ROOM 160




JUNE 16, 2003





NOTE: Request to Speak Forms are available at the entrance table.  All speakers wishing to address the Board are asked to fill out a form and turn it in at the front of the room.  All speakers are limited to two minutes.





A. Permission to Adopt

1. Notice of Intent to Adopt Attendance Zone for Molino Park Elementary

AMENDED2.  Notice of Intent to Adopt School District Rule 6Gx17-2.04(7) – Instructional Candidate Pool


B. Permission to Advertise

AMENDED  1. Notice of Intent to Advertise Revisions to School District Rules, Chapter 1

2. Notice of Intent to Advertise Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-4.09 – Guidelines for Acceptable Use of District Information Systems

DELETED 3. Notice of Intent to Advertise Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.11(1) – Students with Serious Communicable Diseases

DELETED 4. Notice of Intent to Advertise Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.09 Pupil Progression Plan [Elementary Grading]

DELETED 5. Notice of Intent to Advertise Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.09 – Pupil Progression Plan [Grade Placement and Transfer of Credit(s)]

6. Notice of Intent to Advertise Revisions to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.02 – Code of Conduct; Elementary Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for 2003-2004 School Year

7. Notice of Intent to Advertise Revisions to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.02 – Code of Conduct; Secondary Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for 2003-2004 School Year





















1. Stellar Employee of the Year Recognition/School Related Employee of the Year Recognition

2. PTA Presentation

3. Citizens Advisory Committee for Facilities – Cary Stidham

4. Citizens Advisory Committee for Human Resources and Minority Recruitment and Retention – Ronnie Clark



A. Curriculum and Instruction

1. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Pensacola Children's Chorus, Inc.

2. Contract Between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Greater Pensacola Symphony Orchestra, Inc.

3. Contract Between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Pensacola Opera, Inc.

4. Contract Between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Kaleidoscope & Ballet Pensacola, Inc.

5. Contract Between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Pensacola Museum of Art, Inc.

6. Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS)

7. Florida Learn and Serve 2003-2004 Projects: School Based Project  Reflections of Pensacola's Past

8. Carol M. White, Physical Education Program Grant "Take the Wellness Challenge"

9. Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Career and Technical Education for Project Year 2003-2004

10.Carl D. Perkins Secondary Career and Technical Education for Project Year 2003-2004

11. Adult Education and Family Literacy Geographical (New) FY: 2003-2004

DELETED 12. Pulled from T. Taylor's Department after number assigned

DELETED 13. Pulled from T. Taylor’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 14. Pulled from T. Taylor’s Department after number assigned

15. Title I - No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 - Parts A and D - 2003-2004 Application

16. Cooperative Agreement with Florida Department of Health Escambia Health Department for Title I Pre-K and FRAME Health Services

17. Contract for Services:   Escarosa Coalition on the Homeless

18. Even Start Family Literacy Program

19. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the  Children's Home Society of Pensacola

20. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and 100 Black Men of Pensacola, Inc.

21. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Camp Fire USA Gulf Wind Council, Inc.

22. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and West Florida Child Care & Education Services, Inc., d.b.a. Children's Services Center

23. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Escambia Bay Marine Institute

24. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and PACE Center for Girls, Inc., Pensacola (Practical and Cultural Education)

25. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Hurricane Island Outward School

26. Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund

27. Agreement for Medicaid Data Management Partnership

DELETED 28. Pulled from T. Taylor’s Department after number assigned

29. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council (Educational Services at Hallmark and Molino Park Elementary Schools)

30. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Community Drug and Alcohol Council (Educational Services at Ransom and A. V. Clubbs Middle Schools)

31. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the Community and Drug and Alcohol Council (After School Alternative to Suspension Program)

DELETED 32. Pulled from T. Taylor’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 33. Pulled from T. Taylor's Department after number assigned

DELETED 34. Pulled from T. Taylor's Department after number assigned

DELETED 35. Pulled from T. Taylor's Department after number assigned

36. Mathematics and Science Professional Development Program Data Collection for Evaluation

37. Contract with the University of West Florida for the Educator Accomplished Practices Component of the Alternative Certification Program           

38. Exceptional Student Education Federal Entitlement Grants Application: IDEA, Part B; IDEA, Part B Preschool

39. Memorandum of Understanding between Southeastern Vocational Services/Lakeview Center and the School District of Escambia County, Florida, for "Option 2/Work Readiness Training" 2003-2004

