The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Public Forum at 6:00 p.m. in Room 160, Hall Center, 30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:

Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason

Mrs. Vanette Webb

School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco Negron

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Diane Rodriguez, 10719 Silver Creek Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32506, discussed concerns regarding unsafe walking conditions for children traveling to and from school at the Blue Angels Elementary School on Dog Track Road. She added that over 200 children are being driven to school, and she asked that the Board consider allowing more of those students to be bussed. She stated that she had a petition with over 300 signatures; however, the petition was not filed for the record.

Mr. May stated that the Transportation Department had addressed this matter and their recommendation was not to bus those students as per Board policy. Dr. Mason stated that the Chairman is in the process of setting a joint meeting with the County Commission, and this issue could be put on the agenda for that meeting. After discussion, Mr. Jerry Caine, Director of Operations, advised that all elementary schools have a one-mile walk zone by School Board Rule. He noted that the County Commission had provided $100,000 for construction of the sidewalks, and that he and county officials, as well as the Florida Highway Patrol, are continuing to monitor the situation at the school site to see that safety needs are met and to ensure safe passage for the children.

2) Ms. Angelina Toussiant, 10695 Bridge Creek Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32506, discussed concerns regarding unsafe walking conditions (on Dog Track Road) for children attending Blue Angels Elementary School. She asked the Board to consider providing more bus transportation to accommodate the students.

3) Mr. Ron Knowlton, 6118 Chicago Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, 32526-1310, asked the Board to support the proposed employee health insurance plan at the $327 per month rate rather than the $272 per month plan. He asked that the Board keep working to find additional budget cuts in order to increase teacher salaries.

4) Mr. James Johnson, Jr., 231 Drew Circle, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, commented concerning the role of the Superintendent and qualifications that are important in that role.

5) Dr. Alan Scott, 1415 Garvin Court, Cantonment, Florida, 32533, stated that he is the Principal of Workman Middle School, and he spoke in support of teachers receiving salary increases and retaining employee health insurance benefits.

6) Mr. Steve Tuley, 7375 Glidden Lane, Pensacola, Florida 32526, asked that the Board consider meeting in open sessions to discuss where to make budget cuts, and then go into closed sessions as appropriate to discuss how those monies will be spent on teachers. He stated that would provide accountability to the public in terms of how tax monies are spent.

7) Ms. Suzanne Bosso, 501 East Burgess Road, Pensacola, Florida, 32504, stated that she is a teacher at Woodham High School, and she asked that the Board provide professional pay for all school district employees. She spoke in support of the $327 health insurance plan.

8) Ms. Jodi Snodgrass, 3065 Pine Forest Road, Cantonment, Florida, 32533, stated that she has taught for 20 years in the school district, and she asked that the Board retain employee health insurance benefits and increase teacher salaries.

9) Ms. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Services, reported the death of Anne Carlisle, who was a 37-year employee of the school district. She stated that Ms. Carlisle had served as Accounting Supervisor in Travel and Food Service Accounting, and that she will be sorely missed for her love, friendship, dedication, and service to others.

10) Ms. Carol Warner, 1089 Chandelle Lake Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32507, stated that she is a teacher at Weis Elementary School, and she asked that the Board find monies to retain employee health benefits and provide raises to teachers.

11) Mr. Phil Klein, 1401 North 20th Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, stated that he is a teacher at Workman Middle School, and he expressed concerns that over 90 teachers have left the school district in one month. He stated that decisions need to be made to provide teacher raises and retain health insurance benefits.

12) Ms. Sara Cohan, 1714 North 17th Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, discussed concerns regarding salary issues that are facing teachers, and she expressed concern that more teachers will leave the district if salary and health benefit issues are not resolved.

13) Ms. Madonna Jackson-Williams, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she served on the Insurance Committee, and the committee recommendation was to support the $327 health insurance plan.

14) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), spoke in support of professional pay and good benefits for teachers. She asked the Board to approve the employee health insurance plan recommended by the Insurance Committee.


Chairman Stidham concluded the public forum and called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Ms. Peggy Pilcher, Director of Volunteer and Business Partnerships, gave the Invocation, and Mr. Larry Bowman, Facilities Department, led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Superintendent May listed the following additions and deletions to the agenda:




DELETE: 6) Report from Audit Committee


ADD: 4) Resolution - Naming of Vernon McDaniel Administration Building


DELETE: 1) Captain R. E. Treis - Re: Student Transfer


DELETE: 11. 8/31/00 Special Workshop


NOTES: Item Number 17 (Student Number 01-03-221), Request for Formal Hearing

12. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-275-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.


DELETE: 13. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-276-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year. I will further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

ADD: 19. For Board consideration: Employee Health Care Plan.

ADD: 20. Harassment of District employees.

ADD: 21. Approval of Administrative Appointment-Transfer.



DELETE: 2. Contract with Kievit, Kelly & Odom

ADD: 3. Payment of DOAH bill for Final Order in SJS v. School Board


F. Affirmative Action

1. Performance Appraisal System for Principals and Assistant Principals

- To meet the requirements of Florida Statute 231.29 Assessment Procedures and Criteria.




9. Authorizing Agreement and Resolution for Jumbo Money Market Account.




1. Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Bellview Elementary School.


6. School Buses



ADD: 25. Change Notices #1, 2, 3 to Purchase Order #209997, Roads Inc. of NW Florida.

ADD: 26. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #209941, Gulfside Mechanical, Inc.





PULLED: c. Construction of New Media Center at Dixon Elementary School

g. Memo of Understanding between The City of Pensacola and The Escambia County School Board




7. 1999-2000 End of Year Reports and 2000-2001 School Improvement Plans for Charter Schools and Division of Juvenile Justice Centers: Special Centers: Escambia Bay Marine Institute, Escambia River Outward Bound, Escambia Juvenile Justice Center, PACE Center for Girls, Pensacola Boys Base; Charter Schools: Beulah Academy of Science, Escambia Charter School, Gainer Charter and Pensacola Academy for Success.




Mr. May asked Mr. Kirby Thomas to come forward to be recognized as the Stellar Employee for the month of September. Mr. May commended Mr. Thomas, an 18-year school district employee, who serves as Storekeeper in the Central Warehouse. He presented him with a plaque, a pin, and a check for $100 donated by Members First Credit Union.




1) Monthly Report - MGT Implementation Committee

Chairman Stidham stated that no one was present to speak on this item.

