The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, with the following present:

Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt

Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason

Mrs. Vanette Webb was absent

School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco Negron

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jerome Watson, Deputy Superintendent, was present representing Mr. Jim May (Mr. May entered the workshop at 10:50 a.m.)



Chairman Stidham called the workshop to order at 9:00 a.m. Ms. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, asked for a moment of silence in memory of Ms. Anne Carlisle, who recently passed away. Ms. Wascom noted that Ms. Carlisle had served as Food Service and Travel Accounting Supervisor for the school district.


Mr. Watson listed the additions and deletions to the agenda.


The following items were brought forward:


Ms. Linda Gulley, Director of Grants Management, asked if the Board had any questions concerning the following items:

1. Direct Instruction Reading Curriculum Grant.

There was no discussion concerning this item.

2. Learning for Life Character Education Program Grant.

Upon inquiry from Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, verified that this is a grant with the Boy Scouts, and the request is for grant funds from the Department of Education.

3. Prekindergarten/Kindergarten Reading Program.

There was no discussion concerning this item.

4. Targeted School and Instructional Enhancement Grant.

Dr. DeWitt asked if this was an application to the Department of Education for grant funding. Ms. Gulley introduced Ms. Patty McCorvey, representative from the Boys and Girls Club. Ms. McCorvey explained that the school district was selected to receive grant dollars, as authorized by the Commissioner of Education, to implement the Project Learn Program through the Boys and Girls Club of Pensacola, and this grant involves no commitment of dollars by the school district.

18. Helen G. & Allen D. Cruickshank Education Award.

19. Lowes Education Grant.

Ms. Gulley advised that Item Numbers 18 and 19 provide for a bird feeder project at the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center.



A. Instructional/Professional

4. Out-of-Field - To request approval of 32 Out-of-Field Instructional Personnel

Dr. DeWitt expressed concern regarding an out-of-field appointment in Special Education, noting that the teacher had no prior course work in Special Education.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Norm Ross, Principal, Pensacola High School, advised that there were no applicants for the position, and that he had notified Human Resources accordingly. He noted that the teacher has consented to take the required course work that is needed.

Dr. Mason asked the Chairman to direct that the Board Members be given a report of all of the teachers who are teaching out-of-field, as well as the number of teachers assigned to Special Education (out-of-field). Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning availability of Special Education teachers, and Ms. Teenie Wehemeier, Certification Officer, advised that there were no active applicants for Special Education. After discussion later in the workshop with Ms. Ella Sims, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, additional information was provided by Ms. Wehemeier indicating the total number of out-of-field teachers, as well as the number of out-of-field teachers in Special Education.


C. Other

School Board Policy 6Gx17-3.04(2) - Request for interpretation

Mr. Michael Adkins, Chairman of the Audit Committee, advised that during the course of an audit conducted by the Internal Auditing Department, it was determined that School Board Policy 6Gx17-3.04(2) (requiring that twenty-five cents from each football ticket be retained by the school band program) had not been done. He requested that a clarification of Board policy be provided for the Internal Auditor. Dr. Mason asked if the policy differentiated between regular games and playoff games. Dr. Robin Largue, Director of Secondary Education, stated that staff had met with the principals, and there was unanimous agreement among the principals that the interpretation did not mean post season play, which is dictated by the Florida High School Activities Association as to how the monies are collected, divided, and used. She noted that Finance staff had discovered that only one high school had retained the 25 cents in post season play.


The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Mr. Bill Slayton, Principal of Woodham High School, advised that the intent of the original policy (concerning the price of football tickets) stated regular season play, with the fees collected to pay for transportation to out-of-town football games.


Chairman Stidham suggested that a motion be presented at the Board Meeting to change the policy in order to specify regular season games. Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, asked if the same interpretation would apply for the reserved seat sections during regular season, and he asked that the Board Attorney provide an interpretation in that regard.

The meeting returned to the regular agenda.