40. Cooperative Agreement and Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and United Cerebral Palsy of Northwest Florida, Inc., 2003-2004

41. Contract between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and the Florida Department of Health Escambia County Health Department for the Exceptional Student Educational Program 2003-2004

42. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and New Horizons of Northwest Florida, Inc., 2003-2004

43. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and ARC Gateway, Inc., 2003-2004

44. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and Pyramid, Inc., 2003-2004

45. Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and ARC Gateway/Sacred Heart Hospital 2003-2004

DELETED 46. Pulled from D. Malishan’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 47. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 48. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 49. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 50. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 51. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned

DELETED 52. Pulled from C. Thomas’s Department after number assigned



1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of July 2003

2. Check Register for the month of May 2003

3. Financial Statement for the month of May 2003

4. Financial Status Report


5. Legal Services:

Summary of all legal expenses

6. Legal Services:

General Fund

a) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $108.00

b) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $1,377.46

c) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $1,228.50

d) Kievitt, Kelly & Odom $177.25

e) Eric C. Eggen $250.00

f) Arthur A. Shimek, P.A. $300.00

g) George E. Loomis $410.00

7. Legal Services:

Risk Management Fund

a) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A.   $12,771.50

b) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A.   $3,711.50

8.Budget Amendments

a) Resolution 8: General Operating Fund

b) Resolution 8: Other Special Revenue Fund

c) Resolution 9: Capital Projects Fund

9. Disposal of Capitalized and Non-Capitalized Assets:

a) Auction Lists I and II for June 2003

b) Scrap Lists I, II, III and IV for June 2003

c) Disposal and Demolition of Three (3) Portable Classrooms at Workman Middle School

d) Removal of Stock Items from Record

10. Statement from Florida School Boards Attorney’s Association for 2004 membership dues

11. Statement from Florida School Boards Association for 2003-2004 annual dues

12. Statement from Florida Association of District School Superintendents for 2003-2004 annual dues

AMENDED 13. Escambia County District School Board Operational Audit for the Period July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002

14. Budget Reduction Resolution

15. Write-off of Uncollectible Automobile Liability (A/L) Receivables



1. Instructional/Professional

a. Appointments

NAME                 POSITION            DATE           WORK LOCATION

Carswell, Sandra  Speech Lang Path      07/30/03       Hall Ctr

Centaure, Heather   Teacher       04/28/03    West Pensacola

Eckert, Celeste    Speech Lang Path    07/30/03    Hall Ctr

Hollingshead, Pamela   Speech Lang Path       07/30/03  Hall Ctr

Merker, Amy      Speech Lang Path      07/30/03      Hall Ctr

Meyer, Michele      Speech Lang Path    07/30/03    Hall Ctr

Nall, Julie      Law Enf Ins       05/16/03      George Stone (part-time)

Simon, Valerie   Teacher          07/30/03   Cordova Park


b. Reappointments

1. Annual


2. Professional



3. 4th Year Annual



c. Transfers

NAME                FROM         TO         DATE

Greene, Lynn      Warrington Elem    FDLRS 06/02/03


d. Out-of-Field

1. Appointments


2. Reappointments


3. Transfers


4. Other



e. Resignations/Retirements

Abdo, Betty      Teacher     Dixon Ed Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Addison, Sonya      Teacher     Spencer Bibbs     06/15/03

Ashley, Lou      Teacher      Bellview Mid    06/15/03

Barrow, Jennie    Teacher on LOA    Lipscomb    05/28/03

Beasley, Brenda     Teacher     Semmes    06/30/03 (Ret)

Blackburn, Carolyn   Teacher      Molino     06/30/03 (Ret)

Blount, Jozan    Teacher   Bellview Mid     06/30/03 (Ret)

Bosse, Louise      Teacher      Cook     06/15/03

Brewton, Hulda      Teacher      Bailey      06/30/03 (Ret)

Brock, Ireland      Director      Hall Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Brosnaham, Billie      Teacher      Holm   06/30/03 (Ret)

Brune, Patricia      Teacher      Pine Forest      06/30/03 (Ret)

Bryant, Donald      Teacher      Brentwood Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Cathey, Erinn   Teacher     Weis      06/15/03

