ROOM 160
NOVEMBER 18, 2003
NOTE: Request to Speak Forms are available at the entrance table. All speakers wishing to address the Board are asked to fill out a form and turn it in at the front of the room. All speakers are limited to two minutes.
A. Permission to Adopt
AMENDED 1. Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-7.09 – Student Progression Plan
AMENDED 2. Notice of Intent to Adopt Revisions to School District Rules, Chapter 6
3. Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-2.04(9) - Hiring Freeze
4. Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17 – 2.12 (1)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j);(2)(b)(c)(d)(e);(3)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k(1)(2)(3)(1);(4) – Community and Parent Involvement
5. Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-2.04(3) – Position Advertising
6. Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment to School District Rule 6Gx17-2.32(8) and (9) - Political Activities of Personnel
B. Permission to Advertise
AMENDED 1. Notice of Intent to Advertise Revisions to School District Rules, Chapter 5
2. Notice of Intent to Advertise mandated revisions by the Florida Legislature to the prescribed publication “Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students” as implemented by School District Rule 6Gx17-4.02
C. Miscellaneous
1. Notice of Intent to Adopt the Escambia School District Tentative Facilities Work Program as publicly advertised for adoption on this date
THE FOLLOWING ITEM WILL BE MOVED FORWARD: Administrative Appointments (Item VII.B.1)
1. Stellar Employee Recognition
2. PTA Presentation
A. Curriculum and InstructION
1. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT)
2. School Advisory Council Additions/Deletions
1. Authorization for payrolls and vouchers for the month of December 2003
2. Check Register for the month of October 2003
3. Financial Statement for the month of October 2003
4. Legal Services:
Summary of all legal expenses
5. Legal Services:
General Fund
a) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $ 2,200.50
b) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $ 81.00
b) Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Raymond & Sheehan, P. A. $ 3,862.26 $ 450.00
6. Legal Services:
a) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $ 12,346.84
b) Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. $ 1,944.00
7. Disposal of Capitalized and Non-Capitalized Assets:
a) Auction Lists I and II for November 2003
b) Scrap Lists I, II and III for November 2003
8. Budget Amendments:
a) Resolution 3: General Operating Fund
b) Resolution 2: Other Special Revenue
c) Resolution 2: Capital Projects Fund
9. Financial Status Report on Projects and Grants
10. Budget Resolution
1. Instructional/Professional
a. Appointments
Bell, Glenda Teacher 10/20/03 Brentwood Mid
Butts, Jennifer Teacher 10/23/03 Blue Angels
Coppedge, Summer Teacher 10/30/03 Ferry Pass Mid
Fine, Angela Teacher 10/29/03 Lipscomb
Forbes, Malinda Teacher 10/20/03 Beulah
Godwin, Jennifer Teacher 10/21/03 Bratt
Hatten, Amanda Teacher 11/03/03 Jim Allen
Heiden, Austine Teacher 10/27/03 Navy Point
Hodges, Peggy Teacher 11/03/03 Ferry Pass Elem
Holdstein, Rebecca Teacher 10/30/03 Jim Allen
Holladay, Melissa Teacher 10/20/03 Edgewater
Mack, Marcey Teacher 10/23/03 Lipscomb
Molnar, Shannon Teacher 10/23/03 McArthur
Parkes, Karen Teacher 10/24/03 Spencer Bibbs
Peacock, Tristan Teacher 10/22/03 Woodham
Thomas, Sylvia Teacher 10/20/03 Pine Forest
Turner, Michelle Teacher 10/30/03 Sherwood
Van Dyke, Shlaina Teacher 10/22/03 Warrington Mid
b. Reappointments
1. Annual
2. Professional
3. 4th Year Annual
c. Transfers
Brummet, Brent Pensacola Bailey 10/28/03
Halliday, Claire Ferry Pass Mid Warrington Elem 10/10/03
Messer, Jennifer Bellview Mid Navy Point 11/05/03
Rivas, Dorothy Longleaf Hellen Caro 10/27/03
Word, Betty Navy Point Edgewater 10/24/03
d. Out-of-Field
1. Appointments
Gindl, Athena Teacher 10/22/03 Tate
2. Reappointments
3. Transfers
4. Other
e. Resignations/Retirements
Gamble, Linda Dean Washington 10/31/03 (Ret)
Hunter, Richard Teacher Pensacola 10/27/03
f. Special Requests
1. Request approval for leave of absence without pay for the following personnel:
Hall, Kimberly Teacher/Ferry Pass Elem 10/30/03 – 12/19/03
*Merritt, Nicole Teacher/West Pensacola 10/20/03 – 11/07/03
*Palkowetz, Carol Media Spec/Bellview Mid 10/27/03 – 12/19/03
*Spirakis, Sonja Teacher/McMillan 11/03/03 – 12/19/03
2. Request approval for instructional employee #928040 be terminated under Florida Statute §1012.33(3)(a)4 – 97 Day Rule effective October 24, 2003.
