicated that she would hope to have at least 100 students enrolled. Dr. Jenkins asked if the necessary building renovations could be made within the proposed time frame for the school to open. Mr. Thomas stated that if the application is approved, the contract could stipulate that renovations must be completed prior to the school opening.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Celestine Lewis, 2591 North 13th Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, addressed the Board in support of the charter school proposal. Upon inquiry from Dr. Jenkins, Ms. Lewis clarified that the students would be located at the LaRua Street site, and there would be no students at the Baylen Street site, which would serve as a resource center to house the fiscal agent and resource staff related to the program. She commented that the charter school would be unique, with curriculum that would comply with Sunshine State Standards in order to meet the individual needs of at-risk students. She stated that emphasis would be placed on removing barriers to learning for at-risk students by addressing the needs of the total family. A network of support services for students and their families would be established through linkage to community resources and partnerships with social service agencies to meet needs related to food, housing, shelter, and employment referrals.

2) Mr. David Ralphs, Member of the Board of Directors, Pensacola Family Care for Youth and Family Services, Inc., advised the Board concerning additional space (950 square feet) available for use at the LaRua Street building. He noted that $80,000 is the estimated cost for building renovations (including fire alarms, rewiring, proper lighting, and ramps), and that money is available through private funding sources.

Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning transportation. Ms. Lewis responded that the intent is to serve children throughout the district, and bus transportation will be provided in conjunction with another charter school. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt suggested adding a stipulation in the contract to require that a minimum number of students be enrolled by a certain date in order for the school to open for the 2001/2002 academic year.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.



Mr. Wayne Odom, Director of Title I, stated that he serves as the School Board's representative on the School Readiness Coalition, and he reviewed information provided in a handout entitled "Quality Early Childhood Education: Precepts, Practices, Positions, and Possibilities." He also provided pamphlets entitled Eager to Learn: Educating Our Preschoolers, published by the National Research Council. Mr. Odom reported that the School Readiness Coalition is expected to develop a final plan by January, 2001, whereby funds for Early Intervention Prekindergarten ($2,300,000), Florida First Start ($100,000), Even Start ($100,000), and Migrant Prekindergarten funding will go to a Coalition Fiscal Agent instead of the school district, and the district will be a vendor of early childhood services. Mr. Odom presented district recommendations regarding proposed changes on issues such as teacher qualifications, adult/child ratios, training, curriculum, parent involvement, target population, and assessment. Dr. Jenkins asked about efforts to help parents, and Mr. Odom cited the Even Start Family Literacy Program (which teaches parenting skills in conjunction with an early childhood program); the Florida First Start Program (a home-based program); and the Family Resource Activity Model for Early Education (FRAME) Program (which provides extra funds to enhance and expand the other programs). Mr. May asked that the Board continue to support the recommendations presented by the school district so that standards will not be lowered regarding early childhood services. Dr. DeWitt expressed support for the school district recommendations.


The following item was brought forward:


14. Various oral informational items from Curriculum and Instruction Staff.

Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, advised that the Board and Superintendent had previously directed staff to look at high school scheduling and bring back data, options, and financial implications to the Board for consideration. He stated that Dr. Robin Largue, Director of Secondary Education, and Mr. Tommy Taylor, Director of Applied Technology and Adult Education, had worked in conjunction with Finance, Transportation, Facilities, and Human Resources staff to provide scheduling data, not recommendations, with examples of possible cost savings if certain types of consolidation take place, which would be at the direction of the Board. Mr. Pettis advised that staff had also been directed to meet with every principal, who was to obtain input from his or her faculty, regarding possible budget cuts and implementation of cost-saving measures throughout the district. Dr. Largue filed for the record and reviewed a memorandum dated November 13, 2000 (Subject: Data), and a memorandum dated October 17, 2000 (Subject: Budget Input Area Meetings). She reviewed attachments to the memoranda identifying cost-saving suggestions from the schools. Dr. Largue filed for the record and reviewed a memorandum dated November 17, 2000 (Subject: Possible Monetary Savings with Changes in High School Schedule) listing six period, seven period, and eight period day options. Using $40,000 as average teacher salary, options were presented as follows:


1) Continuing current eight period schedule - no cost savings;

2) Changing to a seven period schedule (Five periods of instruction; no change in pupil teacher ratio of 1 to 20) - no cost savings;

3) Changing to a six period schedule (no change in pupil teacher ratio) - $2,300,000 cost savings;

4) Changing to a seven period schedule (Five periods of instruction; increase pupil teacher ratio 1 to 21) - $400,000 cost savings;

5) Changing to a seven period schedule (Five periods of instruction; increase pupil teacher ratio 1 to 25) - $1,600,000 cost savings;

6) Changing to a seven period schedule (Six periods of instruction; no change in pupil teacher ratio 1 to 20) - $2,000,000 cost savings.