2) Informational Report from Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Finance

Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, reported that the committee wished to raise several issues to the Board as follows:

a) Item Number XII.A.1.h on the agenda regarding purchase of property to complete the Master Plan at Pensacola High School. He noted concerns about paying more than fair market price for the land;

b) The committee suggested examining the possibility of having a replacement schedule for computer hardware in order to better facilitate budgeting; and

c) He reported that MIS staff had made a presentation on the student records portion of the Decision Analyzer Software Program, and the committee supports plans to bring Payroll, Finance, and Human Resources on-line.

3) Informational Report from Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Curriculum

Dr. Jenkins stated there was no report.

4) Informational Report from Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Technology

Dr. DeWitt reported that the committee met yesterday and recommended approval of all of the agenda items related to technology. He reported that Mr. Don Manderson, Director of Instructional Technology, had begun work on the Technology Plan, and two committee members have agreed to work on the plan, which will come back to the committee for approval and recommendation to the Board. The committee will hold a joint meeting with the District Technology Committee in October.

Minutes of the committee meeting were filed for the record (in Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit A).

5) Informational Report from Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Facilities

Mrs. Stidham reported that the committee had met and reviewed agenda items. She reported concerning Item Number XII.A.1.h (purchase of property at Pensacola High School), the committee expressed unanimous support to purchase the property, which is the last parcel needed in order complete the PHS Master Plan. She noted that the committee also heard a presentation regarding performance contracting. The committee will hold a special meeting on September 26, 2000, to review options for Phase III (performance contracting).

DELETE: 6) Report from Audit Committee



1) Resolution - Designate the week of October 15-21, 2000, as Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Week - (Supplementary Minute Book Exhibit B)

Mr. May and Board Members recognized Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director of Exceptional Student Education (ESE), ESE teachers, and staff. Mr. May read the resolution. Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the resolution designating the week of October 15-21, 2000, as Exceptional Student Education Week, and recognizing the dedicated professionals who work in Exceptional Student Education, was unanimously approved.

2) Proclamation - Selective Service Registration Awareness Month - (Supplementary Minute Book Exhibit C)

Mr. May read the proclamation, which was provided by Governor Jeb Bush, for purposes of information concerning Selective Service Registration Awareness Month. After discussion, it was noted that the Board supports that effort.

3) PTA Presentation

Ms. Cathy Roche, President, Escambia County Council of PTAs, announced that Edgewater and Blue Angels Elementary Schools had established new PTAs, bringing the total number to 58 PTA schools in this district. Ms. Roche reported on activities since the beginning of the school year, including a brunch for principals, presidents' training, leadership training, a political forum, and workshops for parents.

ADD: 4) Resolution - Naming of Vernon McDaniel Administration Building - (Supplementary Minute Book Exhibit D)

Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the resolution naming the Administration Building located at 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, the "Dr. Vernon McDaniel Building," was unanimously approved. Mr. May announced that a dedication ceremony in honor of Dr. McDaniel will be held at this location on October 5, 2000.



DELETE: 1) Captain R. E. Treis - Re: Student Transfer



Motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to adopt the agenda with the recommended changes, was unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the minutes as follows:


1. 8/1/00 Special Meeting

2. 8/7/00 Special Meeting

3. 8/11/00 Regular Workshop

4. 8/11/00 Special Meeting


5. 8/15/00 Regular Meeting

6. 8/17/00 Special Meeting

7. 8/21/00 Special Meeting

8. 8/21/00 Special Meeting

9. 8/28/00 Special Meeting

10. 8/30/00 Special Workshop

The statement read by Dr. DeWitt was filed for the record in the Supplementary Minute Book as Exhibit E. Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.



(Supplementary Minute Book Exhibit F)

A. Permission to Advertise

1. Approval to Advertise Notice of Intent to Name the New Technical High School the "WEST FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY"

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve advertising Notice of Intent to name the New Technical High School the "WEST FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY."

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Walter Wallace, 709 Woodland Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, asked that the Board consider naming the new Technical High School in honor of Waymon Wellington Wynn. He also asked that the Board table the decision to allow more time for the public to provide input, and so that the Board can establish a policy as to how schools will be named.

2) Ms. Beverlyn Baines, 3190 Belle Christiane Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32504, requested that the Board consider naming the new Technical High School the "Waymon Wellington Wynn High School of Advanced Technology." She stated that Mr. Wynn was a retired educator of more than 34 years in Escambia County, as well as a native Pensacolian, and World War II veteran.

3) Mr. Marti Wynn, Pensacola, Florida, asked that the Board consider naming the new Technical High School in honor of his father, Waymon Wellington Wynn. He expressed that there has been precedent set for schools being named after living educators. He asked the Board to reconsider and set new guidelines to be communicated to the general public.

4) Mr. C. J. Charles, Pensacola, Florida, requested clarification concerning the process for selection of school names. He asked that the Board consider allowing more time for public input, and he submitted the name of Waymon Wellington Wynn for consideration.

Chairman Stidham advised that the Board voted to have a committee, and the meetings were advertised and open to the public. She noted that the committee established the criteria as discussed in the Board Workshop. Dr. Jenkins asked the Director of George Stone to comment. Ms. Lesa Morgan, Director, George Stone Center, replied that the postsecondary program in the evening is still the George Stone Area Vocational Technical Center, and the new Technical High School will be named, but there is the new gymnasium and other buildings which could carry individual names. She noted that the committee had community representation, as well as a web site, and phone lines for input to be provided. Additional advertisements were coordinated through E. W. Bullock marketing firm for various newspapers, radio stations, and marketing to get the information out.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Walter Wallace, 709 Woodland Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32503, made brief comments to the Board concerning an organizational meeting held by the "naming" committee on September 20, 2000.

Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

B. Permission to Adopt

1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-3.13(7) COMPETITIVE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt School Board Rule 6Gx17-3.13(7) COMPETITIVE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES. After discussion, Dr. Mason offered a friendly amendment stipulating that the conditions of Florida Statute 230.22(4) be included pertaining to authority to contract. The Board Attorney stated that Dr. Jenkins had questioned whether or not the School Board could delegate that authority, and he had advised that was the case. Dr. DeWitt stated that he would support studying the issue further regarding all of the contracts that principals have in the district, such as rings, caps and gowns. Mrs. Webb asked if 100% fruit juice products were available in the vending machines. After discussion, Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, replied that normally internal fund audits are conducted once a year at high schools to assess whether or not the schools are in compliance with the policies. He stated that if the Board adopts the policy tonight, he would recommend that be included in the audit process.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 3-2 with Dr. Mason and Mrs. Webb voting NO.