Check, Barbara    Teacher    Pine Forest   06/15/03

Cheese, Roscoe     Counselor     Escambia     06/30/03 (Ret)

Cobb, Clara      Teacher      Bratt      06/30/03 (Ret)

Connell, Kevin      Teacher     Tate      06/15/03

Crooke, Barbara      Teacher      Escambia      06/30/03 (Ret)

Davis, Wesley      Director      Hall Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Demarest, Joyce      Teacher      Cordova Park      06/30/03 (Ret)

Donahue, Frances     Teacher     Ferry Pass Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Dunwoody, Bobby    Teacher      Tate    06/30/03

Dwight, Kathleen      Speech Lang Path      Montclair      06/15/03

Edwards, Mary      Teacher      Ferry Pass Elem      06/30/03 (Ret)

Eiland, Carolyn  Teacher     George Stone    06/30/03 (Ret)

Etheredge, Nelda    Teacher      Jim Allen      06/30/03 (Ret)

Evans, Kathryn      Principal      Montclair      06/30/03 (Ret)

Freeman, Sarah      Applied Tech Spec      Hall Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Garcia, Sarah      Teacher      Bellview Mid      06/15/03

Garvin, Rebecca     Teacher      Jim Allen      06/30/03 (Ret)

Gindl, Peter      Teacher      Tate      06/30/03 (Ret)

Gregory, Mary      Teacher      Pensacola      06/30/03 (Ret)

Hall, Helen      Teacher      Bratt      06/30/03 (Ret)

Hawk, Lisa      Teacher      Pensacola      05/28/03

Headley, Bonita      Teacher      Weis      06/30/03 (Ret)

Heinke, David      Teacher      Ferry Pass Mid      06/15/03

Hess, Joyce     Teacher     Hellen Caro      05/28/03 (Ret)

Hicks, Sharon     Teacher     Oakcrest    06/15/03

Hubbard, Shelley   Teacher      Ensley    06/15/03

Hucabee, John Dell      Principal      Ensley     06/30/03 (Ret)

Huhn, Nancy     Teacher      Pensacola     06/30/03 (Ret)

Jackson, Lisa      Teacher      Semmes     05/21/03 (Dis Ret)

Jackson, Loretta    Teacher     Bellview Mid    06/30/03 (Ret)

Kattau, Paul      Asst Principal     Washington      06/30/03 (Ret)

Kirk, Carolyn      Teacher      Tate      06/30/03 (Ret)

Knapp, Ronald     Dean      Brentwood Mid     06/15/03

Knecht, Kelley    Teacher      Bailey      06/15/03

Kyle, Gail     Teacher      Semmes      06/30/03 (Ret)

Ladner, Judith      Asst Elem Principal     Beulah      06/30/03 (Ret)

Legge, Sean      Teacher     Ferry Pass Mid      06/15/03

Lewis, Shirley      Teacher    Lincoln Park      06/30/03 (Ret)

Lovstrom, Joann      Teacher      ESEAL    06/30/03 (Ret)

McCorvey, Elvin      Coordinator     EEOC      06/30/03 (Ret)

McCorvey, Margie      Teacher      Semmes      06/30/03 (Ret)

McDermott, Barbara      Teacher      Pensacola Hi Comm      06/30/03 (Ret)0

McMillan, Charline      Teacher      Pine Forest      6/15/03

Mills, Danny      Teacher     Byrneville     05/28/03 (Dis Ret)

Mills, Margaret    Teacher     Beulah      06/30/03 (Ret)

Mills, Rebecca      Teacher      Jim Allen      06/15/03

Mobley, Olga   Teacher      Myrtle Grove    06/30/03 (Ret)

Morain, Donna     Teacher      Ferry Pass Mid    06/30/03 (Ret)

Moring, Marcella   Teacher      Pine Meadow     06/30/03 (Ret)

Myrick, Regina      Teacher      Bellview Elem      06/30/03 (Ret)

Nevin, Mary      Teacher      Montclair      06/15/03

Newman, Mary      Psychologist      Hall Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Nims, James      Teacher      Warrington Elem      06/30/03 (Ret)

Opie, Deborah      Teacher      ESE/Hall Ctr      06/15/03

Peavy, James      Teacher      Bellview Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Pham, Nguyet      Teacher      West Pensacola      06/15/03