3. Request approval for instructional employee #907989 be terminated under Florida Statute §1012.33(3)(a)4 - 97 Day Rule effective October 30, 2003.
4. Request approval for instructional employee #424606 be terminated under Florida Statute §1012-33(3)(a)4 – 97 Day Rule effective October 31, 2003.
AMENDED 5. Request approval of military leave for William Locklear, Teacher at West Florida High who
received military orders for mobilization for Enduring Freedom from November 20, 2003 through May 26, 2004.
6. Request approval for Carol Medeiros, Teacher at Holm, to return to work from military orders for mobilization effective October 20, 2003.
7. Request approval for Melissa Goolsby, Speech Language Pathologist be transferred from instructional salary schedule to the professional salary schedule effective October 21, 2003.
8. Request approval for instructional employee #926856 be terminated under Florida Statute §1012-33(3)(a)4 – 97 Day Rule effective October 31, 2003.
9. Request approval for the following instructional personnel to work beyond their regular work hours in support of increasing enrollment in the Title I/Head Start Preschool Collaborative classes at their schools. They are to be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay from Title I Funds from November 17, 2003 through February 1, 2004.
Hayden, Debra Spencer Bibbs
Suyat, Jessica Spencer Bibbs
Watson, Mary Carver/Century
Bonifay, Tracy Carver/Century
Thomas, Tegan Carver/Century
Thomas, Deena Lincoln Park
Johnson, Maggie Lincoln Park
Lanier, Ida Lincoln Park
Holmes, Carolann McMillan Ctr
Frydryochowicz, Kim Semmes
Skaggs, Pat Semmes
AMENDED 10. Request approval to establish the attached job description of Technical Systems Administrator
on the Miscellaneous Salary Schedule and to be paid from Title I Funds.
11. Request approval to establish a position for and approve the attached job description of Food Services Compliance Specialist on the Professional Salary Schedule.
12. Request approval to revise the attached job description of Chief Negotiator.
13. For Board Information: Attached is a draft of the Escambia County School District Employee Code of Ethics.
ADD 14. Request approval to delete the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Shop Supervisor position for the 2003-04 and reflect this change on the Personnel Planning Document.
