The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 4:30 p.m. in Room 160, Hall Center, 30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt


Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason

Mrs. Vanette Webb


School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco Negron


Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



Chairman Stidham called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.




Chairman Stidham announced that the purpose of the meeting is to provide the public with information on work that the Board has been doing in Executive Session regarding Collaborative Bargaining. The Board must conform to the Collaborative Bargaining process as required by Florida Statutes, Chapter 447. She assured the teachers and public that the Board has met in Executive Sessions and has worked very hard to identify budget cuts to permit the Board to address issues of teacher pay. Chairman Stidham continued that the Board is committed to a $30,000,000 plan to raise teacher salaries over five years to the State average, and the Board will continue to explore budget cuts and other budgetary measures with the intent of meeting its goal of affording relief to teachers while supporting public education. She announced that the Board will meet in Executive Session again on Monday, August 28, 2000, at 9:00 a.m.


The Board recognized the following speakers:

1) Mr. Kevin Pugh, Pensacola, Florida, asked that the Board support employee raises and not reduce employee benefits.

2) Ms. Ruth Holmes, 7468 Sunset Harbor Drive, Navarre Beach, Florida, 32566, stated that she has been a teacher for 34 years, and she asked that the Board increase teacher salaries.

3) Mr. Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, reported concerning the bargaining process.

4) Mr. Ron Knowlton, 6118 Chicago Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, 32526, commended the Board on taking steps forward to formulate a multi-year agreement to bring employee wages to the State average no later than five years from this date. He asked that the Board leave the insurance benefits as they are.

5) Ms. Ellen Lawrence, UniServ Director, Escambia Education Association, addressed the Board representing Educational Support Personnel. She asked that the Board support raises for employees, and she expressed opposition to health insurance cuts.

6) Ms. Mary Joiner, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a teacher, and that the teachers deserve a pay raise.

7) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), spoke concerning the importance of effective and efficient Board and district operations, and she voiced concerns regarding some of the E- Mail correspondence of a Board Member. She asked that the Board commit to working toward pay raises for teachers.

8) Ms. Vicki Bauer, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a teacher, and she spoke in support of pay raises for teachers.

9) Ms. Kathy Breakall, 566 Dove Drive, Pace, Florida, stated that she is a teacher at Jim Bailey Middle School, and she expressed that teachers deserve pay raises.

10) Ms. Doris Watts, Pensacola, Florida, stated that her daughter is a teacher in this district, and she asked that the Board approve pay raises for teachers.

11) Ms. Diana Cates, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a Media Specialist at Bellview Elementary School, and she asked that the Board approve pay raises for teachers.

12) Ms. Linda Harris, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a teacher, and she asked that the Board approve raises for employees and not reduce health insurance benefits.

13) Ms. Madonna Jackson-Williams, Pensacola, Florida, asked that the Board approve pay raises for teachers and keep the health insurance benefits intact.

14) Mr. Sheldon Dykes, President of EESPA, asked that the Board not cut employee health insurance benefits.

15) Ms. Gail Husbands, 1055 Farmington Place, Pensacola, Florida, asked that the Board approve teacher pay increases.

16) Ms. Lori Brown, Pensacola, Florida, stated that the teachers work hard and deserve pay raises.

17) Ms. Arlene Costello, President, Escambia Education Association (EEA), commented that the Florida Legislature had an opportunity to support House Bill 2145 which would have given all counties a 10% increase in funding for education and would have provided $8,500,000 in additional funds for this district.

18) Ms. Jane Lundquist, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a parent, and she expressed support for increases in teacher pay.

19) Ms. Linda Lacoste, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a teacher, and she asked that the Board address budget priorities and approve pay raises for teachers.

20) Ms. Judy Holloway, Pensacola, Florida, asked that the Board address the budget problems and approve raises for teachers.

21) Ms. Linda Hoak, Pensacola, Florida, stated that she is a Teacher's Assistant at West Pensacola Elementary School, and she asked that the Board approve raises for teachers as well as Educational Support Personnel.



Chairman Stidham announced that there were no further speakers. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to adjourn. Chairman Stidham relinquished the gavel and seconded the motion which was approved 4-1 with Mrs. Webb voting NO. The meeting adjourned at 5:09 p.m. (Official recordings of this meeting are filed in the Information Services Department.)


Attest: Approved:

______________________________ ________________________________

Superintendent Chairman