(Supplementary Minute Book Exhibit G)

1. Approval of administrative appointment/transfer.

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the administrative appointment/transfer of Ms. Nelda Segers from Visiting Teacher to Assistant Principal, Bellview Middle School, effective September 18, 2000.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Mr. Ellison Bennett, 106 Baynes Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, stated that he is a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and that he could not support the appointment as proposed because of the circumstances surrounding the individual's prior removal from Escambia High School.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.


2. Approval of Agreement with Head Start for Preparation of Meals.

Dr. Jenkins stated that he serves on the Board of Directors for Head Start. He abstained from voting, and he filed a Memorandum of Voting Conflict form for the record (Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit G-1).

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the Agreement with Head Start for preparation of Meals. Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and seconded the motion. Mrs. Webb stated she felt that the information was incomplete regarding costs and funding sources. Chairman Stidham noted that the item was discussed at the Board Workshop yesterday. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the motion was approved 3-1 with Dr. Jenkins abstaining and Mrs. Webb voting NO. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Mrs. Stidham.

3. Response to Correspondence, E-Mail, etc.

This item was not discussed.


Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the expulsions recommended by the Superintendent on Item Numbers 4-12, 14-16, and 18. Mrs. Webb commented that student recommendations state that placement is to be at the discretion of the Superintendent; however, Florida Statutes refer to student placement as being under the purview of the Board. The Board Attorney advised that placement comes at the discretion of the Superintendent. After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to request formal hearing for the student referenced in Item Number 17, was unanimously approved.

4. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 00-05-281 be allowed to return to regular school placement.

5. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 00-192-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and first semester of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

6. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 00-221-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and first semester of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

7. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-264-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

8. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-266-171 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

9. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-269-951 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

10. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-271-601 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

11. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-274-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

12. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-275-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

DELETE: 13. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-276-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year. I will further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

14. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 00-277-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year and all of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

15. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 01-01-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the first semester of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

16. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 01-02-601 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year and all of the 2001-2002 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

17. By earlier motion, the Board approved a request for formal hearing for this student with reference to the following recommendation (that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 01-03-221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame).

18. Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 01-04-221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

19. For Board consideration: Employee Health Care Plan.

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, to "approve the $327 (Employee Health Care) plan with benefit package as approved and recommended by the Insurance Committee to the district, and that the $2,600,000 that has been offered during Collaborative Bargaining to fund teacher raises, be used to fund this proposal. Secondly, the following restrictions shall be placed on this program: 1) Emergency Room Treatment - Emergency room visits must be for emergencies only, not routine or regular visits. Emergency room visits are to be documented as such, and a procedure will be established by the Risk Management Department; 2) Prescription Drugs: a) Re-occurring prescriptions of 90 days or longerare to be filled through the mail order plan or with pharmacies meeting mail order provisions (and there will be 17 of those pharmacies available in Pensacola that will meet that provision); and b) prescriptions are to be filled from preferred lists of covered drugs. Risk Management will coordinate with the pharmacy benefit manager to develop a formulary list. And finally, that the School Board will continue to look for budget cuts to fund additional costs being incurred by the insurance program. As of January 1, 2001, we must be ready to implement a plan that will guarantee continued funding at the $327 level, plus establishing a contingency fund as recommended by our consultants. If the health insurance costs continue to rise at the staggering rate we have been experiencing, and funding cannot be located within general fund dollars, while working collaboratively with all bargaining units, we must review our benefit package and identify possible changes, that will allow for continued health coverage at the present level." The motion was seconded by Dr. Jenkins.


The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, read a brief statement on behalf of the Association that their support for the health insurance program is not in lieu of salaries. He advised that the Association and the Board remain in negotiations for salaries and look forward to finding a mutually agreeable solution to the crisis in employee compensation. He stated that the Association advocated adoption of the $327 program for employees (to replace the Board's earlier decision to set a contribution rate at $272).

Mrs. Webb stated she thought that the Board had tabled the $272 plan in July. Ms. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Services, stated that the Board was notified by memorandum on September 8, 2000, from she and Mr. Joseph Bernard, Director of Risk Management, regarding an update on health and prescription drugs, indicating a significant increase in health care costs for the month of August, which was about $1,100,000 above what AON Consultants had projected for health and prescription drug expenditures only. She continued that the $2,600,000 will go to help fund the $327 per month plan, and that Dr. DeWitt had indicated that the Board was making a commitment to fund the health program at the level of the $327 per month and provide for a contingency fund with a plan to begin in the January time period.

Dr. Mason requested input from the Board Attorney regarding his concern that it would not be proper for the Board to do anything that would cause a budget to go out of balance. Mr. Negron replied that he had advised Dr. Mason that Florida Statutes, Chapter 237.061 and 237.071(2) provide for a School Board to adopt a balanced budget. He emphasized that his area of expertise involves education law, and he advised the Board to consult with its Chief Financial Officer, who is a CPA, on this matter. Dr. Mason noted that the Consultant from AON Consultants had appeared at the September 18, 2000, Board Workshop. Dr. Mason expressed concern that although $60,000 was budgeted for AON Consultants last year, the district actually spent $120,000, and $60,000 has been budgeted again for this year.


The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Chris Clark, AON Consultants, advised that the extra cost last year was due to special projects that were brought up because of the health care situation. He noted that Ms. Wascom had indicated at the Board Workshop that if there were excess cost requirements for the consulting budget, they would bring an amendment to the purchase order for Board consideration.

Dr. Mason commented that the consultant had indicated at the Board Workshop that the estimate should not go over $10 above or below the $327 plan estimate. Ms. Wascom noted that the $327 plan reflects a balanced budget. Dr. Mason asked Dr. DeWitt to clarify how the benefit package would be impacted if costs continue to rise and funding cannot be located in General Funds. Dr. DeWitt stated that there are other benefits that could be considered in the Collaborative Bargaining process. Dr. Mason noted that 85% of the budget involves salaries and benefits, and he requested further clarification. Chairman Stidham stated that this item was discussed at length at the Board Workshop. Dr. Mason stated that he would like to ask Dr. DeWitt how the emergency room visits (referenced in his motion) could be verified and enforced. The Board Attorney stated that Dr. Mason had questioned the Chairman's ruling, which could be submitted as a question of procedure to the Board, and if the Board agreed to extend debate for an additional time for each Board Member, then it would be appropriate; otherwise, the Chairman's ruling should stand under the rules of procedure. After discussion, motion was made by Dr. Mason and seconded by Mrs. Webb, to suspend debate and talk about this, because there is a question of where the money is going to coming from.