Pia, Phyllis      Teacher      Weis      06/30/03 (Ret)

Pierce, E D      Route Manager      Transportation      06/30/03 (Ret)

Poynter, Scott      Teacher      Tate      06/30/03 (Ret)

Prevatte, Judy      Teacher      Sherwood      06/30/03 (Ret)

Reser, Francoise      Teacher      Tate      05/28/03 (Ret)

Robinson, Sandra    Teacher    Juvenile Detention      06/30/03 (Ret)

Rockwell, Aliece     Teacher      Tate      06/15/03

Rogers, Danny      Teacher      Warrington Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Rogers, Marilyn      Teacher      Cordova Park      06/30/03 (Ret)

Ryle, Charles      Teacher      Bellview Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Ryle, Patricia      Teacher      Bellview Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Shelby, Linda      Teacher      Longleaf     06/30/03 (Ret)

Shepler, Margaret      Teacher      Northview     06/03/03 (Ret)

Shepler, Robert      Teacher      Northview      06/30/03 (Ret)

Smith, Carman      Teacher      Pine Forest     06/30/03 (Ret)

Smith, Ruth      Teacher      Pleasant Grove      06/30/03 (Ret)

Spearman, Kay      Teacher      Pensacola     06/30/03 (Ret)

Steed, Clifford      Teacher      Pensacola      06/15/03

Stewart, Evelyn      Teacher      Pensacola      06/30/03 (Ret)

Summerford, Neal      Teacher      Brownsville      06/30/03 (Ret)

Tate, Carolyn      Teacher      Montclair      06/30/03 (Ret)

Terry, Carolyn      Teacher      Ransom      06/30/03 (Ret)

Twarkins, Ferryn      Principal      West Pensacola      06/30/03 (Ret)

Valmus, Helen      Teacher      Sherwood      06/30/03 (Ret)

Vowell, Jenny      Counselor      Ferry Pass Elem      06/15/03

Waldrop, Robert      Teacher      Ransom      06/30/03 (Ret)

Ward, Helen      Teacher      Pensacola      06/30/03 (Ret)

Waters, Virginia      Computer Operator      Data Ctr      06/30/03 (Ret)

Watson, Florence      Counselor      Woodham      06/30/03 (Ret)

Williams, Carrie      Counselor      Ferry Pass Mid      06/30/03 (Ret)

Williams, Deborah      Counselor      Washington      07/15/03

Williams, George      ROTC Ins      Woodham      06/30/03 (Ret)

Williams, Margaret      Teacher      Lincoln Park     06/30/03 (Ret)

Williams, Nancy      Teacher      Ransom      06/15/03


f. Special Requests

1. Request approval for leave of absence without pay for the following personnel:

Cisneros, Donna  Teacher/Pine Meadow  2003-04 School Year

*Duncan, Andrea  Teacher/Ransom  8/01/03 – 5/26/04

*Huggins, Kiersten  Teacher/Brown Barge  2003-04 School Year

*McLean, Julie  Occupational Therapist/Hall Ctr   04/07/03-05/16/03

Torres, Lisa  Teacher/Bailey  2003-04 School Year



2. The following instructional employees are returning from leave of absence:

Moorhead, Rhonda            Teacher/Lipscomb          07/30/03 (part-time)

Whitner, Sherry            Teacher/Beulah            07/30/03


3. Request approval for the following employees to work the month of June and to be paid their regular hourly rate of pay from the Tech Prep Grant administered through Pensacola Junior College:

Kathy Gilliland          Pine Forest High

Patton Nevels            West Florida High/George Stone

Karen Porter      West Florida High


5. Request approval for Vicky Yelder to work at the Outward Bound Facility and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay from June 2 through July 25, 2003.


6. Request approval for the following instructional personnel to be employed for the Title I Migrant Technology Camp and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:

Seitz, Edward            May 29 – July 25, 2003

Seitz, Freida          May 29 – July 01, 2003    

Seitz, Georgia        May 29 – July 01, 2003

Smith, Sharon              May 29 – July 01, 2003

Hallford, Linda            May 29 – July 01, 2003

Khatena, Renee          May 29 – July 01, 2003

 Zeiler, Linda     May 29 – July 01, 2003


7. The following personnel are working extended-school-year at Escambia Westgate:

Centaure, Heather            McGill, Barbara

Grimm, Alfred          Meyer, Judith

Kendrick, Marie          Parrish, Gretchen

Knowlton, Byron          Patten, Mary

Martin, Rhonda         Shields, Susan

Smith, Georgetta        Watson, Phyllis

Wolcott, Mark


8. Request approval for Mary Jo Smith, Guidance Counselor at Northview, to work ten (10) days the month of July to complete the master schedule, academic histories and summer school alignment for credits and to be paid at her regular hourly rate of pay.