Dr. Largue stated that Human Resources staff had emphasized that contract language would have to be followed concerning any options involving staff reduction. Dr. DeWitt asked if contract language addressed numbers of students or hours of teaching and was advised that was at the direction of the Board. Dr. Largue advised that the Southern Association stipulates 150 students per day for contact time.

Mr. Mike Connors, Transportation Director, filed for the record and reviewed a handout entitled "Running Times" with reference to bus transportation options. He commented that changing to a six period day at the high schools would save money and reduce overtime expenses for bus operators. He noted that eliminating the eastern corridor and going to trunk routing (geographic location routing) for Brown-Barge Middle School, the International Baccalaureate Program, and Brownsville Middle School could save almost $1,000,000.


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), commented that any proposals concerning curriculum, delivery of service, instruction, reduction of programs and workforce would involve contract language. She added that the Association would like to be involved in the survey process.

2) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, commented that contract law has upheld that unions will be involved in changing standards of service. Concerning any proposals to change schedules, he expressed concern that more input is needed from the individuals who are involved in delivery of services on a daily basis.


After discussion, Dr. DeWitt noted that the Board is not voting on this issue. He explained that the Board had asked for data to be provided in order to make decisions in December about starting times, bus schedules, and other cost-saving options, and the Board welcomed input on these issues.

Dr. Largue filed for the record and reviewed a memorandum dated November 16, 2000 (Subject: Enrollment, Capacity and Racial Composition of Elected Schools). Concerning scenarios for consolidation of programs, she stated that staff had met with Mr. Ireland Brock, Director of Pupil Instructional Support Services, and researched demographic data to determine which schools could be grouped based on enrollment and building capacity. Dr. Jenkins discussed concerns that too many schools are racially identifiable. He commented that several schools are too small to be cost-efficient, and he expressed his intent to submit a proposal concerning possible consolidation of Ernest Ward and Carver Middle Schools into Northview High School, which would not involve any new construction. Mrs. Webb questioned how consolidation would be accomplished since certain schools are at capacity. Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Maintenance, commented that district-wide plans would have to be considered including the facilities survey, attendance zones, and redistricting.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.




ADD: 4) Presentation - "Standards for Financial and Operational Accountability" - Escambia Education Association (EEA)

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), stated that the intent of the "Standards for Financial and Operational Accountability" was for Board review and consideration in Executive Session to help guide the district in determining more effective ways of saving money.

2) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, stated that the standards were originally presented in the format of Collaborative Bargaining, and he asked that the Board consider these standards when seeking cost-saving measures.


A. Permission to Advertise

1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-1.08 SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL

Ms. Ella Sims, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, advised that the backup was corrected to reflect January 16, 2001, as the public hearing date (instead of December 19, 2000) for scheduling purposes.

Dr. Jenkins commended Ms. Sheree Cagle, Director of Comprehensive Planning, for the work that was done to meet the State requirements regarding economic factors and minority representation on Advisory Councils.


Ms. Sims noted that the backup was corrected to reflect January 16, 2001, as the public hearing date.

PULLED: 3. School Board Rule 6Gx17-7.09 PUPIL PROGRESSION PLAN

Ms. Sims noted that this item was pulled. Dr. DeWitt stated that he supported pulling this item due to possible schedule changes in December, and in order to prevent readvertising costs.



Mr. May advised that explanations regarding recommendations for student expulsions were provided in the agenda backup materials.



1. Resolution to Withdraw from the Civil Service Board - Cary Stidham

Chairman Stidham presented the resolution for consideration by the Board.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Ms. Ellen Lawrence, UniServ Director for Escambia NEA, asked that the Board support the resolution with amendments requested by the Educational Support Personnel (ESP) bargaining units.