Chairman Stidham noted this would suspend parliamentary procedure at this time. Said motion failed 3-2 with Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Jenkins, and Mrs. Stidham voting NO.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Madonna Jackson-Williams, Pensacola, Florida, spoke in support of the motion for the $327 plan.

2) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, commented that the Board must address the $1,300,000 spike which occurred in August (caused by claims in excess of premiums). He stated that the proposed $1,000,000 in reserves is a prudent budgeting matter but is not a factor of the $327 plan. Concerning raises, he stated that negotiations should not continue in this forum. He stated that a decision on raises will be made at some point through negotiations.

3) Dr. Douglas Garber, Director of Employee Services, stated that before the $327 plan was presented at the Board Workshop, the bargaining unit had confirmed that the $2,600,000 (which the Board had authorized to take out for salaries) could be utilized without creating an unfair labor practice.

4) Ms. Ellen Lawrence, UniServ Director for Escambia NEA, stated that she was speaking on behalf of Educational Support Personnel, and she asked that the Board approve the $327 funding level for health insurance.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Dr. Mason voting NO.

20. Harassment of District employees.

Mr. May stated that this item was discussed at the Board Workshop, and that he would recommend at some point that the Board make a decision on representation in that area. Mrs. Webb asked if the Superintendent was requesting Board action. Mr. May stated it was clearly defined in the letter. Chairman Stidham stated that if a Board Member wanted to make a motion, the information had been presented and the Board could address it as it saw fit.

21. Approval of Administrative Appointment-Transfer.

After discussion, motion by Dr. Jenkins, second by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the transfer of Mr. Horace Jones from Director, Special Projects/Student Transfers to SEMS Support Personnel Recruiter, effective September 5, 2000, was unanimously approved.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit H)

1. Motion to Contract with a Grant Writer to work on a Contingency Fee Basis - Vanette Webb

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb and seconded by Dr. Mason, to direct the Superintendent to take appropriate action to hire a grant writer to work on a contingency fee basis, with the grant writer to be paid out of a portion of the grants which he or she accrued, and that would better serve this district. Dr. Mason seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Dr. Mason asked if an RFP had gone out. Mr. May stated that an RFP could be formulated if that is the direction of the Board. After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

2. Correspondence, E-Mail, etc. - Hal Mason

Dr. Mason initially stated that he wished to ask a question. Being that he did not have a motion to present, he opted to forego discussion on this item.


The following agenda item was moved forward:


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Patrick Cabeza, Student Representative, reported that the student committee met last week and expressed general consensus that the school year began with only a few problems regarding implementation of some of the after-school clubs. He noted that the students had expressed concerns regarding the exam policy, and they had asked that the Board consider a different exam exemption policy (to be implemented as soon as the second semester if possible), in order to base the exemption on grades alone.

2) Ms. Rebecca Rudicell, Student Representative, concurred with Mr. Cabeza's comments concerning the exam exemption policy. She spoke concerning the importance of mutual respect on the part of students, teachers, administrators, and parents.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit I)

1. Reimbursement of Attorney's Fees for Defense of Dismissed Bar Grievance

Mr. Negron advised that the amount for reimbursement was $1,224.45 for the two meritless grievances filed by Dr. Hal Mason. Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, to pay the attorney fees for this item. Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and seconded the motion. Dr. DeWitt offered a friendly amendment that the Board also instruct the Board Attorney to recoup those fees from Dr. Mason because it was a frivolous lawsuit, and the taxpayers of Escambia County should not be paying for frivolous lawsuits. Dr. Jenkins accepted that as a friendly amendment. The Board Attorney asked that the Board reconsider the amendment, noting that the Board would be spending additional monies in order to recoup those fees. Dr. Jenkins stated that he did not wish to accept the friendly amendment. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the original motion was unanimously approved. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Mrs. Stidham.

DELETE: 2. Contract with Kievit, Kelly & Odom

3. Payment of DOAH bill for Final Order in SJS v. School Board

Mr. Negron reported that the administrative hearing was litigated by Maureen George, former Board Attorney, and Joseph Hammons, Attorney to the Superintendent. He stated that the initial bill for preparation of the final order was $36,000; however, he and Mr. Hammons had contested that amount, and the Division of Administrative Hearings reduced that amount to $15,000. Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins and seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve payment of the DOAH bill for Final Order in SJS v. School Board. Dr. Mason inquired as to the total costs to the district on that case. Mr. Negron stated that he would provide that information to the Board. Dr. Mason asked if any other actions had been filed and was advised that in the case of SJS, the parents had served the district, the School Board, and several employees with an amended complaint, which was on file with the Federal District Court. Dr. Mason asked if the Board Attorney would address the litigants' new request for due process hearing. Mr. Negron stated that the final recommended order, which is on review in the Federal District Court, is being handled by Mr. Hammons.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.



The student representatives addressed the Board earlier in the meeting.



Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, and seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the consent agenda.

Dr. DeWitt pulled Item Number VIII. Dr. Mason pulled Item Numbers IX.1.F and XII.A.1.g. Mrs. Webb pulled Item Number IX.2, then subsequently pulled all of the items under IX (Human Resources), as well as X.2, X.3, X.4, X.5, X.6, X.7, X.8, X.9, X.10, and XII.A.1.f. Dr. Jenkins pulled Item Number XII.A.1.h. Mrs. Stidham pulled Item Numbers XII.A.1.i and XV.C. Chairman Stidham called for the vote on the Consent Agenda excepting the items pulled for separate vote, and the motion was unanimously approved.


(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit J)


The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Robert Tahar, 4996 Prieto Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32506, addressed the Board to request that his son be allowed to stay enrolled at Pensacola High School due to hardship involving a move out of the district. He stated that he will move back into the PHS district as soon as possible.

After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Mrs. Webb, to allow the student to stay at Pensacola High School. Dr. DeWitt stated that he had talked with the Principal at PHS, and he had expressed support for this request.


The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Ireland Brock, Director of Pupil Instructional Support Services, advised that the Transfer Committee did not recommend approval of this request (which was not part of the Student Transfer list presented for Board consideration this month). He noted that the committee heard the appeal and went through every consideration, and no hardship was mentioned.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Dr. Mason voting NO.