8.Request approval for Jeanette English to work at McMillan Learning Center for the Even Start Program from June 9 through 27 and to be paid at her hourly rate of pay from the Even Start budget.


9. Request approval for Lenora Shilston, Pre-K teacher, to work at McMillan Learning Center for the Even Start program from June 9 through 27 and to be paid at her hourly rate of pay from the Even Start Budget.


10. Request approval for the following guidance counselors to work five (5) days the month of July and to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay:

Calhoun, Michelle         Pensacola

Early, Sandra         Pensacola

Ferguson, Naomi      Pensacola

Walker, Frank        Pensacola

Lawson, Robert        Pine Forest

McCorvey, John            Pine Forest

McKibbon, Sherlyn         Pine Forest

Williams, Amanda          Pine Forest

Webre, Laurie         Tate

Brown, Gina        Tate

Telatovich, Linda            Tate

Vickory, Mary      Tate

Bordelon, Shirley       Washington

Reeves, Cheryl      Washington

Wells, Marilyn      Washington

Williams, Deborah     Washington

Porter, Karen       West Florida High

Hoag, Amy         West Florida High

Nesbitt, Marvetta      Woodham

Gilmore, Kathy         Woodham

Williams, Kathy        Woodham


11. Request approval for Raymond Etters, Guidance Counselor at Escambia, to work 20 days during the month of July and to be paid at his regular hourly rate of pay.


12. The following personnel are working summer school at Carver/Century:

Johnson, Debra            Jones, Susan

Thomas, Tegan         Peasant, Mary

Hendrix, Deanna


13. Request approval for the Child Find Specialist to be returned to the Escambia County School District from the Okaloosa County School District effective July 1, 2003 as per agreement reached with the ESE Department and funded by FDLRS, Westgate Associate Center.  Also, request that this position be advertised and placed on the Personnel Planning Document.


14. The following personnel are working summer school at Washington High:

Daniels, Chaun       Rettig, Kent

Slover, Josephine       Weatherford, Andy

Wells, Debra            Bullington, Roy

Schlenker, Stephany           Bell, Thomas

Miller, Sonia           Dixon, Mary (2 days)

Bodree, Celestia            Konecny, Donald

Jokerst, Pamela          Davis, Michael

Richmond, Deborah (2 days)            Valmus, Thomas

Culley, Edward                   McClendon, Carolyn

Jordan, Viola                    Grundin, Joe

Stanley, Shirley                Ancona, Michael

Stewart, Evelyn                       Ables, Linda

Gross, Judith                 Jordan, Ardenia

Whedon, Scott                 Williams, Kathy

Smith, Barbara                Gilmore, Kathy

Reynolds, John                  Nesbitt, Marvetta

Beck, Teresa (2 days)                 Etters, Raymond

Tanner, Barbara                       Cheese, Roscoe

Gonzalez, Melissa          Webre, Laurie

Givens, Norma                      Telatovich, Linda

Lanclos, Paul (2 days)                    Vickory, Mary

Satterwhite, James (2 days)        Brown, Gina

Vincent, Bill                        Bordelon, Shirley

Williams, Canel                  Reeves, Cheryl

Slaybaugh, Ernest (2 days)            Williams, Deborah

Moorer, Lizzie                      Wells, Marilyn

Cox, Gerald (2 days)               McKibbon, Sherlyn

Turner, Ramonia                 Smith, Mary Jo

Quinn, Marie                Early, Sandra

Chodkiewicz, Candace          Calhoun, Michelle

Martin, Twana                   Walker, Frank

Evans, Donna                   Ferguson, Naomi

Baker, Mary                   Gott, Andy (2 days)

Quina, Ron                 Billy, Cynthia

Keeler, Christina (2 days)       Williams, David

Reeves, Joe (2 days)            Brown, Keitha (2 days)

Washington, James (2 days)       Gulley, Walter

Gilmore, Dale                Ashler, Harrison


15. Request approval to establish the attached job description of Teacher on Special Assignment – Instructional Technology Mentor as approved in the Personnel Planning Document at the May 27, 2003 Board Meeting.