2. Educational Support Personnel
a. Appointments
Allen, Samantha Fd Srvc Asst I 10/06/2003 Tate High
Altman, Hannah Sch Bus Oper 10/07/2003 Transportation
Atkins, Shelia Sch Bus Oper 11/05/2003 Transportation
Barth, Kenneth W Equip Oper III 10/20/2003 Maintenance
Beasley, Joseph Sch Bus Oper 10/21/2003 Transportation
Benjamin, Michelle A Fd Srvc Asst I 10/08/2003 Wedgewood
Berry, Phillip Sch Bus Oper 10/29/2003 Transportation
Bivins, Connie Fd Srvc Asst I 10/09/2003 Oakcrest Elem
Brewer, Angela M Sch Bus Oper 10/02/2003 Transportation
Brown, Annie Sch Bus Oper 10/20/2003 Transportation
Brown, Rebecca Sch Bus Oper 11/12/2003 Transportation
Cagle, Sherry Sch Bus Oper 10/06/2003 Transportation
Chancery, Laura (Prom) Admin Clerk II 10/22/2003 Northview
Chester, Kandice Sch Bus Oper 10/23/2003 Transportation
Clay, Norris Sch Bus Oper 10/24/2003 Transportation
Cunningham, Mary (Prom) Admin Clerk II 10/13/2003 Staff Development
Dailey, Jimmie Sch Bus Oper 09/30/2003 Transportation
Daniel, Dawn Renea Sch Bus Oper 10/03/2003 Transportation
Davidson, Sherrie Admin Clerk II 10/20/2003 McArthur Elem
Davis, Elizabeth Sch Bus Oper 11/18/2003 Transportation
Dixon, Thomas Sch Bus Oper 10/30/2003 Transportation
Dunklin, Carla Sch Bus Oper 10/09/2003 Transportation
Eubanks, Marilyn (Prom) Tchr Asst Spec 11/03/2003 Ernest Ward
Ferguson, Harriet Sch Bus Oper 10/28/2003 Transportation
Fielder, Kevin Sch Bus Oper 11/07/2003 Transportation
Flagor, Mary Ann Admin Clerk I 11/03/2003 George Stone
Frye, Antanita Sch Bus Oper 09/29/2003 Transportation
Hammac, Laura (Prom) Tchr Asst Spec 10/20/2003 Blue Angels
Harris, Benita L Tchr Asst Spec 10/06/2003 Transportation
Hawsey, Haley Fd Srvc Asst I 10/09/2003 Ferry Pass Elem
Heckman, Kathy (Prom) Sch Data Spec I 10/27/2003 Yniestra Elem
Henderson, Lillie Sch Bus Oper 10/08/2003 Transportation
Henderson, Patricia Fd Srvc Asst I 10/30/2003 Weis Elem Hires, Joanna Sch Bus Oper 11/20/2003 Transportation
Hobbs, Margaret (Prom) Fd Srvc Asst II 10/06/2003 Edgewater
Holskey, Lisa Tchr Asst Spec 10/24/2003 Cook Elem
Jackson, Alyshia Admin Clerk II 10/06/2003 Lincoln Park
Jacobs, Michael Sch Bus Oper 10/31/2003 Transportation
Jenkins, Sharon (Prom) Tchr Asst Spec 10/20/2003 Lakeview
Johnson, Deborah (Prom) Amin Sch Sec I 10/27/2003 Pensacola High
Johnson, Karen (Prom) Fd Srvc Asst II 10/20/2003 Spencer Bibbs
Johnson, Mary (Prom) Fd Srvc Mgr IV 11/03/2003 Brownsville Mid
Johnson, Patricia Sch Bus Oper 11/13/2003 Transportation
Kelley, Terri J (Prom) Admin Sch Sec I 10/27/2003 PHS Comm Sch
Kinley, Amanda Sch Bus Oper 11/14/2003 Transportation
Kizer, Jennifer Sch Bus Oper 11/03/2003 Transportation
Kizer, Theresa Ann (Prom) Admin Sch Sec I 11/03/2003 W FL High
Klaiber, Patricia Sch Bus Oper 10/01/2003 Transportation
Knight, Pamela Sch Bus Oper 10/27/2003 Transportation
Krohn, Leroy Locksmith 10/20/2003 Maintenance
Lucas, Beth Admin Clerk II 10/20/2003 Beulah Elem
Lyons, Karen Tchr Asst Spec 10/02/2003 Transportation
MacMurray, Denise Sch Bus Oper 11/19/2003 Transportation
Masaitis, Clifford Sch Bus Oper 11/04/2003 Transportation
Mickelson, Robert Maint Wrkr I 10/22/2003 ESEAL
Miller, Kimberly Comp Network Asst 11/03/2003 Woodham High
Nettles, Tremellah Tchr Asst Spec 09/29/2003 Transportation
Nodhturft, Flora (Prom) Admin Sec III 11/06/2003 Central Warehouse