After discussion, motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, that the Student Transfers be approved as presented, was unanimously approved.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit K)

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve Item Numbers IX.A-E. Mrs. Webb stated that due to the identified $1,300,000 shortfall and the $1,000,000 needed to boost reserves (for a total of $2,300,000) and in an attempt to carry out good faith bargaining, she stated that she did not think that had occurred, so these appointments should be considered so that we can meet our budget needs. She also recommended concerning the employees that are being dismissed, that for those that would request a DOAH hearing, that the Board Attorney conduct those DOAH hearings, rather than Mr. Joseph Hammons, in order to save money. She stated that she was voting no based on those reasons. Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.

A. Instructional/Professional

1. Appointments

Name Position Date Work Location

Baker, Valerie Teacher 9/05/00 Hallmark

Bamonte, Holly Teacher 9/05/00 Bellview Elem

Barnes, Woodrow Teacher 9/06/00 Brownsville

Bilecky, Kristie Teacher 8/07/00 Pine Forest

Blake, George Teacher 9/05/00 Pensacola High

Boddy, John Teacher 8/15/00 Woodham

Bonifay, Tracy Teacher 9/05/00 McMillan Pre-K

Caldwell, Brian Teacher 8/07/00 Washington

Carbone, Colleen Teacher 8/07/00 Brown Barge

Caroline, Angela Teacher 9/05/00 Escambia

Carroll, Laura Teacher 9/05/00 Navy Point

Chapman, Melissa Teacher 8/07/00 Bellview Mid

Chavis, Christian Teacher 8/10/00 Ferry Pass Mid

Court, Kimberly Teacher 9/01/00 Bellview Mid

Cox, Rebecca Teacher 8/14/00 Scenic Heights

DeMartini, Claudia Teacher 8/29/00 Scenic Heights

Dillard, Alice Child Care Site Dir 8/14/00 Semmes

Doman, Teressa Teacher 9/05/00 Brentwood Mid

Drennan, Jaime Teacher 8/07/00 Montclair

Driver, Holly Teacher 8/14/00 Lipscomb/Byrneville

Durney, Robert Teacher 9/05/00 Escambia

Eligio, Felix Teacher 8/07/00 Wedgewood

Elliott, Stephanie Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Mid

Fenner, Glenda Teacher 9/05/00 Navy Point

Fisher, Daniel Teacher 8/17/00 Tate

Fitzgerald, Diana Teacher 8/29/00 Pine Forest

Futch, Whitney Teacher 9/05/00 Myrtle Grove

Goodman, Sara Teacher 8/07/00 Montclair

Grant, Charles Teacher 9/05/00 Navy Point

Grant, Helen Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Elem

Graves, Alecia Teacher 9/05/00 Hallmark

Gross, Melissa Teacher 8/07/00 Warrington Elem

Hagens, Julia Teacher 9/06/00 Bellview Mid

Hammons, Darlene Teacher 8/07/00 Tate

Hodges, Dale Teacher 8/07/00 Bailey

Jones, James Teacher 8/08/00 Pensacola High

Jones, Vince Teacher 8/07/00 Wedgewood

Kelley, Ann Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Elem

Kelson, Nancy Teacher 8/21/00 Ransom

Killough, Tara Teacher 8/07/00 Brownsville

Lewis, Larry Teacher 8/07/00 Pine Forest

Lindsay, Colleen Teacher 8/07/00 Montclair

Martin, Cynthia Teacher 9/05/00 Hallmark

McMeans, Rita Teacher 8/07/00 Pine Forest

Milsted, Jamie Year Long Intern 8/14/00 Bellview Elem

Nichols, Pam Teacher 9/05/00 Escambia

Notah, Ronald Teacher 8/17/00 Escambia

Pedersen, Becki Teacher 8/07/00 Senic Heights

Price, Mark Teacher 8/07/00 Tate

Priest, Katina Teacher 8/29/00 Hallmark

Queen, Diane Teacher 9/05/00 Escambia

Robinson, William Teacher 8/07/00 Ferry Pass Mid

Sanctuary, Loreen Teacher 8/07/00 Bailey

Sanders, Jennifer Teacher 9/05/00 Pleasant Grove

Schellang, Georganna Teacher 8/07/00 Lipscomb

Schwartz, Christine Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Mid

Sorrento, Cynthia Teacher 8/07/00 Hellen Caro

Stephenson, Susan Teacher 9/05/00 Pensacola High

Strubhar, Pamela Teacher 8/07/00 Longleaf

Stull, Diane Teacher 8/07/00 Pine Forest

Suell, Jo Teacher 9/05/00 Brentwood Mid

Swearingen, Zenda Teacher 8/07/00 Warrington Mid

Taylor, Charles Teacher 9/05/00 Oakcrest

Taylor, James Teacher 9/05/00 Workman

Tipton, Michael Teacher 8/29/00 Pensacola High

Vaughness, Ricki Teacher 8/14/00 Woodham (part-time)

2. Reappointments


Callins, Angelo Beggs 8/07/00

Danks, Linda Escambia 8/07/00

Gilmore, Shonna Lincoln Park 8/07/00

Gonzalez, Martha Escambia 9/05/00

Huggins, Lori Byrneville 8/07/00

Jordan, John Workman 8/30/00

Juniper, Deidra Yniestra 8/31/00

Kilpatrick, Betsy Cordova Park 8/07/00

Levick, Kimberlie Bailey 9/05/00

Little, Bettye Semmes 8/29/00

McCraw, Elizabeth Warrington Mid 8/07/00

McDonald, John Ernest Ward 8/29/00 (part-time)

Orrlich, Shelley Woodham 8/07/00

Penman, Geoffrey Navy Point 9/06/00

Penton, Randi Carver 9/05/00 (part-time)