A. Permission to Advertise

1. Approval to Advertise Notice of Intent to Name the New Technical High School the "WEST FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY"

Dr. Jenkins stated that he had received complaints from citizens that the "naming" committee had modified the rules to indicate that a facility could not be named for a living person.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Ms. Lesa Morgan, Director, George Stone Center, advised that the "naming" committee had first met on July 17, 2000, and that she had provided research as to how the committee could go about the process. She noted that an individual who served on the "naming" committee (for Northview High School) had provided input suggesting that facilities should not be named after a living individual. She stated that the committee had 15 members, including 2 African-American members. She added that the committee wanted input from the community, so a survey was conducted. She noted that survey responses included several suggestions with names of "living" individuals; however, a motion was unanimously approved (at the subsequent committee meeting) to not name the facility after an individual.

2) Mr. Tommy Taylor, Director of Applied Technology and Adult Education, advised that the "naming" committee did not change the process. He stated that the committee meetings were well attended and based on input, the committee was unanimous that the facility not be named after a living individual.

3) Mr. Gene Pettis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, noted that the Board had previously voted to establish the committee to come back with recommendations on naming the new Technical High School, so the committee was established and laid the ground rules accordingly.

After discussion, it was noted that the public hearing for the Board to consider naming the New Technical High School the "WEST FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY" will be held on October 17, 2000, at 7:00 p.m.

B. Permission to Adopt

1. School Board Rule 6Gx17-3.13(7) COMPETITIVE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES

Dr. DeWitt commented that the procedure outlined in policy allows each principal to negotiate with vending companies, and he inquired concerning the possibility of negotiating district-wide contracts for all for the schools. Dr. Mason commented that the School Board is the contracting agency. The Board Attorney stated that the School Board has the authority to delegate power to contract, but that would have to be clarified in the rule. Dr. Mason suggested the possibility of tabling this item until next month.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. James Bentley, Director of School Food Services, provided clarification concerning procedures whereby separate contracts have been negotiated between school principals and local vendors. He advised that School Food Services has provided noncarbonated vending machines through a bid with Purchasing as authorized by the Board.

2) Mr. Bill Slayton, Principal of Woodham High School, spoke in favor of principals retaining local control on the number of machines, location, and the ability to monitor services.

3) Dr. Robin Largue, Director of Secondary Education, advised that the individual vending companies negotiate with individual schools based on their needs.

4) Mr. Barry Boyer, Purchasing Manager, stated that this process was addressed several years ago, and there was not sufficient support for a district-wide bid.

5) Mr. Sam Scallan, Director of Internal Auditing, advised that the contracts with Coca-Cola (which high school principals have entered into), are being audited. He stated that the contracts include a provision to permit Coca-Cola to sell noncarbonated fruit drinks and other drinks such as Powerade. He commented that if the contracts are left in the control of the principals, someone at the district level should review the contracts to make sure there is no conflict with the separate bid for noncarbonated vending machines.



1. Approval of administrative appointment/transfer.

Mr. Watson noted the recommendation of the Superintendent for administrative appointment/ transfer of Ms. Nelda Segers from Visiting Teacher to Assistant Principal, Bellview Middle School, effective September 18, 2000.

2. Approval of Agreement with Head Start for Preparation of Meals.

Dr. Jenkins stated that he would file a Memorandum of Voting Conflict Form and abstain from voting on this item because he serves on the Board of Directors for the Community Action Program (CAP).

ADD: 19. For Board consideration: Employee Health Care Plan.

Dr. Mason commented that changes to employee health insurance had not been discussed in Executive Session. The Board Attorney advised that insurance is not part of the Collaborative Bargaining process; therefore, insurance can be discussed in public session.


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Joseph Bernard, Director of Risk Management, advised that the Superintendent had presented employee health insurance plan options for Board consideration concerning Group Health Insurance - 2000/2001.

2) Dr. Douglas Garber, Director of Employee Services, stated that he was previously asked by the Board to put a $2,600,000 salary proposal on the table; however, there are still concerns regarding the resolution of the health care process. He stated that he had met with the bargaining team last week to make sure that the district was not entering into an unfair labor practice by possibly diverting that money to the health care process, and all four bargaining units had indicated that their first priority is health care.