Pierce, Linda Fd Srvc Asst I 09/23/2003 Blue Angels
Pizzarelli, Linda Sch Bus Oper 11/17/2003 Transportation
Pritchett, Debra Fd Srvc Asst I 10/06/2003 Tate High
Richardson, Janet Sch Bus Oper 10/22/2003 Transportation
Robbins, Barbara Tchr Asst Spec 10/03/2003 Transportation
Roblyer, Hollye Admin Clerk II 10/08/2003 Cordova Park
Sanders, Shirley (Prom) Admin Clerk II 11/03/2003 West Pensacola
Schuck, Stella (Prom) Asst Fd Srvc Mgr 10/03/2003 Bellview Elem
Silas, Willa (Prom) Fd Srvc Asst II 10/03/2003 Sherwood
Silvers, Thomas Electrician I 10/13/2003 Maintenance
Stabler, Linda (Prom) Admin Sch Sec II 10/20/2003 Semmes Elem
Stallworth, Randy J Fd Srvc Asst I 10/07/2003 Brown-Barge
Thomas, Bettye Sch Bus Oper 10/10/2003 Transportation
Thomas, Joan Tchr Asst Spec 09/30/2003 Transportation
Thompson, Gwendolyn (Prom) Admin Sch Sec I 11/03/2003 W FL High
Toomey, Linda (Prom) Sch Data Spec II 10/03/2003 Bellview Mid
Uher, Sandra (Prom) Admin Clerk II 10/29/2003 FDLRS
Warren, George Ann (Prom) Admin Clerk II 10/06/2003 Ernest Ward
Watts, Cathy (Prom) Admin Sec I 10/27/2003 FDLRS
West, Willie Sch Bus Oper 11/06/2003 Transportation
Whitehurst, Tonya Sch Bus Oper 11/10/2003 Transportation
Williams, Annie B Tchr Asst Spec 10/01/2003 Transportation
Woods, Antoinette (Prom) Admin Clerk II 10/06/2003 West Pensacola
b. Temporary Promotions
Brown, Theresa Cust Wrkr I Cust Wrkr II 04/28/2003**
Dixon Ed Cntr Dixon Ed Cntr *
Golden, Patricia Cust Wrkr I Cust Wrkr II 09/29/2003
Brown-Barge Brown-Barge **
Heckman, Kathy Admin Clerk II Sch Data Spec II 09/16/2003
Bellview Mid Bellview Mid 09/26/2003**
Silas, Willa Fd Srvc Asst I Fd Srvc Asst II 08/18/2003**
Sherwood Elem Sherwood Elem 10/02/2003
Southard, Peggy Tchr Asst Admin Clerk II 11/03/2003
Pine Meadow Pine Meadow *
Watson, Jacqueline Cust Wrkr I Cust Wrkr II 09/22/2003
Holm Elem Holm Elem *
*Temporary promotion due to hiring freeze
**Documents were not received in a timely manner
*** Regular worker on sick leave
c. Resignations/Retirements
Abbott, Lynda Tchr Asst Spec 10/31/2003 Pine Forest High
Bayne, Clemon Cust Wrkr I 09/02/2003* Ferry Pass Mid
Benoit, Marsha Sch Bus Oper 08/25/2003** Transportation
Crichton, Bobbie Admin Clerk II 10/31/2003 McArthur Elem
Dameworth, Catherine Tchr Asst 10/07/2003 Edgewater
C. Faye Carroll (Ret) Sch Bus Oper 10/17/2003 Transportation
Harvey-Thomas, Sylvia Tchr Asst Spec 10/17/2003 Wedgewood
Jones Jr., Edmond (Ret) Cust Wrkr I 10/03/2003 Longleaf Elem
Kincaid, Joyce M (Ret) Sch Data Spc II 10/31/2003 Bellview Middle
Lewis, Vera E. (Ret) Cust Wrkr I 10/16/2003 Beulah Elem
Lucas, Beth Admin Clerk II 10/28/2003 Beulah Elem
Murdy, Sonja L (Ret) Fd Srvc Asst I 10/31/2003 Warrington Mid
Nahkala, Jennifer Erly Childhood Asst 10/24/2003 Sid Nelson
Rayburn, Kathryn (Ret) Admin Clerk II 10/31/2003 West Pensacola
Stier, Jeffery K Equip Oper III 10/27/2003 Maintenance
*ESP received notification on 10/20/2003
**ESP received notification on 10/27/2003
d. Terminations
Godwin, James Cust Wrkr I 10/15/2003 Bailey Mid
Hall, Shalonda Fd Srvc Asst I 10/09/2003 Pine Forest
Jones, Cynthia Tchr Asst Spec 10/20/2003 Weis Elem
e. Suspensions
ADD -Employee #7133-0301-1, be suspended without pay until further notice effective
November 19, 2003, based on violation of the Drug Free Workplace Policy.