Rogers, Russell Pensacola High 9/05/00

Smith, Jacquelyn Byrneville 8/07/00

Thomas, LaVonda Brownsville 8/15/00


Professional Service Contract

Arndt, Daniel Escambia High Community School

Brown, William ReDirections/Clubbs

Dreith, Katherine Pensacola High

Fisher, Carla Byrneville

Gandy, Tara Byrneville

Roberts, Alison ReDirections/Clubbs

Wright, Etter Holm


4th Year Annual Contract



3. Transfers

From To Date

Bridges, Susan Holm McMillan Pre-K 8/08/00

Bryant, David Brownsville Woodham 9/05/00

Cain, Andrea Washington Pensacola High 9/11/00

Coker, Lee Century Elem Lipscomb 8/29/00

Connealy, Linda Longleaf Blue Angels 9/07/00

Fellgren, Kathy Warrington Elem Jim Allen 9/05/00

Ferguson, Connie Pine Meadow Lipscomb 9/05/00

Gilmore, Caroline Longleaf Suter 9/05/00

Gilmore, Shonna Lincoln Park Bratt 9/05/00

Goldbach, Molly Pine Forest Blue Angels 8/07/00

Greene, Lynn Woodham Warrington Elem 8/07/00

Green, Patsy Ransom Century 8/07/00

Gregory, Mary Hall Ctr Dixon 9/11/00

Hicks, Carolyn Pensacola High Pine Forest 8/08/00

Jolly, Leslie Pine Meadow Scenic Heights 9/05/00

Kelly, Michelle Yniestra Lipscomb 8/14/00

Kite, William Pensacola High George Stone 8/09/00

Mims, Sherri Jim Allen Ransom 8/07/00

Morris, Dawn Warrington Elem Jim Allen 8/09/00

Pearson, William Carver Clubbs 9/05/00

Philley, Michael Ferry Pass Mid Woodham 8/14/00

Pope, Laura Ensley Scenic Heights 8/07/00

Rhodes, Allison Montclair McArthur 8/07/00

Richerson, Wendy Century Bellview Mid 8/07/00

Rogers, Pauline Tate Brown Barge 8/09/00

Smith, Gina Warrington Elem Jim Allen 9/05/00

Snead, Larry Ernest Ward Washington 8/07/00

Stevenson, Natalie Century Elem Bratt 9/05/00

Stewart, Timothy Wedgewood Carver 9/05/00

Ward, Susan Bratt Ernest Ward 9/05/00

Whitfield, Kim Jim Allen Ernest Ward 9/05/00


4. Out of Field


Akkerman, Twyla Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Mid

Cagle, Conner Teacher 8/07/00 Woodham

Carter, Carissa Teacher 8/07/00 Wedgewood

Doppke-Jones, Robyn Media Specialist 8/07/00 Tate

Flannigan, Hanna Teacher 9/05/00 Ferry Pass Elem

Gambels, Carolyn Teacher 9/05/00 Warrington Elem

Henderson, Patrick Teacher 8/07/00 Carver

Hunter, Inga Teacher 8/07/00 Bellview Mid

Jones, Cynthia Teacher 8/07/00 ESE/Hall Ctr

Lowery, Lori Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Mid

McMonigle, Michael Teacher 9/05/00 Woodham

Page, Eric Teacher 8/10/00 Pine Forest

Stanley, Denisha Teacher 8/07/00 Brentwood Mid

Turner, Isaac Teacher 8/07/00 Brownsville

Willard, George Teacher 8/07/00 Warrington Mid



Bingham, Alan Carver 8/07/00

Evans, Naretha Clubbs/ESE 8/07/00

Kelly, Scott Washington 8/07/00

Merfalen, Jennifer Byrneville 8/07/00

Perkins, June Montclair 8/07/00

Rogers, Russell Pensacola High 9/05/00

Seeman, Corrine Bailey 8/07/00



Webb, Melinda West Pensacola Jim Allen 9/05/00



Arsenault, Raeann Teacher Washington

Breaux, Shannon Teacher Washington

Cramer, Erin Teacher Pine Forest

Ives, Melissa Teacher Carver

Johnson, Janet Teacher Pine Forest

Lee, Jennifer Teacher Bratt

Lupton, Dana Teacher Pine Forest

Messick, Katherine Media Specialist Pensacola Beach (part-time)

Thomas, Fonda Teacher Warrington Mid


5. Resignations/Retirements

Green, Paula Teacher 8/31/00 Navy Point

Greene, Paula Teacher 8/18/00 Bailey

Hayes, Lynda Teacher 8/08/00 Hallmark

Hughes, Lonny Teacher 8/25/00 Bratt

Hylton, James Teacher 7/31/00 Escambia

Jones, Neala Teacher 7/31/00 Bailey

Justice, Bonnie Teacher 9/08/00 Pine Meadow

Kain, Donna Teacher 8/29/00 Brentwood Elem

Kelley, Ann Teacher 8/16/00 Brentwood Elem

Kirchharr, Kimberly Teacher 8/22/00 Hallmark

Langford, Robert Teacher 8/23/00 Pine Forest

Lopez, Kerri Teacher 7/31/00 Montclair

May, Charlene Teacher 8/23/00 Scenic Heights

Moore, Kenneth Teacher 5/30/00 Wedgewood

Noack, Brian Teacher 8/16/00 Tate

Smith, President Teacher 8/31/00 Pensacola High (Disability Ret)

Stanton, David Teacher 7/31/00 Ferry Pass Mid

Williams, Alexander Teacher 5/30/00 George Stone (Ret)

Winter, Mary Teacher 8/11/00 Pensacola High


6. Special Requests

(1) Request approval for leave of absence without pay for the following personnel:

*Carlin, Leslie Teacher 8/7-12/19/00 Washington

*Hardeman, Natalie Teacher 8/28-11/21/00 Brownsville

*Hommel, Marie Teacher 11/1/00-1/31/01 Escambia

*Maupin, Tela Teacher 8/21-9/15/00 Cook

*Mitchell, Vicki Teacher 8/22-9/29/00 Montclair


(2) Rescind appointment of Rebecca Brown, teacher at Woodham, who declined the teaching position for the 2000-01 school year.

(3) Rescind leave of absence for Katherine Messick, teacher at Holm, for the 2000-01 school year. Ms. Messick returned to work part-time at Pensacola Beach effective August 14, 2000.

(4) Rescind resignation for Charlene May, gifted teacher at Scenic Heights. She returned to her teaching position on September 7, 2000.

(5) Request approval for the following personnel to attend the various summer workshops and to be paid at $10.00 per hour from IDEA Discretionary Funds:

Mediation Training - July 11- 13, 2000 ESE Summer Institute, July 26 - 28, 2000

Fina, Terri Mitchell, Vicki

Johnson, Martha

Knight, Larry Introduction to Hyperstudio, August 3, 2000

Monroe, Jeanne

Scott, Valerie Driesbach, Karen

Selland, Ann Juniper, James

Snead, Leigh Polk, Jennifer


Working Together for Students with Autism, August 2-3, 2000

Bayer-Jones, Sharon

Bridges, Susan

Diaco, Gena

Gaddy, Stefanie

Geurin, Stephanie

Kirkland, Bethany

Merritt, Nicole

Morgan, Tracy

Shields, Susan

Vasquez, Carolyn

(6) Request approval for Frank Howell, teacher at Lakeview Center, to work from July 10 through August 4, 2000 and to be paid at his regular hourly rate of pay. Mr. Howell was inadvertently left off the August agenda.