Mr. Bernard commented that the Board had approved the funding level of $272 last week. He discussed the $272 funding (level) plan and the $327 proposed plan, the request being that the $2,600,000 be applied toward payment of the $327 funding level (per employee per month). He noted that a claim spike of $1,300,000 had occurred in August (due to utilization and frequency), and AON Consultants had recommended funding an additional $1,000,000 to the Employee Benefit Trust Fund as a reserve in case of another claim spike later this year. Dr. DeWitt asked if the $2,600,000 would cover the change from the $272 to the $327 funding level. Ms. Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, advised that the $2,600,000 will just about cover the $327 premium starting October 1, 2000, and the $1,300,000 spike will need to be covered through additional budget cuts. If there are additional increases (for which the district does not have coverage for premiums), additional cuts and changes would have to be made in the budget in order to fund the health care program. Dr. Mason noted that $60,000 was budgeted last year for AON Consultants. Mr. Bernard verified that approximately $120,000 was spent last year and $60,000 was budgeted for this year for AON. Ms. Wascom noted that the Board would have the option of increasing the purchase order if needed.


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, spoke in support of the $327 funding level for employee health insurance.

2) Ms. Ellen Lawrence, UniServ Director for Escambia NEA, stated that she was speaking on behalf of Educational Support Personnel, and she asked that the Board approve the $327 funding level for health insurance.

Dr. Mason inquired as to whether the $327 level could change. Mr. Chris Clark, AON Consultants, responded that $327 was the best cost estimate, and there would be a 75% chance that the figure would stay within $10 (above or below) the $327 level.

3) Dr. Douglas Garber, Director of Employee Services, commented that the insurance was not a bargaining issue; however, if the Board does not address the issue at the Board Meeting, there will still be $2,600,000 on the table.

4) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), advised that it was the unanimous decision of the Insurance Committee to recommend the $327 plan.

Mr. Bernard commented that the health plan and corresponding funding rate would need to be approved by the Board in order to enact a plan in October. After discussion, Dr. Mason suggested that the Board hold an Executive Session tomorrow to address collaborative bargaining issues. Chairman Stidham called an Executive Session for tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.

Ms. Costello emphasized the importance of disseminating information to the employees regarding the health plan that is implemented. Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning the prior proposal (for a $272 funding level with an option for the employee to pay $50 extra for additional coverage). Ms. Costello stated that was rejected because it gave unequal distribution to employees. Dr. Garber commented that it would also require changing the contract which provides for cost-free insurance to all employees.

Dr. DeWitt requested that information be made available to the public concerning the budget cuts which were made to provide for the $2,600,000 on the bargaining table. Mr. May stated that budget transfers would be made, and staff would provide information in that regard.


ADD: 20. Harassment of District employees.

Mr. May referenced a letter concerning harassment of district employees, and he stated that his purpose in placing this on the agenda was for the Board to make a decision as to whether or not the harassments are Board actions (or other than actions of the Board), because litigation could follow if the harassment continues. After discussion, the Board Attorney advised that without specific facts of instances or specific factual allegations, it would be difficult to make an analysis, and the Board would be premature in acting at this time.

ADD: 21. Approval of Administrative Appointment-Transfer.

Dr. Mason requested additional information concerning this item, and Mr. May noted that this recommendation was for transfer of Horace Jones from Director, Special Projects/Student Transfers to SEMS Support Personnel Recruiter, effective September 5, 2000.


5. Correspondence, E-Mail, etc. - Hal Mason

Dr. Mason stated that he had made a request to the Superintendent for a records document concerning a staff memorandum. Mr. May stated that he was not previously aware of the request, and he stated that the information would be provided.

Dr. Mason discussed concerns regarding franchise fees in the amount of $91,000 which the district paid to the county last year for electric fees. After discussion, there was general consensus for the Chairman to pursue a joint meeting with the appropriate agencies charging franchise fees. Dr. Clarence Ladner, Associate Superintendent, added that the possibility of joint purchasing procedures with other agencies is also being pursued at the staff level.