f. Dismissals
-No items submitted
g. Leave of Absence
Arnold, Gayla (Ext) ECA/Sid Nelson 10/18/03-11/04/03 Medical*
Bell, Christine (Ext) Tchr Asst/Edgewater 11/01/03-05/21/04 Personal
Blum, Velma (Ext) SBO/Transportation 10/02/03-01/30/04 Medical
delaCruz, Cindy (Ext) TA Spec/Escambia High 10/11/03-10/31/03 Medical
Hester, Pamela TA Spec/Bratt Elem 10/09/03-01/06/04 Personal
Knight, Melva Adm Clk II/Pensacola Hi 10/14/03-12/31/03 Medical
h. Special Requests
1. Rescind resignation of Beverly Daniels that was effective 09/29/2003.
2. Rescind LOA on October agenda for Marion McCree and adjust LOA date to begin 11/03/2003 to 09/15/2004. Employee was granted days from sick leave pool.
3. Risk Management
a. Lump Sum Settlement – General Liability ($40,000)
b. Payment of Bus Repairs – Automobile Liability (24,641.76)
c. Lump Sum Settlement – Workers Compensation ($30,000)
d. Workers Compensation Medical Bill ($44,279)
e. Lump Sum Settlement – Workers Compensation ($18,750)
4. Employee Services
DELETED 1. Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board and
the Union of Escambia ESP Regarding Implementation of the Reauthorization
of the ESEA (No Child Left Behind) as it relates to Paraprofessionals
5. Affirmative Action
-No items submitted
1. Bid Award: General Food Products II, Bid #040603
2. Bid Award: Brake Parts, Bid #040803
3. Bid Award: Five-Year Bid for Snack-Vending Machine Services, Bid #040903
4. Bid Extension / Renewal: Annual Agreement for Microfiche Processing, Bid #011003
AMENDED 5. Permission to Negotiate: District-Wide Beverage Contract
6. Annual Agreement Renewal: School Bus Driver Drug and Alcohol Testing
7. Annual Agreement: Learning for Life Program
8. MIS Consultant
9. Agreement Approval: Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.
10. Payroll Services for Teachers at Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy
AMENDED 11. Purchase of Portable Classroom Buildings
12. Media Center Furniture for O. J. Semmes Elementary School
13. Dell Computers for ESEAL Classrooms
14. Dell Servers for Information Technology Department
15. Stanford Achievement Tests for Grades 1-3
16. Architectural / Engineering Services for Window Replacement at Workman Middle School
17. Architectural / Engineering Services for HVAC Renovations at Lincoln Park and Spencer Bibbs
Elementary Schools
18. Architectural / Engineering Services for HVAC Upgrades at Brentwood Elementary and Warrington
Middle Schools
19. Architectural / Engineering Services for Pre-Cast Building HVAC Renovation at Ferry Pass and
Warrington Middle Schools
20. Architectural / Engineering Services for Escambia High School Locker Room Renovation and
21. Architectural / Engineering Services for Media Center Addition at McArthur Elementary School
22. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #239925
23. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #251724
24. Unauthorized Purchase: Temporary Employment Services – Training Assistant
CORRECTED 25. Unauthorized Purchase: Temporary Employment Services – Speech and Reading Teachers
26. Bid Award: Canopies, Aluminum, at Various Sites
27. Bid Award: Hellen Caro Elementary School Cafeteria Expansion
28. Bid Award: Pine Forest High School Gym Re-Roofing
29. Change Notice #1 to Purchase Order #250994
30. Change Notice #4 to Purchase Order #247570
31. Change Notice #14 to Purchase Order #235750
32. Change Notice #2 to Purchase Order #248683
33. Change Notice #2 to Purchase Order #247569
34. Change Notice #4 to Purchase Order #247646
35. Change Notice #4 to Purchase Order #250225
36. Change Notice #3 to Purchase Order #248686
37. Convert Primary Electrical Service at Pensacola High School
38. Spencer Bibbs Elementary School Roofing
39. Agreement Renewal / Extension: Architect / Engineering Services
E. Operations
1. Facilities Planning
A. Final Payments
1. Holm Elementary School Asphalt/Hard Court
2. Ferry Pass Middle School Track & Site work
3. Bellview Middle School Re-roofing
4. McArthur Elementary School New Parking & Student Drop-off
5. McArthur Elementary School New Parking & Student Drop-off
6. Capital Improvement Building Repair Existing Roof
7. Bellview Middle School Electrical Service Replacement
8. Bellview Middle School Re-roofing
9. Byrneville Elementary School Window Replacement