Dr. Jenkins expressed concerns that Civil Service costs ($500,000) seemed high in terms of services provided. Mrs. Finkelstein inquired concerning time constraints, and Mrs. Stidham advised that Civil Service fees were already paid for this year; however, the resolution would have to be submitted to the Legislative Delegation by January 4, 2001, to be considered for the upcoming year. Mrs. Finkelstein commented that there may be budgetary considerations in case additional staff are needed to take over services currently provided by Civil Service. After discussion, the Board Attorney recommended deleting clause number 3 "that the Board will work collaboratively with the unions to review and amend the contract and policy language to assure that withdrawal from Civil Service will not cause employees to lose rights currently affecting them under Civil Service rules." It was noted that the resolution would be amended for Board consideration.

2. Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) Campaign to Recover All Improper Franchise Fees - Cary Stidham

Chairman Stidham reported that the FSBA is proposing a class action lawsuit to collect franchise fees that school districts are paying to other governmental agencies. She noted that the company involved is Telcom Network, Inc. (TNI), and she spoke in favor of joining the group effort for cost-saving reasons.

3. Development of Plan for Use of Recruitment/Retention Funds - Cary Stidham

Chairman Stidham advised that Recruitment/Retention Fund Bonuses were paid to teachers (a maximum of $1,200 for ESE, K-12, Math, Science and Technology teachers in middle and high schools), and $70,000 was left over. Upon inquiry from Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Douglas Garber, Director of Employee Services, replied that minority recruitment was not a factor in the bonus criteria; however, the monies could be utilized pertaining to recruiting in the five critical shortage areas of instruction. Chairman Stidham stated that Florida Statutes provide for use of the monies for recruitment, and the funds could be used for moving expenses or purchase of laptop computers (maximum of $1,200). After discussion, there was Board consensus for staff (Human Resources and the recruitment team) to develop a plan for presentation to the Board in December on recruiting teachers in critical shortage areas and using the recruitment funds for the upcoming year. Ms. Sims indicated that the December time frame would be sufficient for staff to report back.

4. Consideration of Consolidation of Various School Sites - Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Jenkins stated that he had already discussed this matter (see Item XIII.14, which was addressed earlier in the workshop).

5. School Attendance Zone Advisory Committee (SAZAC) - Criteria for Proposing New District Wide Attendance Zones - John DeWitt

Dr. DeWitt presented a proposal asking that the (SAZAC) committee begin meeting again to look at redistricting the entire school district. He suggested seeking input from the committee about time lines as to how long the process will take, with the committee to bring recommendations back to the Board including cost and transportation factors.

6. Reconsideration of School Board Policy Committee - John DeWitt

Dr. DeWitt stated that he will present two motions for consideration at the Board Meeting: 1) to rescind Board action of August 15, 2000, regarding School Board policy development in which the Board assigned two areas to each Board Member for review; and 2) ask that policy review and development be reassigned to staff (with those areas to be assigned by the Superintendent to the appropriate staff), for report back to the Board in six months. Mrs. Webb expressed concerns that policy review and update should proceed as expeditiously as possible.



1. Contract with Hammons & Whittaker, P.A.

Mr. Negron presented the contract for Board ratification noting that Mr. Joseph Hammons represents the Board in Risk Management and Workmans' Compensation matters. Mr. Negron stated that based on input from Superintendent-Elect Jim Paul and Mr. Hammons, he would submit an emergency add item to the agenda for Mr. Hammons to continue to provide representation for employee discipline and employment matters for a sixty-day time frame.

ADD: 2. PNJ vs. Estate of Mason, Case Number: 00-2005-CA-01/Div. C Agreed Order.

Mr. Negron recommended that the Board ratify the Agreed Order. He noted that this agreement is only binding on the Board if ratified at the Board Meeting in compliance with Florida Statutes, Section 286.011, Florida Sunshine Law.


Mrs. Webb left the workshop at 12:08 p.m. She expressed that the remaining agenda items would be voted on by the new Board Member, and it would be preferable to allow Mrs. Finkelstein to be at the dias for the remainder of the workshop. Prior to Mrs. Webb's departure, Chairman Stidham and Board Members presented a plaque to Mrs. Webb in appreciation for services rendered as School Board Member District 5, from November, 1996 through November, 2000.



Chairman Stidham called for a ten-minute recess at 12:11 p.m., and the workshop reconvened at 12:21 p.m.



No items were submitted from the student representatives.