1. Reimbursement of Attorney's Fees for Defense of Dismissed Bar Grievance

Mr. Negron advised that he was requesting reimbursement for the dismissed Bar Grievance which was filed by Dr. Mason. Dr. DeWitt expressed concerns that the taxpayers have to pay on this case.



No items were submitted from the student representatives.



Chairman Stidham advised that an agenda item (listed under REQUESTS TO APPEAR - CAPTAIN R. E. TREIS - RE: STUDENT TRANSFER) was pulled. Mr. Ireland Brock, Director of Pupil Instructional Support Services, noted that matter was previously addressed by the Board. He stated that he was not aware of any others who wished to appear regarding Student Transfers.



Dr. Mason asked if the Superintendent had authorized that substitute teachers (hired at the beginning of the school year) would be paid retroactively from the hire date. Mr. May verified that was correct.

A. Instructional/Professional

1. Appointments - To request approval for appointments of the following personnel:

- 1 appointment of After School Child Care Site Director due to a non-renewal

The Board recognized the following speaker:

1) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), requested additional information concerning this item and was advised by Mr. Tommy Taylor, Director, Applied Technology and Adult Education, that these are contracted programs.



There was no discussion concerning Finance items.



7. Agreement Renewal: Medicaid Claim Services.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), stated that she wished to ask staff about the claim services and the reason for the decrease in the anticipated amount of Medicaid. She stated that she would contact staff personally in that regard.


20. Agreement - Speech Language Pathology Services.

Dr. DeWitt asked if the district could fill the positions with part-time employees with no benefits. Ms. Yvonne Gray, Director of Exceptional Student Education (ESE), stated that was not the case. She explained that a decision was made to hire someone full-time, and the contract for services is provided through grant funding.





b. Media Center and Classroom Additions at Ferry Pass Elementary School

Dr. DeWitt requested that covered walkways be included as an option when prices come in on this project. He stated that he will make a motion if needed to cover this item through capital outlay monies.

g. Memo of Understanding between The City of Pensacola and The Escambia County School Board

Dr. Mason stated that he would support this item, but he emphasized the importance of cooperation between the agencies, particularly with regard to franchise fees.

h. Property Purchase from Catherine Adams for Pensacola High School

Chairman Stidham noted that this item was addressed by the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) for Facilities and Maintenance concerning purchase of property next to Pensacola High School. Dr. Clarence Ladner, Associate Superintendent, advised that the property is needed to complete the master plan which calls for rerouting the bus lane. He explained that the choice on the part of the district is to either buy the land or pursue eminent domain, which the district would not want to do since the resident is elderly. He noted that the resident owns a trailer, and the district had made an offer to purchase a double wide trailer for the resident. He added that in subsequent negotiations, the resident's asking price was $65,000. Chairman Stidham stated that the committee had discussed a figure of $55,000, so the resident's asking price was $10,000 over; however, the committee had recommended purchase as long as the monies could be taken out of One-Half Cent Sales Tax funding. It was noted that the Board Attorney would research the possibility of funding from the One-Half Cent Sales Tax.

i. Request from Bruce Graham regarding Property Purchase from School District

Chairman Stidham reported that the Facilities Committee had discussed this item, and Mr. Graham has offered $2,000 for the two-acre lot in Cantonment. It was noted that the property is landlocked, and the committee did not recommend accepting this offer.

Concerning an item not on the agenda, Dr. Jenkins discussed One-Half Cent Sales Tax funding, and he noted that members of the public, the Dad's Club, and parents had taken care of some renovations at Ensley Elementary School. He inquired concerning use of sales tax funds to update the Media Center. The Board Attorney advised that the Media Center was not on the project list for Ensley Elementary, and he explained that there were restrictions on use of sales tax funds.



These items were discussed earlier in the workshop.



No transportation items were submitted.



These items were discussed earlier in the workshop.



There were no speakers at this time.



There being no further business, the workshop adjourned at 11:45 a.m. (Official recordings of this meeting are filed in the Information Services Department.)

Attest: Approved:


________________________ __________________________

Superintendent Chairman