10. Scenic Heights Elementary School Bus Canopy & Restroom Renovations
11. Tate High School Intercom Improvements
B. Miscellaneous
1. Pre-qualification of Contractors
2. Inter-local Agreement for Public School Facility Planning
3. Godwin Road Project Warranty Deed
2. Maintenance
A. Miscellaneous
1. HVAC Reorganization
2. Maintenance Worker Consolidation – Middle Schools
3. Transportation
A. Miscellaneous
1. 2003-2004 School Bus Routes
4. School Food Services
-No items submitted
F. Student Transfers
G. Internal Auditing
1. internal Funds
-No items submitted
2. Inventory Adjustment Reports
-No items submitted
3. Other
-No items submitted
-No items submitted
1. School Board Members Salaries for 2003-2004 as Recommended by Florida School Boards Association
2. Establishment of Committee to Develop Recommendations for Solutions to Problems Related to Childhood Obesity – John DeWitt
AMENDED 1. Administrative Appointments
2. Student Recommendations
(1) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the formal hearing officer, student number 04-42-061 be adopted as the order of the Escambia County School Board and that the student be expelled from the public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and remain in alternative education placement.
(2) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-47-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(3) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-48-1221 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(4) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-49-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(5) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-50-521 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(6) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-53-866 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(7) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-55-866 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(8) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-60-281 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(9) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-61-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(10) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-63-591 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(11) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-64-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(12) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-65-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(13) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-66-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the first semester of the 2003-2004 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(14) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-67-561 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. It is further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
(15) Recommend that, consistent with the decision of the due process committee, student number 04-71-061 be expelled from all public schools of Escambia County for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year and all of the 2004-2005 school year. I will further recommended that the student be given the option to enroll, if qualified and if space is available, in an alternative educational program exclusive of regular school placement. Placement to be at the discretion of the Superintendent and to be available as an alternative during the full expulsion time frame.
ADD 3. Recommend that instructional employee number 588591 be suspended with pay until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting pending an investigation into allegations of falsification of and/or failure to provide documentation required under federal and state law for Exceptional Student Education Students.
ADD 4. Recommend that employment of instructional employee number 436166 be terminated for cause effective Wednesday, November 19, 2003, as a consequence of misconduct as more fully set forth in the notice letter to the employee of November 10, 2003.
ADD 5. Recommend that employment of instructional employee number 689819 be terminated for cause effective Wednesday, November 19, 2003, as a consequence of misconduct as more fully set forth in the notice letter to the employee of November 10, 2003.
-No items submitted