(7) Request approval for instructional personnel at Pine Forest to work for four (4) hours for 30 Saturdays beginning on August 26, 2000 and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay from SIA funds. To be used as an alternative to out-of-school suspension, the following supervising teachers will work this extra duty:

Aydelott, William Bergstrom, George Clayton, Robert

Culley, Edward Davis, Arthur Flick, Bruce

Humphreys, Mark Mitchell, Hope Pollard, Jerry

Strother, Cody Suarez, Ann Creel, Jeffrey

Longsworth, James Ryland, Pam Reeves, Joe

Steinbeck, Kathy Cramer, Erin


B. Educational Support Personnel

1. Appointments - To request approval for appointments of new employees or promotion of current employees:

38 - new hires; 11 - promotions

2. Resignations/Retirements - To request approval for:

15 - Resignations

4 - Retirements

3. Terminations - To request approval for:

1 employee - Teacher Assistant Special, Weis Elementary, terminated in good standing effective 8/22/00 for failure to return to work upon expiration of leave of absence or apply for an extension

4. Suspensions - To request approval for:

1 employee - Teacher Assistant Special (Bus Aide), Transportation, suspended for 5 work days effective 9/20/00 for inappropriate behavior towards a student (See Executive Summary for additional information.)

5. Dismissals - To request approval for:

2 employees:

- Custodial Worker I at Longleaf Elementary, dismissed in bad standing effective 9/20/00 for continuous unauthorized and excessive absences (See Executive Summary for additional information.)

- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Maintenance, dismissed in bad standing 9/20/00 for violation of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy as determined by way of test results (See Executive Summary for additional information.)

6. Leaves of Absence - To request approval for leave of absence without pay for a

specified time:

11 employees - Medical/Maternity Leave of Absence

2 employees - Personal Leave of Absence

0 employees - Professional Leave of Absence

7. Special Requests - To request approval of special requests regarding Educational Support Personnel and other related issues:

Request correction of effective date of appointment for employees approved at the August, 2000, Board Meeting.


C. Risk Management

1. Trailer Resident Lease - To approve a lease for the following trailer resident applicant:

Kevin E. and Jenean L. Fielder - Ernest Ward School

D. Staff Development

- No items submitted

E. Employee Services

- No items submitted

F. Affirmative Action

1. Performance Appraisal System for Principals and Assistant Principals

- To meet the requirements of Florida Statute 231.29 Assessment Procedures and Criteria.

Motion was made by Dr. Mason, that this be returned to the staff and have the evaluation component redesigned in order that the evaluations be objective rather than subjective (measurable). Mrs. Webb seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Mrs. Webb requested explanation from staff. Ms. Ella Sims, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, advised that this system was used last year as a pilot, and it has been approved by the state. She added that we have revised it to meet the needs of this district, and it meets state requirements. After discussion, Dr. Mason withdrew the motion and Mrs. Webb withdrew the second.

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins to approve Item Number IX.F.1

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), commented that the law states that the system must include a mechanism to give parents and teachers an opportunity to provide input in the administrators' performance assessments when appropriate.

2) Mr. Elvin McCorvey, Director of Affirmative Action, stated that there is a provision for parents and teachers to complete a survey, and they are notified during the second semester of the school year as to when they will have an opportunity to do that.


After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

2. Professional Services Agreement - Retain the Services of Hilda Cox

- To meet the requirements of State Statute, Chapters 231.0861 and 231.087, and the District School Board approved HRMD Plan.

Motion was made by Mrs. Webb, that the Board deny the Professional Services Agreement due to the fact that we are responsible for identifying budgetary savings. Dr. DeWitt seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Ms. Sims stated the purpose of the HRMD Plan and that staff development dollars are categorical in nature. Mr. McCorvey explained that training is required by Florida Statute, and it is necessary to contract with a consultant to provide the training on an on-going basis. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt withdrew the second.

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the Professional Services Agreement (Item Number IX.F.2), was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit L)

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve all of the items under X. FINANCE. Mrs. Webb stated under discussion that she was voting no on Item Numbers X.2, X.3, X.4, X.5a,b,c,d, X.6a,b,c, X.7, X.8, and X.10. Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO.

1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of October 2000.

(Housed in the Finance Department)

2. Check Register for the month of July 2000.

3. Financial Report for the month of June 2000.

4. Legal Services:

Summary of all Legal Fees

5. Legal Services:

General Fund

a) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 3,361.50

b) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 1,250.07

c) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 41.82

d) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 1,328.56

e) Kievitt, Kelly & Odom, P. A. $ 17.50

f) Gregory P. Farrar, P. A. $ 100.00

g) Eric C. Eggen, P. A. $ 250.00

h) Eric C. Eggen, P. A. $ 200.00 6. Legal Services:

Risk Management Trust Fund

a) Hammons & Whittaker, P. A. $ 23,350.41

b) Baker & Duke, P. A. $ 1,445.80

c) Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry, Bond & Stackhouse $ 748.20

7. Budget Amendments

a) Resolution 1: Capital Outlay Projects

8. Financial Status Report on Projects and Grants

9. Authorizing Agreement and Resolution for Jumbo Money Market Account.

10. Statement from Florida Association of District School Superintendents for 2000-2001 membership dues.

11. Disposal of Capitalized and Non-Capitalized Assets:

a) Auction Lists I & II for September 2000

b) Scrap Lists I & II for September 2000



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit M)


1. Apple Microcomputer Equipment for Bellview Elementary School.

2. Carpeting and Tile for Longleaf Elementary School.

3. Innovative Tech Microcomputer Equipment for Pensacola High School.

4. Contract Renewal: Third Party Administrator for Worker's Compensation Claims - Corvel Corporation.

5. Tech Advanced Microcomputers for Applied Technology & Adult Education.

6. School Buses

7. Agreement Renewal: Medicaid Claim Services.

8. Gateway Microcomputers for Applied Technology and Adult Education.

9. Bid Award: Fire Alarm Systems at Brentwood Middle, Carver Middle, Ferry Pass

10. Bid Award: Addition of Media Center at Tate High School.

11. Change Notice #1 to PO# 207276, ESE Suite and Classroom Additions at Pine Meadow Elementary.

12. Change Notice #2 to PO# 207281, R.D. Ward Construction Co., Inc.

13. Change Notice #1 to PO# 209940, Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.

14. Change Notice #1 to PO# 207279, Jack Moore and Company, Inc.

15. Change Notice #7 to PO# 188158, Larry Hall Construction, Inc.

16. Change Notice #2 to PO# 205402, W.R. Johnson, Inc.

17. Change Notice #3 to PO# 205402, W.R. Johnson, Inc.

18. Savin Digital Copiers for Central Administration Copy Center.

19. Professional Services Agreements; Physical / Occupational Therapy Services.

20. Agreement; Speech Language Pathology Services.

21. Professional Services Agreement; Direct Instruction Educational Consulting.

22. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #211536, Beckley Cardy, Inc.)