16. Request approval of attached resolution for District participation in the Panhandle Management Development Network for the 2003-2004 school year.


17. Request approval to adopt the attached amended Escambia School District Calendar to include one-half (1/2) early release days, employee holidays and work schedules.


2. Educational Support Personnel

a. Appointments

-No items submitted


b. Temporary Promotions

NAME                          FROM                      TO               DATE

Eggleston, Elmer    Cust Wrkr I       Cust Supv     04/28/2003 W FL High    W FL High    05/14/2003

Flowers, Patsy    Sch Fin Spec     Adm Sec III      05/12/2003 Ernest Ward MidRisk Mgt        06/30/2003

McCall, Donna         Admin Clerk II     Sch Fin Spec      05/21/2003 Ernest WardErnest Ward         06/11/2003          


c. Resignations/Retirements


Battle, Sharon V.    Sch Bus Oper    05/09/2003    Transp

Bradford, Rosalie (Ret)     Parent Ed.      05/31/2003    Helen Caro

Buckley, Mary (Ret)       FS Asst I    05/23/2003     McArthur

Casey Jr., Essex     Cust Wrkr I     05/28/2003    Bailey Mid

Clark, Suzanne S.     TA Spec     05/22/2003      Oakcrest El

Colston, Barbara       Cust Wrkr I      05/16/2003     Hall Center

Fox, Rebecca (Ret)      Admin Clerk II     05/30/2003     Human Res

Godwin, Eula Mae (Ret)          FS Mgr I       05/23/2003    Bratt Elem

Lindstrom, JoAnne        TA Spec    05/05/2003     Bailey Mid

Peterson, Nicholia          Cust Wrkr I            05/23/2003     Pine Meadow

Richardson, Connor          Cust Wrkr I       04/28/2003   Jim Allen

Sims, Evelyn (Ret)    FS Asst I    05/23/2003     Semmes

Taylor, Trina C.        TA Spec         05/30/2003    Ransom Mid

Tolbert, Clara (Ret)        FS Asst I       05/23/2003        Semmes

Williamson, Ola Mae (Ret)      TA Spec      05/22/2003   Transp

Winslow, Retta J. (Ret)   Sch Bus Oper    05/31/2003    Transp


d. Terminations

Fay, Gail      Cut Wrkr I      04/21/2003*      Blue Angels

(*Documents received after May agenda deadline.)


e. Suspensions

- Employee #5501-0581-3, Custodial Worker I at West Pensacola Elementary, be suspended without pay for seven (7) working days, for misconduct with actual service of suspension deferred until commencement of school year 2003-2004.  Suspension days are to be determined at the discretion of the principal at West Pensacola Elementary.


