MINUTES, JUNE 19, 2000


The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 8:00 a.m. in the Board Room at the Administrative Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt


Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins

Dr. Hal Mason (entered the meeting at 8:04 a.m.)

Mrs. Vanette Webb (entered the meeting at 8:06 a.m.)


School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco Negron (was not present)


Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May



Chairman Stidham called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.


The Board recognized the following speaker:

Madonna Jackson-Williams, Escambia Education Association (EEA) Vice President, stated that Arlene Costello, EEA President, could not be present today. On behalf of the Association, she asked that the Board consider the following and take a conservative approach in addressing the budget shortfall: 1) address necessities; 2) Transportation should follow state guidelines; 3) bring back the hiring freeze after October; and 4) first priority should be salary and benefits.



1) 2000-2001 BUDGET

Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, presented a handout on the budget (Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit A). Mr. May asked the Assistant Superintendents to report on budget cuts and cost-saving measures which they had employed. Dr. Clarence Ladner, Associate Superintendent, reported that three positions (one position in the Warehouse and two positions in Food Service) will not be filled at a cost savings of about $75,000. Out-of-county travel (in Transportation and Visiting Teachers) has been reduced. Dr. Jenkins asked how much was spent last year on out-of-county travel. Barbara Linker, Director of Budgeting, advised that $171,000 was spent last year, and about $150,000 this year for out-of-county travel.

Mrs. Webb asked what was spent this year and last year for in-county travel. Ms. Linker advised that the budget for next year is $129,000 for in-county travel. She stated that she would provide a printout with additional information.

Ella Sims, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, reported that the position of Staff Development Director will not be filled. She noted that position had been combined with Coordinator of Florida Learning (FDLRS) last year and will continue to be combined for the coming school year. She noted that an administrative clerk position in the Staff Development Office will not be filled. Cost savings for these positions will be approximately $84,469. She stated that she will be meeting with Ms. Linker to address further operational cuts.


Dr. David Epperson, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Maintenance, reported budget cuts of $92,217 in Maintenance (preventative maintenance, professional/technical services, and beepers/communications). He noted that $200,000 was also cut in the current operating budget based on savings (that were paid back over the past year) with operations.

Mark Pursell, Director of Maintenance, advised that there are 83 radios total (about 18-20 of those have cell phone capabilities for emergency purposes). Billing for the cell phones is covered under district policy. Mrs. Webb stated that she had asked for total costs of cell phones, number of vehicles that are county owned, and costs incurred.

Patricia Wascom, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, reported for 1999/2000, instead of using temporaries on the Administrative Accounting Specialist II, that position was held vacant for six months, and that position will be held vacant for the upcoming year at a savings to the district of about $38,000. Regarding the department budget, operating costs excluding capital outlay, have been reduced by one-third. Out-of-county travel and in-county travel will be reduced at a cost savings of $15,000. Professional dues will be reduced to only the Government Finance Officers Association. A copier will be eliminated and replaced by a color printer.

Mr. May advised that the position of Administrator on Special Assignment will be cut at a savings of $41,900. Not filling the Printer position in the Print Shop resulted in a $37,000 savings. A Neighborhood Learning position will be eliminated from Title I for an additional savings of almost $42,000. One of the Community School Coordinators will be retiring and that position will be combined with a teacher position. He noted overall cuts of over $100,000 in Curriculum and Instruction.

Mr. May reviewed positions that were eliminated over the last couple of years resulting in over $1,000,000 in savings. Mr. May stated that funding anticipated before Christmas (from the One-half Cent Sales Tax) will result in eliminating nearly 100 portables across the district. Mr. May stated that he will cut all out-of-county travel for the Superintendent and his immediate office staff. He noted that there is a 30-day hold back on positions throughout county; however, he will maintain a 60-day hold back on administrative positions, to go into effect by October.

After discussion, the Board took the following actions:

1) Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Mrs. Webb, to cut out-of-county travel by 50% and cut local travel by 20% (for Board Members), was unanimously approved.

2) Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to cancel membership with the Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) and not budget the $19,000 dues. Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Dr. DeWitt commented concerning reduced services, noting that FSBA does not have a lawyer. No vote was taken on that motion. Motion by Dr. Mason, second by Dr. Jenkins, to table this item until the next Board Meeting, was approved 4-1 with Dr. DeWitt voting NO.

3) Motion was made by Dr. Mason to redirect the Visiting Teachers back to the classroom, and that we direct the Superintendent to put together a program utilizing part-time people to replace this function. Mrs. Webb seconded the motion for purposes of discussion.

The Board recognized the following speakers:

Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, commented that certain issues related to staffing are negotiable issues in the bargaining contract.

Dr. Clarence Ladner, Associate Superintendent, suggested looking at the functions of the Visiting Teachers before cutting those positions.

Dr. Doug Garber, Director of Employee Services, suggested holding an Executive Session to study reduction in force issues and issues that are currently on the bargaining table which may result in costs savings up to $500,000.


After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion failed 4-1 with Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Jenkins, Mrs. Stidham, and Mrs. Webb voting NO.

4) Motion was made by Dr. Mason to cut the number of months from eleven (11) and twelve (12) months to ten (10) months for Visiting Teachers. Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion for purposes of discussion.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, stated that the motion would involve a bargaining issue.

After discussion, Chairman Stidham called for the vote and the motion failed 4-1 with Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Jenkins, Mrs. Stidham, and Mrs. Webb voting NO.

5) Motion was made by Mrs. Webb to hold an Executive Session as requested by Dr. Garber. After discussion, Mrs. Webb withdrew the motion.