23. Bid Award: Walk-in Step Van Truck with Tommy Lift, Bid # 01 03 03.

24. Bid Award: Flat Trays with Logo, Bid # 01 01 03.

25. Change Notices #1, 2, 3 to Purchase Order #209997, Roads Inc. of NW Florida.

26. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #209941, Gulfside Mechanical, Inc.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit N)





a. Classroom Additions at Bellview, Beulah and West Pensacola Elementary Schools

b. Media Center and Classroom Additions at Ferry Pass Elementary School

PULLED: c. Construction of New Media Center at Dixon Elementary School

d. Hazard Mitigation Grants for Jim Allen, Bellview Elementary and Ernest Ward

Middle Schools

e. Media Center at Tate High School

f. Memo of Understanding between Escambia County and The Escambia County School Board

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the Memo of Understanding. Mrs. Webb asked if this involved concurrency requirements. Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Director of Facilities, responded that the county is attempting to develop a redevelopment zone around the Hollywood Boulevard area near Oakcrest in order to spur economic development in that area.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved.

g. Memo of Understanding between The City of Pensacola and The Escambia County School Board

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the Memo of Understanding, was unanimously approved.

h. Property Purchase from Catherine Adams for Pensacola High School

Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the purchase of property from Catherine Adams for Pensacola High School. Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and seconded the motion. Dr. Jenkins noted this is the last parcel of land needed to complete all phases of construction at Pensacola High School. He stated that Ms. Adams is presently living there and has a trailer, and once the district purchases the property, she must move and find a comparable trailer to what she has now. Dr. Clarence Ladner, Associate Superintendent, stated that Ms. Adams' asking price is $65,000 and that she has not expressed interest in further negotiations. Mrs. Stidham asked the Board Attorney whether sales tax monies could be utilized for this purchase and was advised that the sales tax could be applied and used in this situation because the plan called for the driveway to extend into this property. Mr. Kirchharr also noted that the Master Plan calls for a parking lot to be developed where this property is located. Mrs. Stidham reported that the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Facilities had expressed unanimous support to acquire the property if sales tax funds could be utilized. No vote was taken on the motion.

Mrs. Webb made a motion to offer to purchase the property for $50,000. Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Mrs. Stidham.


i. Request from Bruce Graham regarding Property Purchase from School District

Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and made a motion to table the request (to make a decision on Mr. Grahams' offer on the property until such time as the Board can gather more information on how the land was given to the district and any other options that might be available). Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion. Dr. Mason stated that a title search should be done.

Mrs. Stidham noted the possibility of pursuing a land swap with International Paper Company. After discussion, Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Mrs. Stidham.



- No items submitted



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit O)


Mrs. Webb commended staff for the grants this month.

1. Direct Instruction Reading Curriculum Grant.

2. Learning for Life Character Education Program Grant.

3. Prekindergarten/Kindergarten Reading Program.

4. Targeted School and Instructional Enhancement Grant.


5. School Advisory Council Additions/Deletions for Barrineau Park, Hallmark, and Navy Point Elementary Schools, Ferry Pass Middle, and Tate High Schools, and the Escambia Juvenile Justice Program.

6. 2000-2001 School Advisory Council Membership Certifications for Charter Schools and Division of Juvenile Justice Centers.

7. 1999-2000 End of Year Reports and 2000-2001 School Improvement Plans for Charter Schools and Division of Juvenile Justice Centers: Special Centers: Escambia Bay Marine Institute, Escambia River Outward Bound, Escambia Juvenile Justice Center, PACE Center for Girls, Pensacola Boys Base; Charter Schools: Beulah Academy of Science, Escambia Charter School, Gainer Charter and Pensacola Academy for Success.

8. Correction to Spencer Bibbs Elementary School's End of Year Report.

9. Delayed until a later date.

10. Memorandum of Understanding-Senior School-to-Career Program, Jobs for Florida's Graduates and Escambia County School District, Pensacola and Escambia High Schools (Renewal).

11. The David MG Medicaid Consultant Contract Renewal - Sandra Ward.

12. Contract with the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council for an after school alternative to suspension program.

13. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council for a preventive alcohol education program to area high schools.

14. A Professional Agreement Between the Escambia County, School District and Mary Elizabeth Morton.

15. Contract with the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council for Project ALERT Curriculum for four middle schools (Bailey, Ferry Pass, Workman and Warrington).

16. Contract with the School Board of Escambia County, and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council and Too Good for Drugs Program at Twelve Elementary Schools.

17. School Health Services Plan Update 2000-2001.

18. Helen G. & Allen D. Cruickshank Education Award.

19. Lowes Education Grant.

20. Application for the School Improvement Project Grant Under Title I (1998-1999 Level 2 Schools) 12020. ($662,968.93)

21. Application for the School Improvement Project Grant Under Title I (1998-1999 Level 2 Schools) 12020. ($41,537.97)

22. Memorandum of Understanding Between the School Board of Escambia County and Silent Success/A Program of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Northwest Florida.

23. State of Florida Department of Education Post-Secondary Education Planning Commission Horizon Jobs Grants, 2000-2001.



- No items submitted



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit P)



A. Internal Funds

- No items submitted

B. Inventory Adjustment Reports

C. Other

School Board Policy 6Gx17-3.04(2) - Request for interpretation

Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel to Dr. DeWitt and made a motion to ask to have the School Board Policy rewritten to state ... "twenty-five cents from each regular season football ticket." Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion. Mrs. Stidham stated that the change would make the policy conform with what the generally accepted practice has been. The Board Attorney advised that the Board would be requesting intent to advertise because this would be a School Board rule change. Mrs. Stidham indicated that was the intent of the motion. Dr. DeWitt called for the vote and the motion was unanimously approved. Dr. DeWitt returned the gavel to Mrs. Stidham.


Prior to adjournment, the Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Ms. Gail Husbands, 1055 Farmington Place, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a teacher in the school district, and she thanked the Board for supporting the employee health insurance plan.

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m., was unanimously approved. (Official recordings of this meeting are filed in the Information Services Department.)


Attest: Approved:

______________________________ ________________________________

Superintendent Chairman