f. Dismissals

-No items submitted


g. Leave of Absence     

NAME      TITLE/LOCATION            DATES            REASON

Godwin, James W.      CWI/Bailey Mid     05/23/03-07/15/03      Medical

Morris, Belinda      CWI/Bellview Elem      05/29/03-05/22/04      Personal

Sanders, Vivian     CWI/Century/Carver     05/29/03-08/04/03    Personal

Schultz, Arthur (Ext.)    AC/Ref Mech I/Maint     05/05/03-06/13/03    Military

Williams, Edna      ECA/McMillan     05/29/03-07/16/03      Medical


h. Special Requests

-No items submitted


3. Risk Management

DELETED  a. Trailer Resident – Washington High School

DELETED b. Asbestos Abatement – Century Elementary

DELETED c. Asbestos Abatement – Westgate School

DELETED d. Asbestos Abatement – West Pensacola Elementary


e. Property Insurance


4. Employee Services

-No items submitted


5. Affirmative Action

a. Educational Equity Act Annual Update   


D. Purchasing

1. Bid Award: Security Surveillance System for West Florida High School of Advanced Technology, Bid  #033102

2. Bid Award: Diesel Truck Purchase, Bid #033603

3. Bid Award: General Food Products for School Cafeterias, Bid #033003

DELETED 4. Bid Award: Lawn Mowing Services, Bid #033402

5. Bid Extension: Paint Products, Bid #004502

6. Bid Renewal: Baked Goods, Bid #023503

7. Bid Renewal: Computer Maintenance Agreement, RFP #014204

8. Bid Renewal: Courier Services, RFP #022701

9. Bid Renewal: Dishwashing Detergent, Bid #014003

10. Bid Renewal: Food Service Cleaning Supplies, Bid #024403

11. Bid Renewal: Slush-Type Beverages, Bid #004803

12. Bid Renewal: Cleaning & Degreasing Kitchen Exhaust System, Bid #014702

13. Bid Renewal: Crackers and Chips, Bid #023403

14. Bid Renewal: Fresh Shell and Liquid Whole Eggs, Bid #023603

15. Bid Renewal: Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Agreement, Bid #024302

16. Bid Renewal: Garbage Disposal, Bid #013902

17. Bid Renewal: A La Carte Food Items, Bid #023303

18.Bid Renewal: Maintenance Agreement for Refrigeration Equipment, Bid #59-99

19. Bid Extension: Full HVAC Maintenance Agreement, Bid #005302

20. Bid Extension: Tile Floor Covering, Bid #60-99

21. Bid Renewal: Physical Examinations for School Bus Drivers, Bid #014604

22. Bid Renewal: Natural Flavored Beverages and Dairy Products, Bid #023203

AMENDED  23.Bid Extension: Portable Building Leases, Bid #42-95 & RFP #55-97

24. Agreement Renewal: IBM Mainframe Equipment Maintenance and System Software Support

25. Agreement Renewal: Optical Mark Readers Maintenance and Support

26. Agreement Renewal: Energy Management Services- Monitoring & Verification Services

27. Agreement Renewal: Administration of Hepatitis B Shots

28. Agreement Renewal: Maintenance and Support for Meridan SL1 Phone and Voice Mail Systems

29. Agreement Renewal: Pre-Employment Drug Testing

30. Agreement Renewal: Novell GroupWise Software License

31. Agreement Renewal: Energy Management Services- Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC Equipment

32. Bid Renewal: Employee Assistance Program, RFP #102-90

33. Bid Renewal: Worker’s Compensation Managed Care Arrangement, RFP #11-99

AMENDED 34. Security Surveillance System For Bellview Middle School

35. Apple Computers for Molino Park Elementary School

DELETED 36. Scientific Learning “Fast ForWord “ Software for Various Schools

37. SRA Curriculum for Various Schools

38. Dell Computers for A. K. Suter Elementary School

DELETED 39. Don Johnston Reading Software for  Exceptional Student Education

40. Self-Insurer Assessment Fee

41. Furniture for Carver Century K-8 School

42. Xerox Copier for Evaluation Services

DELETED 43. Maintenance and Support Agreement for Enterasys Network Core Switches

44. Ceiling for Media Center at Ferry Pass Middle School

45. Pearson “Knowledge Box” Software for Various Schools

46. Riverdeep “Destination Math Series” Software for Various Schools

47. Flooring in Locker Rooms at Warrington Middle School

48. Asbestos Consulting Services for Ferry Pass Elementary and Wedgewood Middle Schools

49. Materials for Installation of Ramps and Steps for Portables at Oakcrest and West Pensacola Elementary Schools

50. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #243526 (Damian’s Enterprises)

51. Furniture for Facility and Staff of Molino Park Elementary School

52. Bid Award: Capital Improvement Building, Repair Existing Roof

53. Bid Award: Central Warehouse Power Transfer Switch

54. Bid Award: Escambia High School Elevator Addition

55. Bid Award: Pine Forest High School Gymnasium Addition & Renovations

56. Bid Award: School District Portable Moving Services

57. Bid Award: O.J. Semmes Elementary School Media Center

58. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #247572 (R. W. Born Mechanical, Inc.)

59. Change Notice #4 to Purchase Order #235550 (R. D. Ward Construction, Inc.)

60. Change Notice #4 to Purchase Order #237117 (A. E. New Jr. Inc.)

61. Change Notice #9 to Purchase Order #235750 (Greenhut Construction Co. Inc.)

62. Change Notice #5 to Purchase Order #232520 (Reynolds Construction Co. Inc.)

63. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #248686 (A. E. New Jr. Inc.)