After discussion, Mr. May expressed that some issues could be addressed in open session and there was general consensus for Dr. Garber to address the Board. Dr. Garber advised that over the last four or five months, an issue has been on the bargaining table regarding a number of employees who are on permanent, total Workers' Compensation being put to work on various jobs outside of the regular staffing pattern. He noted that consideration is being given to retraining those employees to go into existing positions in the school system. Another issue on the bargaining table has been the possibility of reducing arbitration costs by employing less expensive arbitrators.

Motion by Mrs. Webb, second by Dr. Jenkins, to employ the strategies as outlined in general terms by Dr. Garber through the bargaining process, was unanimously approved.

6) Dr. DeWitt inquired concerning the possibility of transferring items budgeted under the ESE budget into the federal grant. Yvonne Gray, Director of Exceptional Student Education, advised that costs of $166,000 were transferred to the grant (for Behavioral Technicians). Teacher aide salaries have also been transferred to the federal grant. Dr. DeWitt asked that Ms. Gray look at transferring psychologist salaries to the federal grant.

7) Discussion was held with Ms. Linker and Robin Largue, Director of Secondary Education, regarding reserve units and hold back units. Mr. May asked if the Board would be willing to use the 33 reserve units in the budgeting process this year. Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins to allow them to use the 33 reserve units for a savings of $1,268,247. Said motion died for lack of second.


Mr. May left the meeting at 10:15 a.m. to take a conference call from the Commissioner of Education.


8) Mrs. Webb inquired as to when the Board would get the revised budget. Ms. Linker stated that she would be meeting with departments and after making the revisions, the budget books should be distributed by the middle of this week. Ms. Linker noted that health insurance is the number one budget problem, with an impact of $4,700,000. Discussion was held concerning reducing the number of student workers. Board Members discussed the possibility of shifting staff to SAI funding.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, discussed concerns regarding categorical funding.

After discussion, motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to shift staff to SAI in the amount of $90,000 for this year to help us with the budget crisis, was approved 3-2 with Mrs. Webb and Dr. Mason voting NO.

9) After discussion, motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to utilize life insurance ($250,000) in the Trust Fund to pay life insurance premiums, was unanimously approved. Mrs. Webb stated that she would support that but wished to see additional backup.

10) After discussion, motion was made by Dr. DeWitt and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to reduce the dental contributions by $100,000. Mrs. Webb offered a friendly amendment to add the wording "with no reduction in benefits." Dr. DeWitt and Dr. Jenkins accepted the friendly amendment. Chairman Stidham called for the vote on the motion as amended and the motion was unanimously approved.

11) Motion by Dr. Mason, second by Dr. DeWitt, to add the language "with no reduction in benefits" to the motion approved under Item Number 9 to read as follows: "to utilize life insurance ($250,000) in the Trust Fund to pay life insurance premiums, with no reduction in benefits." Said motion was unanimously approved.

12) Motion by Dr. DeWitt, second by Dr. Jenkins, to cut travel (Project 0100 - $94,000) by 50%, was unanimously approved. Mrs. Webb stated that she had requested additional information from the Travel Department.


Concerning lobbying services ($11,000), Mrs. Wascom spoke regarding the effectiveness of the Lobbyist, Joy Frank, and the need for continued services.

The Board recognized the following speaker:

Robert Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServ, spoke in support of retaining the lobbyist.


Mr. May returned to the meeting at 11:05 a.m., and he announced that Tom Gallagher, Commissioner of Education, had informed him that there are no more opportunity scholarships in the entire State of Florida. He reported that all of the Escambia County schools that were on the "failing" list last year came off of the "failing" list. He stated that a press conference will be held at 11:30 a.m. to make the announcement.




This item was addressed under Item Number II.2. Linda West, School Board Secretary, advised that she had contacted FSBA and was advised that they do not intend to replace their attorney, Tatiana Martinez. She stated that she was also told that the FSBA Office no longer works with policy development.


Mrs. Webb discussed concerns regarding lack of staffing in the Board Office. She expressed that additional help is needed for Board Members to be able to get information in a timely manner. Mrs. Webb requested a list of student assistants and where they are assigned.



Prior to recess, Mr. May announced initial writing scores as reported by the state. Chairman Stidham called for recess at 11:25 a.m. with the Special Meeting to reconvene at 1:00 p.m. at Spencer Bibbs Elementary School to welcome Tom Gallagher, Commissioner of Education, upon his visit to the school. The Special Meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m. at Spencer Bibbs Elementary School, 2005 North 6th Avenue, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


Chairman: Mrs. Cary Stidham Vice Chairman: Dr. John DeWitt


Members: Dr. Elmer Jenkins was absent

Dr. Hal Mason was absent

Mrs. Vanette Webb


Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim May


Ms. Linda Scott, Principal, Spencer Bibbs Elementary School, welcomed all visitors and introduced to the faculty, staff and student body, Superintendent Jim May and Commissioner of Education, Tom Gallagher.

Commissioner Gallagher announced that FCAT scores had been received and that Spencer Bibbs Elementary School and A. A. Dixon Elementary School had been removed from the failing school list. He and Mr. May congratulated the entire school community for the accomplishments they had made throughout this school year. They wished them continued success and then passed out cookies and milk to everyone.

Ms. Scott read a poem that emphasized the reward of dedication and hard work. She thanked District staff members for all the assistance and encouragement they had given to Spencer Bibbs. Mr. John Rigsby, President of PTA and School Advisory Council, and Ms. Annette McArthur, Director of Elementary Education, also congratulated the students, teachers, staff and parents on a "job well done."



Upon conclusion of the meeting, Mr. May and Commissioner Gallagher planned to visit A. A. Dixon Elementary School to make a similar announcement to their faculty, staff and student body. The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.