Dr. Jenkins commented concerning the process whereby the Transfer Committee makes recommendations to the Board concerning student transfers. He expressed concern that in the past, some parents have tried to circumvent that process and the Board has overturned committee recommendations in cases which have not involved hardship. He particularly noted transfers of students (who should have gone to Wedgewood Middle School) to Ransom or Bellview Middle School. Mr. Bergosh asked if transportation was the responsibility of the parent when students transfer out of district, and he was advised that is the case.



E. Employee Services

1. Payment of Bonuses to D & F Schools and Violent and Disruptive Youth (Alternative) Centers

Dr. Jenkins inquired concerning the status of the bonus payments. Dr. Garber responded that the Board established the payment plan last month, and the principals have complied with the plan in accordance with Florida Statutes.



8. Financial Status Report on Projects and Grants

Dr. DeWitt requested explanation as to why $248,000 in grant funding was being returned unspent. He also asked who is responsible for monitoring the projects. Ms. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Services, stated that the project director is responsible for each individual grant. Ms. Linda Gulley, Director of Grants Management, stated that she had provided a project report (with project directors listed) to the Board last month, as well as an explanation as to why those funds were left over for each project. She stated that she would provide copies of the report to Board Members. Dr. Jenkins asked if it would be possible to extend some of the grants and was advised that extensions were requested where that was possible. Mr. May stated that project directors were advised to spend unexpended portions. Ms. Sheree Cagle, Director of Comprehensive Planning, noted that a new form was developed for project directors to sign and give a reason for unencumbered amounts. Dr. DeWitt asked that Mr. Paul address this issue so that monies will not have to be returned. Ms. Barbara Linker, Director of Budgeting, provided clarification concerning fund balances referenced in the agenda backup materials.



Chairman Stidham commented that some of the change orders presented on the agenda were actually negative change orders.

4. Annual Agreement: Employee Wellness Program.

Chairman Stidham inquired as to the number of employees served by this program. Mr. May commented that the funding for the program ($40,000) comes out of the Employee Benefit Trust Fund, and he spoke in support of this program. Mr. Manny Harageones, Specialist in Physical Education, Health and Wellness, provided data from Baptist Health Care showing the number of contacts and health referrals. He stated that in the first year of the program (four years ago), 3,213 employees had on-site wellness appraisals, and 2,000 employees participated last year. Mr. Joseph Bernard, Director of Risk Management, spoke in support of the program which promotes wellness through prescreening of health conditions.

16. Agreement: SLC Software and Training.

Dr. DeWitt requested further explanation from staff. Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director of Exceptional Student Education (ESE), advised that this agreement provides an Internet CD Rom Educational Therapy Program to enhance language and reading skills. After discussion, Ms. Gray stated that staff and representatives from Science Learning Corporation would attend the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Technology meeting later today to provide further information.

21. IBM Mainframe Tape Backup.

Dr. DeWitt requested additional input from staff. Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Technological Systems and Management Information, advised that the purchase is part of the equipment replacement plan (out of capital outlay dollars), and will provide more timely backup as well as savings on maintenance costs.



There was no discussion concerning the regular agenda items.

Dr. Jenkins inquired concerning possible purchase of property located near Pensacola High School (this item was not on the agenda). Dr. Epperson advised that the owner, Ms. Catherine Adams, sent a letter responding to the School Board's previous offer of $50,000, to which she responded and requested $60,000 for the property, plus moving expenses. Dr. Epperson stated that he advised the owner that the matter would be placed on the December Board agenda for consideration.



14. Various oral informational items from Curriculum and Instruction Staff.

These items were discussed earlier in the workshop.



No transportation items were submitted.



There was no discussion concerning this item.



There were no speakers at this time.



On behalf of the Board, students, parents, and employees of the school district, Chairman Stidham and Board Members presented a plaque to Mr. Jim May expressing appreciation for his dedicated service as Superintendent of Schools from November, 1996 through November, 2000. Mr. May expressed appreciation for his opportunity to serve, and he encouraged the Board, Board Members-Elect, and Superintendent-Elect to continue to strive to achieve the district aims, with highest student achievement being the number one aim.

There being no further business, the workshop adjourned at 12:50 p.m. (Official recordings of this workshop are filed in the Information Services Department.)


Attest: Approved:

________________________ __________________________

Superintendent Chairman