64. Bid Award: Sound System For Athletic Fields

65. Allie Yniestra Elementary School Window Replacement

66. District-Wide Roof Survey Recommendations

ADD  67. Asbestos Abatement Services for Escambia Westgate

ADD 68. Asbestos Abatement Services for Carver Century K-8 School

ADD 69. Asbestos Abatement Services for West Pensacola Elementary School


E. Operations

1. Facilities Planning

A. Final Payments

1. Bellview Elementary, Spencer Bibbs Elementary and O.J. Semmes Elementary School General Renovations

2. Northview High School Wet Detention Pond

3. Scenic Heights Elementary and Workman Middle School General Renovations

4. Navy Point Elementary School Cafeteria


B. Miscellaneous

1. Pre-Qualification of Contractors

2. Maintenance

-No items submitted

3. Transportation

-No items submitted

4. School Food Services

-No items submitted


F. Student Transfers


G. Internal Auditing

1. Internal Funds

a. Bellview Middle School for fiscal year 2001-02

b. Brentwood Middle School for fiscal year 2001-02

c. Brown Barge Middle School for fiscal year 2001-02

d. Ernest Ward Middle School for fiscal year 2001-02

e. George Stone Center for fiscal year 2001-02

f. Montclair Elementary School for fiscal year 2001-02

g. Navy Point Elementary School for fiscal year 2001-02

h. Northview High School for fiscal year 2001-02

i. Pleasant Grove Elementary School for fiscal year 2001-02

j. Ransom Middle School for fiscal year 2001-02

k. Weis Elementary School for fiscal year 2001-02

2. Inventory Adjustment Reports

3. Other

-No items submitted



-No items submitted




1. Appointment to the Board of Directors for the Community Action Program Committee – Linda Finkelstein



1. Student Recommendations


NOTE: ITEM NUMBER 4 (Student Number 03-206-1251), Requests to Address the Board

ITEM NUMBER 25 (Student Number 03-248-671), Requests to Address the Board

ITEM NUMBER 26 (Student Number 03-249-671), Requests Formal Hearing

ITEM NUMBER 27 (Student Number 03-250-671), Requests Formal Hearing

ITEM NUMBER 28 (Student Number 03-251-671), Requests Formal Hearing

ITEM NUMBER 29 (Student Number 03-252-671), Requests Formal Hearing

ITEM NUMBER 31 (Student Number 03-254-671), Requests Formal Hearing


(1) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 03-164-221 be expelled from all public sch­ools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(2) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-192-851 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(3) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-198-851 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year.  I further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(4) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 03- 206-1251 not be expelled from public schools of Escambia County.

(5) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-211-211 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. I further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(6) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-214-211 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-3004 school year.  It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(7) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-215-211 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(8) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-222-211 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(9) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-225-211 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(10) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-226-591, be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(11) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-227-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(12) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-228-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(13) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-229-121 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(14) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-230-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alterna­tive educa­tional program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(15) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-235-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(16) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-239-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(17) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-240-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(18) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-241-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(19) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-242-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(20) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-243-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(21) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-244-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(22) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-245-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(23) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-246-221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(24) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-247-221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(25) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-248-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(26) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-249-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and first semester all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(27) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-250-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(28) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-251-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and the first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(29) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-252-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(30) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-253-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.   Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD(31) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-254-671 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and the first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(32) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-255-951 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(33) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-256-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(34) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-257-862 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(35) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-258-1231 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(36) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-259-1251 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

(37) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 03-261-951 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2002-2003 school year and all of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alterna­tive educa­tional program exclusive of regular school placement.  Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.

AMENDED/ADD 2. Recommend that employee number 499317 be terminated effective June 17, 2003, based on misconduct and neglect of duty as more specifically noticed to the employee through separate letter. Recommend that the Board accept the resignation of employee number 499317 effective June 13, 2003.

ADD 3. Justification for Position of Coordinator of Information Services

ADD 4. Justification for Position of Coordinator of Safety, Health and Environmental Operations


1. Contract renewals for legal services between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the following:

a. Steven J. Baker, Esquire

b. Robert W. Kievit, Esquire (Kievit, Kelly & Odom)

c. Joseph M. Hammons, Esquire (Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker)

AMENDED d. Francisco M. Negron, Jr., Esquire